ALE 25% Off GET INP ONK THIS January Clc, $3.00 FLANNEL SHIRTS $1.85 LAL I Ur Squits and Overcoats for the $2.50 $1.50 t7 ?3 .9 5 OF tt I.iii: :s,' in )four [h at 25 per cent ricludes all blues tevery suit and mous Stein-Bloch I Why? Because the line of sizes is broken, just a few left. Suits, Overcoats' and Trousers TINKER & CO. +Cor. STATE and WILLIAM STREETS I I L in d dnsdilmtt, Apfel & Company 11 25% Off MUSIC A1:ND DRSAMA. E NEW YEAR JUST A WEEK OLD me to start right by trading with us. HOSIERY OUR SPECIALTY Dry Goofs and Sundries of all kiz.ds S. Pinney & coo t. The Store Where a Dollar Doers If Dty Garrick Tbeatre. II This week's attraction at the Gar- rick theatre, Detroit, will be the latest Winter Garden production, entitled -"The Pleasure Seekers." In a cast w «hich Contains many prominent play- ers, Dorothy Jordan, Florence Moore, and William Montgomery stand out conspicuously. A feature of the per- formanice will be an ice skating car- nival, for which. several noted foreign :artists have been engaged. As is gen- erally the case with the Winter Gar- den productions the chorus is unusu- ally attractive. VNIIVERSITY NOTICES T emPle heater THE COZY PLACE FOR A WINTER EVENING Monday, Jan3 12th I Maekinaws, All Fur and Fur Lined GI All Fleece Lined Gloves, All Stiff and Soft flats (stetson Bath Robes and Smoking Jackets We prepared this Great Sale with the sole intention of n it the most and the greatest value giving event of its i WVashtenaw County. Reule, Conlin & EDISON .FEATURE FILM AIRS ? Michtgnn's 'ln Rest, Try the Best o-made candies, crackerjack i0 fouptaln iIxInk at Visit the Newest and Up-to-Date DRY' GOODS STOlE Royal Worcester AND Bon-Ton Corsets OUR LEADER{ Schrocu Bros. p~Q~e too# 124 South Main' Stireot rLOO ry Suey ican Dishes. Phone 1244-L w gnWindow - fobs AND JEWELRY, REPAIRING Spoons The senior women's section of the Deutscher Veroin will meet tomorow evening at 7!00 o'clopli. The Michian Menorah. society will meet this evening at 7i ,30 o'clock in Newberry hall to elect officers, The report of the Intercollegiate conven- tion will be presented at this time. CAMPUS IN BRIEF. --Prof. H. P. TChieme, of the French department, who is absent on leave, is working in the National Library in Paris on the subject of Frenclj versi- ficatipn. Thtcme will Vern~in abroad until the beginning of the next college year. -Xemliers of the Co5nMepol}tai iub will Jpufney down to Detroit .Ianua- ry 22 to attpnd toe cornplirnentary ban- quet of the Aderaft clb. A progp'am will be prepared by the lpcgl delega- About 30 have signified their. 1ftefitigx to go. Those who iish 0t @the journey pwve r-quesed to notify Wil- lip m Wol~b at 179 or 2415-L at once. -The weekly membership dance at the Union last night was attended by 100 couples the number to which t4, attendance is limited. Prqf.. Jesse S. Reeves, and M.. Reeves and Prof. Camp~l P U9er and Mrs. Bonn,- W+ re the chaperones. -- Prof. earl (74t Vq4ean of the va4d~zt(A deptartment, was elected i$i;e-president of the National Amner ica~ Pk sisal society a~t t* annual coliventipl helA i4 Atlanta, Georgia, Sdu,g thIe Ghristmas holidays. - dearth of first tenors and seesd M~asses made the final selection of the freh lit glee club impossible yester- da! afternoon. Further tryouts will be geld Tuesday at 5:30 o'clock at the sclol of. music, -D~H. I.CumDmings of the IUniver- sity )ealth service reports that he has disecered a case of whooping, cough amore the students. He says, howev- er, tkt there is no cause to fear a generl epidemic. -1,109 C. Douglass secretary of the Y. M"'. A. at the University 'of Illi- nois, A~l be the speaker at the Union Guild {rvices to be, Yield in the Con- gregat> al church at 7:45 o'clock to- day. ' "A SOOD STUDENTS wearing glasses or Sfeeling the need of them will be pleased to know thatAnn Arbor has a modern optical shop where services of an expert optometrist and optician can be had. Advanced methods of Optometry, fit- ting glasses without drugs, appeals to all who demand accurate eye examinations, made without loss of time or inconven- ience of having muscles paralyzed by drugs. R. H. Arnold, optometrist with Arnold Ca Cos a recognized leader in advanced optometrical work. His complete office 'equipment combined with shop facilities to grind lenses, together with years of experience as refractionist and optician, make his Optical System the logical place to buy glasses. Arnold Optical System 220 South Main Street ADMISSION.0 IN so R " Hailer Jewelry Co. 306 state St. l eof is the ROWE'S 4 06 DETR SPORT" .. "Imp i Te Link between Colic TUTTL on State Stret We Serve Hot LIAM E.DIETERLE RMERLY THEEVARSI'TV TAXER 0F O I&PP Dunce that he has opened atailoriibgestlislime~tPt llp ,ost.4 94 WEST FORT STREET With a ComPlete" Line of BRITISH AND DOMESTIC WOOLENS al attention given to my College trade,. The s, Better Satisfaction and Better Workmanship. DIETERLE-VARSITY' SF.N\IOR~S IDVfAY 1)IAN S FOR -1jA1(NG UPI?1914 YINAR 110OK. Rut X74 Out of 1700 Pletulres Have ]Been 11,ied bln-February 1i Set, as Limit. Thtts ter Quly FAbout 275 pictures havo 4001,1tgl en for the 1914 M1'ichigan- ensian. whi1le approximately 700 yet remain to be taken before Fells;'uary 16; after which date no ptvdur es will be accepted except b.,#secial permis- sion from tlm uuiaglng editor. Ao extra f( tt 5 cents will be caged by the Nfichiganensian f, rrn ajfing cuts of pictures t~ after Febru- ary 1. t~ad~af and Pack, G. Maedel, and F'. Rentschler are the photographers who have contracted for the senior pictures. Two hundred forty pages of the ye ar-book, including material pertain- ing to fraternities, sororities, and all house clubs, were taken to the, print- ers, Ihling Brothers & Everard, of Kalamazoo, Mich., last Friday, by man- aging editor Robert Stu rtevant. Former Students Die During Holidays. Amelia E. McSweeney '91, succumb- ed to an attack of heart trouble in Ann Arbor during the holidays. She had served at Detroit Eastern High School in the capacity of grade prin-.: cipal for a number of years. .Philip Blum, '96L, died at his home, on South Division street from Bright's disease. Mr. Blum served at one time as county clerk. Stagg Predicts _Michigan's Return Alonzo A. Stagg, the University of Chicago coach, who was attending the INa tional Race Betterment conference jat Battle Creek, came across with some1 rather interesting information pertain- ing to the conference question. "As long as Michigan continues to win in the East, she will be satisfied," said Stagg, "but when the inevitable slump comes, as it did in 1907, Micb- igan will seek the old western oppon- ents. Losing to Harvard will not pwrove ePianos SoeWindow for Prices. 117 I. appealing to the students, who really decide such questions." Stagg's whole attitude seined to f a- vor a resumption of athletic relations between Michigan and the Conference teams. ".Michigan belongs to the west," he said and then expressed the opinion that Chicago could still hand the Wol-th sml en of he cr. Prof. Denison's Sister Sues for $7,500 Alice Chase Denison, sister to Prof. Charles Denison, of the engineering department, who died last summer, is. suing the Employer's Liability Assur- ance Co., in St. Louis, for '$7,500, al- leging that her brother died of the heat, and that she is therefore enti- tled to the amount of his policy as the nearest living relative. ) .C. Adams, 112V, to -Marry Dr. D. Carter Adams, '12M, ry Miss Helen Brooks, of DE January 21, at the home of tI parents in that city. Sine( college Dr. Adams has beenl in the Harper Hospital of DE * #* #* k* d* o* * S *OF INTEREST TO W031 Miss Margaret Matthews+ national secretary for Japan,i to this country to attend th City convention, will speakt sity women in Newberry hal o'clock this afternoon. Al are invited to meet Mi thews at a tea to be held frci 4:30 o'clock, immediately her talk. Max Krutsch I - Varsity Tailor To make room for our Spring Woolens isonof2pe Ceto Aland Overcoats will be given the next ten da, samne prices. TAILOR t Mallf t Flonwers Ferns for Decorating Schianderor & Seyfried Cercle to Hear of H~indoo Customs Sonme "A trip, to India" will be the subject LYN DOI of a lecture'by Mr. P. E. Bursley of the French department, before the Cerclej Powd4 Francais Tuesday afternoon at 5:00 you wan ,o'clock In Tappan hall In his talk, -- Mr.. Bursley. will give his impressions Wanted- of the city of Rangoon, in Burma, of dents Trichinopoly in South India,. and of men,c the temple of Sri Rungan, near the tiOn. latter city. 1663-1 things are dear at ai ':red dancing wax, ju at. , Major & Co. E -A few self support to join experienced on a fine proposition:I Mr. Smithson, 432 l' L. Phone 115 A Full Line- of " M"1 Goods I University School of Music Albert A. Stanley, Diregtor flaynard Street, Ann Arbor, MOc. A School of Music which offers courses in all branches of music of highest standards. Students may take regular courses leading to graduation, or they may take such subjects as they desire, without reference to graduation. If you are interested in studying somte branch of music, please call at the office and get a copy-of the school catalogue-which gives full inform- ation. CHARLES A. SINK, Seetetary. Lattime '12E, Marries Miss Lenfesty Miss ladys Lenfesty, '15, and 'Irv- ing E. attimer, '12E, surprised their many fends in the university Friday mornin:. when they were married at the hoi, of the bride in Mount Clemn- ens. litimer was leader of the Man- dolin qb last year. After a short honeyrn the couple will make their home f. Chicago,, own Griinell Bros. Mk The sweetest tone In the World Let me convert your old Pump or Shoes ii TAN OE with my Special. rubber soles Ladies-50c and 75c per pair. Mens=75c and $1.00 per pair. I have pleased hundreds with it this U WHY NOT YOU? WM. . PURFIELD 119 East Liberty St. Victrolas Wvhen a roan cannot command a Lyndon's Flash lights cost ma~re than reasonable price for his goods-there's some others per print, but compare something wrong--either with the them. Rates on groups when 20 or goods or the man or both. Lyndon. tf more are ordered. Lyndon. tf The" greatest entertainers ever known. Sheet Music, Small Instru- ments, etc. 120122 E. Liberty 'Street Phone 1707, 11 .... M, is' El