I I r re ere Druna Shaving Lotion Our nl I Men's black rubber soles. The proper dress shoe for the Tango. Also==a new lot of tan rubber soles. Prices from $4.00 up to $6.00. Gihmore Shoe Store F I F T Y CE N TS A delightful application for use af- ter shaving. Heals and toughens the skin and prevents chapping and soreness. Clothing Sale Suits and Overcoats one-fourth Bath Robes and Smoking Jackets one-t Calkins' Pharmacy 324 South State Street All Furnishings one-fifth off I I Shirts, Ties, Mackinaws, Underwear, Cloves, Caps Pi gree Made 119 S. Main Street I, sits and Overcoats $22.50 I $18+75 *!*p "tf . $16.50 . $15.00 " " . , $13.50 . . J$11-25 Pants 20 per cent discount Shirts $1.60; $1.50 Shirts $1.20 cent discount on Mackinaws HAMS (A 1-123 South Main Street CO. REPAIR SHOPF Shop on the way down town. I Washington Street; RS AND MECHANICS BANK 33-105 South Main Street apital, $100,000 IA. MARQUARDT tailorin rofits, , $69,000' VARSITY DEBATERS READY FOR RIVALS Michigan Trios Will BIeet Teams From Chicago and Northwesterni on Friday. NE61A'TIVE MEN ON ROME STAGE The annual triangular debate be- tween Michigan, Chicago and North- western will take place Friday night, one Michigan team meeting Northwest- ern in University Hall, and the other journeying to Chicago. The members of the two teams which were selected in the inter-society de- bates held earlier in the season, have been arranged to speak in the follow- ing order: Home team-Lyman S. Hulbert, '14L, Karl J. Mohr, '15, L D. David, '14L; foreign team-Sylvan S. Grosner, '14L, Werner W. Schroeder, '14, S. Witting, '15. Daily rehearsals under the super- vision of Ray K. Immel, instructor in oratory, have been held in University hall and the oratory room since Jan- uary 1. Mr. Immel expressed himself as well satisfied with the debaters, be- lieving them fully the equal, if not the peers, of those who defeated both Chi- cago and Northwestern last year. The question to be debated is: Re- solved: "That the state should estab- lish a schedule of minimum wage for unskilled labor; constitutionality con- ceded." Michigan will take the nega- tive side against Northwestern, and the affirmative against Chicago. G ENER AL W l0) D POSTPO)NES LECTURE ON SUJMMERCAMS Maj.-Gen. Leonard Wood, U.S.A., will not address the student body this week on the establishment of a sum- mer military camp in Michigan for students. A telegram to President Harry B. Hutchins yesterday, states that illness in the family will prevent the general from keeping his engage- ment. He says that he will come the s last week of this month or the first week in February. No fortIHuron Conert, Says Council No concert will be given by the combined university mandolin and glee clubs in Port Huron this year. This ultimatum was given by the Sen- ate council at its meeting last night. The council let it be known that when permission was granted for the exten- sive western trip, it was understood that no other dates were to be asked for, and the former agreement could not be broken. Girl May Box Student. One of the interesting events in con- nection with the engagements of Roehn's Athletic Girls at the Majestic theater this week will be an extra at- traction, date to be announced later, in the way of an exhibition of boxing between Miss Edna Roehn, who ap- pears in the act and some well-known local boxer in the featherweight class. Manager Lane will select some one from the student body to appear in ; this friendly contest which will be giv-; en as an extra feature after the reg- ular act of the girls. Positive an- nouncement regarding the date of the contest and all details concerning it will appear in the Wednesday issue of The Michigan Daily. Grinnell Bros. a CHINESE EDUCATOR PRAISES MICHIGAN Vice-President of Chinese University Is Speaker at Banquet of Cosmopolitans. CIH' TO VISIT GRAND RAPIDS That Michigan is doing a great ser- vice to mankind by educating the sons and daughters of no less than 26 for- eign countries, was the keynote of the speech by Dr. Harry E. King, '91, vice- president of the Pekin University, Pe- kin, China, and principal speaker at the annual banquet of the Cosmopoli- tpn club last night at the Union. Pres. Harry B. Hutchins and Regent JuniusE."Heat represented the univer- sity. Mr. Lee H. Bierce, assistant sec- retary of the Grand Rapids chamber of commerce, spoke in behalf of the com- mercial secretaries of the different cit- ies throughout the state, who are pres- ent at the affairs and extended a for- mal invitation to the club to visit the city of Grand Rapids during spring vacation as guests of the chamber of commerce. John A. Bonilla, '15M, president of the local club, and C. P. Wang, '14, president of the Chinese Students' club, also spoke. President-Emeritus James B. Angell was not able to be present on account of the weather, but sent his greetings to the gathering, and affixed his signa- ture to all the programs. Prof. James P. Bird of the engineering department officiated as toastmaster. William James, '15D, Kenneth Wes- terman, '14, Selden Dickinson, '13-'15L, Henry Rummel, '14, Lee Parker, '17, and Walter Fort '17, furnished the mu- sical program. Henderson to Help Organize Alumni Prof. William D. Henderson is to speak in Marquette, Mich., on the ev- ening of April 10 at the organization banquet of the Michigan Alumni asso- ciation which Ann Arbor graduates are intending to launch on that evening. Professor Henderson will be the offi- cial representative of the university at the meeting. Wantetd-You will need work next summer. Mr. Smithson, 432 Maynard has the livest propostion on the campus. Kindly investigate at once. 1663-L. 76 For Sale Cheap-Smith Premeier type- writer No. 2, in good order. A. S. Lyndon. 76-77-78 Lost-Pocketbook containing twenty ood dollars and personal card, on Liberty or State streets. Finder ap- ply at 621 E. Williams. 76 Lost-Fresh law, loose-leaf, black leather note-book. Owner's name on inside cover. Finder pleaseatele- phone 236, J. R. Nicholson. 76 'p v AN JfW. iFh G SPECIAL EQUIPMENT FOR GAS cooKI JEWELRY Extensive Stock at Reasonable Prices Skilled and Trustworthy Watch Repairing OPTICAL SUPPLIES Michigan Pins, Fobs, Bars and Spoons J. B. EIBLER 109 West Liberty Street Across from Mack's Side Entrance HOMO] MEI WE HAVE 4 SUGB 302 S. For Fraternity and Club PURE DE PRESCRIPTIC CURATE L Y F STATE AGENTS Increases Cleanliness and Efficiency. Representative to call and give you expert advice for ment. y II L O NLYan illustrated booklet des.- cribi ug a newv treatneut for all naking one blade °better than w hen :ceiptof25c in coin. oward City, Mich. Suits Cleaned and Pressed and repaired Cor. Main and Huron.-Over Farmer's and Mechanic's Bank, Washtenaw mmmm Ann Arbor Taxic New Number i 2280 The Crack of th t0ym is the man who repeats. One feat of agility and strength is not z, test of en- durance---the fellow who can repeat an exhibition of speed, prowess and strength day after day is the man who scores. Service Guaranteed Parti 300 N. MAIN STREE Ttop e the The New PIey Ice Cream SHREDDED Candy We make our w cLight own candy 302 S. Main St. N WHEAT If you want the best try Liggett's, Edsill's Store, 122 So. Main St. in chocolates, Rexall Drug eod Schlanden gives the athlete and the student the repeat stamina of brain, bone and brawn---the ability to "come back" tomorrow and dupli- cate the achieve- Liggett's Gilbert's and Fenway choc- olates in perfect condition. Edsill's Rexall Drug Store, 122 S. Main St. tIf ening e --"..S ' wheat.I minds th of life. THE SUR N ment of today. M o r e nourish- ing than meat, Shredded Wheat contains all the tissue - strength- nents of,, 'whole builds bodies and New term of dancing Tuesday ary 12), and Thursday January Granger's academy. CLOTHING RED TAG SALE