STYLES 11 Text Books New and second hand. Ex- change your old books for new. Drawing Instruments We can save you money by buying the Richter Instruments 'NG Look over our sets buying. before rgest Line of Woolens ie city to select from WILD CO. Log Log and Duplex Slide Rules 1. P. NOTE BOOKS SHEEHAN& OwE STUDENTS' BOOKSTORE Tailors THE MICHIGAN DAILY Official newspaper at the University of Mich- igan. Published every morning except Mon- day during the university year. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan nnder Act of Congress of March 3, Offices Ann Arbor Press Building. Sub- scription price: by carrier; $2.50; by mail, $3.o. Want Ad. Stations: Press Building; Quarry's Pharmacy; University Pharmacy; C. H. Davis, Cor. Packard and State. Telephones 96o and 2414. Maurice Toulme...........Managing Editor Adna Johnson.............Business Manager H. Beach Carpenter...........News Editor Fred Foulk ..............Assistant to Editor Leonard Rieser ......Intercollegiate Editor Robert, Tannahill ......... Music and Drama Harold Abbott......... . Cartoonist Lillian Thomson........... Women's Editor EDITORIALS Harold HipplerEPaul Blanshard Marshall Foote Lester Rosenbaum Louis David. NIGHT EDITORS Leo Burnett Chester Lang Henry Rummel Jabin Hsu ,. F. F. McKinney On Sport Staff Carlton Jenks Bernus Kline T. Hawley Tapping F. M. Church ASSISTANTS TO BUSINESS MANAGER Sherwood Field Harry Johnson Myron Watkins REPORTERS P. F. Thompson J. M. Barrett C. A. Swainson D. R. Ballentie R. S. Collins Leon Greenebaum C. L. Kendrick W. A. P. John E~. C. Roth H. R. Marsh C. L. Muller Charles Weinberg Willis Goodenow BUSINESS STAFF F. G. Millard Russell Runyan W. R. Carpenter R. J. Hofmann W. B. Chase R. V. Leffler V. H. Herbert R. G. Sheldon FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1914. Night Editor-Henry C. Rummel. Important meeting of business staff at 4:00 o'clock sharp. REFLECTIONS OF A SENIOR. The young are dissatisfied-ever ea- ger to hasten on to active life in the world's business. Therefore I am still young. The old men long for the hap- py days that are gone and fondly cher- ish them in their memory. Therefore TYPEWRITERS New, reouilt, and second- hand, For Sale, $10.00 up For Rent, $2.00 up 3 mos., $5.00 TYPEWRITING 0. D. MORRILLE -. Over Baltimore Lunch A TE-XT IT UNITED LINES ARBOR TIME TABLE Express Cars for Detroit-7:10 hourly to 6:io p. m., also 8:10 r Detroit-5:4o a. m., 6:o6 a. m., wo hours to 6:o6 p. m., 7:o6 p. m., 9:o p. m., and o:45 p.Im. ti only, 11:15 p. m., 12:15 p. m. I: Oo a. Mn for Jackson- :46 a. m. and ours to 7:46 p. mn. r Jackson-s:12 a. m., 6:51 a. m., wo hours to 6:51 p. m., also 9:2o p. m. COX SONS & VINING 72 Madison Ave., NEW YORK MAKERS OF CAPS, GOWNS & HOODS For Al Degrees May be Ordered from i , II ,, ; i' . f for all departments DR.AWING INSTRVMENTS ENGINEER'S SVPPLIE LOOSE LEAF NOTE BOOKS, F' AIN PENS, etc., etc. You pay, more in the end when yoU pay less In the beginning. Why not buy they best clothes tailored-to-individual order by Ed V. Pricer B second C, LET US PROVE THEIR ECONOMY TO -YOU! I; I VI ''i ' I . '. number of novel features are being planned by the various committees, under the general chairmanship of Al- ice Burridge, '14. Tickets will go on sale next week. Junior women will hold their sec- ond class luncheon at the Uniontat noon tomorrow. It will be in the nature of a Washington's birthday en- tertainment, and four toasts appropri- ate to the occasion will be given. Tick- ets are 50 cents, and may be secured from the members of the social com- mittee. Work of all kinds, including a num- ber of places demanding some general housework, may be obtained by ap- plication to Miss Ellen Moore at New- berry hall. Dr. Scholl will speak to the Girls' Educational club at 3:00 o'clock this afternoon in Newberry hall. Miss Laura Post, the physical direc- tor of women will be accorded an hon- orary reception given by the women's league from 4:00 to 5:00 o'clock in Barbour gymnasium today. The re- ception will be followed by the regular league . party with dancing and re- freshing. W A H 'S Book F e - - Trousers -- Fi We are still giving a pair of extra pants with each c a Suit or Overcoat at $17.50. Now is your time to order a suit for Spring and if not Care for the trousers the same as the suit we will ma a pair of.white serge or flannel without extra charge to An extra pair of pants make a suit wear twice as why not order today. Remember this offer will not last forever E. C. FLANADERS 209 E. Liberty St.^..~ 4 h $22,50 and upward Valentine week and es- pecially Valentine Sun, ay should be celebrated with the help of Crane's MARY GARDEN OUR I REP A Is under skilled ca uphoiste, is guara prompt. and deliv B. LOWRY RACTOR rak-tor) Telephone, Bell 401-J Parlor: Rooms 604-66 .Main and Huron Sts. , MICHIGAN £ UNIVERSITY NOTICES I --- - ,. I U A 7 ill ®r, KIL 111, '_._ --+'uf" '.Etsis&+ :higan Chocolates, 80 Cents In the Maize and Blue Box Varsity Bitter Sweets, 60 Cents In the White $exX I M. Milk Chocolates, 60 Cents The Re Box Make Them in our OwniClean Candy Shop. They're Simply Delicious. Usy BE T HE POP U L AR P LA CE I am now become old. The lit hockey team will practice at I have often looked forward to the 4:30 o'clock today. moment of graduation with the great- Meeting of the Ferris Institute club est pleasure and yet when the even- twill be held in Webster hall, law ing of my college life draws near, building, tomorrow evening, at 7:30 when I must give up my college day, o'clock. I feel no little regret, yes sadness, at Senior civil engineering class will the thought of parting and the shad- meet in room 301 today at 3:00 o'clock. ows of the coming night seem dark Mandolin club rehearsal totday, 5:00 and somewhat gloomy. Why is this? o'clock sharp. "in the beginning and slow journey of our lives, we long to hasten on and then the course being run and the end SENIOR ENOINEERS FAIL TO at hand, we long again to be able to re- SELECT STUDENT COUNCILMAN trace our steps and start over." Perhaps, fellow senior, you too are On account of the election for a stu- in this same attitude of mind. If so, dent councilman, held by the senior linger not too long in the mellow light engineers yesterday, resulting in three of past memories nor let not your eye nominees receiving nearly equal votes blinded by the dancing images on the no nominee was declared elected. painted windows of the future's air- As no provision is made in the coun castles, but live in the present. cil constitution as to whether a plu- There is much of work to be done ' rality or majority is necessary for an in the remainder of this our last col- election, the council will decide at its lege year. Our present work should next meeting how the matter will be not be carelessly done. When we look treated. back over the past four years we are reminded that the "old order chang- "9" MEN WILL BE BARRED eth," and the passing of time finds us FROM INTER-CLASS RELAYS CHOCOLATES SD Co. The Druggists on the Corner FIRST C OR Gilbert's OTSEGO I 613 EA Otficial Shoe Foc 1 ORS TO MEN Special Agerits For als Fork Dipped Ch Made in the most sanitary factory in the world. T we have ever handled. VAN DOREN'S PHARMAC best , 703 OUR SPECIAL $30.00 SUITS H AVE UALITY that UALIFYS UI;ACLFY S CO* University Ave. HENRY 6 L facing new problems. Let us therefore while we may, de- velop what is good in the new. Now is the time. * * * * * * * * * * * inn Arbor Savings Bank ock $3oo,ooo0 Surplus $xoo,ooo Resources $3,000,000 ral Banking Business Transacted Chas. E. Hiscock. Pres., W. D. Har- Vice-Pres., M. J. Fritz, Cashier University School of Music Albert A. Stanley, Director Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. A School of Music which offers courses in all branches of music of highest standards. Students may take regular courses leading to graduation, or they may take such subjects as they desire, without reference to graduation. If you are interested in studying some branch of music, please call at the office and get a copy of the school catalogue which gives full inform- ation nACHARLES A. SINK, Seeretary. lowers Cho oa Cult Flowers Fine lot of Palms and Ferns for Decorating Cor. 12th St and S. Unly. Ave. Phone 1 15 Pass the Rest, Try the Best Fresh home-made candles, crackerjack and fountain drinks at * OF INTEREST TO WOMEN. *I It was definitely decided to bar "M" men from the coming inter-class relay series at a conference between Direc- tor Rowe and the various inter-class track managers. It is expected that this move will draw a great many more men into competition, as in previous years a large number have refrained from trying out, because they felt that they had no chance in competition with the pick of the university. * * * * * * * * * * * A "Topsy Turvy" dance, to which all university men and women are invited, will be given under the auspices of the women's league Thursday evening, March 5, in Barbour gymnasium. A 1 f ANN ARBOR DYE WORKS ARTISTIC FRENCH DRY AND STEAfI CLEANERS I Phone 628 Consolidation 204 East Washington ANN ARBOR DYE WORKS 6. H. KUHN UNIVERSAL CLEANING WORKS T. E.WAHL ii I WE CALL AND DELIVER MAC'S 613 E. Liberty %R O TANGO SHIRTS e an evening ess necessity. The bosoms are ,Cked, puffed, eated or mush- o i." $2.00 up tt. Peabody & Co.. Inc. Makers Toric library spectacles Jewelry Co. Powdered dancing wax, you want. Major & Co. at Haller just what eod-Sun - f e Ivxt fHusc 1bouze PRESS BUILDING MAYNARD ST. Are you going to paper, pant or do' any kind of decorating? If so we can do the work at once. Major & Co. eod-Sun Victor Vie and a Choice Stock of Lenses duplicated and repaired at Haller Jewelry eyeglasses Co. VICTOR RECORDS Haller Jewelry Co. for fine watch and jewelry repairing. Fore Rend--Large front parlor, well furnished for two. 110 N. Ingalls. 96-98 New Michigan 3 T'1 T, 1&PACJ p* 'O