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January 21, 1914 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1914-01-21

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Forestry club smoker in room 407, en-
gineering building, 8:00 o'clock.
Soph engineer dinner, Michigan Union,
6:00 o'clock.
Recital of "Richlieu" by Prof. T. C.
Trueblood's class, Sarah Caswell
Angell hall, 8:00 o'clock..
Historical recital by William Howland,
Frieze Memorial hall, 4:15 o'clock.




1[Major-General Wood Will Explain
Summer Camp in Lecture
Next Month.


Strained Tendon May Prevent
Catlett From Entering
Indoor Sport.




ant Development Displayed
Chronicles of Organization;
Had Uncertain


The Michigan Daily For Michigan
Way back in the youth time of our
university, the Comedy club, Michi-.
gan's premier dramatic organization,
had its unchronicled begining. Its or-
igin is shrouded in the haziness of un-
remembered days, due for the most
part to the myriad of similar organiza-
tions that flourished from time to time,
only to fall before the same causes
that nearly wrecked the present club
in the late nineties.
In so far as name goes, the Comedy
club of today sprang from a similar
society which existed about 20 years
ago, under the name of "Thespian."
On the crest of the wave of dramatic
enthusiasm, which swept over the
country in the early nineties, the pres-
ent dramatic organization was intro-
duced to the campus, where it has liv-
ed and thrived in spite of a more or
less checkered career. Formal organ-
ization did not come until several
years later. In the spring of 1895 two
rather amateurish performances were
staged. They were two farces "Wood-
cock's Little Game" and "Lend Me'
Five Shillings."
A few years later, the club became
more or less of a closed corporation.
True talent was no longer a requisite,
and the club became an honorary so-
ciety in the worst sense of the word,
to which members were elected purely
on account of their social position in,
the universy Tho- a n,,ati n a -

Prof. R. D. T. Hollister's
sents "Silas Marner,"
Hall, 8:00. o'clock.

class pre-

Members of Cercle Francais present
"Les deux Timides" in Sarah Cas-
well Angell hall, 8:00 o'clock.
Cercle Francais Soiree. Dramatique
Musical Dansante, Sarah Caswell
Angell hall, 8:00 o'clock.
Men's section of Deutscher Verein
meets in Verein room, 8:00 o'clock.
A fencing duel, a spicy comical skit
and a vocal duet in French will fea-
ture the annual soiree of the Cercle
Francais, to be held at - 8:00 o'clock;
tomorrow night in Sarah Caswell An-
gell hall. The assembly will dance in'
Barbour gymnasium,following the reg-

When Major-General Leonard Wood
comes to Ann Arbor the last week in
February, he will outline the work
which students, as members of the
government summer military camp,
will perform as cadets. The camp will
be situated in the western part of the
state near Ludington, bordering on
Lake Michigan. It will be held dur-
ing July and August.
Expenses for the five week course
in military tactics will be $17.50, the
net cost of board. The government
furnishes cots, blankets, tentage, in-
fantry equipment, including rifle and
accessories, and guarantees perfect
sanitary conditions. The student must
purchase, however, a drab colored uni-
form, the same as prescribed for the
regular army.
The food will be prepared by train-
ed army cooks, under the supervision
of a regular officer. The government
will provide, also, a hospital camp for
emergency cases.
Military road mapping will be ex-
plained and supplemented by a several
days march, in which actual campaign
conditions of bivouac, march and sham
attacks will take place. Use of the
army rifle will be taught, and 'those
who succeed in meeting the qualifica-
tions of the National Rifle. association]
test will be given marksmanship badg-

Through the first, and it is hoped
the only accident of the season, James
B. Catlett, '15, hurdler, quartermiler,
and all-around athlete, may be lost
to the Varsity track team, at least
during the indoor meets. In practice
yesterday afternoon, Catlett pulled a
tendon in his thigh, and from the view-
point of Trainer Farrell, the injury
will probably keep him out of track
work until the squad gets out on Fer-
ry field for outdoor work.
. According to friends of the athlete,
Catlett was running in a practice han-
dicap race yesterday afternoon, when
he made an extra effort to pass a rival.
The effort pulled the tendon, and h?
fell. A subsequent examination show-
ed that though the injury may lay Cat-
lett up but for a few days, it will not be
expedient for him to take up work for
a number of weeks.
It is not expected Trainer Farrell
will let the hurdler participate in track
work until the danger is past, and
friends of the athlete, do not expect
him to resume work, at least till to-
ward the end of the indoor season.
E. A. Cooley, '72, '73L, Was Prominent
in !Judicial Circles Throughout

The following committee hasbeen
appointed by President Selden Dick-
inson, '15L, of the Union, to take
charge of the fornal dance to be given
Thursday of the second week of ex-
aminations. H. C. Tallmadge, '14, chair-
man, K. C. McPherson, '17, F. B. Mc-
Kinley, '16, D. W. Jennings, '16, J. H.
Wilkins, '14, J. I. Lippincott, '14, and
L. S. Bisbee, '15L.
Tickets for the party will be placed
on sale at 5:00 o'clock Friday, $2.00 in-
cluding supper. Dancing will start at
:00 o'clock and continue until 2:00
Freshman Enrollment Closes Feb. 11
Fresh lits and engineers are request-
ed to enroll at Waterman gym for the
second sem estersbefore Wednesday,
February 11. Fresh lits, who continue
in the same sections, will retain the
same row and number. Those lits de-
siring to change sections, and all of
the engineers, will be given new rows
and numbers at the first meeting of
the section in which they enroll.




ber of years, during which time were
produced "The 'Private Secretary," "A
Night. Off" and "All the Comforts ofj
Home." The old adage of giving a calf
more rope proved itself in this case,.
and gradually matters began to mend.
It was not until 1908, however, that
a new standard of membership was
formally inaugurated. Credit for this
step is due to Prof. Louis Strauss, of
the English department. Election to
membership was based upon unbiased
tryouts. Real and consistent coaching
was provided for, and the plays began
to improve in such a manner as to give
the club the high position among the
different campus organizations which'
it enjoys today. Since that time, such
plays as "The Inspector," "The Title
Mart," "The Magistrate" and "Money"
have been produced with unusual suc-
Despite the many vicissitudes which
have marked the uphill climb of the
club, there are a small group of names
which center around the organization,
bringing distinction to the club, the
profession and the university. They
are Norman Hackett, actor, Karl Har-
riman, assistant managing editor of
the Curtis Publishing Company, and
one time editor of the Green Book and
Red Book, James O'Donnell Bennett,
well known dramatic critic and now
with the Chicago Record Herald and
Kirk Alexander, co-dramatizer of "Sa-
tan Sanderson." Some of the young-
er players whom are still remembered
by the seniors are Arthur Cohen, Isa-
belle Rizer, Dion Birney and Donald
This year the club has started out
with several entirely new innovations,
which may be the straws which show
the way the wind is blowing. In the
first place a play has been chosen for
(Continued on page 4.)
A quarantine for diptheria has been
placed on the residence of Dean H.
M. Bates. A telephone call from his
home notified him that his niece
had contracted the illness which will
bar him from his home for two or three
weeks. Mr. Bates will probably re-
side with Dr. W. I. Lombard during
the quarantine.

ular program.
Prof. Samuel Lockwood, of the uni-
versity school of music, and Mr. Joseph
R. Hayden, instructor in political sci-
ence, will participate in a fencing du-
el, as executed in France. Miss Emily
M. Gilfillan, '14, will perform an aes-
thetic dance.
Labiche's one act farce, "Les Deux
Timides" will be presented by Cyril
Quinn, '14, Waldo Fellows, '14; Robert
Tannahill, '15; Ruth Crandall, '14; and
Emma Heath, '14. French hits will be
sung by Waldo Fellows and Miss Alice
Lloyd, '16.
C. J. Taylor Is General Chairmen With
Sub-Chairmen From Other
C. J. Taylor, '14E, of the mechanical
engineering department, was recently
elected general chairman of the sec-
ond annual engineering exhibit, which
will be given during the May festival
week. A. D. Baker, '14E, was chosen
chairman of electrical department, J.
B. Russell, '14E, chairman from the
marine department; A. S. Irvin, '14E,
from the chemical department; and J.
B. Cook, '14E, from the civil engineer-
ing department. A. C. Fletcher, '14E,
has charge of the advertising.
The same features as those of last
year will be offered, and the forestry
department will have a more complete
exhibit. Those in charge of the work
expect the number of visitors to ex-
ceed the 11,000 mark set last year.

Physical drill, marching, camping,
tent pitching, making and breaking
camp, loading and unloading wagons,
first aid to the injured and care of
troops in the field will be taught by
Those who successfully complete the
five week course will have their names
filed in the war department in Wash-
ington, with recommendation by the
officers in charge as to their fitness
for future command. The idea of the
war department is to obtain a larger
number, of trained men, who can be

pressed into service,
casion demands.

as officers, if oc-

Final decision as to where the Mich-
igan-Aggie game will be staged this
fall will not be made, it is believed,
until the last of the month, when the
Lansing authoirties are expected to
meet Director Bartelme to go over the
Michigan preferred to leave the mat-
ter open until the Cornell game was
definitely located, and now that the

Mr. Edgar A. Cooley, '72, '73L, died
at his home in Bay City Monday. Mr.
Cooley is a brother of Prof. C. H.
Cooley of the sociology department.
His home was formerly in Ann Arbor,
where he resided in the house which
is now occupied by the Michigan Un-
Mr. Cooley's father was Mr. Thomas
M. Cooley, for several years chief jus-
tice of the supreme court of Michigan.
alqeaeapsuoo pM1 Jles~unl a1009 .JIo
reputation as a lawyer throughout the
state. The remains will be brought
to Ann Arbor for burial.
"Jimmie" Craig, '14E, has declared
his intention of not coming out for
either indoor or outdoor track com-
petition, according to his friends. The
football star has been the -premier
the reported intentions, his place will
be hard to fill.
Two years ago, Craig won one of the
hurdle events at the intercollegiate,
but last spring injured his leg the

A platform recital of Richlieu will be
given by Prof. Thomas C. Trueblood's
class in Shakespearean reading in Sar-
ah Caswell Angell hall at 8:00 o'clock
tonight. The cast will consist of about
30 students, and as the cast varies in
each scene, every member will have an
opportunity to play in one of the lead-
ing parts. This is not a costumed re-
cital, nor will any admission fee be
Some of those who will have leading
parts tonight are Prof. J. Stewart
Lathers, of the state normal school,
Jabin Y. F. Hsu,. '14, Lena J. Krakau,
'14, E. B. Reichert, Lucile K. Strong,
'15, Delta M. Kauffman, '14, -dd Theo-
dora Thurber, '14.
Richlieu, which was written by Lord
Lytton in the early part of the last
century, ranks next to Shakespeare's
plays. Ever since the part of Richlieu
was first taken by Macready in 1839, it
has been a favorite role of prominent
actors. In it is depicted the life of
Cardinal Richlieu, the great French
The presentation of the Merchant of
Venice by the same class earlier in
the season was especially successful,
and rehearsals indicate that this play
will be equally popular.
H. M. Lacey and A. W. 'tthersill
were elected to the student council by
the junior lit class yesterday after-
noon. Junior engineers and junior
medics will elect their representatives
Friday morning. The engineers will
hold the polls open from 11:00 to 12:15
o'clock, that all who have classes at
any definite hour, will not be prevent-
ed from voting. The medics will meet
at 11:00 o'clock in the east amphithea-
ter of the medic building to elect one
Professor R. T. Crane, of the politi-
cal science department, who has been
confined to his home with typhoid fe-
ver, is not yet convalescent, and will
be unable to assume his dutigs the
first of next semester.
His class in municipal administra-
tion, entitled "Problems and Tenden-
cies in Municipal Administratic:i," will
be given by Professor I. L. Sharfman,
at 10:00 o'clock Mondays, Wednesdays
and Fridays in room 102, economics
building. It is open to those who have
had preliminary work in political sci-
ence or economics. A semester's work
in municipal admiinistiation is not a
Professor Crane's course in compar-
ative European government will be
given by Mr. R. J. Hayden, Tuesdays
and Thursdays . at 10:00 o'clock in
room 102 economics building.

Record Number of 18 Turnis Out F
2 Positions in Chorus
of Annual Union
Names of Remaining Men Will 1
Posted on Bulletin
Opera aspirants,. both masculine an
"feminine," to the number of 158, pa
ticipated in the preliminary tryou
last night for the 32 chorus positioi
in the 1914 Union opera. This is. b
far the largest turnout in the histor
of, Union -operas, and moire dancin
ability was shown than in any previou
year. Instead of putting the tryout
through the usual gyration of choru
dancing, each one was tried for his c
"her" skill in the modern dances suc
as the tango, one-step and hesitatio.
which will comprise' chiefly the danc
ing in this year's show.
Immediately after the tryouts' 'th
committee in- charge went over the lIs
of candidates, and, dropped about 4
third, who did not measure up to tl1
necessary standard. A list of thos
who successfully passed the first cu
will be posted on the bulletin boar
later in the week, and these men ar
urged to look after their eligibilit3
and be ready for the next tryouts a
soon as examinations are over.
Every tryout was requested to fil
out a card containing as much infor
rnation as might be necessary in judg
ing, including height, weight' and pref
erence as to girls' or boys' parts. Mos
of the candidates were paired 'dff'fd
the trials, and C. A. Denison, '15, sejv
ed in the capacity of partnier for oth
ers. R. O. Delbridge, '17, furnished ap
propriate music for the dancers.
W. Ray Melton, '13, author of thi
book, was present last night, and es
pressed himself as well pleased 'wit
the talent shown. J. S. Turpin, ex-'14
who took the girl's part'in the featur
tango in last year's opera, was als
present, and helped materially. i
judging the dancers. "The new 'plai
of feature dancing should do, much,
he said, "to make the 1914 opera, th
best one thus far."
Dr. Day Will lilustrate Descriptio
of Crater With Pictures
Taken By Party.

easterners are billed for Ferry field, first day of the intercollegiates in win-

Contains President-Emeritus Angell's
Latest Photograph
Cuts for the Blue number of the
Gargoyle arrived yesterday after con-
siderable delay, and the magazine will
be placed on sale tomorrow. This is-
sue is the declared enemy of the ap-
proaching exams.
Most of the literary work, consisting
of poems, stories, and short sketches,
has been contributed by George C.
Caron, '14, W. A. P. John, '17, and Har-
old R. Schradzki, '15L. The latter has
also furnished a full page drawing.
Other illustrations are the productions
of E. Maguire, '16, Francis A. Bade, '15,
and Clark D. Smith, '17.
One of the features of the current
number is a full length reproduction
of the latest photograph of President-
emeritus James Burrill Angell. The
cover will resemble the exterior of a
blue book.

the local authorities are inclined to
leave arrangements as they are.
Ann Arbor is favored by the public
in general because of the better seat-
ing accommodations of Ferry field, but
Director Bartelme has the 1915 sched-
ule in mind. M. A. C. has appeared
on Ferry field two years in succession,
and should they play here again this
year, they would certainly demand that
Michigan play at Lansing in 1915. The
Michigan home schedule is expected to
be exceedingly light that year, from
the present outlook, and this consider-
ation may decide the matter.
Not wishing to be surpassed by the,
men in showing their class loyalty and
enthusiasm, the freshman women be-
gan last Friday to wear a bow of
green ribbon as a mark of identifica-
tion to their sister classmates, and be-
gan greeting each other with a pleas-
ant "Hello" on the campus.
This 'entire week will be known as
"Freshman Week" and every fresh-
man woman will make it a special care
to promote a furthering of interest
and comradeship among the women
members of her class.

ning his preliminary heat, and did not
ent the finals.
Craig has not yet showed up at Wat-
erman gymnasium, and has not had
Trainer "Steve" Farrell look over his
leg since the finish of the gridiron sea-
son. Despite the changing of his mind
in coming out for football late last
fall, it is considered doubtful if Craig
will alter his decision in regard to
track work, although it is understood
he is not planning to graduate this
The board of directors of the Union
will meet tomorrow. Among the
things to be taken up will be the mat-
ter of giving life membership buttons
to participating life members when
they make their first payment. The
initial steps will be taken for some ap-
propriate celebration of the tenth an-
niversary of the founding of the Union,
which occurs next spring, and the pos-
sibility of the Union supporting a pro-
duction of the University of Chicago;
opera in Ann Arbor some time in the
spring will be considered.

Professor W. H. Hobbs, of the geol-
ogy department, has arranged for an
illustrated lecture by Dr. Arthur I.
Day, director of the Geophysical labor-
atory, Washington, on "The Volcano
Killuea in Action," to be given in the
amphitheater of the chemistry build-
ing at 4:00 o'clock Monday.
Dr. Day and a party made a careful
study of the great crater in the 1-hawa-
lian Islands a year ago, and, at con-
siderable personal risk, succeeded in
approaching so close to the open lake
of lava as to draw off and confine the
gases for subsequent laboratory in-
vestigation. The results have given
some definite knowledge concerning the
nature of volcanic emanations, and
their effect upon the lava.
The colored lantern slides which il-
lustrate the lecture, part of them tak-
en by Dr. Day's party, and others by
Frank Perret, reputed volcano pho-
tographer, are the most remarkable
and interesting that have ever been
shown of such phenomena. The lec-
ture will be open to the public.
Extra History Courses to Be Given
Prof. W. A. Frayer and J. F. Scott,
of -the history department, will con-
duct classes in current history,.begin-
ning next semester. All students in
the course in general European his-
tory will be allowed to take the course,
although it will not be compulsory.
No credit will be given for the work.,

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