.1 Shoes Large Amateur Finishers agrL ea that Tank Development for Films gives more d-etail and better contrast than the old hand method--and there is not the inclination to slight the wor.< in n rush, while the chances ofscratching thtre eul-ion is practic lly elimiuatrdl. In tank dtevelopment the dveloper i easily kept at the proper temperature and strength, :which is very essenitial hut alm~ost iumpo-=ihle il aiiy other method. It will payr you to consider our methodls in fixing and WaIsh ing, as W( 11. IL is rather expen- sive for yon when younr filmus are spoiledl in decve loping . PBtter bring tbheii to tre and make suare, If you want we'll show )roll ho« it'4 done heire. LYNDON 11 MATINEE - - - NIGHTl IWednesday 2 JANUARY le"6 Gal't i - - K~c~~e Latest English Lasts I 11 I J ,AF IndianMoccasins Mfore Comfortable thlan ;Slippers' JNER & CO. 108 S. MAIN STREET ANN ARBOR JANUARY SALE OFF ON ALL MILLINERY A. RICHAR DSON 115 Liberty East E 166 YOU WILL FIND -Our add in student publi- cation . S " r ¢ -Our expert setvice ,alway s FiK LT , at your command. ICE CREAM, CANDIES, LUNCHEONS lTE!H MAIN STREET PROMPT DELIVERY SERVICE offee Roasters and Wholesale Grocers An advanced course in household chemistry will be given by Mr. W. S. Hlubbardl, secretary of the pharmacy school, during the second semester. Thle course will be giv-en. Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 2 :00 o'clock for three hours' credit for undergrad- uates ini the literary department. The new course will be known as chemistry 12a, and is a continuation of chemistry 12, on household chem- istry, given by the same instructor at the same hours during the first semes- te(:r. Members of the course the first semester' are eligible to elect the new course, and other students may be ad- mitted by special permission from the instructor. )1ENORAIIY SOCIETY WILL HATE V.WTIVE SEAtSON DURING 1914f lenorah society hap suspended ac- tivities until the second esmester, but its officers plan an active season for the rest of the year. An aggressive membership campaign, and a course of lectures by prominent men inter- ested in the Menorah movement are contemplated. It is planned to send a personal let- ter describing the origin, purposes, ac- complishments, and prospects of the local chapter and Menorah societies inl general, to every Jewish student on tho, campuis. Judge Julian W. Mack, of Chicago, formerly chief justice of the GCommerce court, and Prof. Israel Friedlander, of the Jewish Theological Seminary, New York, have signified their willingness to speak before the local society if they find it convenient. P.A'STE BWA1H)S FOR FORMAL Tickets for the formal party to be held at the Union Thuirsday Of the sec- ond week of exams will go on sale at the union desk at 5:00 o'clock this af- ternoon. The cards will sell for $2.00 Per']'couple. A selected orchestra will furnish the music, and special decorations are planned. In addition to the supper, there will be a supply of punch. The commnnittee requests that no flowers be 1w;orn .- Firidlay, February 6th is open for bookin g at Granger's. 85-86 Speaking about clothes You will appreciate the effect of our new high waisted mod- Lod-A_ small redt note book contain- ing English Lit nzotes between U. H-all and Cailkins Drug Store. Call 7 841- 5. 85 Lot- Thuarsday ornin- on Liberty or Division streets, Sterling .Foun- jtami pen in brown leather case. Call 1479-J. t,5 ATA LOST Lost-C-onklin founta-inl pen on cap. Libgeral reward. cent, 231. with "V"i CaIl l VIn- 84- 8;- This JThe Ithat Lost-Bagagei claim checkr. Please call S. TvL Weber. Phone 1370-L.. 84-5 Lost-Gold hunting case watch with words Pair Bros., harrisburg, Ill., on face. Finder not ify Clifford Kane, 233 S. Ingalls. t '23-L,. Rewardl. i, Rows Oscliestra $.0 Balance COr- *c iestra $r 00. 4 ROWS Ealcoll ;t. IBalarnce Balcorny 5ccts. *MATINEE t,, Rows Orchestra $I.oo Ralauce chestra 75cts. 1Entiee Balcony