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January 09, 1914 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1914-01-09

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Combined Michigan Union and Cos-
mopolitan Club smoker at the Mich-
M Y igan Union, 7:30 o'clock.
0 Y Dr. Newell D. Hillis on Oratorical As-
sociation program in University
Hall auditorium, 8:00 o'clock.
Prestige Bridge Tournament resumes at the
lard Michigan Union, 8:00 o'clock.
Fresh Law inauguril dinner dance at
Granger's, 9:00 o'clock.


in the field

s the world

iy, being the only sci-
ch this nation holds the
ter than the rest." This
ly to the efforts of Prof.
> founded the university
and the plans which he
vorked out here. Those
cceeded him have kept up
andard. Thirteen grad-
.e Michigan astronomy
been, or are at present,
>bservatories, both in this
in Europe. Many others
rs in the various schools
' throughout the country.
the conclusion of the in-
'ess of President Henry
dr. Henry N. Walker, of
ed to raise funds to erect
ry. Within one year he
,000, with which the De-
tory was constructed. It
n honor of the citizens of
subscribed to the erection

Dr. James B. Angell addresses Girl's
Education Club at Newberry Hall,
3:00 o'clock.
Lounger at the Michigan Union, 8:00
Junior women's informal reception for
freshmen in Barbour gymnasium,
3:00 o'lock.
Prof. Ivan Packard speaks at Alpha Nu
society, in University Hall, 7:30
Weekly dance at the Michigan Union,
9:00 o'clock.

Semi-Annual "Blue Book" Functions
Will Begin Morning of
January 2.
Registrar A. G. Hall yesterday an-
nounced the schedule or semester ex-
aminations for the literary depart-
ment. The tests will start on Mon-
day, January 26, and continue through
February 7. The examination periods.
are three hours in extent, the morn-
ing sessions lasting from 9:00 until
12:00 o'clock, and the afternoon ses-
sions from 2:00 to 5:00 o'clock.
The schedule for the engineering de-
partment is practically the same as
that for the lit students, 'with the sin-
gle exception that the tests are four
hours in extent.
Th6 following is the schedule as an-
nounced by Registrar Hall:
Monday or Wednesday-at 8, first
Wednesday 9-12; at 9, second Wednes-
day 2-5; at 10, first Monday 9-12; at 1,
first Thursday 2-5; at 2, first Thurs-
day 9-12; at 3, second Tuesday 9-12.
Monday-at 11, second Tuesday 2-5.
Wednesday-at 11, first Tuesday 9-
Tuesday or Thursday--at 8, first
Monday 2-5; at 9, second Monday 9-12;
at 10, first Tuesday 2-5; at 11, first
Friday 9-12; at 1, second Monday 2-5;
at 2, first Wednesday 2-5; at 3, first
Saturday 9-12.
Friday any hour and E. M. 3-second'
Wednesday 9-12.
Saturday-any hour, second Thurs-
day 2-5.r
Any day--at 4-6, second Thursday
Drawing, 4, 4a, 5a-first Wednesday1
2-5. -
Irregular-first Friday 2-5; first Sat-
urday 2-5; second Thursday 2-5. l
Naflonal Congress of CosmopolitansC
Agrees to Print Monthly,
in Ann Arbor.
The publication of The Cosmopolitan



America of Today and Tomor.
row" Will Be Subject of

Fantastic.Figures Find Favor
Foresters' Festive

"Dr. Newell Dwigtt Hillis' lecture
in University Hall tonight is one of
the best on the program of the Orator-
ical association this year," said Prof.
Thomas C. Trueblood, of the Oratory
department, yesterday. This lecture
will begin promptly at 8:00 o'clock to-
The subject, Dr. Hillis will speak on,
is "The America of Today and. To-
morrow." This lecture, which he has
already delivered a number of times,
has proved to be very popular, and has
won much praise for the orator.
Dr. Hillis is an entertaining and in-
spiring speaker, and perhaps the high-
est priced lyceum lecturer. In the
past 17 years he has delivered more
than 1,250 lectures, appearing in every
state and territory except one, besides
his lecture tours in Canada. He is pas-
tor of the Plymouth church, Brook-
lyn, a positio.n formerly held by Hen-
ry Ward Beecher and Dr. Lyman Ab-
bott, who is now connected with The
Admission will be by course tickets
to the Oratorical association lectures,
or by single admission tickets of 50

The much-abused tango has at last
found admittance into the ranks of the
foresters. At a meeting of theFor-
estry club Wednesday night, the tango
artists won over the straight two-
step and waltz advocates and the an-
nual dance of the club will consist en-
tirely of the later steps. The vote
stood as follows: for tango, 17; for a
mixed program, 10; for the two-step
and waltz, eight.
The club also voted to take space -in
the 1914 Michiganensian.
Fred Phinney, a laborer formerly
employed by the university, was con-
victed of forgery in the circuit court
recently and sentenced to serve 90
days in the Detroit House of Correc-
tion. Phinney raised a check on the
university from $4.00 to $40.00.. -



Possibilities For Banner
Promised in 1916 Sq
and in List of
Training for the 1914 tr
starts actively next week,
the veterans and the pros
last year's freshman squad
to Trainer Farrell at Water
nasium. Possibilities for
year are promised in the lis
material, but no prediction
ing made until it is seen ha
athletes weather the coming





"u a

For the sprints


nd all
o mi

runs except the tw
there is a wealth- of


Sitte.;Wide Tour Will Probably Not
Realized, Although Alumni
Desire to WVitnes,


urope in 1853, Presi-
cured Dr. Francis
erlin, as director for
A large refracting
st of its kind to be
ed States, was order-
omical clock and me-
re secured from Ger-
ruennow planned ad-
both theoretical and
my, and also did valu-
ronomy. In 1863, at
President Tappan,
v he had become, he

James Craig Watson, one of his for-
mer pupils, was selected to fill his
position. Between 1863 and 1877 Doc-
tor Watson discovered 22 minor plan-
ets. During this period he made sev-
eral astronomical journeys, notably to
Iowa in 1869, to Sicily in 1870,
to Wyoming in 1878, and on
the transit of Venus expedition to
China in 1874. The remainder of his
life was spent in an endeavor to dis-
cover a major planet between Mercu-
ry and the sun, in whose existence he
firmly believed. His chief contribu-
tion to astrtonomical writings was
"Theoretical Astrtonomy." In 1879 he
resigned to go to the University of
Wisconsin, where he died shortly after.
Prof. Mark W. Harrington succeed-
ed as director of the observatory. He
had served on the United States Coast
Survey in Alaska, and had been a pro-
fessor in the Cadet School of the For-
eign Office at Pekin. During this time
Prof. J. M. Schaeberle, '76E, and Prof.
W. IV. Campbell, '86, were associated
with him. Both men later went to
Lick Observatory, where Doctor Camp-
bell is now director. Professor Har-
rington resigned in 1891 and became
chief of the United States Weather Bu-
reau for five years. Mr. William J.
Hussey took Director Harrington's
place for one year, and then resigned
to go to Leland Stanford Junior Uni-
From 1892 to 1905 Prof. Asaph Hall,
Jr., held the directorship. He was the
discoverer of the satellites of Mars,
and he also made important observa-
tions with the meridian circle.'
Since 1905, Prof. Wililam J. Hussey
has been director of the observatory.
Under his direction vast improve-
ments have been made, and several
telescopes have -been constructed. In
1911 Doctor Hussey was made Direct-
or of the Universidad Nacional de La
Plata, with the stipulation that he di-
vide his time between the two observ-
atories. At the same time Prof. R. H.
Curtiss became assistant director of
the observatory.
Paul Delavan, '12, who has been with
Professor Hussey at the Universidad
de La Plata, has discovered two plan-
(Continued on page 4.)

In a petition to be considered at the
meeting of the senate council
Monday night, the management of the
1914 Michigan Union opera asks that
permission be granted to give the show
a week earlier than last year. As orig-
inally planned, the opera would be
given Mlarch 25-28. If the petition is
granted, however, the annual produc-
tion will appear the last four days of
the preceding week.
Although nothing has been definitely
decided in regard to an opera trip, it is
probable that the show will go to
Chicago. It was thought that the op-
era men might be allowed to make an
extensive tour to various points in the
state. However, the show will proba-
bly not be allowed to make a more
extensive trip than last year although
alumni at 'various places are anxious
to see the performance.
Cast tryouts will be held at the Un-
ion at 7:00 o'clock Tuesday
night if Mr. Bert St. John is able
to be present. Aspirants not present
at the first trial held before vacation,
will not be allowed to try out at this
time. The 17 cast parts will be filled
from the list which has been reduced
to about 25. All of the men are urged
to learn their lines accurately before

Two Lyceum Members Will Lecture
Helen Magee, '14, a member of the
Lyceum club will give a reading of
"Mrs. Wiggs and the Cabbage Patch,":
in Hanover tonight. On Sunday night,'
Thomas E. Black, '14, president of the
Lyceum club, will speak before the so-
cological class in the Baptist church
of Lansing on the subject, "Our Dis-
Contest for Theme on Modern Jewisli
Life Will Be Open to All
The Michigan Menorah society of-

January 17 Selected for Choice
Interscholastic and Football
,Managers, Secretary
and Treasurer.

Student by the Michigan chapter of fers a prize of $100 for the best essayI


Tryouts for the chorus positions
will be held at the Union at 7:00
o'clock Tuesday, January 20. Thirty-
two places will be filled. Less of the
ballet style of dancing will be used in
the show this year, the old style being
substituted by considerable couple
dancing. Some. of the chorus aspirants
have been practicing for either a man's
or girl's part, and at the tryout there
will be partners who will take either
part. The tango and other dances of
the day will be used to test the men
for their dancing proficiency. They
will also be tested for singing ability,
as well as for grace and general adapt-
The posters wil be due at the Union
at 7:00 o'clock Tuesday night. About
fifteen men have been working on the
competitive designs during the vaca-
tion. At a meeting Wednesday, the
committee, consisting of Librarian
Theodore Koch, Prof. H. R. Cross and
Mr. Wilfred B. Shaw will choose the
drawing which is to be used as a post-
er and as a cover for the opera score.
A prize of $10.00 will be awarded to
the winner.

the Associated Cosmopolitan clubs, un-
der the management of Fred B. Foulk,
'13-'15L, editor-in-chief, and William
W. Welsh, '12, business manager, was
officially ratified by the delegates of
the seventh annual national conven-
tion of the organization held at Iowa
University, Iowa, from December 26
to 29. Foulk and John Bonilla, '15M,.
president of the local club, were the'
Michigan delegates at the gathering.
Welsh also attended the affair as a
member of the national publication
committee of the association.
The magazine will make its initial
appearance in Ann Arbor on January
15, and will be entirely devoted to the
proceedings of the recent convention.
It will be printed in world form 9, be-
ginning with the March issue, and the
whole publication will be reorganized.
Responsibility of the monthly in re-
gard to both its editorial and business
policies will be entirely left to the two
Michigan men. News editors of the,
various chapters of the world organi-
zation will be appointed by the edi-
tor-in-chief. The departmental edi-
tors, also to be chosen by the editor-
in-chief , will be selected among the
Cosmopolitan journalists throughout
the world. Several Michigan men are
also expected to be among the list.
Foulk read a paper at the conven-
tion on "The Reorganization of The
Cosmopolitan Student," and Bonilla,-
one on "The Extension Lectures for
Foreign Students." Twenty-two na-
tions and the same number of univer-
sities were represented by 92 dele-
Attends Class With Broken Arm
Mrs. Mary Sumner, of South State
street, attended Dr. R. H. Cross's fine
arts class Wednesday with a badly
fractured arm. She did not become
aware of the injury, however, until
she attempted to put on her coat. The
fracture was caused by a fall on the
icy sidewalk on her way to the lee-
yipe . ~ ~ ..

on subjects pertaining to modern Jew-
ish life. Competition is open to all
undergraduate students of the Univer-
sity of Michigan, whether members of
the society or not. Each essay is to be
designated by a motto, and accompa-
nied by a sealed envelope containing
.the motto and the name of the author.
All essays, to be accepted for the
competition, must be in the hands of
Pres. Harry B. Hutchins not later
than May 1. If no essay is considered
worthy, no prize will be awarded,
while in case more than one essay is
considered of great merit, more than
one prize may be given. Students who
are interested, may obtain a list of the
subjects, or other detailed information
from the members of the Committee
of Award, consisting of Prof. R. M.
Wenley, chairman, Prof. . L. Sharf-
man, and Rabbi Leo M. Franklin, of
"Bubbles" Patterson and "Rosy"
Rowe, of the university, are billed asj
the stars on the new basketball team
of the city Y. M. C. A. which has just
been organized. The Wolverine grid-
iron leader of last fall will play guard,
while the intramural director will ap-
pear as a forward.
The new team will meet the "400
club," a local organization of consid-
erable reputation about the state, in
a series of matches for the city cham-
pionship title. Staatz, reserve end
last fall, is another university athlete
on. the new aggregation.
"Joan of Arc" References Suggested.
Those desiring to read up on the
play, "Joan of Arc," which is to be
presented by the Women's league at
May Festival time, will find a list of
books on that subject in the introduc-
tion to Schiller's "Jungfrau von Or-
leans," edited by Prof. W. W. Florer.

The annual election of football and
interscholastic managers and the sec-
retary and treasure of the athletic as-
sociation will be held Saturday, Jan-
nary 17.
Nominations for football manager
will be made on a competitive basis
and those for interscholastic manager
will probably be made iti the same
manner. This point will be definitely
decided at the meeting of. the boare
of directors of the athletic association
Nominations for secretary and treas-
urer of the association will be made
by petition, which must contain the
signatures of 75 members of the asso-
Following the election January 17,
the annual meeting of the athletic as-
sociation will be held, at which time
the reports of the various officers will
be made, following the announcement
of the result of the election.
J. Fred Lawton, '11, has written a
new song called "Laddie" which prom-
ises to make a hit. Lawton, besides
being extremely prominent on the
campus, wrote the "Varsity" and the
Union operas "Crimson Chest" and
The new song is based on Jean
Stratton Porter's book of the same
name, and the song has the same cover
design as the book. It is published by
Buck and Lowney of St. Louis, who
intend to advertise it widely. The sup-
ply at the University Music house is
nearly exhausted.
"Germany" Schultz, assistant foot-
ball coach during the last season, was
in Ann Arbor during the holidays, and
voiced his approval of the Harvard
Schultz refused 47say whether he
would be at Michigan again next fall,
admitting that Wisconsin had made an
attractive offer for his return to the
badger institution, and that two south-
ern institutions had also tendered him
According to Schultz Michigan could
have defeated Chicago with ease last
fall, both teams having a wonderful
defense, but Michigan's offense being
far superior.

Seward, and Lapsley have shown
worth in past meets, the first tw
ilg intercollegiate point win
Lapsley was not out for track
year, but is eligible for this sea
use and is already running in-
form. Competition in this group
be quickened by Smith and Lyttle
won points for the all-fresh
The quarter mile race has only
sen, as a veteran of proven worth
Tuttle, Plummer, Mills, John,
Quinn -are expected to show
Quinn, of football fame, has,
vorking on the gymnasium circle
ing the week, -and has displ
enough speed to draw the attentic
the trainer.
Brown, captain of the cross eo
team, leads the field in the half i
but will be aided by Carver, La
and Griest from the Varsity squ
last year, and Murphy and Ufer :
the 1913 all-fresh. Some of these
may appear later as milers if the
didates for this distance are dr
into the two mile group to fill the
in material there. Cummins, I
ards, Fox and Day, all sophomores
the only milers that are known to
rell, and as Young is alone in the
for the two mile, this distance
have to call for recruits from the:
There is a possibility that this s
tion will be righted by some of
cross country men making good at
Trainer Farrell is confident
Craig will be in shape for the hui
this year, in spite of his weak l
and is expecting the star to be ou
practice next. week. Catlett, who
the quarter mile distance last
with the all-fresh, will be worke
the hurdles this year, and with A
strong and Greene will fight to
running mate of Craig.
Pole vault prospects are bright
by the announcement that Bartoi
the 1912 Varsity will be out. Ba
vaulted easily over eleven feet in
meets that he tbok part in, and sh
be a point winner in the coming
al meets. Cook, Cross, Chat'field,
Brush are the other competitors in
The high jump will-be conteste
tween White, Griest, Bennie, Met
and Perking. None of these men;
ever topped six feet, but all are
able of clearing five feet ten, am
pvould not be surprising if Farrell
able to develop a jumper of the
rank from their number.
Captain Kohler is the mainsta
all the weight events including
shot put, discus, and the hair
throw. The Wolverine leader
been working with the implement
his trade all fall on Ferry field,
needs but little more practice to t
condition for the winter's competi
Cochran, Phelps, Benton are o
weight aspirants.
The broad jump has attracted
two candidates,.Begaman and Fe
by name, but as this event Ia not in
indoor schedule Farrell will not

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