______________________________________________________________ *1' I Ii GIRLS Calkins' Pharmacy Our new line of IMEN, SOPHOMORES, JUNIORS AND SENIORS Offers For Your Room . Before buying your Fall shoes see Tooth Brash, Tooth Powder or Tooth Paste Hair Brush and Comb Nail Files, Buffers and Pastes Razor, Shaving Brush, Soapand Taloum Soap for Toilet and Bath Bath towels, Wash Rags, Sponges and Sprays And Lots of other things. Come and see us. Society Brand Clothes for Fall 1913 has arrived and is ready for your inspection. Ready-to-Wear Clothes - don't fail to see them before buying your next suit. CLOTHES Jilmore Shoe Co. Copyt 19AtlO Afred DoakovI& Qoo We carry all widths and sizes in latest styles 324 So. State Street " HEADQUARTERS F OR lNGIEE MADE SHOES 'I STUDENTSI ®e. rrr We can save you money by trading at our store. We carry the best line of Men's Suits, Overoats, and Raincoats. We also carry the largest and most com- plete line of Men's Furnish- ings, Hats and Caps. Ask to see our line of all wool Mackinaws. A D HAfS &CO. 121-123 South Main Street 1 I A. MARQUARDT . ATTENDANCE COMMITTEE TO HOLD MEETING THURSDAY. All absence from classes in the lit department will be considered at the first meeting of the attendance com- mittee to be held Thursday and 'Fri- day of this week. The women are to report to the registrar's office from 11:00 to 12:15 o'clock Thursday, the men from 3:00 to 4:15 o'clock Friday afternoon. The schedule for the semester, start- ing next week will be: men on Tues- day from 11:00 to 12:15 o'clock and Wednesday and Friday afternoons from 3:00 to 4:15 o'clock. The one hour on Thursday morning for women will be supplemented by a session on Monday at the same hour. NEED MORE TEACHERS IN NEW CLASS FOR COACHES. Although many students applied to Director Rowe for membership in the new class for athletic coaches, but ten eligible men enrolled and unless at least five more members are secured it is doubtful if the course can be giv- en. Senior literary students who are enrolled in the education department are the only students eligible to com- plete the course, which is recommend- ed by the education department. Interested students should see Di- rector Rowe at once in the athletic office from 8:00 to 12:00 or 1:00 to 3:00 o'clock. The Catholic Student's club held its initial meeting Sunday night and form- ulafed plans for the year. Member- ship tickets, admitting to all of the social functions of the year were plac- ed on sale. Next Friday night the open- ing dance will be held, and on October 21 there will be a banquet for all members. For Rent-One suite, 610 S. State, near campus. No other roomers or small children in house. 5-7 For Rent-A sunny, neat, single room. 521 Linden St. Phone 1712-J. 5-7 For Sale or Rent-Columbia Dicta- phone. Good condition. Only used three months. 711 E. Ann. 4-9 For Sale-House suitable for frater- nity or sorority. Price low and on reasonable terms. Enquire on prem- ises, 302 S. Division Ave. 7-11 Lost--Conklin Fountain Pen with bro- ken filler clip. Call Carter, 240-L. 7-8 Wanted-Room mate. Modern suite half block from Law building at reasonable rate.Phone 1310-L or call 238 S. Thayer. 7-9 Laboratory coats and aprons, Wag- ner & Co. State St. 7-12 Learn to Dance. The social season has opened, so you should learn to dance. We have two classes a week, Tuesday and Thursday from 7 to 8 p. m. for both la- dies and gentlemen. All the dances are taught. If the Tango and One-step are danced properly as taught at our school, there can be no criticism. Join now as a new term opens Tuesday Oc- tober 7th. $3.00 per term. Granger's, 312 Maynard St. 3-7 Pianos to Rent. Up-to-date stock of Musical Instruments of every descrip- tion sold at reasonable prices at Schaeberle and Son's Music House, 110 S. Main St. tf Tutoring given in German, Special attention to pronunciation and trans- lation, 5Oc per hour. 535 Thompson St. Call after 4'p. m.b Charcoal grilled porterhouse steaks at Bessimer's grill, 113 West Huron St., upstairs. Phone 110. tf We offer an extensive dis- play of fine, quality jewelry at reasonable prices, is all we ask. A trial I J. B. EIBLER 109 W. Liberty Street Across from Mack's side entrance MARTIN HALLER Exclusive agent of Limbert's Holand Dutch Arts and Crafts Fu When at Liberty drop in your pipe repaired. 118-120. bacco Shop. and get The To- 618 FOIUNTA PENS Student barbers attention!' barber with small capital can1 a fine paying proposition. Dad's Shop, 802 S. State, for1 lars. Act quickly. Student get into Call at particu- 5-7 cheerfully solicits your inspection of the most appropriate and attractive furniture for students' rooms, clubs and- fraternities. 112-122 EAST LIBERTY STREET JEWELER AND OPTICIAN Our new general line of wearing apparel for gentlemen has oome-shirts, tie socks, etc., all the latest. Visit this Quality Store and get souvenirs. J~rR~ertkI I All the Leading Makes Special This Week Only A SELF FILLING, NO LEAKABLE PEN with absolute guarantee $1.50 SUGDEN DRUG CO 302 S. STATE STREE1 /1 Try our special $1.50 self-filler. fi-n Sheehan & Co. tf "SQUARE DEAL" for everybody is the "Spald- ing Policy." We guarantee each buyer of an article bear- ing the Spalding Trade Mark that suich article will give satisfaction and a reasonable amount of service. A. G. Spalding & Bros. 4 Woodward Ave. Send or Detroit, Mich, our Catalovie Suits Cleaned and Pressed and repaired, Cor. Main and Huron---Over Farmer's and Mechanic's Bank. 1. P. Note Books with your name in gold on cover at Sheehan's. tf Loose leaf note books at Wahr's. Your name upon the cover without expense to you. 1-10 Ladies: get your hair shampooed with rain water. Face and scalp treat- ment, manicure, at Mrs. J. R. Trojan- owski, 1110 S. Univ. Phone 696-W. 1-12 WE SELL GOOD CLOTHING Suits at $10.00-All wool. Suits at $15.00-All wool, hand tail- ored. Suits at $20.00-Adler's Make and Style. Suits at $25.00-Equal to Finest Cus- tom work. ALLEN'S GOOD CLOTHES STORE, Main Street. tf Boston Safety Fountain Pen 00, zalAr/- 4 LPEAO LEAK THE PEN WITH -THE Cob'Feed Choral Union Concerts PADEREWSKI . October 22 World's Greatest Pianist MATZENAUER . . November 12 Metropolitan Opera Star~ PHILADELPHIA ORCHESTRA December 9 95 Men-Stokowski, Conductor CHORAL CONCERT . January 23 Lucille Stevenson, Soprano and Marion Creen, Baritone, Soloists CARL FLESCH February 18 Distinguished Hungarian Violinist 16 jr For Sale By THE WAHR and SHEEHAN BOOKSTORES ILoose Leaf Note Books Buy Laboratory Supplies at year's Drug Store, 10 Main St. pay you to come down town. Good. They 1-12 OFe UMVRY DESCRIPTION Name Embossed in Gold-Fres of Charge Ligegtt's Gilbert's and Fenway Choc- olates in perfect condition. Edsill's Rexall Drug Store. 122 S. Main St, eod Al l 1 S tar C o u r se If you want the best try Liggett's, Edsill's Store, 122 So. Main St. in Chocolates, Rexall Drug eod 'ourse Tickets, $3.00. With reserved seat 5c, 50c, 75c, $1.00, extra; after October 14 ill at School *fMUI for announcmnt or all atofSMusoc for artickets Engineering Overalls Wagner & Co., State St. and Jackets, 7-12 The Kempf Music Studios, 312 S. Division St. Phone 212-3. Piano, Voice, Piep Organ, Harmony. 1 eod. Modern Methods give me best re- sults for printing and developing. Vis- it our work room and see for your- self. Lyndon. eod. Caps, Gowns and Hoods for use in the student convocation may be bought or rented from Mack & Co. 5-7 CARD INDEXES and FILING DEVICES OF ALL KINDS WATERMAN'S IDEAL FOUNTAIN PENS THE MAYER-SCHAIRER CO STATIONERS, PRINTERS. BINDERS, STUDENTS' SUPPLIES, 112 S. MAIN ST. EAT AT tPOP'9" The Place Where Things Taste-Like Home I"Pop"Bancroft Cor. Monroe and Thayer Best shoe shine and next to Wagner's. hat cleaning, tf SPECIAL EQUIPMENT FOR IGAS COOKING Buy your Richler Drawing instru- ments at Sheehan's. tf h - I Increases Cleanliness and Efficiency. Telephone for our Representative to call and give you expert advice for your Kitchen Equip- ment. I Gives clean, wholesomxe board at per week. Safe drinking w ter. ALL KINDS OF MUSICAL MERCHANDISE AT LOWEST FIGURES Grinnel Bros., 120122 E. Liberty St. C. C. Freemaen, Proprl i -I r r