Week Sale THE BEST VALENTINE A box of Whitman's Candy After Inver I MEN'S SUITS and OVERCOATSi at 1-2 nd 1-3 OFF FROM REGULAR PRICES BLUES AND BLACKS 1-4 OFF Mackinaws at 25 per cent off Sweaters at 20 per cent off $1.50 and $2.00 Shirts at 20 per cent off Underwear from $1.50 to $5.00 at 20% off Trousers at 20 per cent off Fredh ms % Co. 121-123 South Main Street 0 During this sale you can buy any suit er overcoat in the house at $11 a Cet it at throw. These include values up to Calkins' Pharmacy 324 South State Street One special lot of odd fancy ues up to $25.00, at $5.00 a throw. I CAMPUS IN BRIEF LAIRD'S MODERN REPAIR SHOP The Shop on the way down town. 214 East Washington Street [HE FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK 101.103.105 South Main Street Capital, $100,000 Surplus and Profits, . . $69,000 THE STATE SAVINGS BANK Surplus and Profits, $100,000.00 Capital Stock $50,000,000 ANN ARBOR, MICH. Wm. Arnold W . J. Booth C John Woir Jr. Vice-Pres. President Cashier A. MARQUARDT c Caflorno Suits Cleaned and Pressed and repaired Cor, Main and Huro--Over Farmer's and Mechanic's Bank. -Dr.George La Rue, of the zoology de- partment, is engaged in extensive in- dividual research work with the Pro teocephalidae, a small species of small parasitic "Tapeworms." This subject is particularly interesting at this time on account of the economic interests involved. -Zoology 24, a new course in natural science, offered for the first time this semester, has an enrollment of over one hundred students. THEATRE TH NHT I FEBRUARY J~FW.1 h . .r 17 I SPECIAL EQUIPMENT FOR sAS COOKING For Fraternity and Club Houses Increases Cleanliness and Efficiency. Telephone, for our Representative to call and give you expert advice for your Kitchen Uquip- ment. Washtenaw Gas Company F- -Candidates for the All-Fresh' track team will not be excused from gym- nasium work, according to Dr. May. Track coach Farrell believes that the regular class work will ben- efit all of the track men, and as a re- sult, none of the candidates are to be excused. --Myron W. Watkins, '14, will have charge of one of the quiz sections in economics 2 this semester. Werner W. Schroeder, '14, will also have charge of a section. -A daughter was born to Mrs. Dewey Hinkley, '11, in Kalamazoo last week. Mrs. Hinkley, nee Frances Brownell, with Mr. Hinkley, '11, led the J-hop in 1911. When in the university Hink- ley, was active in campus affairs, was a member of Sphinx and a member of The Michigan Daily staff. -Prof. Warren W. Florer, of the Ger- man department, gave a series of ster- eoptican views of Berlin, at the meet- ing of the women's section of the Deutscher Verein last night.. --The first try-outs for the German play to be given under the auspices of the Deutscher Verein, will be held this afternoon from 3:00 to 4:00 o'clock. The meeting will take place in room 305 of University hall. The try-outs are not to be limited to Verein mem- bers. -Frederick Tilton, chairman of the board of certified public accountants for Michigan, will address the mem- bers of the Commerce club at a smok- er tonight at 7:15 o'clock at the Un- ion. -Fred G. Kiburtz, '15P, returned to Ann Arbor Sunday from the funeral of his father, a prominent merchant and politician of Monroe, Mich. -Prof. G. W. Dowrie's course in bank- ing has attracted more than 100 stu- dents, and four sections have been formed. Professor Dowrie has prepar- ed a syllabus for this course, which has been published by the university as the second of a series to be known as "Michigan Texts in Economics." --A list of about 125 new books is be- ing prepared by Librarian Theodore Koch to be sent out to all undergrad- uates on the campus. The lists, to- gether with reading lists furnished by the government, will be mailed to stu- dents during the coming week. -A new system of history-taking of all cases will be inaugurated at the Homeopathic hospital in the near fu- ture. The authorities at the hospital assert that the new system will be far more efficient than the present one. UNIVERSITY NOTICES Glee club rehearsal this afternoon at 5:00 o'clock in Adelphi rooms. Architects will meet in room 311 engineering building tomorrow after- noon at 4:00 o'clock. Michigan Intercollegiate Civic league DANIEL FROHMAN presents the internationally famous play "Leah Kieschna" The story of a woman's regeneration with the distinguished American actress Charlotta Nillson A Penetrating Psyhaologial Study Miss Wightman Soprane Leo Siev Tenor - ORPHEUM ORCHESTRA - JEWELRY Extensive Stock at Reasonable Prices Skilled and Trustworthy Watch Repairing OPTICAL SUPPLIES Michigan Pins, Fobs, Bars and Spoons J. B. EIBLER 109 West Liberty Street Across from Mack's Side Entrance I I L 302 S. ST ~t ; .v y 1k : {f! I PRICES Matinee-Children Scts. Adults io cts. Nights-Chtldren io cts. Adults IS cts. will meet to discuss the proposed con- stitution at 7:00 o'clock tonight in the Economics building. Soph engineer basketball practice tonight at 7:00 o'clock; also 8:15 to- morrow night at gym. Tryouts for Junior play meet in Sarah Caswell Angell hall at 4:00 o'clock Thursday. Cast and chorus tryouts. Soph lit basketball practice at 7:00 o'clock tonight in Waterman gymna- sium. Dixie club smoker at Union Thurs- day night, at 7:15 o'clock. Senior lit basketball practice in Waterman gym at 7:40 o'clock tonight. Senior lit class meeting in west physics lecture room at 4:15 o'clock. Rehearsal of the entire cast of "The Scarecrow" will be held tonight at 7:15 o'clock, in the Cercle Francais room, in the north wing of University hall. The Forestry club will meet Wed- nesday evening for an important busi- ness session. We work for the ladies. Cleaning, pressing and repairing. C. L Kidd, 1112 S. University Ave. 1530-J. tf For Sale-Full set Michigan reports with 100 standard text books-fine condition. Write box No. 8, Hart, Michigan. 93-4-5 for Rent-A suite of very desirable rooms less than one block from campus. For particulars inquire of J. L. Watkins, 636 S. Thayer St. Phone 682-J. 93 Lost--Saturday morning. Small dia- mond shaped pencil tip. Finder will confer a favor by calling Ambruster, 1680-J. 93 Wanted-That summer employment proposition will loom up pretty big about June 15th. Why not settle it today? See Mr. Smithson, 432 May- nard. 1663-M. PURE DR PRESCRIPTION CURATE LY FiI STATE AGENTS FO sMITH'S HOMOEOPA MEDICINE WE HAVE A FRESH SUGDEN DRU( Ann Arbor Taxicab C New Number Is 2280 Service Guaranteed Parties a S 300 N. MAIN STREET are keeny relished by 4 whose body is safeguarded Vigorous Winter Sp fatigue by a steady diet of SHREDDEDD WilE College Friendships Make college life worth whilz. Cc:a-Cola is a friend worth knowing; and having -,'l the way through from Freshman to Senior year. It will fill your college days with pleasure, health and benefit. Delicious-Refreshing Thirst-Quenchng It makes red blood and heal- thy tissue. It contains all the r r.. THE COCACOLA Co. Atlanta, Ga. yon ;ve '1Arrow i kOf coca-cda' nutrition of whole wheat and all the food elements that go to make brawn and brain. 5 /, .r "' " 1 V\. YX .; ^" 1-c For Rent-Large single room on sec- ond floor suitable for two at $2.00. 425 S. Division St. 91 Liggett's Gilbert's and Fenway choc- olates in perfect condition. Edsill's Rexall Drug Store, 122 S. Main St. If you want the best in chocolates, try Liggett's, Edsill's Rexall Drug Store, 122 So. Main St. eod Best shoe shine, hat cleaning and blocking next to Wagner's. tU Genuine Martin Guitars and Mando- lins sold at Schaeberle & Son's Music House. tf Do your pipes need repairing) Bring them in-we'll fix them. Tobacco Shop Billiard Hall, 118-120 E. Liberty St. Phone 1721. For Rent-Desirable suite, never cold, hot and cold water, double-deck bed, large student desk, etc., 720 Church St. 1145-M. 92-3 Wanted-A few capable young men for July and August. Phone 937. 92-93 Lost-$10.00 bill in a store on State street, Thursday p. m. Finder mail to J. B. C. 327 S. Division street or phone 723-J. Liberal reward. 92-3 For Sale-Medium sized boarding house. On good paying basis. Good reason for selling. Fine location. Steady patronage. Address A. B. Michigan Daily. 92-3 Wanted-Suitable suite of rooms in private family for married couple with board at once. Location be- tween State and Washtenaw south of campus preferred. Call Michigan Athletic Association office. 92-3 Always ready to serve with- cream and sugar1 - or withpreserved or fresh fruits, stewed prunes, oysters, etc. celled in digestibility and palatableness. THE SHREDDED WHEAT CO. NIAGARA J. Fred Lawton's New Song L A D DIE Ten Cents Toric library spectacles Jewelry Co. at Haler You can save money by buying your mus- is and Musical instruments at Lenses duplicated and eyeglasses repaired at Haller Jewelry Co. Diamond mounting, stone setting and replacing of sets a specialty. Hal- ler Jewelry Co. Safety razors sharpene 2c each. Pay after yo American Tool Co., Dept. 'Ohio. Call 15 for Taxi or Lit Grinnell Bros. 120-122 E. Liberty Street PHONE 1707 Call 15 for Taxi