I -WI ;leant ale I. Large Amateur 'Finishers agr, e that Tank Development for Films gives more detail and better contrast thain lie old hand method-angd there is not the inclinaion to slighit the worn in a rusti, while the chances of seratchi ng the emnulsion is practica.!0 ;i ieiai natctl. In tank development the dleveloper is eiily kept at the proper temperaiture and strength, -which is very essential buit almost imipossible in any other methiod. It will pay you to consider our inethods is fixing and washing, as %v i. It is rather expen- sive for yout when your films are spoiled iin dreeping. Btter bring them to me and make sure. ifyou want ivc'll show you how it's (bont here. LYNDON Adcmftl pr , on mackinaws and raincoats on all odd trousering THEA TR'j off on all ogre. coatings in off on all suitings stoc k These price~ s are strictly cash J. KARL MALCOL M New ]dress Suits for Rent. m aea ~yCut on Mae-to-nca- 0/ ure Suits..and 'cas EE WHAT $15, $18 AND $20 WILL BUY Shoes tor Men, and Women: at a Big Reduction. ~AMPUS -OTR State 'St. Opposite Iiustons' - k. ' The. g~ Comfeciloriery Woe have the btest assortmc nt of Chiooola,.tes ~.nd BB Hrts All kirlds of f.".rhy lea Ceoarxhs for Pmarti.sa T'ry our F ruit Suzndaes after the Theatre EXAMS WILL NOT HOLD UP DANCERS Examnination weeks at the Union will be featured by the formal dance to be gi-ven on the Thursday night of the second week. The attendance is lim- ited to 90 couples. Seventy of the tick- ets had been sold last night. TChose remaining will be disposed of today at $2.[0 each, including supper. Dancing will start at 9:00 and last until 2 :00 o'clock, The reglar membersip dances will be continued every Saturday night as usual, from 9:00 to 12:00 o'clock. Tick- ets for each affair wiil go on sale on the Thursday afternoon previous at 5:00 o'clock, and will be limited to 100 in numnber., Loungers on Friday nights are plan- ned to take place as usual, although nothing formal in the way of a pro- gram will be arranged. Those who are behind in the scheduled rounds of the bridge tournament may tae this op- portunity to catch p. Sunday afternoon programs will be discontinued with tomorrow's assem- bly, which starts at 3:00 o'clock. They will 'be resumed, however, immediate- ly after the second semester begins. DIPTIIEIA NOT LIKELY TO SPRE A) AM O\G THE JbSTDE NTS Although there are a number of cas- es of diptheria in nn Arbor, but one case has been discovered amongst the student body. Dr. I. H. Cummings of the University health service be- lieves that there is little danger of a spread of the disease as all the cases are isolated. Hie warns all students, however, to watch for symptoms of this malady, as it often appears in the form of a common sore hrat. In order to counteract a rumor that has gained considerable headway on th;e campus, Dr. -Cummings says that there is not any great amount of sick- ness among the students. He says that most of the contagious cases which have been treated at the infrm- fry are just ordinary children's dis- eases. There have been a number of acVdents reported to the health ser- vice, several of these contracted while coasting. PHYLIS DU'N 14, LEAVES LF Miss Phyllis Dunn, '14, whose en- ga gemen t was announced shory be- fora vacation, was married in Chicago on January 2, to S. J. MKinnon of Iron Mountain, a student at the Uni- versity of Virginia. Mrs. MKinnen was a member o Delta Gamma sorority. She took a leading part in the activities of the women, being a member of the girl's glee club and Mortarboard. 'BETWEEN STREETS' WINS CLUB'S PRIZE For her play "Between Streets" MAlar- jorie Nicholson, '14, vas unanimously awarded the prize offeredL by the Con-- edy club for the best play written by a student. A committee, composed of P'rof. A. H. Lloyd, F. N. Scott, and L. A. Strauss, officia l ly announced the winning of the competition by Mliss Nicholson, Wednesday. This is the second signal commienda- tion; received by Miss Nicholson this semester, as her work on the libretto for the Joan D'Arc was especially praised by Prof. 11. A. Kenyon. CAMPUS IN BRIEF --Ti'le Fiirest[.y club is alrranlging it 'moving pictulre entertaiinment of scen- es from the Glacier Xnational park in :Montana on , n rchi 5. The films are being obtained through the courtesy of ,he Great northern railway company and will be shown in one of the halls on the c ampuls, yet to be slected. -C. Cross, 1Iol), was eilosell Stuident c;ouncilman for the next year, a the ; ectien hold yesterday morning. --'iO prop; -ee reception of the iila ilgan Ferris club) by the Ypsiianti club, at Ypsilanti, wtihich- was ,scheduled for this evening, has been postponed. It is believed that the postponement was due to the proximity of the examina- [ions. -2 3 I, ers ily s tii diii s eii14,,, male 03' female have an opportunity to appear on the stage in an operatic extravagan- za, "Alice in Wonderland" which is to be staged at the Whitney theater Feb- ruary 13 and 14. Tryouts should ap- ply atarim-s hall] Monday afternoon. 'hte play is for the°Ubieeit of the Epis- copal and Congregational choir boys 3uting ;ftud.s TV ebru ry numibei of theile ihi- gan Aklumnus will contain an article by lDean Bates about the eminent graduates of the law department. The remainder of the issue will be ddvot- ed principally to the history and work of the Detroit-alumni association. Two Days only "The Count ofMot 11 Crs 9 A Dramatic Play in otio n Pictures JAMES O'NEIL JANAY2 and 28 DANIEL FROIM A N prves athoerr, ineast Drana..' Ic Actor -Mor. and T- in his famous verstorik of Dvjrmas' H as 4rple ce M ATIN EES,, Children 5cls. NIGHTS, Children lOcts- AI.I - -AAdul M~Ja~ Street For'istj 0 Chapin Sired Phone BQO-L "THE Choice cuxt flowers and plarjts.° MAI I C R 1, T IlAr Detroit, Michigan Trin iphal Return WM. HODGE in IE ROAD TO HAPPINESS" 4TINEES, WED. AND SAT. 22( rui money savingW investment Biext pair BIE NETTLE- TON SHOE oe for gentlemen. 5 4. ; Cl'. .. - EAT AT OPS The Place 'Where Things Taste Like Home t'Pop" Bancroft Cor. Monroe and T haycr instead of $1.00 for making cuts. 'AIIR'S SHOE STORS Main. Sole agents 304 S. State sew momak op 6%.t the Crest The New lPl *-c e ream Candy : I. ight Lunc'hes Pailey I, 4s Aellli VFrsienu Money payments for space in the The Adelphi freshman debatingyerbo haeenvryswad team, which was selected last night, rbiessmaageberTn very lowpicot consists of A. F. Paley, F. L. Nesbit, hasinoumnertatohese.Liconrcts R. M. Carson, and L. G. Hulbert, al- hsanucdta hs otat ternate. They viili meet the freshman mutb settled by February 1. Class- debaters of the Alpha Nu in the near es and clubs are also urged to sendc in future.- The officers elected by the all copy as soon as possible. society for the coming semester are L. J. Rosa, '15, president; J. Ri. Cotton, Those who' expect to complete a 16, vice-president; G. M. Coulter, '16, course in Shorthand and Typewriting secretary; SA. A. Penne, '15, treasurer; this year should start immediately at- anid D. Sugar, '17, sergeant-at-arms. ter the semester examinations are over. We have a class especially for Seniors Slow to Arrangeu Sittings& ;he accommodation of such students. Recent reports from the 1914 There is a growing demand for col- Michiganensian photographers, who lege trained people for fine positions have contracted for the senior is private secretaries and for thocse pictures, show that the num- who can teach ene or more comrmer= ber or photographs taken up to cial branches along with their special- date approximates 6GO. This leaves ty. Better call at the School of Short- 400 yet to be arranged for before Feb-, hand, 711 N. University Avenue, for muary 15, after which time no pie- full particulars about this course. ,ures will be accepted unless accom- This school has more calls for college panied by a special permit from the; trained people for splendid places than managing editor. After February 1 it can supply. SELBY A. _MORANe, the Michiganensian will charge $1.25I Principal. I ~~ Richard Carle's Greatest Success "THE TENDER- FOOT"~ Musical Farce- -= SCENIC PROUTN H karry Shan no" as *the Terider foot. .< CHORUS. OF WESTERN GIRLS LIED 'TA( 'SALE Aill Cloting pit one-fourth off. " AlLENI'S 600O) CLOTHES .sTOUE 31a1b)Street We make our own S. Main 'Wit. candy Naar Liberty e are Flashlight Days-East. ;peed Film" is extra fast and aa elp for flashlights or pictures days. ks for rent if you haven't one. tinday's from 9:30 to 4:30 only.~ 82-4-61 r' cent off on all Suits and Over- Linden schmroidt, Apfel & Co. 71-76 A our January Clothing Sale. chmidt, Apfel & Co. 71-76 ne Mlartin Guitars and Mando- d at Schaeberle & Son's Music tf Friday, February 6th is open for booking atlCranger's. 85-86 Best shoe shine, hat cleaning and blocking next to Wagner's. tx Consider Tank take your films to siblo results. Development and Lyndon for best poz- 82-4-6 Speaking about clotbes You will appreciate the effect of our new high waisted mod- el. It gives that trim effect. found only in the highest grade of hand-tailored garments. WAGNER. CO. Importing State Tailors Street i k. ®aas B'LUE 0BOOS9,THE tCON l~lPROOF" Watch us for the second semester supplies Buy Eastman's "Speed Films" of Lyndon. They nmope too fast to get, stale. 82-4-C Any of your clothes need repairing or altering? That's our specialty. C I. Kidd, 1112 S. University, 1530-J. tf I1 tudets' Supply Store By hand-tailored we mean made in our own shop and by jour. tailors.q I1 111 So. University Ave. L. C. SCHLI I 'I 0 Slaughter Saele of Men's Suits, Overcoat's. andF murnis- hings t One lot o'coats- "allues uip ' $t8.oo. ! Aaugliter sale price. I '5. ,2. !0, 7 .0sis..$19.75 $25.00 Overcoats . . . $19.50 One lot of suits- Comnplete assortment in $22.00 Overcoats ...$72 large range o1f'patterns go at this 975 .00 and $22.50 sditss $17.25 #20.00 Overcoats . . $15.25 slauaghter sale .00 suits . . . $15.25 $18 oo Overcoats.t $1.3.75 Soft and Siff Hats- $1, $1.50, $2, and $5 $16.00 Overcoats .$1i2.50 values. Slaughter " $.9$21 and 18 i~ Uts $13".' $15.00 overcoats . .$10.75 sale prices ?c,, IX159 $1 YOU ARE LOOKING FOR BARGAINS, INVESTIGATE IL UTol"Z CLOT I G ST R OE FHR 217 South Mafin Street 2A' J All mens shirts, trou clothing inzcluded in this Sale._ 'SCHAFFNER & N