We are glad to be able to link up our local reputation with the national reputation of such a firm as Stein-Block. If you need a suit or overcoat you should inspect Lindenschmitt, Apfel & Co.'s clothes. The greatest variety of Mackinaws in lMich- igan. Prices from $7.50 to $15.00. New MACKINAW Reule, Co~-n & Fiegl( COATS Soo0 Buy your coat now while the line is complete. Hats m the U rte T Fall I TINKER & CO.. 342 S. State Street I - Lindenschmitt, Apfel & Conmpany I s _ s _ .., r_ k "'i! : 4 a r. 2 4 R I i , t :' 1 = ' 7 i ' ,. ;f' ' i 1 " ' @ : t '- 1. k\ i 1 i < < _ 1', J 7 d , s ,} i ; ' 1, , . r .i ,, ! p H ,i i i Yi, - I i f: y f 1 ' _ r ... ac _., r . i for Gentlemen ORRET CLOTHES "ht ivore deigned, cut and tailored by t1!e finsti and moeseprt workmen in the i es P etter styles, fit and workman ship th1n von get elsewhere. Costs no more, b0t worth a lot more. Try them and yo ill sce Adler Rochester Clothes Prlces $18 to $30 styleplus, $17 x. ti etw1,ugs for fall await yon here i Ma's Fnrniihings. Ivery new style. d pateru including the famous Mau- tn ,5 , and s 2.a50. Ul1 'rur line of comfortables. Blankets for full and half beds from 75C per pair up. Sheets, illow Cases, Bed Spreads, Kimonos, Night Gowns, Underwear, Lace Curtains, etc. Take notice we have the best $r.oo corset in the market.' H. S. Pinney & Co. THE STORE WHERE A DOLLAR DOES IT DUTY ANN ARBOR DYE WORKS ARTISTIC FRENCH DRY AND STEAL1 CLEANERS From'all. indications the splendor of the Twentieth May Festival in Hill au- ditorium will be more than duplicated by this year's pre-festival series. The opening concert, October 22, will introduce the celebrated Polish pianist, Ignace Paderewski. His eight tours of America have more than ac- quainted him with the public. Paderewski will be followed on No- vember 12 by Margarete Matzanauer, the brilliant contralto of the Metro- politan Opera Company, whose career, first in Europe, then in New York has been an uninterrupted tirumph. Judging from the enthusiastic recep- tion accorded to the Boston Symphony orchestra last year, Choral Union au- diences will hail the appearance of the Philadelphia orchestra on Decem- ber 9. Its conductor, Leopold Stokow- ski is everywhere regarded as a musi- cian of unusual attainments. The following will present numbers in the faculty concert to be held at the high school auditorium Thursday ev- ening at 8:00 'o'clock: Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lockwood, Anthony Whitmire, and Mr. Richard Hall, Mr. William Howland, and Mrs. G. B. Rhead. The accompaniments are to be rendered by Miss Francis L. Hamilton and Miss Nellie Mae Goucher. UNIVERSITY NOTICES. Wanted-Room mate. Modern suite half block from Law building at reasonable rate.Phone 1310-L or call 238 S. Thayer. 7-0 Lost--Conklin Fountain Pern with bro- ken filler clip. Call Carter, 240-L. 1-8 Nkwar Underwea Raincoats For Sale-House suitable for frater- nity or sorority. Price low and on reasonable terms. Enquire on prem- ises, 302 S. Division Ave. 7-11 For Sale or Rent-Columbia Dicta- phone. Good condition. Only used three months. 711 E. Ann. 4-9 Board Free. To any student filling a table of 10 or 12. Inquire at Daily Business of- fice. 8 Best shoe.. shine, hat cleaning and blocking next to Wagner's. tf R. A. Dolph, Funeral Director, suc- cessor to 0. M. Martin, business es- tablished in 1857. Private ambulence. Phone 98. 8 II gH q s TORE, MaNNOMOM wwwwffia w I 220 South Main Street Alarm Clocks $1.00 $25 $1-50 ~Big Ben" Alrms College Jwelry chi Pins Copetc >p la] lei~t where Glasses ae V):ii w1.' i n d."r f All We Kno of is the BES I' ROWE'S LAUN 406 DETROIT ST 628 Consolidation 204 East Washington ANN ARBOR DYE WORKS 10. H. KUHN kL CLEANING WORKS T. E, WAHL The Link between College and T UTTLE on State Street We Serve Hot Luu4 WE CALL AND DELIVER ...W...,..,..._.. a3 & Seyfried Repairin~g1 Look at our Michigan Scrap Books before buying. Two sizes. Sheehan &Co. tf For Kodaks and photo supplies, open every evening until 9:30. Sundays 4:30 to 12:30 and 1:30 to 3:30 only. Lynodn. .Wed Sun. You can buy 'films many places, but you pay the same here for Fresh East- man Kodak films. Lyndon. Wed eod You can buy films many places but you pay the same here for fresh East- man koduk films. Lyndon. Wed eod' Buy Laboratory Supplies at Good- year's Drug Store, 10 Main St. They pay you to come down town. 1-12 k and Jewelry Phone 763 L Rest, Try the Best ie-made candies, crackerjack id fountain drinks at 613 E. Liberty U r Union Concerts Gargoyle business staff and tryouts meet at office in Press building at 5:00 o'clock this afternoon. Senior dent class meeting in dental amphitheater at 10:00 o'clock, Friday, October 9. Totem club smoker at the Union at 7:30 o'clock Thursday night. All grad- uates of the Detroit Eastern high school are urged to attend. Junior medics will meet to make nominations for class officers at 11:00 o'clock Friday morning in the medical building. Soph engineer football practice S. Ferry field 3:30 today. Chess and checkers club will hold an open meeting at the Union tonight at 7;30. Officers for the ensuing year are to be elected. Players of either game are invited to enter the tourna- ments. Fresh lit football practice today at 3:00 o'clock, South Ferry field. One more underclassman is needed for the business staff of the student directory. Phone 355. Junior laws will meet at noon today in room C of the law building to elect a temporary class football manager, to serve until a manager can be regularly elected. The forestry club will hold -its ini- tial meeting of the year tonight at 7:30 o'clock in room 407 new engi- neering building. Freshmen enroll- ed on the forestry course are invited. Granger's Bookings. Mrs. Ross Granger wishes to an- nounce that the Academy is open for the season of 1913-14, and will be pleased to accommodate her former patrons in renting the academy for private parties and receptions, Mon- day and Thursday nights from 8:30 to 12:00, $15.00, and Friday Nights, 8:30 to 12:00, $20.00. This includes danc- ing room, reception room, dining room, and kitchen. 8-10-12 Buy your Riciler Drawing instru- ments at Sheehan's. tf Engineering Overalls and Jackets, Wagner & Co., State St. 7-12 Laboratory coats and aprons, Wag- ner & Co. State St. 7-12 Loose leaf note books at Wahr's. Your name upon the cover without expense to you. 1-10 I. P. Note Books with your name in gold on cover at Sheehan's. tf Have our wago or auto Call for and deliver your clothes Are you it liu fr a Cl Suit or Overcoat? otue ii and let us SW YOU our siock of Fall Woolens, The laest shas in fancy suitings. The Only Tailors th at mna e ugh Class Clothes at Popular Prices AU Clothes Made 1y us Will Be Kept Pressed Free of (.baje ir One Year. K RUTSCH ACHT, 117 E. LIBER T! SUITS PRESE , 25c OVERCOATS PRESSED, 25c TRUSERS PRESSED, 10 Twenty peri cent s a e o! 'b e prices by getting a Cash Card. g-WSKI World's Greatest Pianist October 22 Try our spegial Sheehan & Co. $1.50 self-filler. tf 'Ir T r' Bros. UER November 12 Metropolitan Opera Star PHILADELPHIA ORCHESTRA . December 9 95 Mon-Stokowski, Conductor CHORAL CONCERT January 23 Lucille Stevenson, Soprano and Marion Green, Baritone, Soloists CARL FLESCH . February 18 Distinguished Hungarian Violinist When at Liberty your pipe repaired. bacco Shop. drop in and get 118-120. The To- t.1 8 Cleaners, Dyers, Pressers Phones 1890=1891 220 S. State St. Charcoal grilled porterhouse steaks at Bessimer's 'grill, 113 West Huron St., upstairs. Phone 110. - tf Pianos to Rent. Up-to-date stock of Musical Instruments of every descrip- tion sold at reasonable prices at Schaeberle and Son's Music House, 110 S. Main St. tf Iry Co. ,i' :G a r a n t e e d l c k . 7 C B g - B e n : icn d L i t t l e B e n s , $ 2 .5 0 I I S t ar C~ our se Conklin's 8 lt I iler ;G up Our Special, $i.oo O. for announcement or chool of M uslc for tickets r id EX-GOVERNOR OSBORN GIVES TWO SPECIMENS TO MUSEUMI An aepyornis egg, measuring three feet in circumference and a fossil hip- popotamus, have been given to the university museum by ex-Gogernor Chase S. Osborn, who obtained them in Lower Madagascar, South Africa. WE SELL GOOD CLOTHING Suits at $10.00-All wool. Suits at $15,00-All wool, hand tail- ored. Suits at $20.00-Adler's Make and Style. Suits at $25.00-Equal to Finest Cus- tom work. ALLEN'S GOOD CLOTHES STORE, Main Street. tf .'i1,Y'__ L2 X.F :..'y ,. ._ ... .. ..r:t: : _ , .__'. 1. A' "c.X3 . 34T2 saICL s Y t1 Y3^' P/.t.. N^ . dR. vaaw .w Fr=tlEecu. i :=w ...-KS .e., ... _. .., .., a - wi ...._.. n =m, .. r II A Genuine A VEST POCKET memorandum with removable pads and perforated sheets. When a pad is used up insert another. You pay for Qne cover only, the cost of extra pads is tri- vial. We Have the Larmest and Best You il find he est styles in Footwear here 119 E. Liberty St. Thre. pads 50 sheets each, size 22x4- complete ALL KINDS OF MUSICAL MERCHANDISE AT LOWEST FIGURES Tile low hi el eflets-rubber and leather soles--for street and the new spool heel arrow toe styles for dress, We would be pleased to show them to yt. High grade shoe repairing a specialty S. MAIN ST. ° zmzwm a, - - - I