dale I MEN'S SUITS and OVERCOATS at 1-2 and 1-3 OFF FROM RECULAR PRICES BLUES AND BLACKS 1-4 OFF Mackinaws at 25 per cent off Sweaters at 20 per cent off $1.50 and $2.00 Shirts at 20 per cent off Underwear from $1.50 to $5.00 at 20%Cc off Trousers at 20 per cent off 121-123 South Main Street That Prescription When you take a prescrip- tion to a drug store you want more than the mer- chandise. You want purity, accuracy, experience, secur- ity and sure results. Get it at Calkins' Phar mac 324 South State Street I I Society Brand Clothes Just ReceiveJ Our Spring * Night Editor-Henry OF INTEREST TO C. Rummel. - *EN WOMEN. *, :PAIR SHOP way Washington Street AND MECHANICS DANK 05 South Main Street tal, $100,000 if(tue Suits Cleaned and Pressed and repaired Cr, Main Rand Huron---Over Farmer's and Mechanic's Bank. d Profits, $69,000 , . ATE SAVINGS BANK lus and Profits, $100,0.00 tal Stock $50,000,000 0NN ARBOR, MICH. W11. J. Booth C John Wolz Jr. President Cashier NNOWA AL EQUIPMENT FOR COOlbHue Fraternity and Club Houses Four study classes will be opened at 9:30 o'clock tomorrow morning in Newberry hall, under the auspices of the missionary committee of the Y. W. C. A. The classes will continue through six consecutive Sundays, each one following up a particular line of study subjects are: "The Young Working Girl," conducted by Mrs. H. A. Saunders; "The Country Town," by Miss Cara Bell Dunn; "An Apologetic for Missions," by Prof. James P. Bird; and "The Emergency in China," by Miss Ellen W. Moore. * * * Dr. W. H. Hamilton will lecture at 4:30 o'clock Monday afternoon on "Im- migration," the first topic in a series of lectures on the general subject of North American Problems, a course, which will continue for six consecu- tive weeks. On Wednesday, February 25, at 4:30 o'clock, Dr. Angell will be- gin a series on "The World Situ- ation," with a lecture on China. Other lectures in these courses will be an- nounced later. There will be no meeting in Newber- ry hall at 4:30 o'clock tomorrow af- ternoon. * * * Senior and graduate women will be enitertained by the Ann Arbor branch of collegiate alumnae at the home of Mrs. F. N. Scott, 1351 Washtenaw ave- nue from 4:00 to 6:00 o'clock this af- ternoon. SOPI L Li'S ELT JOHTN PROMH LEA"R IN ST0R10Y SESSION W. A. P. John was elected general chairman of the soph prom general committee, at a stormy meeting of the soph lit class yesterday, at which tech- nicality after technicality was raised, resulting in so much confusion that W. D. Stinson, chairman of the soph lit social committee, voluntarily re- signed his position in favor of W. A. P. John. The constitution was adopted in its original form, and, as ratified by the soph engineers. It will be sub- mitted to the non-athletic committee, and, if adopted, will be used by suc- ceeding classes. PROF. LORCH A"AIN CHOSEN TO CONDUCiT DETROIT CLASS Prof. Emil Lorch has been re-ap- pointed chairman of the committee of education for the D'etroit chapter of the American Institute 'of Architects: in connection with this office he has devoted much time for the past two weeks in organizing a class for the study of design for draughtsmen in Detroit. CAMPUS IN BRIEF --Plans for the construction of a min- iature mill for the annual engineering exhibit were considered at a meeting of the senior civil engineers held yes- terday afternoon. The construction will begin at once. -Special pamphlets on embalming and sanitary science courses in the summer school were issued by the de- partment yesterday. Students desir- ing to enter the courses must have a high school diploma, which includes a course in general chemistry. -In the aeronautics class at 1:00 o'clock this afternoon in room 248 of the engineering building, laboratory tests of various kinds of gliders will be conducted. A dynometer to show the value of the models, as the basis for the building of a new biplane will be shown. Mr. F. W. Pawlowski will supervise the work. -Dr. Calvin H. Kauffman of the bota- ny department is at present engaged in writing a book on "Fungi," which will soon be ready for the publishers. He has been engaged in extensive re- search work on this subject for the past two years. -Dean H. 1. Bates, of the law de- partment, left for New York City yes- terday afternoon. He will return next week. C. 0. CtIAN AND R. R. FELLERS CHOSEN AS JUNIOR ORATORS C. O. Chan and R. R. Fellers were the successful contestants yesterday at the junior class preliminary for the Northern Oratorical league contest. J. A. Phelps was chosen alternate. The successful orators will represent their class at the final varsity contest in University Hall on March 20. I JEWELRY Extensive Stock at Reasonable Prices Skilled and Trustworthy Watch Repairing OPTICAL SUPPLIES Michigan Pins, Fobs, Bars and Spoons e.I B EIBL ER 109 West Liberty Street Aarosn from Mack's Side Entrance I IL w.e rrw mm ®w mumomwalm assam I Ann Arbor Taxicab Co. New Number is Come early and we will assist you in seleci your Spring Suit. We also have a large sup of Columbus Turned Cuff and Dress Shirts. fI. .&uert . P URE DRU PRESCRIPTIONS CURATE L Y F I L L STATE ACENTS FOR SMITH'S HOMOEOPATI MEDICINES WE HAVE A FRESH ST( SUGDENDRUG ( 302 S. STATE STRE 2280 Service Guaranteed Parties a 300 N. MAIN STREET creases Cleanliness and Efficiency. Telephone for our entative to call and give you expert advice for your Kitchen Equip- w Gas Company Vig orou S Winter Spo. Have you ever thought how convenient it would be to have an ELECIRIC FLATIRON of your own continously at your disposal? You could keep your ties pressed and always looking like new. You could preserve the crease in your trousers much longer, enabling you are keenly relished by the I to always appear fresh and neat. And i's usefulness will increase. Volumes Added to University Library The list of new books sent out by the university library shows 125 vol- umes added to the library since Feb- ruary 5. The books cover a variety of subjects. Among the more noteworthy are "Walt Whitman's Poetry," by Holmes; "With Peary Near the Pole,". by Astrup; and "A Modern History of the English People," by Gretton. UNIVERSITY NOTICES Band rehearsal at 1:00 o'clock sharp in University Hall. Diamond mounting, stone setting and replacing of sets a specialty. Hal- ler Jewelry Co. Call 15 for Taxi or Limousine. For Sale-Fine Mahogany Wheelock Themodist Metrostyle Player Piano,' with cabinet and 35 rolls. Phone 2276-L. 97-99 Fore Rent-Large single room reason- able if taken at once, suitable for two. 425 S. Division. 97-4 Fore Rent-Large front parlor, well furnished for two. 110 N. Ingalls. 96-98 Wanted-A room-mate; a very pleas- ant lower suite, one of the best in the city. Price right. 541 S. Division St. Phone 1869-M. It makes red blood and heal thy tissue. It contains all th5 nut rition of whole wheat and all the food elements that go to make brawn and brain, whose body is safeguarded fatigue by a steady diet of SHREDDED WI . . . . . .'.., / - ., agap It Will Become Indispensible while you remain single, and it will make your wife happy to acquire this handy article iii "joint tenancy." Moreover it means a direct saving to you if you start to use one NOW. PROSPECTIVE AUTHORS OF OPER A TO MEET WEDNESDAY Because of the fact that so few pros- pective writers of books for the 1915 Union opera attended the meeting called for Thursday night; another meeting will be held Wednesday night at 7:00 o'clock, at which time all mem- bers interested are urged to be pres- ent. Suggestions and instructions will be given out by Director Bert St. John and the book committee of the Mimes. Always ready to serve with E cream and su garr or withpreserved or fresh fruits, stewed prunes, oysters,, etc. celled in digestibility and palatableness. THE SHREDDED WHEAT CO. NIAGARA FA A complete line of ELECTRIC FLATIRONS Price $3.75, is carried by the Eastern Michigan Edison Company Corner William and Main Streets LLS, N. - U. J. Fred Lawton's New Song LA DDIE Ten Cents Phone 2300 Come and Choose One Toric library spectacles at Haller Any of your clothes need repairing Jewelry Co. or altering? That's our specialty. C. I. Kidd, 1112 S. University, 1530-J. tf Call 15 for Taxi or Limousine. tf ----------. WILLIAM E. DIETERI FORMERLY THE VARSITY TAILOR OF ANN ARBOR wishes to announce that hehasopened a tailoring establishment in Det: 94 WEST FORT STREET With 'a Complete Line of BRITISH AND DOMESTIC WOOLENS Special attention given to my College trade. The same p with Better Satisfaction and Better Workmanship. DIE TERLE-VARSITY TAIl You can save money by buying your mus- ic and Musical instruments at Grinnell Bros 120-122 E. Liberty Street I rB PHONE 1707