I I I Here Druna Shaving Lotion Men's black rubber soles. The proper dress shoe for the Tango. Also==a new lot of tan rubber soles. Prices from $4.00 up to $6.00. Gilmore Shoe Store A delightful application for use af- ter shaving. Heals and toughens the skin and prevents chapping and soreness. Our Annual Janu Clothing Sale Suits and Overcoats one-fourth Bath Robes and Smoking Jackets one- FIFTY CENTS Calkins' Pharmacy 324 South State Street All Furnishings one-fifth off I p Shirts, Ties, Mackinaws, Underwear, Gloves, Caps and COMIMUNIC ATION. 119 S. Main Street CT AND OVERCOAT SALE and "t Overcoats it $22.50 $18.75 $16.50 $15.00 $13.50 $11.25 Pants . 20 per cent discount .s $1,60; $1.50 Shirts $1.20 cent discount on Mackinaws DHAMS Q, 121-123 South Main Street CO. ID'S MODERN REPAIR SHOP, The Shop on the way down town. I East Washington Street FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK 101-103-105 South Main Street Capital, $100,000 us and Profits, . $69,000 A. MARQUARDT fine Suits Cleaned and Pressed and repaired Cor. Main and Huron---Over Farmer's and Mechanic's Bank. (The Michigan Daily assumes no re-1 sponsibility for sentiments express-c ed in communications.) Editor, The Michigan Daily:- It seems as if that we now have at-1 tained what we have wanted for so long, that is, football relations with the best schools of the East. We are looking forward to a most successful season, which perhaps will fix perma- nently in the minds of some eastern schools that Michigan is no longer tol be trifled with. Why couldn't we branch out? There is not a school that we have relations with but what have a basketball team and they re- ceive the support of the students and1 university. Michigan cold support a team and do herself credit in that line of athletics. The winter months are void of any activities along that line and if a good schedule could be obtain- ed, which no doubt is possible, Michi-l gan could show the West that she can, not only play football but also basket- ball. There are any number of good players in school and I am sure the student body in general will join in with me in saying that the only thing1 we lack is a basketball team. The students would support a good team now without a doubt and it would in no way be a burden on the athletic as- sociation. We are champions of the west in football and, who knows, per- haps after next year champions of the east. Why not be the same in basketball? A STUDENT. CAMPUS IN BRIEF -Prof. F. N. Scott of the rhetoric fac- ulty lectured before the class in Rus- sian literatureyesterday afternoon in University hall, on the subject "The Russian Poet Nekrasof," and accompa- nied the talk with some of his own translations. --A. bulein board has been paced in the Michigan Union for notices in re- gard to the Michigan Union opera. Announcements and instructions to the tryouts, committeemen and officers, are posted from time to time. --Petitions are being circulated in the forestry department to ascertain the number of foresters who will attend the annual dance. The date and place will not be fixed until a sufficient num- ber of signatures have been obtained. -Soph engineers will dine at the Un- ion Wednesday night. H. B. Merrick, assistant professor in surveying, and W. IV. Sleator, instructor in physics, will speak. Music will be furnished by C. B. Sikes, '16E, and R. S. Del- bridge, '17. L. B. Hyde, president of the class, will preside as toastmaster. --A course in Contracts I will be giv- en in the law department next sem- ester. This is a new departure. Prof. J. B. Waite will conduct this new be- ginning class. --Dean V. C. Vaughan, of the medical department, returned yesterday from New York, where he delivered a Har- vey lecture on Saturday. -Paul Jenkins, '17E, is in the Homeo- pathic hospital, suffering from an at- tack of pleurisy. Dr. C. B. Stouffer, of the university health service, dis- covered the case yesterday. -Arnold Bennett's "Your United Stat- es," has proven one of the most pop- ular books received by the university library this year. "The Way of Am- bition," by Hichins, another of the new novels, has not met with such univer- sal approval. FO H ET E EK -The Bloe -m-ber of theargoyle is -rapidly nearing completion in the hands of the printers,and will be plac- ed on sale tomorrow or Thursday. STUDENTS. Wmted-A limited number of capable men for summer work. See Mr. Terpening at the Allenel Hotel be- fore Saturday night. Office hours from 3:00 to 6:00 p. m. and from 7:00 to 9:00 p. m. 81 Wanted-A student to do picture fram-' ing. Must have had experience. A. S. Lyndon. 82-3-4 W'anted-Student washing - Ladies washing preferred. Call 1830-M. 82-3-4 FOR RENT For Rent--Three unfurnished rooms for office or housekeeping, over Cushing's Drug Store, 336 S. State. Inquire S. B. Nickels, 337 Maynard St. Phone 1322-J. 82" For Jient-Lowei flat. Furnished, nod- ern. Man and wife, no children. 411 East William. 82 For Rent-Two modern suites, prices moderate. Inquire at 526 Church street. 82-3-4 For Rent-Good suite, two blocks of campus. 917 East Huron street, 1150-J. 82 Lost-Party who took wrong reddish tan shoe at Dexter dance Friday night, call 681-L. Lost-Large gold locket Saturday night, initials E. L. J., carrying gen- tleman's picture. Call 230-L. Re- ward. 82 Lost,-Small oval locket containing a woman's picture and lock of hair. Finder please call 105. 81-2-3 Buy Eastman's "Speed Films" of Lyndon. They move too fast to get stale. 82-4-6 Any of your clothes need repairing or altering? That's our specialty. C. I. Kidd, 1112 S. University,. 1530-J. tf These are Flashlight Days-East- man "Speed Film" is extra fast and a great help for flashlights or pictures on dark days. Kodaks for rent if you haven't one. Open Sunday's from 9:30 to 4:30 only. Lyndon. 82-4-6 Liggett's Gilbert's and Fenway choc- olates in perfect condition. Edsill's Rexall Drug Store, 122 S. Main St. tf If you want the best in chocolates, try Liggett's, Edsill's Rexall Drug Store, 122 So. Main St. eod I I JEWELRY Extensive Stock at Reasonable Prices Skilled and Trustworthy Watch Repairing OPTICAL SUPPLIES Michigan Pins, Fobs, Bars and Spoons J. B. EIBL ER 109 West Liberty Street Across form Mack's Side Entrance VA __ " '; I I I mwvm SPECIAL EQUIPMENT GAS COOKII T F w~u~mFthA 6P P U RE DR PRESCRIPTIOI CURATE L Y Fl STATE AGENTS I SMITH'! HOMOEOPA MEDICIN WE HAVE A FRESH SUGAEN DRUB 302 S. STATE .5 For Fraternity and Club Increases Cleanliness and Efficiency. Telephone f Representative to call and give you expert advice for your Kitchen anent. Washtenaw Gas Compan; Ann Arbor T cab Co. I New Number ts THE STATE SAVINGS BANK Surplus and Profits, $100,000.00 Capital. Stock $50,000,000 ANN ARBOR, MICH. I Win. J. Boote C John Wolz] President cashier Jr 4 2280 The Crack ofhG is the man who repeats. One feat of agility and strength is nota test of en- durance--the fellow who can repeat an exhibition of speed, prowess and strength day after day is the manwho scores Service Guaranteed Parties a Spe 300 N. MAIN STREET SHREDD WHEAT r , . " , , i : gives the stamina ability to athlete and the student the repeat of brain, bone and brawn---the "come back" tomorrow and dupli- cate the achieve- , ening -- \(t wheat. minds t Sofl ife. THE SH j r Ni ment of tcday. )M ore nourish- ing than meat, Shredded Wheat contains all the tissue - strength- elements of whole It builds bodies and hat win the battles RIDDED WHEAT CO. lfagara Falls, N. Y. Safety razors sharpened keen as new 2c each. 'Pay after you try blades. American Tool Co., Dept. A., Columbus, Ohio. Tue&Fri All 8 by 10 flashlight group pictures 25 cents each, when ten or more are taken. Hoppe. tf Flashlight pictures that have won a reputation-Quality and promptness are whatcount. Hoppe. tf College Friendships Make college life worth while. Coca-Cola is a fr worth knowing and having all the way through : Freshman to Senior year. It will fill your college with pleasure, health and benefit. Delicious-RefreshinE Thirst-Quenching 1 THE COCA-COLA CO. Atlanta,Ga. 1-c FOR THE NEXT FEW WEEKS We will sell some POPULAR MUSIC at Five Cents per copy Guitars, Mandolins, Violins and their aecessories at lowest figures Let us place a VICTROLA in your home. 120-122 E. Liberty Street Grinnell Bros. PHONE 1707 Best shoe shine, hat cleaning and blocking next to Wagner's. tf CLOTHING RED TAG SALE All Clothing at one-fourth off. ALLEN'S GOOD CLOTHES STORE Main Street. Liberty and Main Str A most convenient place banking. 25 per cent off on all Suits coats. Lindenschmidt, Apfe Genuine Martin Guitars a lins sold at Schaeberle & S House. Consider Tank Development and take your films to Lyndon for best pos- sible results. 82-4-6 Attend our January Clothing Sale. Lindenschmidt, Apfel & Co. 71-76 m c rui t-i U f 177 1 v