11 .4 I, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1914. PRICE FIV: PRIE..I - - President-Emeritus Jams B. Angell DR. JAMES B. ANGELL PASSES HIS EIGHTY-FIFTH YEAR I 1 . -fti 111 Iverlln'nt 1n .thcm, was iishcredl Lder of democracy ~eU was born in tary 7, 1829. pent in the atmos- . His preparatory, iined at Smnithville Uni 'ersity Gram- .d .c . He gradu- niverAty at the age e Phi Beta Kappj iegree with highes. O college wa; Arian at Prown Cr. His healtl nent, he took .1 the south i two-year toli von up the i:le; try, ho stUdic( Kto enle,- th trip i1 Europ, t with the cr- ; a lodging tha hs procured r --Reiiet Portrait by Karl Bitter. esided in that part of ey were not sure bu' ie of these disturbers. them that they must iccent, that he was not satisfactory arrange- y made. :rown University to the n languages, interrupt- enter the engineering ching, he married Sar- ell, November 26, 1855 er he became editor of Journal, which paper ed on page 4.) )ENT-EMERITUS BY PROF, WENLEY Editor, The Michigan Daily:- On this happy occasion, I cannot do better than ask you to reprint what I said to my classes on the occasion of Dr. Angell's resignation of the presi- dency. I saw him first on April 27 1896, when I came to Ann Arbor, tc study my new field of labor. He enter- tained me for a month then, and I came to know him well. Ever since, through good report and ill, he has permitted me to be his friend and, lat- terly, our relations have been rather more than those of a father and a son than of a chief and his lieutenant. "The impending resignation of Pres- ident Angell constitutes an epoch- nothing less-in the history of the uni- versity. You younger folk, with slight experience of the world, cannot be ex- pected to realize that great men are few and far between; nor can you be expected to appreciate the privilege of contact with authentic greatness. A kind Fate has been generous enough to throw me into close relations with several of the leaders who made the- nineteenth century what it was. And, today, I desire you to understand that Dr. Angell graces their fast thinning ranks. Remember you will not meet real greatness often in your future career. The more reason, then, to assure yourselves that it has moved familiar- ly among you, and met you face to face, with characteristic unobtrusiveness, during your student days. Mark it well now while you may, and keep the re- (Continued on page 4.) MANY PROFESSORS WERE COLLEAGUES DII. ANGELL HAT) 10 ('(-W4RKERSit Some Spent More Than 30 Years o' Ser ice; Prof. Beman Oldest Active Associate. Ten professors, some or whom are now active members of the faculty, have been co-workers with President- Emeritus James B. Angell during al- most the entire time of his service in the university. More than two score years ago the oldest active professor on the faculty of the University of Michigan began his duties. In 1871 Wooster Woodruff Beman was appointed instructor in mathematics, and 16 years later was made professor, in which capacity he has served until the present time. In 1867 Martin Luther D'Ooge was appointed assistant professor of ancient languages and a year later was made professor of Greek. For 42 years Professor D'Ooge continue: in active service on the teaching staff, and in 1909 was retired at his own request, and made Professor-Emer:tus of Greek. From 1889 to 1897 he acted as dean of the literary department. Isaac Newton Demmon first entered the service of the university in 187,, as assistant professor of EngLiish and rhetoric, and in 1903 was made profes- sor of English and head of that de- partment. In 1877 Raymond C.zallis Davis was appointed Librarian of the university library, which position he held .until 1905, when he was retired at his own request and made Librarian-Emeritus. Since 1882 he has conducted a lecture course on Bibliography. Victor Clarence Vaughan, dean of the department of medicine and sur- gery, first became a member of the medical faculty in 1879. In 1887 he was appointed director of the Hygienic laboratory, and four years later be- came dean of the department. He is president of the American Medical as- sociation, and is a member of the French and Hungarian societies of hy- giene. During the Spansh-American war, Dr. Vaughan was a member of the sanitation board, and has been identified with the government as an expert in physiological chemistry. Richard Hudson was appointed as- sistant professor of history in 187., and was made professor in 1888. He was dean of the literary department from 1897 to 1907. In 1911 he was retired as Professor-Emeritus of his- tory. H enry Carter Adams first entered the service of the university in 1881 as a lecturer in political economy. Six years later he was made professor of political economy and finance, and since that time has continued in that position. For 24 years 1, was statis- tician of the interstate commerce con- mission, resigning in 1911. He is a member of the American Economic as- sociation, and is internationally rec- ognized as an expert statistician. He is now absent on leave, having been employed by the Chinese government, to aid in standardizing the railways. Mortimer Elwyn Cooley was gradu- ated from the U. S. Naval Academy in 1878 and three years later was ap- Pointed professor of mechanical engi- neering at the university,. Since 1904 has been dean of the engineering he artment. :He is a member of sever- al engineering societies, and has been largely employed as consulting engi-. neer and for appraisal of railroad eqrinment, and electrical properties. Henry Smith Carhart became a (Continued on page 4.) President-Emeritus James B. Angell is 85 years old today. "No, I don't think there is anythin I can say to the students," he said, "I was with them a great many years, and there are others who can give them messages now. I can only thank the boys for remembering that 1 have a birthday." This, of course., is the simplest and and kindest message he could have given. The reporter had been shown intc Dr. Angel's study, a rather large room, lined with shelves of books. reaching almost to the ceiling. At the desk near the center sat the aged president, who looked up over th books and papers. He arose with a smile, and the visitor realized that here was a great and simple man. "Sit down," he said, and after an exchange Af greetings, he sat at his desk again. When asked about his health, the olt president laughed frankly, "Just a well as I ever was," he said, "a little lame sometimes on account of a fa on the ice a few ye;rs ago. Aside fron: that I am just as well as ever." And he looked it. "Are you able to read to any extent?' was asked. "Oh yes," he answered, "every day I manage to read, study and write s ittle." The books, which lined th 'alls, really looked like books which were read, In contrast to many privat, libraries, which have an artificial, un- read atmosphere. Two volumes on th desk were opened, and there was r sheet on which Dr. Angell had bee: writing. It wa a dark afternoon, and th light from the window dimly lighted his face, showing an unmistakable loolp of honesty and contentment, with a tone of sly humor and a tinge of re- straint. It was less by what he sali than by his gentle manner that the vis- itor was impressed. Every word was clearly enunciated. He smiled during the entire interview, and there were little gusts of hearty laughter. By Dr. Angell, one Is made to feel the modesty and simplicity of real greatness. He was asked about various topics and in each case was careful to weigh both sides of the question. "I suppose,' he said, "that like other old men I am conservative." But the very fact that he looked for the tendency in himself OR, ANGELL IS LAUDED IN MESSAGE FROM PRESIDENT Editor, The Michigan Daily:- The approach of his eighty-fifth birthday brings vividly to mind the many noble qualities and .the distin- guished services of our honored and beloved President-Emeritus. I am asked by you to write a word of ap- preciation and I gladly comply. Doctor Angell came to the university in 1871. My acquaintance with him dates from the commencement day of that year, when it was my privilege to listen to his inaugural, and to receive from his hand my graduating diploma. While never my teacher in the ordi- nary acceptation of that word, yet in a larger and more effective way he has for years been my teacher. And this I am sure would, if occasion of- fered, be the testimony of all who have come within the range of his gracious, and yet compelling influence, as man and friend. It comes to but few to contribute to the upbuilding of character and ef- fectiveness to so large an extent as has Doctor Angell, For more than a generation he was a direct and force- ful molding influence, not only with the thousands of students who looked to him for advice and ,guidance, but also with the many with 'whom he came in contact as citizen and public servant. In the quiet of his well- earned freedom from public responsi- bilities, his presence is a continuing benediction. Scholar, teacher, journ- alist, universit: president, orator, dip- olmat, first cis izen of the Common- wealth; may hE long be spared to us. HARRY B. HUTCHINS. 4' * * * * * * 4 e 4 * Editor, The Michigan Daily:- * In compliance with your re * quest that I should send o * some message on my eighty-fift * birthday, January 7, 1 beg t thank the alumni, who on my r * covery from my recent illness * sent me kind messages, man * from varis parts of this court * try, and some even from foreig * lands. JAMES B. ANGELL. S * * * 4' * * .* * * showed the breadth of his conse tism. In speaking of schools, he said the advent of the high school easily within his momory. When a he attended a village school in east. "In those days," he said, boy depended upon the village se naster for his early training." He that he was not well acquainted the needs of the country school in west, but believed the, grade sc ,f the east to be stronger for ha' been originally the sole educati factor for the child. He spoke against specialization early in life. "I am very zealous a classical trainig," he said, "the q things will come, or we have thei begin with. First of all let the Wet a firm foundation." He said the present day college student cializes too early, and he was opp, to the cry for manual training grade schools and high schools. the whole," he added, "I am a g lover of the classics." "What do you believe to be the mate purpose of a college educatie was asked. "I don't think that I can adequa answer that in a word," he said, ' I suppose it is to train and dis4 the mind." He said that this wa c all through life, but that a thoc university training gave the ground work. He discussed journalism, and s of the need of greater strength in s country papers. "I think that th c try paper has greatly declned,"he "I can remember when the editor some of the smallest journals v real students of government. It w pay you to read the editorials in s of the country papers of several y ago." "How will you spend your bi day ?" asked the visitor, about to g Dr. Angell laughed, "Just like other day," he said, "I don't have celebration." On the whole he preferred to tal the little commonplaces of life. was interested in the home and aim the interviewer, and by his candi terest in these things, it was eas see how he has beecome a part c many lives. In all that he sai seemed to have a happy, optim philosophy, an interest in manl and a desire to serve it, as his life proved. It has been said, "Had Abraham coin gone to college, Ann Arbor w have been the only one in America would have attracted him, and Dr. gell would have been his teacher. YEARBOOK FOR 1914 TO BE DEDICATED TO' D. ANGI Foreword of Inaugural Address i by Dr. Angell When President to 'Be Published, The 1914 Michiganensian will dedicated to President-Emeritus J B. Angell. This announcement made yesterday by Robert Sturte '14, editor of the annual. The book was last dedicated to Doctor geli in 1908. Along with the dedicatory eng ing will be published a foreword, N ten by Doctor Angell and taken r ly from his inaugural address, mac the time of his assuming the presi cy of the university, 43 years ago. Dr. Angell Will Talk to Women's Dr. Angell will address the girl: ucational club at its meeting w, will be held in Newberry Hall : 3:00 to 4:00 o'clock Friday aftern "SAMMY" HAS BEE3NIGHIT HAND M NFOR3r FARS "Well done, thou good ani humble nessed the erection of fifteen univer- servant!" s y buildings, including three hospit- lif ever a man deserved these words, als, the chemical, dental, law, medical, i: is old "Sammy" Bayliss, ) 1109" engineering buildings, the library, mu- years in the service of Dr. Angel as both gHill audito butler and houseman numer ones. more than thirty. rium, W est hall, Tappan hall, New-- According to "Sammy's" story, he berry hall and Ferry field. and a boyhood chum left their Cana- In the course of years "Sammy," in dian birthplace to see the sights of the his capacity as butler and houseman, world. The chum came to Ann Arbor has served many men of national and to become the houseman of Dr. 14. P. international fame, who were guests iall, and "Sammy" found work in Su- at the home of Dr. Angell. "Sammy" ler:or, Mich. In 1874 Dr. Hall learned has served Presidents Harrison, Cleve- that President Angell was in need of Imd, Roosevelt and Wilson; President- a houseboy. He journeyed to Superior Emeritus Eliot of Harvard, and scores and brought "Sammy" to Ann Arbor, of governors, senators and congress- and into the service of the reccatly men. installed university president, where \hen pressed for a closer remem- he has lived for thirty years. brance of those famous men, "Sammy" Only four men have spent a longer said," Lawd, I'd need the memory of a time on the Michigan campus than professor to recall the names of all the has "Sammy" Bayliss, two of thos famous men I have waited on." men being Dr. James 1,. Angeli ain In spite of his numerous years, President Harry B. Hutchins. During "Sammy" is still hale, hearty and- those years, "Sammy" has seen thl> fat. In his estimation, there is only University of Michigan grow from a one man on the campus whose vitality school of seven buildings and a thoun- is greater than his own, and that is and students to a great university i\f his employer and idol, Dr. Angell. It six thousand students, house i1 in thir- is "Sammy's" ambition to be able to ty buildings, and led by a f: lty of walk more than two miles a day in! more than half a thousand. any sort of weather, when he hasI During his connection with.Dr. An- reached the ripe old age of eighty-five,' gell 's household, "Sammy" has wit- and enjoy it, as does Dr. Angell.