1 J LATEST STYLES COLORINGS I i lI. Text Books New and second hand. Ex- change your old books for new. '11 THlE MICIGAN DAILY Official newspaper at 'he University of Mich- igam. Published every morning except Mon- day during the university year. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan cinder Act of Congress of March 3, 1379. UNITARIAN CHURCH Stat. *or. Huron k R. S. LORINGI Pastor ' Morning Service at :o:3o TEXTB for all departs I Drawing Instruments we can save you money by SPRING 1914. tII I IIIbuying the I IRichter Instruments ii Look over our sets buying. before pst Line of Woolens city to select from In. WILD Go. Log Log and Duplex Slide Rules d. P. NOTE BOOKS, SHEEHAN & COe STUDENTS' BOOKSTORE Merchant Tailors 11 :OIT UNITED LINES N ARBOR TIME TABLE id Express Cars for Detroit-7 :10 A hourly to 6:io p. m., also 8:zo for Detroit-5 :4o a. mn., 6 :06 a. m., y two hours to 6:o6 p. Mn., 7:o6 p. p. mn., 9:10 p. in., and 10:45 P. iM. lanti only, 11 :15 p. Mn., zz:1z5 P. iM. Mn.,r z:oo a.,iM. :ars for Jackson-7 :46 a. mn. and ohours to 7:46 p. m. for Jackson-s:iz a. mn., 6:5t a.im., r two hours to 6:5z p. in., also 9.2o :1s p. M. Men's Togs Advanced Styles JUST RECEIVED and they await your inspection Shapes tmd shades in bewildering ar- ray. COX SONS & VINING 72 Madison Ave., NEW YORK MAKEIRS 0F CAPS, GOWNS & HOODS' L For All Dogres May be Ordered from MACK & CO. Y B. LOWRY OPRACTOR jro-prak-tor) ily. Telephone, Bell 401 J ting Parlors: Rooms 604-6o6 Bldg., Main and Huron Sts. RBOR, MICHIGAN Your Hat is Here Offices Ann Arbor Press Building. Sub- scription pricer by carrier, $250; by mail, $3.00. Want Ad. Stations: Press Building; Quarry's Pharmacy; University Pharmacy; c. Ht. Mavis, Cor. Packard and State. Telephones 96 and 2414. Maurice Toulme .....Managing Editor Adna Johnson......,......Business Manager SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1914. Night Editor-Y. F. Jabin Hsu. THE "M" The Michigan "M" has a certain, definite meaning in university par- lance. It stands for Michigan's athlet- ic prowess in intercollegiate compe- tition. The women seem to want this changed. They want the "M," but they have no intercollegiate competition and no athletic prowess, relatively speaking. If the women want athletic recog- nition-and we would be the last to oppose them-let them have it. But when they want the "M" with their disqualifications, there is a different question.. Why not give themr a ring, a sweater, or an arm band, but not the Michigan "M," or any type of "M." Let's have no confusion on what is meant when we refer to the "M" We have a Women's League and a Michigan Union-not a women's Un- ion. *We would have the same distinction in athletic symbols. DOLLARS AND CENTS Some of us are incline to put adol- lar and cents estimate on our univer- sity relations. It is nothing to be proud of, and far from elevating, but it is a present fact It is well to understand that the students' fees are far from self-sus- taining. The moderate entrance and matriculation fees are but one source of income. We should be in a pretty plight, if we did not have a generous people behind us, Then let it be understood that every man who goes out of the university goes out a fiancial debtor of the un' versity. COLLECT DATA ON FOREIGN STUDENTS IN UNITED STATES. Colleges and universities, to the number of 1001, throughout the United States have already responded to the questionaire sent out by Prof. J. A. C. Hildner, chairman of the board of advisers to foreign students. The questionaire, which was sent to 150 leading educational institutions, aims to compile a complete record of the distribution of foreign students in America. Several institutions have replied that they are gathering the statistics at present, and will send them shortly. It is expected that all available ma- terial will be in the hands of the prin- ter at the beginning of March, at which time it will be published. Do your pipes need repairing Bring them in-we'll fix them. Tobacco Shop Billiard all, 11-120 E. Liberty St. Phone 1721. Torne library spectacles at Haler Jewelry Co. Haler Jew'elry Co. for fine watch and jewelry repairing. YOUNG PEOPLES' SOCIETY At 7:30 ILLUSTRATED ADDRESS PRIMITIVE RELIGION Mr, Carl Guthe i RECENT DISCUSSIONS IN GERMANY ABOUT JESUS Is the orthodox picture of Jesus a myth? DR.A ir LOI EFNT i MUSIC AN])D RAMAf F. W. GROSS II iigan Chocolates, 80 Cents In the Maize and Blue Boat Varsity Bitter Sweets, 60 Cents In the White Boar M. Milk Chocolates, 60 Cents The 'RedB ke Them in Our OwnilClean Candy Shop,. They're Sim ply Delicious. BY Ae4 NPENS,. e "WAHR'S Free - - Trouse We are still giving a pair of extr a Suit or Overcoat at $17.50. Now is your time to order a suit not care for the trousers the same ast a pair of white serge or flannel withci An extra pair of pants make a si why not order today. THE POPULAR PLACE Repertory Players The Repertory Players will open the season for the Drama league on March 3 with Henry Arthur Jones' "Dolly Reforming Herself," a satire on New Year's resolutions, at the Whit- ney theater. The cast will include Walter Hamp- ton, who was the "Servant" in the "Servant in the Hiouse" at the famous Sunday afternoon performance, given hepe several years ago. Dalles Ander- son, who has appeared In Ann Arbor several times with the Ben Greet play- ers, is also a member of the cast., Tickets will be on sale for mem- bers of the Drama league, who have obtained their slips at the alumni room at the end of this week. Notice wvill be given members. The general sale will open after the members, of the league have procured their tickets. Symiplony Orchestra Concert. T.he university symphony orchestra,' assisted by M1rs. George B, Rhead, pi- anist, and Miichaelangelo Converso, cornettist, will present the following program in the'high school auditorium at 8:00 o'clock tomorrow night. This concert is on the regular faculty con- cert series and those holding tickets will be admitted by presenting them at the door. Others may purchase tickets. either for the series or for the single concert at that time. Symphony, A major, Op. 9 .... ............Mendelssohn Singvoelgelchen aus dem Thueringer Wald ........ ...........Hoch Ballet music to the pantomine %%' Petitt Riens" ............. Mozart Concerto, A major, Op. 54.. Schumann Garrick Theater Thip week's _attraction at the Gar- rick theater, Detroit, will be Richard Walton Tully's striking play, "The Bird of Pardise," a story of the 'Haw- aiian Islands, vivid, philosophical, and intensely realistic. Amid the confu- sion of financial and political plays, the bewildering mazes of society com- edy, and the sometimes nauseous mess of problem and sex dramas, "The Bird of Paradise" stands out in refreshing relief. Remember this I _____________________________________________________ I A0 IF not last forever CRANE'S, MARY GARDEN Floe OR; Gilbert's E. C. FL 209 E. Liberty St. ICor. 12th St. and S. UnIv. Ave, Pass the Rest, I Fresh home-made candleu OTSEGO ORS TO MEN CHOCOLATES MAW'S OUR SPECIAL $30.00 SUITS HIAVE~ Q UALITY that UA LIFYS UICKLYS Qudrry Drug Co.' The Druggists on the Corner SHOE FIRS'T CL I N University Ave. HENRY & C09 w .OfftIial' 9Bank is $100,000 R. p. Kinne S. W. Carkson President Cashier Harrison Soule V. President isiness Transacted , Pres., W. D. Har- J. Fritz, Cashier FIRST NA~TIONAL BANK of Aran Arbor, Mich, Capital $;00,000. Surplus and Profits, ,$6,ooo Episcopal Theological School CAM88IPGE, MASS. The location offers unusual opportuni- ty for graduate work at 1Uaryard Uini- versity. For catalogue address DEAN HODGES. -Special A at. For I alls Fork Dipped Cio, AMade in the most sanitary factory in the~ world. The b we have ever handled. VAN DORENIS PHARMACY, ANN ARBOR DYE WO ARTISTIC FRENCHT DRY AN' STEATI CLEANERS Phone 62~ 204 East Consolidation UNIVERSAL CLEANING WORKS ANN ARBO T. E. WAHL G .1H WE CALL AND DELIVER Floor Wax. Major & Co. eod 0 93BY kRROW rflm 2tof--nade of a fine alit slf striped Madras. collar that h.,s the charac-. r and( indiviluality that wrays a.ccompany correct y'les. 2 for 25e' I-FrT. PF.nornY & Co., Ixc.. Titoy. N. Y. We set glass. Major & Co. eod-Sun We work for the ladies. Cleaning, pressing and repairing. C. I. Kidd, 1112 S. University Ave. 1530-J.I R. A. Dolph Funeral Director, suc- cessor to 0. M., tn Martin. Business es- tablished in 1857. Private ambulance. Phone 98. eod l Are you going to paper, paint or dog any kind of decorating? If so we can do the work at once, Major & Co.. eod-Sun Powdered dancing wax, just what you want. Major & Co. eod-Sun jDiamond mounting, stone setting and replacing of sets a specialty. Hal- ler Jewelry Co.. Call 15 for Taxi or Limousine. I~ o 'Uiesit Mulsic ibouze PRESS' BVILDINC MAYNARD ST. Victor Victrolas and a Choice Stock~ of VICTOR RECORDS I New Michigan K n ... ,..M......._,