ich igan
No. 78.
Helen Keller lecture, Hill auditorium,
8:00 o'clock.
Fresh engineer informal dance, Michi-
gan Union, 8:30 o'clock.
Senior civil engineers hold smoker
Michigan Union, 8":00 o'clock.
ws Evolution of
sophical LinIes
For Michigan1
ut 1875, American institu-
e higher education remain-
college stage of develop-
preserved, from an earlier
function of preparation of
for the ministry of the
churches. Accordingly, in
ties, conspicuously in phil-
professoriate was recruit-
is ministry, little attention
to technical competence.
)rmed no exception to the
e. The first professor of
(1843) was an Ohio Meth-
her, Edward Thomson, who
ed upon the duties of his
Michigan-Northwestern debate, Uni-
versity Hall auditorium, 8::00 o'clock.
Fresh engineers informal dance, Mich-
igan Union, 8:30 o'clock.
Regular women's league party, Bar-
' bour gym in afternoon.
"Dental Dansant," annual social func-
tion of dents, Granger's, in evening.
Virgil 0. Strickler, C. S. lectures at
First church of Christian Science,
409 South Division street, 8:00
Varsity Team Meets Northwestern in
U niversity Hall Tomorrow
Football Manager *
John T. Naylon, '15E; Harold P. *
Schradzkl, '15L. *
Interscholasticl Manager *
Ralph Conger,'14;Carton Jenks, *
'15; Patrick D. Koontz, '14; *
L. Ford Merritt, '15E. *
Secretary *
Udna R. Johnson, '14-'16L ; Allen *
T. Ricketts, '15E.*
Treasurer *
Harold B. Abbott, '09-'13-'15E; *
J. Stanley Books, '15L; Harry *
G. Gault, '15. *
Assistant Football Manager *
3oyd M. Compton, '16; Joseph H. *
Fee, '16; Walter A. Reichle, *
'16; Russell B. Stearns, '16. *
-0-- *
Pime-Saturday, January 17, *
8:30 to 1:00 o'clock. *
'lace-University Hall. *
ise Coupon No. 34. *
do Campaign Cards. *
3o Pledging of Votes. *
* * * * * * * , , *
Athletic Board Provides
Indicating Opinion
of Directors Is
Agitation of Michi
Left to Right. LouIs D. ) "av;d, 'ilL; Ly man S. Iulbert, '14L; Karl .1J Mohr,
i41; Varsity debatinig team, Mieligaii-Northiwesterni debate in
University Hall.
ruggle, Andrew Ten
ninister of Detroit,
844. The squabble
ed to his resigna-
later, he became li-
est known for his
State Universities,"
, too little appreci-
ins the only first
the history of the
igan thus far. He
y a Presbyterian
S. Curtis, who re-
J. M. Cottrell, '14A, Is Winner,
Design Depicting Life
in Paris.
nsidered, philosophy did
ts ownrtill the appoint-
y P. Tappan, a Presbyte-
and one of the leading
ree will controversy.Tap-
great reputation, not on-
it of the University, but
f contemporary philoso-
so, that he was the first
ker to be elected to the
ite. His summary ejec-
Regents, in 1863, came
the university, and also
ial eclipse upon philoso-
artisan board appointed
yterian preacher to thE
in the person of L. D.
t positively incompetent.
o qualifications for the
. to retire perforce after
A hard-fought debate is expected
when the Michigan and Northwestern
varsity debating teams meet in Uni-
versityHall at 8:00 o'clock tomorrow
night. The members of the Michigan
team, chosen in preliminaries held be-
tween the various societies earlier in
the season, are Louis D. David, '14L.
who -was Hamilton drator for Michigan
in 1913; Lyman S. Hulbeit, '14L, a
member of the Varsity debating team
last year; Karl J. Mohr, '15L, who was
a member of the university cup team
in 1911, and Varsity alternate 'in 1912.
The members of the Northwestern
team are Owen L. Coon, '16, Adolph
AT. Wickman, '15, and Irwin H. Fath-
child, '16, all of whom have taken part
in the freshman debates with Chica-
W'hile Michigan lost the debate
with Northwestern last year, it was
not by a unanimous decision of the
judges, two of whom voted for North-
western and one for Michigan. Those
selected for judges this %year are:
Judge G. A. Wildman, of the circuit
court of Norwalk, Ohio; Prof. O. F.
Emerson, of the department of English
of Western Reserve University, Cleve-
land; Prof. Howard S. Woodward, of
the oratory department in the same{
W ord has been received from Judge
Franz C. Kuhn, of Mt Clemens, who
was to have been the presiding offi-
cer, that he will not be able to attend
the debate. President Harry B.Hutch-+
(Continued on page four) r
Nominations of candidates for the
student council which are scheduled
for Friday, will be conducted strictly
in accordance with the rules of the
council constit tion. J. B. Helm, '14L,
will preside' the junior lit meeting,.
Paul Blanshard, '14, will have charge
of the junior engineers, A. T. Rick-
etts, '15E, the junior medics, L. J. Kel-
iher, '14E, the junior laws, F. C. Dan-
iels, '14D, senior engineers and G. .G.
Alway, '14H, will have charge of the
senior pharmics.
The eight members who are leav-
ing the council are Cyril Quinn'14,John
Lipipncott, '14, George Paterson, '14E,
L. J. Keliher, '14E, Albert Fletcher,
'14E, Harold Hulbert, '14M, T. F. Mc-
Coy, '14L, Spencer Scott, '14P.
No campaigning, pledging of votes
or support will be allowed and if any
evidence showing a violation of the
rules is brought to the attention of the
council, the candidates will be barred
from holding office.
Announcement will be made in to-
morow's Daily of the time and place
of holding meetings for the purpose of;
making nominations.
The management of the Comedy
Club authorized the announcement
last night that Prof. Albert A. Stanley
had finally consented to write the in-
cidental music for the production of
"The Scarecrow."
Prof. Stanley has had the matter
under consideration for a number of
weeks and came to his decision last
night. Requests for his services in a
similiar capacity are constantly re-
ceived from all parts of the country.
He but recently completed the music
for the "Commemoration Ode" to be
sung at the bicentennial of the found-
ing of Providence, R. I. -
"It will be more or less a matter of
difficulty," said Prof. Stanley, "to com-
pose music in keeping with the pe-
culiar situations which arise. in the
play. This will be particularly true
to the 'Love Song of Lord Ravens
bane,' which I understand is a recita-
tive b3 a soulless creature endowed
with human faculties."
SIt is a striking coincidence that
Prof. S anley was sought out five years
ago by the author of "The Scarecrow,"
(fontinued on page four)
Left to Right, Sylvan S. Grosner, '14L; Samuel Witting, '15; Werner
Schroeder, '14; Varsity debating team, Michigan-Chicago debate at
Chic ago.
,. #
John M. Cottrell, '14A, was announc-
ed yesterday as winner of the poster
contest for the 1914 Michigan Union
opera. The drawing is fully up to the
standard of the posters for other op-
eras, and those in charge of the ad-
vertising state that they are satisfied
with the design both as a poster, and
cover for the score and sheet music.
Cottrell will receive a prize of $10.00,
and the second prize of two tickets tO
the opera will go to L. M. Kishlar, '17E,
C. W Ditchy, '15A, will receive the
third award of one opera ticket. Cot-
trell also won the poster contest for
the "Scarecrow," the Comedy .lub
Campus opinion on the
direct election of the thi
members of the board of c
be registered on Saturday
of the regular athletic
election. This referendun
made possible yesterday
when the board of directors
letic association voted to
the ballot a space for the
the question
The directorate yesterda
cially designated the men v
candidates for the five of
voted on Saturday and wb
are given in another colu
Daily. Harold Schradzki,
John Naylon, '15E, were chc
candidates for football
while the other men are
the same as those announ
day morning.
The action of the board o
yesterday in arranging for
on the question of direct
student members of the boi
trol, is a result of the canm
ducted by The Michigan
which the need of such a
election was nresented to t
Seven posters were submitted, and should they be
four of them were of especial merit, defeat the sys
causing the committee considerable sentiment pr
difficulty in making the final choice. ever, In view
The accepted design pictures a girl ed by the nim
giving a toast. The costume of the leaders who h
figure, a glimpse of a champagne bot- is confidently
tle and other touches not unsuggest- on Saturday N
ive of Paris, characterize the drawing. tem
The dress of the girl is crimson, and The ballot, a
the background is a dull shade of yel- torate yesterd
low. The lettering is in red and black, at the bottom
standing out distinctly. The commit- the campus op
tee was especially pleased with the the change. V
accuracy and neatness of the printing. mere "Yes" o
Other parts of the drawing ark in question as to
gray and a light shade of red. dent is in f
Nearly all of the competitive designs change in the
have a girl as the central figure, and control which
are suggestive of a modern European student memb
city. The drawing given second place rect vote of tJ
(Continued on page four.) - or , e h4i
The work was then undertaken by
the new President, E. O. Haven, whc
afterwards became a Methodist bishop.
His qualifications were also slender.
In 1869, B. F. Cocker, a notable Meth-
odist pulpit orator, was appointed to
the professorship, which he held till
his death, in 1883. Cocker was a man
of remarkable personality, but without
formal education. He achieved much
popularity with the students and the
general public, and played a promi-
nent, though not always judicial part
in the life of the university. His
teaching appears to have been of the
conventional eighteenth-century type
-a misfortune inasmuch as the con-
troversy over doctrines of Darwin was
afoot. Approaching the problems
from the standpoint of an outworn
theology, Cocker failed to appreciate
them and, on the whole, contributed
nothing to philosophy.
George S. Morris, who was appoint-
ed to a second professorship, in 1881,
had been connected with the universi-
ty for eleven years in the chair of
Modern Languages.. He was the first
layman to achieve a philosophical pro-
fessorship and, Tappan not excepted,
was the first incumbent who had the
standing and thorough training of a
specialist. He is one of the really
significant names in the history of
philosophical thought in the United
States, and from him, as from Tappan
before him, the distinction of the de-
partment may be said to date. Morris
died at forty-eight, in 1889, a major
(Continued on page four)
Football Manager
John T. Naylon, '15E.-Considering
that I have worked in the athletic as-
sociation office in connection with the
football management the past two
seasons, I fecd myself qualified to be
a candidate for football manager for
1914. If elected I will perform to the
best of my abilities the duties of the
Michigan athletics and weaken the lastic mt t is one of the best means of
conference by cornering the promising uni-'rsit3 advertisement. My interest
prep school athletes. Referendum to and activi v in Michigan athletics, I
ascertain student sentiment. The big- Ibelhev, ,qu.lfy me to fill the office of
gest and the best Interscholastic in
the middle west.
Carlton Jenks, '15.-Believes firmly
in the purpose of the Interscholastic
Meet, and if elected will exert all en-
Harold R. Schradzki, '15L.-Having ergies to effect its success. He' has
complied with the. requisite duties of been identified with athletic interests
the football committee, while assistant in the following ways: Member Inter-
football manager, I announce my can- scholastic Committee, All Fresh Track
didacy for the above office. I endorse Team, Athletic Editor Michiganensian,
a direct election of athletic board Sports night editor Michigan Daily,
members by a permanent nominating Scorer at 1913 meets.
manager in -.satisfactory manner. I
shab a'lways ndeavor if elected to ad-
here to camp .s opinion.
Adn i R. Johnson Jr. '13-15L.-If I
succeed in being elected to the office
of Secretary of the Athletic Associa-
tion, I will endeavor to carry out a
policy cf student representation and
business efficiency in that share of
the work of the association which may
come to my attention.
Allan T. Ricketts, '15E.-Student
Council, President Junior Engineers,
Vice-president Engineeering Society.
I hereby pledge myself, if elected,
to perform the duties of the office to
the best of my ability.
Harold B. Abbott, '09-'13-'15E.-
Business Manager Michigan Alumnus,
(3), (4), (5); Michiganensian (3), (4);
Gargoyle (3); Michigan Daily (4),
(5); General Chairman Union Dances
(4); Union House Committee (5);
Druids; Griffins.
I favor direct elections; nomination
of Board candidates, also of Secretary
and Treasurer, by general nominating
committee, supplementary petition
privelege in all cases.
John S. Books, '15L.-In four years
at Michigan I have followed the affairs
of the athletic association closely, and
as a candidate for the positio)t:of
treasurer, I wish to state that I will
give strict attention and the benefit of
a long experience in similiar work to
the position.
.Harry S. Gault, '15.-Feeling that
two year's experience in Michigan
athletic circles has placed me in a
position to perform the duties of
treasurer of the Athletic Association,;
I hereby announce my candidacy fore
the office, and pledge myself to put my
best efforts in a conscientious atten-
tion to the attendant responsibilities.
at Hill
be acc
Hand 0
and is
committee, supplemented by petition
right. I favor strong schedules, in-
cluding continued relations with Har-
Interscholastic Manager.
Ralph G. Conger, '14.-I favor mak-
ing efforts to attain greater represen-
tation from schools outside the state.
About 80 per cent of the entrants are
from Michigan schools. Strengthen
P. D. Koontz, '14.-It is my belief
that the Interscholastic meet is a vital
force in attracting material for future
Varsity athletic teams. Furthermore,
I believe that my interest in holding
the meet here and my experience on
the interscholastic committee last year
justify my candidacy for this office.
L. Ford Merritt '15E.-All-fresh
football, Reserves (2). The Interscho-,
Instructor In Ecom
Mr. F. A. Steven:
accounting, was WE
day to Miss Edna Ka
gon, Michigan. The
ber of the class of
return to school thi
:y n