T OF V NG STATIO0N ERY Wle hav e arranged with the, rigina'or of the 7 ew process of die stamping to offer at 2 quire box of pa- per and enlvelopes, pape.r Embossed in ~gold. This offer is without doub)t the ,greatest ever given. li-e price of a regular die is $2.50 to $4.oo. Our Price $1.25 KTHE M(HIGAN DAILY Official newspaper.at he University of -Mich- igan. Published every morning except Mon-I day during the university year. Entered at the postoffice at Aan Arbor, Michigan ender Act of Congress of.. March 3, Offices 'Ann Arbor Press Building. Sul) scription price: by .carrier, $2.50;, by mail, $3.00. Want Ad. Stations: Press Building; Quarry's Pharmacy; University Pharmacy; C. 11. Davis, Cor. Packard and State. 'telephones 96o and 24:4. Maurice Toulme .........:Managing E ditor Adna Johnson .......Business Manager L HOCEY STIC The biggest and best line ever shown n I III r' 25 ts. to 75 Cts THlE I. NOW TELI VERY i I 11. Beach Carpenter............ News Editor IGordon. Eldredge ........... Sporting Editor. Fred 1Foulk . ........Asitatto IEditor Leonard Rieser'........Intercollegiate Editor R2obert Tannahill..........Muic and Drama Harold Abbott . ... ...Cartoonist Lillian Thomson. ,.... ..Women's Editor EDITORIALS Itajold IIlippler' Paul Blanshard Marshall Foote Lester Rosenbaumn Louis' David. at Special Prices at 2 for 25 cents TROY'S BEST PRODUiCT WABo HR nieSsit SWEATERS . WIID COl. Tailors SHEEHiAN &C STUJDFNTS' BOOKSTORE f- TLeo iBurnett F. F. McKinne; lernry Rurmmel Carlton Jenks 'P. Iawley 'T app N7 IGHT EDITORSt short time but in the first campus Chester Lang clean-up it is picked up and placed in i ~Jabin Hsui some loft for storage purposes. This OnBeportKliaef condition could be remedied, however, ping Ft. M. Church if memorial committees 'would use even FREE [NITED LINES FRE 60 m L; TABLE for fletrot-7 :TO P. in., also 8:10 :roit-5 :4o a. mn., 6 :o6 a. mn., lours, to 6:o6 p. in., 7:06 p. :io p. in., and 1:45 sP. M, 'y, 1 1:15 P. m,:. z:15 p. mn. a. m. Jackson-7 :46 a. m. and to 7:46 p. m. son-5 :1 a. mn., 6: 5 a. mn., urs to 6:51 p. mn., also 9:201 n. COX SONS & VININSG 72 Madison Ave., NEW YORK MAKERI~S OF CAPS, GOWNS & HOODS For All Degrees LMay be Ordered froju MACK & CO. 6000 FOR ONE DOLLAR From Monday jain. 19th Iuntil Feb. ist. 9 t4 we. will: receiv-e this Couponl Ithe wine as ONE DOL- LLR inl currency when F PURICHASE AMOUNTS TO $5,00 (Juy oney ucCouponi will be Ireceived on a single par- 1 jch iuse. Whiatever you baty jw-' wil receive this coupon, ini part payment. -m ASSISTANTS TO BUSINESS MANAGER Sherw'ood .Field " 1 harry Johnson ~Mvmon Watkins R FPORTERS P. F. Thowpson J. M. Barrett C. A. Swainson 1). R. Lallentine R~. S. Collins Leon Greenebaurn C. . enidrick W. A. P. John 1- C. Roth 11. R. Marsh C. L. Muller Charles Weinberg Willis Goodenow BUSINESS STAFF F. G. Millardl Russell Runyan XV .Carpenter R. J. lHofmann WV. B. Chase ' . V. Leffler V. HI. Herbert . R. ,G. Sheldon, THURSDAY, 'JANUARY 22, 1914. Night Editor-H11en ry C. Rummel, A COMPROMISE.. Without taking any sides in the fra- ternity controversy, without ekpress- ing 'any sentiments favorable or unfa- vorable, we' express' a sincere hope that the disputant~s wll settle the diffh- culties among themselves. If there is anything in 'student self- governmient, in' student capability, adaptibility -and broadmindedness, the golden opportunity is the present: There is a principle at stake here, ev- en broader and more fundamental, than the fraternity differences, If it is 'necessary to Icall -in putside *help at every ruption, nio mattraP how efficient, how sympathetic or how broad, it is, there is not only a. damaging admis- sion, but also a display ' of suspicioni that bespeaks an~ything but tolerance. Mutual suspicions seemz to' sway the situation at the presen~t time. Obvious- ly these must be unseated if anything ~to be accomplished'. common discretion; if they would be as careful as in choosing, furnishings for their own homes, for instance. If the custom is to be couttinued, it must prove that it is worth while. What is, wanted is a memorial that is no legs beautiful than utilitarian, a memorial that not only pleases the eye but is of practical value to Michigan, a memorial that you will not be asham- ed to .point out with p~ride" when you return for your twenty-fifth reunion. A Pair of $6.00 Trousers with every Suitor Overcoat order at $17.,50 To everyone ordering a Suit o- Overcoat during this Gale we wi: you absolutely FRED, a pair of $6.oo 'trousers of flee same miaterial< or different, just as you like. Anyone who expects to liv e and wear clothes cannot affordt this once in alife time opportunity. We guarantee to save you $io to $15 on every order 3<: place store. Come in and be convinced." The Quality Tailors E.C.FLANDERS 209 E. Liberty Sft. Aerc * oF INTERES T fQWOMEN. * i. Telephone, Be1l 4oi-j, arlors: ROOMS 604-606 vai: and Eirou Sts. The Pennsylvania club, composed of 30 Pennsylvania women, was organiz- ed at a meeting held last Tuesday' night at 216 North State street. The constitution was adopted, and the fol- lowing officers elected: president, Dor- othy Sturgeon, '16; vice-president, Mary Fisher, '17; secretary, Mary Pur- dy, '15; treasurer, Alma Knoepp, '15. The aim of the society is chiefly social, but its members hope also to further the cause of Michigan in Pennxsylvania in every posstble way. Shailer Matthews of Chicago is ex- pected to spear. to university women, at Newberry hall next Sunday after- noon. There will also be reports fror some of the w,\omen wvho attended the (Christian association convention in Kansas City. All .faculty and university women are cordially invited to attend the fare- Special Alients 3F O I als Fork Dipped Chocolnt4 Made in the most sanutary factory in the world. The best candies zee have ever handled. VAN DORLN'S PHARMACY, 703 Packard 209 SOxth Stag; Street Eaves clean%, wholesome board at $4.2 Michigan Chocolates, 80 Cents In the Maize and Blase13(x Varsity Bitter Sweets, 60 Cents In the While Box * of M. Milk Chocolates, 60 Cents The Red Box: W'e MakeThemi in Our Own5Clean Casdy Shop. Th}ey°'re Simply P~elicious. BSY p et-vweek. Ssabkfc dxitkirg weter. IC. C. Freerme.n, Propr K't, I THlE POPULAR PLACE CKY BLUE BO O ISFOREXAM Calling Cards-Lowest Prices, Get your fountain Pens rcp--ired at the ]PEN HO - PITAL It miss your exams-Buy an ALARM CLOCK well reception given in honor of Miss MEMORIALS.' Catherine Bigelow at 4:00 o'clock Fri- In a short time the various senior day afternoon, in B~arbour gymnasium. memorial committees will be racking The athletic committee will give a their respective brains in an attempt, luncheon for rMiss Bigelow Saturday to choose an effective remembrance to noon at the home of Mrs. Jordan. leave the university. FPollowing thr. lead of memorial committees in the UNIVERSIT'Y NOT ICE,, past,, some of them will foolishly go,, beyond their depths and attompt to do Mandolin Club rehearsal at 4: 4;. the impossible with ' their Almited o'clock this afternoon. mneans. Others, heavily pressed by the, Student council election, '19 15E, Fri- problem, will leaveaillwance to some day, 10:45 to 12:15 o'clock, roonm 348 organization o'r other without, perhaps, due consideration as to whether they 3IlFSIC AiND DRA11S are choosing,'the best possible recip- ient.'- All committees will :be bent on "QUO VADIS?"s obtaining ;a gift which will serve as a If praise were money, Mr. George lasting memorial to their, collegiate Kleine would be the richest man ir existence.' the world. H-is production or th-' The custom of leaving memorials is C ines photo-dramna, "Quo Vadis?" haF an excellent one. -But when -commirit- almost exhausted the adjectivres pos- tees who are entrusted, with a certain iiiisofterssadubi.I THE SMOOTH ES TOBACCO CHLEED E 340 S. ST ATE ST. : SKATING in the keen air -the companionship of a pipe-the pleasure of a tobacco such as Velvet 1 Velvet- is the; best leaf-aged over. two years in the warehouse-a slow, silent transformation from harsh leaf to a mellow smoking tobacco. Time gradually evicts the bite.-matures the good qualities of the leaf-a flavor unusual---good--wonderfuilly good y Such a tobacco takes time to pro- duce-e treme care withal, but this is the smoke we all want--so why At all dealers. Q :HFIELD & CO. FINE TAILORING TIRADE mim to expend for. this .purpose, seem- ingly accomplish their end without. dae consideration, the..memiorial which they ~ ave is often worse than useless. It may adorn its particular place for a every city where this stirring picture is presented, it is greeted with an un- ending stream of applause. It is the monumental achievement thus far in its field of entertainment, and deserves eb~ We can and do give you the limit of exceIll- ce in -1 ailoring, this issue, with a complete e of up-to-date woolens, makes us the leaders our line. Respectfully, Sam Burchfield & Co. WAC. 153 Ful Two Ounce Tins JANUARY SALE, ON 10c Mackinaws, S wea tees, Gloves-Fur and Fileece Lined 'Fur and Sealskin.Caps, etc. all that is said and written about it. with brilliant result in '1,dward." The George Kleine production of "Quo Mrs.' Minnie D. Sherrilt's accompani'- Vadis?" will be among the attractions' et i uht rn u h at the Whitney theater during the of the Art Blalad. .P z month of February.' 'I -Mr.IfoOhtnl BaladsFramer of Ediucational Bill Dies Dr. John Avery, former state legis'- Four ballads by Johann Carl Loewe comprises the program that Mr. Will-I lator, and member of Congress, died lam Howland offered at the University yesterday morning in Greenville, Mich. school of music yesterday afternoon, in 1869 Dr. Avery introduced into the Except for the last measure of "Sire state legislature the bill providing Oluf," which lacked the necessary dra- frteetbiheto odcto matic intensity, the recital was note- frteetalsmnIf odcto worthy. For his effects, Mr. Howland J in the unive " v. He was 90 years old relied, on good enunciation and tone, I at the time death. 'arsity Toggery Shop 1107 S. University Avenue. Pack's Portrsits, but you will Iartistic quality in them" RVANDAUT d~PAC(k' PIIOTOGRA