w On Display THE LATEST STYLES AND COLORINGS fOR PRIN 1914 Largest Line of Woolens n the city to select from Text Books New and second hand. Ex. change your old books for new. I I Drawing Instruments We can save you money by buying the Richter Instruments Look over our sets before buying. Log Log and Duplex Slide Rules 1. P. NOTE BOOKS H. WILD co. SHEEHAN &GOTr S STUDENTS' BOOKSTORE Merchant Tailors ROIT UNITED LINES LNN ARBOR TIME TABLE and Express Cars for Detroit-7:1o and hourly to 6:io p. m., also 8:10 rs for Detroit-5:4o a. m., 6:o6 a. m., .ery two hours to 6:o6 p. m.,7 :o6 p. o6 p. In., g:io p. tn., and 1o:45 P. m. tsilant only, 1:I15 p. M., 12:15 p. m. p. mn., i :ooIa. in. Cars for Jackson7-7:46 a. M-. and two hours to 7:46 p. ".: rs for Jackson-5 :xz a. m., 6:51 a. m., ery two hours to 6:sz p. m., also 9:20 11:15 p. M. COX SONS & VINING 72 Madison Ave., NEW YORK MAKERS OF CAPS, GOWNS & HOODS a . For All Degrees May be Ordered from MACK & CO. [IOTHY B. LO WRY CHIROPRACTOR (Ki-ro-prak-tor) ors -6 daily. Telephone, Bell 401-J and Adjusting Parlors: Rooms 604-606 at'l Bank Bldg., Main and Huron Sts. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN - _ _r You pay more in the end when you pay, less in the beginning. Why not buy the: best clothes tailored-to-individual order by Ed V, Paice; &Coo,? LET US.PROVE THEIR ECONOMY TO YOUI * $2250 and j upwardj 4VYGH a v. PV THE MICHIGAN DAILY Official newspaper at the University of Mich igan. Published every morning except Mon- day during the university year. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan nnder Act of Congress of March 3, 1 879. Offices Ann Arbor Press Building. Sub- scription price: by carrier, $2.0; by mail, $3.0. Want Ad. Stations: Press Building; Quarry's Pharmacy; University Pharmacy; C. H. Davis, Cor. Packard and State. Telephones 960 and 2414. Maurice Toulme ..........Managing Editor Adna Johnson ............Business Manager WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1914. Night Editor-Leo N. Burnett. NINE HOUR DAY The Cornell Sun has advanced the proposition that the average Cornell undergraduate is overworked. A Cor- nell professor figures that the under- graduate spends nine hours a day at university work. The theme certainly furnishes at- tractive possibilities. There are many anarchistic enough to rebel over the rigors of hum-drum schedules. The complaint in the professional depart- ments, would necessarily be at a mini- mum. Long hours in the professional schools do not cause grumbling, be- cause of the seriousness of the prep- aration for a life work, and the very love of the chosen calling, itself. But, how about the lits? THE LITS. The lits have a better cause. The average literary student does not de- pend so directly upon his book learn- ing for a future livelihood. The literary course is largely a course of general training and prep- aration. It has none of the details of the professional courses. The labora- tory of general culture is as much without the class room, as within. The student activities, the Union, the pub- lications, the athletic field and the campus social activities are the liter- ary students' university courses. We do not intend to underestimate scholarship in the literary department. The ideal man for campus activities is the man who is able to be a student and a campus man. We would complain with the liter- ary students, if the class schedules called for nine hours a day. HOSPITAL SUPERINTENDENT IS RE-ELECTED SECRETARY At a recent meeting of the Michigan Buyer's Association for State Institu- tions held at Sagainaw, J. B. Draper, superintendent of the University hos- pital was re-elected secretary of the organization. Mr. Draper has held this position since the organization of the association. The purpose of the organization is the securing of materials and equip- ment for state institutions at lowest cost . With that end in veiw, quota- tions are received from all over the country. The organization goes over these bids and selects those that seem the best at the lowest price. s * * * * * * * * OF INTEREST TO WOMEN. * TYPEWRITERS New, reonuit, and second- hand, For Sale, $10.00 up For Rent, $2.00 up 3 mos., $5.00 TYPEWRITING L O. D. MORRILL IM OveRBaltimore Lunch TEX for all departments * , -- . * s *s s s * * s * -S Word has been received from Miss I Ruth Greathouse, '11, who is now em- ployd by the national bureau of chem- istry at Washington, to the effect that Michigan alumnae of Washington are forming an organization with a view to doing something for their alma mater. They are considering scholar- ships, halls of residence, and several other lines along which it is possible to help the women of Michigan. * * * The local branch of the association of -collegiate alumnae will entertain senior and graduate women at the home of Mrs. F. N. Scott, 1351 Wash- tenaw avenue, at 4:00 o'clock Satur- day afternoon. Miss Alice Evans, a graduate of Smith College, and of the Boston Nor- mal school of gymnastics was in Ann Arbor Monday, looking over the de- partment of physical training. * * * Mrs. R. M. Wenley, 509 Madison av- enue; Mrs. D. M. Cowie, 608 Jefferson avenue, and Mrs. W. H. Hobbs with Mrs. J. S. Reeves, 902 Baldwin avenue, will be at home to college women from 3:00 to 5:30 o'clock this afternoon. Try-outs for both cast and choruses for the junior play will be held at 4:00 o'clock Thursday afternoon in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. All junior women are urged to attend. Under women's section of Deutsch- er Verein will hold an important meet- ing at 4:30 o'clock this afternoon. Wyvern will meet at 7:30 o'clock Thursday evening at the Pi Beta Phi house. PUBLISH CLASS HISTORY OF 1858, DEDICATED TO TAPPAN The "Class History of Michigan, '58, started by Liberty Holden, '58, former editor of - the Cleveland Plain Dealer, and completed at his death by his son, G. S. Holden, '91, is just off the press. Col. L. M. O'Brien, '58, of Detroit, who died in 1912, compiled the material from which it was written. Copies will be distributed among the survivors of the class, and the families of those dead. The book is dedicated to Henry P. Tappan, Chancellor Tappan being the "Boys" ideal man. There were 49 members of the class and all but five have died. Seventeen fought in the civil war, two of these dying in ac- tion. Professor Hobbs to Speak in New York Professor W. H. Hobbs, of the ge- ology department, is to be one of the principal speakers at the first joint meeting of the American Geographical Society and the Association of Ameri- can Geographers, to be held in New York City on April 3 and 4. DIAWING INSTRUMENTS AND ENGINEER'S SVPPLIES LOOSE LEAFr NOTE BOOKS, FOVNT- AIN PENS. etc., etc. WAHR'S "University, Bookstore Free -- Trousers - - Free We are still giving a pair of extra pants with each order for a Suit or Overcoat at $17.50. Now is your time to order a suit for Spring and if you do not care for the trousers the same as the suit we will make you a pair of white serge or flannel without extra charge to you. An extra pair of pants make a suit wear twice as long, so why not order today. Remember this offer will not last forever E. C. FLDANDER S 209 E. Liberty St.Across romRussell' * Confectionery store " I I -11 A i' Valentine week and es- pecially Valentine Sunf ay should be celebrated with the help of Crane's MARY GARDEN OR Gilber#'s OTSEGO OUR FURNITURE REPAIR S H OP is under the direction of skilled cabinet makers and upholsterers. Repair work is guaranteed and service prompt. All work called for and delivered. SHOE REPAIRS? FIRST CLASS SHOE REPAIRIN JOIN H. LAMBERT 613 EAST WILLIAM Olicial Shoe Doctor to Michigan's Football Teamn "I I m higan Chocolates, 80 Cents In the Maize and Blue Box Varsity Bitter Sweets, 60 Cents In the White Box I M. Milk Chocolates, 60 Cents The Red Box Make Them in Our Owniclean candy shop. They're Simply Delicious. CHOCOLATES Quarry Dr C The Druggists on the Corner BUSY U KNOW! TUIE POPULAR PLACE p i U ...- ® ,A A AILORS TO MEN OUR SPECIAL $30.00 SUITS HAVE U UALITY that UALIFYS UICKLY Speeial Agenrta For F als Fork .Dipped hocolates Made in the most sanitary factory in the world. The best candies we have ever handled. VAN DO REN'S PHARMACY, 703 Packard St. I F ,\ I N University Ave. HENRY & Co. 0 UNIVERSITY NOTICES Ann Arbor Savings Bank Stock $3oo,oo Surplus $zoo,ooo Resources $3,000,000 neral Banking Business Transacted Chas. E. Hiscock, Pres., W. D. Iar- n, Vice-Pres., M.. J. Fritz, Cashier 313 BY d CA.INC. ]Flowers Co txsins (& HaJI Cho .oe Cdst Flowera Fine lot of Palms and Ferns for Decorating Car. 12th St and S. Unly. Ave. Phone 1 15 Pass the Rest, Try the Best Fresh home-made candles, crackerjack and fountain drinks at MAC'S 613 E. Liborty Are you going to paper, paint or do any kind of decorating? If so we can do the work at once. Major & Co. eod-Sun Lenses duplicated and eyeglasses repaired at Haller Jewelry Co. Chess and Checkers club meets at the Union at 7:30 o'clock tonight. Players should bring sets with them. An important band rehearsal will be held tonight at 7:00 o'clock in Uni- versity Hall. Try-outs for the junior play will be held in Sarah Caswell Angell hall Thursday afternoon at 4:00 o'clock. Cast and chorus try-outs. Phone 628 University School of Music Albert A. Stanley, Director 1'aynard Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. A School of Music which offers courses in all branches of music of highest standards. Students may take regular courses leading to graduation, or they may take such subjects as they desire, without reference to graduation. If you are interested in studying some branch of music, please call at the office and get a copy of the school catalogue which gives full inform- ation. CHAR.RE S A. SINK, Seeretary, ANN ARBOR DYE WORKS ARTISTIC FRENCH DRY AND STEAfI CLEANERS Conslidatien I 204 East Washington ANN ARBOR DYE WORKS G. H. KUHN UNIVERSAL CLEANING WORKS T. E. WAHL WE CALL AND DELIVER (/ 'I tj '(tnivexsitj M1Iusic 1ouse ,. ARDMORE PRESS BVILDING MAYNARD ST. Ir COLLAR 2for 25c THE fineness of the cloth makes possible the satin laundry finish heretofore found only in the very highest priced collars CLUrrr, PEABODY & Co., INC., RToy, N.Y. Makers of Aaaow Sirvs Victor Victrolas Powdered dancing wax, just what you want. Major & Co. eod-Sun Diamond mounting, stone setting and replacing of sets a specialty. Hal- ler Jewelry Co. Any of your clothes need repairing or altering? That's our specialty. C. I. Kidd, 1112 S. University, 1530-J. tf and a Choice Stock of VICTOR RECORDS New. Michigan Song Call 15 for Taxi or Limousine. tf r ..... PaksPortraits. but ou ill 1P~