III AI IIl 1Ms --- - --- Official newspaper at the University of Mich- igan. Published every morning except Mon- day during the university year. I Y+ III :i I e offer to you the- ailored suit possible most suitable price. manship the best. suit built to fit, stock of woolens of ghest quality. The t assortment in the ) select from. In WI t CO 11I S. State St. We have arranged with the originator of the new process of die stamping to offer a 2 quire box of pa- per and envelopes, paper embossed in gold. This offer is without doubt the greatest ever given. The price of a regular die is $2.50 to $4.00. Our Price $1.25 SHEEIIAN & CO. STUDENTS' BOOKSTORE iITED LINES r.. NN ARBOR TIME TABLE and Express Cars for Detroit-7:io ad hourly to 6:io p. m., also 8:1o s for Detroit-s:40 a. m., 6:o6 a. m., ery two hours to 6:o6 p. m., 7:o6 p. 6 p. in., 9 :10 p. in., and 10:45 p. "m. ilanti only, ii : 5 p. m., 12: I p. n. . ., i:oo a. n. Cars for Jackson-7 :46 a. Mn. and wo hours to 7:46 p. m. s for Jackson-s:r2 a. m., 6:51 a. m., ry two hours to 6:51 p. m., also 9:zo 11:15 p. iM. COX SONS & VINING 72 Madison Ave., NEW YORK .MAKERS OF CAPS, GOWNS & HOODS For All Degrees' May be Ordered from MACK d CO. OTHY B. LOWRY CHIROPRACTOR (Ki-ro-prak-tor) rs 1-6 daily. Telephone, Bell 4o0-J ud Adjusting Parlors: Rooms 604- t'l Bank Bldg., Mai a and Huron Sts. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN _ u i , GOOD FOR ONE DOLLAR From Monday Jan. 19th until Feb. tst. 1914 we will receive this Coupon the same as ONE DOL- LAR in currency when the PURCHASE AMOUNTS TO $5.00 Only one Coupon will be received on a single pur- chase. Whatever you buy we will receive this coupon in part payment. i I I i 1 Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan winder Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Offices Ann Arbor Press Building. Sub- scription price: by carrier, $.o; by mail, $3.00. Want Ad. Stations: Press Building; Quarry's Pharmacy; University Pharmacy; C. H. Davis, Cor. Packard and State. Telephones 96o and 2414. Maurice Toulme ..........Managing Editor Adna Johnson ............Business. Manager H. Beach Carpenter............News Editor Gordon Eldredge............Sporting Editor Fred Foulk ..............Assistant to Editor Leonard'Rieser.'."....Intercollegiate Editor Robert Tannahill........ Music and Drama Harold Abbott..................Cartoonist Lillian Thomson............Women's Editor EDITORIALS H-arold HplrPaul ,Blanshard Marshall Foote Lester Rosenbaun Louis David. NIGHT EDITORS Leo Burnett Chester Lang F. F. McKinney Guy Wells Henry Rummel Jabin Hsu On Sport Staff Carlton Jenks Bernus Kline T. Hawley Tapping . M. Church ASSISTANTS TO BUSINESS MANAGER Sherwood Field Harry Johnson Myron Watkins REPORTERS P. F. ThompsonEJ. M. Barrett C. A. Swainson D. R. Ballentine R. S. Collins Leon Greenebaum C. L. Kendrick W. A. P. John E. C. Roth H. R. Marsh C. L. Muller Charles Weinberg Willis Goodenow BUSINESS STAFF F. G. MillardBRussell Runyan W. R. Carpenter R. J. Hofmann W. B. Chase R. V. Leffler V. H. Herbert R. G. Sheldon THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 1914. Night Editor-Chester H. Lang. ISSUE. Shall the students elect the three student members to the board in con- trol by a direct election or shall the present method of allowing the board of directors make the elections be continued? This method of election has always resulted in the elevation of at least two of the directors to the board in control. ELECTION. Thanks to the action of the board of directors, each voter will have the opportunity to express his views on this question on Saturday, at the time of the other athletic elections. All the candidates have pledged themselves to favor the direct scheme of election. It only remains to see if the students themselves care to have such a system inaugurated, and that will be discovered on Saturday. THE FIFTY WORDS. Since promiscuous card campaign- ing and vote pledging*has been pro- hibited by the athletic authorities, it is obvious that some means must be de- vised to let the general voting body know the qualifications of the candi- dates. For this reason The Daily has allow- ed each candidate to use fifty words, if he pleased, in today's issue. We will carry details on the election and the names of the candidates through Saturday morning on the first page to familiarize the readers with the lists. The fifty words do not exhaust the question but it furnishes a partial method of education. The copy has been prepared by the candidates them- selves, the only restriction being the word limit. 2 for 25 cents TRO V*S BEST PRODVCT time. The issue is not one of expediency to tide over an otherwise dull period of the pre-examination days. The Vigilance committee is vitally interest- ed in securing direct elections for the students and the events of the last few days have shown that their inter- est is not misplaced. If the present method is to be im- proved upon, a beginning must be made at some time, and the logical time is the time of election, the pres- ent. * * * * * * * * * * * """ FREE FREE A Pair of $6,00 Trousers with every Suit or Overcoat order at $17.50 ~ ' Han The greatest daily comfort of an office. Price 754 "EXCELSIOIL" and "NATIONAL' Diaries at All Prices. * OF INTEREST TO WOMEN. Office supplies of all kinds at State St. AIRV'1S Main St. To everyone ordering a Suit or Overcoat during this sale we will give you absolutely FREE a pair of $6.oo Trousers of the same material as Suit or different, just as you like. Anyone who expects to live and wear clothes cannot afford to miss this once in a life time opportunity. We guarantee to save you $io to $15 on every order you place at our store. Come in and be convinced. * The Quality Tailors E. C. FLANDERS 209 E. Liberty St'Acro.s rossell's Confectionery store Special Ageite For als oark Dipped C hocolates Made in thre most sanitary factory in the world. The best candies we have ever handled. VAN DOREN'S PhARtMACY, 703 Packard St. *I 11 + 1 I 'U Usy BEE * ** * * * * * * * Mr. Jeremiah Jenks, a prominent social service worker in New York City, who gave an address at the 75th anniversary exercises in 1912, will speak to university women in Newber- ry hall at 4:30 o'clock next Sunday af- ternoon. * * * Dr. James R. Angell, dean of facul- ties at Chicago University, will give an address on vocational education for women, at a meeting of the local branch of collegiate alumnae at the home of Mrs. E. C. Goddard Saturday afternoon. * * * Mr. Maurice Browne, manager of the Little theater of Chicago, whose wife, Nellie Van Volkenburg Browne, '04, plays the leading part in Euripides' drama "The Trojan Woman," which, together with "Columbine," is to be given in Ann Arbor for the benefit of the women's league, will be in town today to make final arrangements for the presentation of these two dramas. Sophomore women will give a lunch- eon and dance at the Michigan Union at noon Saturday. Tickets are 50 cents, and may be secured from the members of the social committee. There will be a meeting of the wom- en's league board at 9:00 o'clock Sat- urday morning. The committee on the Joan of Arc pageant will meet imme- diately after the board meeting. Gives clean, wholesome board at $4.25 The C hubb HouseI per week. Se e drinking water. 2 09 Souith Stat Street 'i L. C. Freeman, Proprietor I THE POPULAR PLACE me Made Chocolates The Best Y6® Ever Tasted Our Lunch Deparmtent is Growing "THERE'S A REASON" UVDENT SU-PPLIESI IA j THE SMOOTHEST TOBACCO tinent Paper and Envelopes, Embossed Stationary MAN, CONKLIN, MOORE'S & STERLING Fountain Pens Fountain Pen H o s p ital ie Books Irving F. Schleede 340 S. State St. i FEW PROSPECTIVE TEACHERS HAND PHOTOS TO COMMITTEE The appointment committee has re- ceived photographs from only about 75 of the 280 students who registered as prospective teachers. The photo- graphs should have been in the hands URCHFIELD & CO* FINE TAILORING TRADE DIRECT ELECTIONS. of the committee by Christmas vaca- The direct election issue as made tion. However, owing to the inability for this election by the Vigilance com- of the photographers to get many of mittee did not drop suddenly from the the pictures done by that time, the skies. The matter has been talked committee will receive the photos up about for years, but it was never to the beginning of the second semes- brought to a head until the present ter. A good friend is the f coach--who comes and a tin of Velvet and heft in the nick of time. Velvet is a remarkable tobac these hurry-up days it takesi Takes two years of mi * ,to take out all harshn "bite"-make the taste queality "smooth." That's why Velvet is ful smoke-never irri just delivers the maxii pipe pleasure-that w after. At all dealers. We can and do give you the limit of excell- in Tailoring, this issue, with a complete of up-to-date woolens, makes us the leaders line. Respectfully, Sam Burchfield & Co. Full Two Ounce Tins JANUARY SALE One ounce bags, 5 cents, con. venient for cigarette smokers. Shirts, Hats and Caps, Mackinaws, Sweaters, Gloves-Fur and Fleece Lined Fur and Sealskin Caps, Etc. January Issue of Alumnus Is Out. The January issue of the Michigan Alumnus reprints an essay by Prof. R. M. Wenley, "The University and the United States." This number also con- tains a list of the classes which will hold reunions on Alumni day, and an account of the part taken by profes- sors of the university at the meet- ings of the scientific and learned so- cieties which were held during the holidays. Several letters by a stu- dent of the university in 1850 are con- tained in the issue, which show the contrast between a student's expenses at that time and at the present. Prof. Hoad Writes Sanitation Art In a recent number of "Pu Health," published by the Michi State Board of Health. Prof. W. IHoad, who has charge of Sanitary gineering, has contributed an art on the sanitary experiment stat which was established at the univ sity last year. The object of the s tion is to solve the problems of c sewerage, and the protection streams and lakes from pollution. I er, it is hoped to extend the scope work to include the investigation the problems of water supply and p ification. varsity Toggery Shop 1107 S. University Avenue. rPack's but you will :y in them" RAND A L L PACK PHXOtOGR