ii I ,,ere Druna Shaving Lotion I M1en's black rubber soles. i . TVhe proper dress shoe for the Tango. Also==a new lot of tan rubber soles. Prices from $4 00 up to $6.00. A delightful application for use af- ter shaving. Heals and toughens the skin and prevents chapping and soreness. Our Annual Janu ClOthing Sale Suits and Overcoats one-fourth Bath Robes and Smoking Jackets one-t FIFTY CENTS Calkins' Pharmacy 324 South State Street All Furnishings one-fifth off I Shirts, Ties, Mackinaws, Underwear, Gloves, W~ l AT OTHER COLLEGES 119 S. 7ain SIre-t w ALE Overcoats 1i $22.50 $18.75 $1650 $15.00 $13.50 $11.25 I? 0 Nintten dares are scheduled dur- ing Junior Week at Cornell, which be-' gins with the close of examinations. About 300 guests will be entertained at twenty different fraternity houses. Illinois seniors are considering pre- senting as a memorial for all the sen- ior class this year a set of chimes, to be installed on the campus. A short course in highway engineer- ing was begun at Illinois this week. More than 100 men are enrolled in the work.. The ninety-fourth anniversary of the founding of the University of Indiana was celebrated Tuesday with an elab- Orat: program, Elgheering stiudents at Pennsylva- nia are addressing a class of firemen, which -,s been organized by the Y. M. C. A. on grates and boilers and fire- ing methods. They will take up the theoretical side of the subject. The Yale News prints a table show. ing registration figures of the different universities. The first ten are as fol- 4' . . 20 per~ cent *discount ts $1.60; $1.50 Sh irt $1,20 at discount on Mackinaws AS MaiS tr c lom o SHOP) in :ureel In $tret 0 o *~uis 0ne ~ ,a.dPe1sD. andrepresse Cor.!ai[ an1 I H rn--- Ovet'r Farmer's aa dMechnik's Sank. lows: Columbia California . Chicago ...... Michigan Pennsylvania Wisconsin ... Harvard ... Cornell. New York . ...... .. . . 9929 ... . . 7071 .6834 ....6008 ......... 5968 ....5890 ..5627 .5612 .5508 I ofl4 $10 ,O 0.0 MICH)0,00 MICH. SC oiiY s w Jr 'a t is the manl who repeats. .e feat of agility and strength is not test of en- rance---the fellow wh4 can repeat an exhibition speed, prc wess an sre '5th day aftcr day is the anwho scOr s. Illinois.................. 5259 CAMPUS IU BRIEF - i meeting of the Michigan section of the American Chemical society will f be held at 4:30 o'clock this afternoon, in room 151 of the chemistry building. Mr. W. L. Badger, of the chemical en- gineering faculty, will address the society on "The Work of the Bureau of Standards." --Course 3 in rhetoric will be offered next semester to those students who have had courses 1 and 2. This is the first time that this course has been offered the second semester. The work consists of an analysis of description and narration, and will be given by Dr. H. S. Mallory at 2:00 o'clock on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. -Tau Beta Pi, senior engineer honor- ary society, held its regular monthly dinner at the Union last evening. A. R. Vatron, '14E, spoke on "South Ameri- ca," Prof. H. H. Higbie, of the engi- neering department, spoke on "Tau Be- ta Pi," and C. N. Ward, '14E, gave a. short talk. --Dr. I, L. Lillie, of the university hospital staff, is ill at his home with diphtheria instead of with tonsilitis, as was published in The Daily yesterday morning. -The University Music House reports an unprecedented sale of "Laddie," J. Fred Lawton's latest song. There has been a wide demand for the selection among the student body. --Owing to the death of his sister-in- law, Mrs. Frank Roseworne, of Deca- tur, Michigan, Prof. E. C. Goddard will not meet his classes during the re- mainder of the week. He will remain in Decatur until Saturday. -The Daily will not be published dur- Saturday morning, January 24, and the first issue after examinations will be on Tuesday morning, February 10. -Men's regular gymnasium classes for the second semester will begin with the 11:00 o'clock section, on Thursday, February 12. The fact that the engineers spend the first day of the semester in classification makes the late start necessary. -The Blue number of the Gargoyle will be put on sale today, at the usual news stands and book stores. -Tickets for the regular weekly mem- bership dance at the Michigan Union will go on sale at the Union desk at 5:00 o'clock this afternoon. -The regular weekly Lounger will be held at, the Union tomorrow night. This will be the last affair of the kind until after exams. -Officers for the next semester will be elected, and fresh debate tryouts will be held at the meeting of the Adel- phi debating society at 7:30 o'clock, Friday night. Membership dues are payable this week. -The next meeting of the Drama League study class will be held at 8:00 o'clock, Monday evening, at the home of Mrs, L. L. Clark on Forest avenue. Prof. T. E. Rankin will be the leader and the discussion will include plays by Bronson Howard, Clyde Fitch and Mrs. Forgan. It has been decided to hold the meetings hereafter every two weeks In Memorial hall. -More than 100 1916 engineers attend. ed the class dinner ,cast night. Prof. H. B. Merrick and W. W. Sleator, addressed the diners., C. B. Sikes, 16E, and R. S. Delbridge, '17, furnished mu- sical numbers. For Rent-Lower flat, furnished, mod- ern. Man and wife, no children. 84-85 For Rent-Two modern suites, prices moderate. Inquire at 526 Church street. 82-3-4 Lost-Conklin fountain pen with "V" on cap. Liberal reward. Call Vin- cent, 231. 84-85 Lost-Baggage claim check. .Please call S. M. Weber. Phone 1370-L. 84-5 Lost-Gold hunting case watch with words Bair Bros., Harrisburg, Ill., on face. Finder notify Clifford Kane, For Rent-Parlor, suite and two sin- gle rooms. Electric light, hot water heat. Near campus. Phone 600-J. 1021 E. Huron St. 83-4-5 STUDENTS. Wanted-A limited number of capable men for summer work. See Mr Terpening at the Allenel Hotel be- fore Saturday night. Office hours from 3:00 to 6:00 p. m. and from 7:00 to 9:00 p. m. 81 Wanted-A student to do picture fram- ing. Must have had experience. A. S. Lyndon. 82-3-4 Wanted-Student washing-- Ladies washing preferred. Call 1830-M. 82-3-4 SKATING CARNIVAL Weinberg's Ice Rink to-night. Given by 'the young people of Trinity Luth- SPECIAL EQUIPMENT FOR GAS COOKI! JEWELRY Extensive Stock at Reasonable Prices -Skilled and Trustworthy Watch Repairing OPTICAL SUPPLIES Michigan Pins, Fobs, Bars and Spoons J. B. EIBLER 109 West Liberty Street Across from Mack's Side Entrance no] PUR !7'10 For Fraternity and Club Ida STATE Increases Cleanliness and Efficiency. Telephone Representative to call and give you expert advice for your Kitche ment, WE HAVE A FREE SUGDEN DR 302 S. STATE l Washtenaw Gas Co rr o s Ann Arbor Taxicab Co. New Number is 2280 a. Jsf. Ju erhC Service Guaranteed Parties a S 300 N. MAIN STREET F.. d ! ti ,.ti i : LS _ « sno i [ a k ^FJ sr 'i gives the a hete and the student the repeat stamina of brain, box-, and brawn---the ability to "ccm- back"i tcmoncw and dtipli- c:itc the hieve- Facile Princes No beverage can approach-has ever ev the suaremacy of Coca-Cola. It stand drink that will refresh and delight you w tive and delicious flavor-its wonderful in- quality. Delicious - Refrei Thirst-Quench: { , i. hea t. mirls th o2f lSif 'Tv s.T ,, ,, ; i mcnt of tcd~y. Sor e nourish- i sg than meat, Shr ddcd Wheat contains all the tissue - strength- eIeicnts of whole ! builds bodies and Lat win the battles .DD WHEAT CO. THE COCA-COLA CO. Atlanta, Ga ing the examination period. The last' eran Church. Music by Wattle's issue before examinations will be on Admission 15c. band. 84 FOR THE NEXT FEW WEEKS We will sell some POPULAR MUSIC at Five Cents per copy Guitars, Mandolins, Violins and their accessories at lowest figures Let us place a VICTROLA in your home. rinnell Bros. 120-122 E. Liberty Street PHONE 1707 The identity of the man who remov- ed the chemistry text from the shelf on the third floor of the chemistry building, on Tuesday afternoon, has been ascertained through two eye-wit- nesses, and unless the book is left at The Daily office by Friday noon, other action will be taken. jen-nric Liberty and M A most convenient pla banking. 25 per cent off on all Su coats. Lindenschmidt, A Consider Tank take your films to sible results. Development and Lyndon for best pos- 82-4-6 Attend our January Clothing Sale. Lindenschmidt, Apfel & Co. 71-76 Buy Eastman's Lyndon. They m stale. 'U U, T t ld % "1