ii an
4. .
t Developed
I d; -
For Michigan
law of the U ni-
was founded in
ampbell as dean,
er and Thomas
Dean Campbell
y later became
e Court of Mich-
s the first chair-
ates Inter-State
iz and served in
is health failed.
had been made
at in 1871, serv-
Y. M. C. A. Luncheon to Foreign Stu-
dents at Newberry Hall, 12:00
Illinois Club Leaves in Special Catr at
1:10 o'clock.
Notifications of probations of fresh-
men were mailed yesterday to the par-
ents of the delinquent 1917 students
in accordance with the regulations o
the lit department, which provide that
the parents, of entering students be-
hind in their work, shall be notified
just previous to the annual Christmas
As a result of the warnings sent out,
several freshmen may be missing when
classes are re-assembled following the
holidays. In former years, it has been
customary to mail the warnings to the
parents two or three weeks previous
to the closing of school for the holi-
days, but this year, the letters were
sent out, so that they will reach tl: l
parents at about the same time as the
students arrive home, themselves.
.: ;XMAS SPEUAL i[l 0 i
1 cn
Lo 11=1 OP!-:21-
--- B -
ished the depart-
,ne and such was
the effectiveness
he alumni of the
.most immediately
enal record of sue-
ne into all parts
served in the na-
in state legislat-
st every bench in
he Mississippi riv-
and achievements
been truly aston-
er of comment by
The faculty of the department ha.
ever kept before it the necessity of
keeping in touch with actual develop-
ments in the field of law, commerce
and industry, but it has also felt that
the truest way to be practical wa
first to find and teach a true theory of
law rather than to merely train menr
in the mechanical features of the worl
of practice. Its policy has been fur-
ther developed in an effort to impress
upon students such views of the natur:
of society and the necessity of a bod3
of law which shall serve its needs any
not cramp its growing civilization.
The present faculty, of which Prof
Henry M. Bates, '90, is dean, consist
of 17 professors of law, two of the lit-
erary department faculty, and ten lec-
turers. Of this number, 15 are grad-
uates of the law school and severa"
possess a nation wide reputation. Dear
Henry M. Bates, who is at present
Tappan professor of law, is also presi-
dent of the Association of Americar
Law Schools, a position which he ha,
held since the fall of 1911.
During the 54 years of its-existence
the law school has graduated about
7,260 students. More than 10 per cen
of the present federal judges are grad
uates of the Michigan law school. Ou'
of 192 judges in all but one of the
branches of the judiciary system, 2'
received their degrees at Michigan.
On the benches of the state supremn
courts, the Michigan law departmen
has been represented by 20 graduates
Many others have held judiciary posi-
tions on the benches of the lower state
courts. Michigan law graduates arc
en the benches of 28 out of the 48 stat-
es. Most of the unrepresented stater
are in New England and the south.
The Michigan law school possesses
one of the best law libraries in thE
country, there being more than 35,00(
hound volumes. But it is in the prac
tice court that Michigan excels. The
Michitan practice court is generall3
regarded as the best and highest de-
veloped in the world. Professor Pound
of Harvard and Professor. Ballentin
of Wisconsin, at the last meeting of
the Association of American Lawv
Schools, stated that the present system'
Ethelyn Patton, '17, committed sui-
cide by leaping into the Grand River
at Grand Rapids yesterday morning..
She was suffering from nervous col-
lapse, and was said to have threatened,
self-destruction before.
Miss Patton r omed with Prof. S. P.
Lockwood's family, where her mother
worked as housekeeper, in order to be
nearher. Wa hen the trouble became
acute, she and her mother left for their
home in Grand Rapids, November 11.
Mrs. A. Lockwood says that the wom-
an -as extremely frail, and could not
stand much hard work. Mrs. McWil-
liams, with whom Miss Patton made
her home the first part of the semes-
ter, says she worried continually about
her studies, and seemed to fear she
was not justifying her mother's effort.
to put her through school.
'65, was a few years ago Ambassador
to Japan. Previous to that he was a
leading railroad lawyer in Grand Rap-
ids. Donald M. Dickinson, '67, has an
international reputation. For several
years lhe was a member of the Demo-
cratic national committee, and he was
also postmaster general under Presi-
dent Cleveland. Later he was senior
lounsel for the United States for the
International High Commissioners on
the Behring Sea Claims; and in 1902
he was a member of the Court of Ar-
bitration to adjust a controversy be-
tween the United States and Salvador.
Luther Short, '71L, was Consul Gen-
eral to Constantinople from 1893-1898.
Rufus Fleming, '73, held the position
:f Consul at Edinburgh, and previous,
to that time he was in the newspaper
business. Willis J. Abbott, '84L, also
entered the newspaper field, and in
%ddition has written several books
lealing with the life of the American.
Prof. Andrew C. McLaughlin, '85L,
professor of history in the University
of Chicago, was in 1943 director of the
Bureau of Historical Research of Car-
negie Institution of Washington. Hen-
ry W. Rogers, '78L, a United States
circuit judge, was Tappan professor;
of law at Michigan in 1882, and was
made dean of the department in 1885.
In 1890 he became president of North-
western University, a position which
he held until 1900, when he went tol
:he Yale law school where he was later
made dean. Ile is at present judge of
the United States circuit court ofthel
eastern district of New York. Alexis<
7 :3a. in. mget a bite at the hamburger. All right,
"Throw in . ry shoes! Where's my I've got my suit case, let's run."
silk shirt? DI1, 13-i-1-1 will you get 2: 31 p. nI',
niy collars, ple-ee-ase? For the lo-e Top o the S:ate street hill. Wolrer-
of Mike where are my pumps,' No, mI r-m Chkvago whistles."Bill, P-i-1-1,
n-o-o I don't want any books in here, hir th-t. Hlury rup! Cce you're slow."
i'm not going to crack a eo:er for the lva:n5, alt1, perspiring-
next 17 days. Haven't you phoned for swearng, the university crowds, surg-
'at xrrss m,,nu yeti I'vegot to have es, elbows, pushcs, battles to board the
this trunk out this morning." train first, and then the most joyful of
12:04 noon. all Christmas peons peals out, the en-
"Whe-ce-eew. Three bue books oft gine bell of the home-bound locomo-
-naw I don't want any dinner, let's tive.
The Y. M. C. A. will hold socials in WVhen the interlocutor stepped for-
Newberry hall every evening, except ward and announced "Mistah Bones"
Sundy,during the vacation for strand- !to an enthusiastic gathering of more
ed students, begining tomorrow night. than 1000 men at the Mhigan Union
This will be the only series of social1minstrels last night, a show was off
events for students to be given during i which surpassed any similar under-
the holidays. taking cf the Union. "Free" was a pop-
Beginning Monday these socials will r password, drawing a capacity
be arranged by committees elected crowd for the first performance, and
~.n, a creditable attendance at the second
Willis Diekema, '14, Waldo Fellows,
'14 Eric Kohler, '14, and Richard
Thorsch, '16, were chosen last night
I as the successful writers of the music
for the 1914 opera. The choice was in
the hands of the committee of the
school of music faculty, consisting cf
Professors William Howland and A. A.
Stanley and Mr. Earl V. Moore.
The committee was unable to aii-
nounce just what pieces have been
written by the various contestants in-
asmuch as some few alterations will
be necessary, which will be made dur-
ing vacation, so that work on the
score may be started as soon as pos-
sible. It is expected that the music
for the choruses to work on, will be
ready by the time college is resumed.
"The quality of the music submitted
excels that of last year by a wide mar-
gin," said Professor Howland last
night, "and the committee found the
task of determining the winners ex-
ceedingly difficult."
Michigan professors, during the
Christmas vacation, will attend na.
tional conventions in all parts of the
country, as delegates and speakers a
various assemblies of educational as-
The American Mathematical Associ-
ation for the Avancement of Science
meets in Atlanta, Georgia, from De-
cember 30 to 31 and from Januaryr
to 3.. In connection with this conven
tion several affiliated societies wil
hold their assemblies, among them be-
ing the national scientific fraternity
Sigma Zi. As delegate from the Mich-
igan chapter, Prof. Karl E. Guthe wil
attend the convention. Prol. Walte
B, Pillsbury is chairman of the psy-
chology section of the big convention
and will be present at the head of th
Michigan delegation, which may com-
prise' half a dozen members of the
*Prof. Arthur Cross will head th
Michigan delegation to the conventior
of the American Historical associatior
to be held at Charleston, South Caro-
T. H. Hildebrandt, instructor it
.mathematics, will be one of the Mich-
igan delegates to the semi-annual con-
vention of the Chicago division of the
American Mathematical society to b.
held from December 26 to 27 in Chica-
go. Prof. J. L. Markley, Dr. A. G
Hall and several others may also at-E
tend this convention.
Two Michigan professors will deliv-1
er addresses before the sessions of th
two big educational association con-
ventions, to be held at Harvard Uni-
versity, in Cambridge, during th
Christmas holidays. Prof. Campel
Bonner will speak to the delegates tI
the American Philological association
while Prof. Fred Newton Scott wil
speak before the Modern Languae as-
sociation of America.
To Hold Fresh Lit Glee Club Tfryout
. Tryouts for the fresh lit glee clt
will be held in the school of music or
Friday, January 9. They will be con-c
ducted by Kenneth Westerman, '141
The board in control of non-athletics1
has sanctioned the organization, with1
the understanding that the club will(
appear only at class affairs.
Father's Death Calls Student Home.
William E. Lamoreaux, '16L, was
called to his home in Battle Creek
late Wednesday night by the sudden .
death of his father, Dr. E. W. Lamer-1
Dr. Lamoreaux was a graduate of
the medical department of the universi-1
ty, and was instructor in anatomy in
the medical department for two yearsr
after his graduation in 1879.
To Give Extension Lectures Tonight
Two extension lectures will be giv-3
en tonight. Prof. R. D. T. Hollister
will read Macbeth in Fowlerville, andc
Prof. H. R. Cross is scheduled to speakI
in the public library in Grand Rapids.I
Winner, Tallmadge and Harding
Equal Credits in First Selection
Elimination Made By -
Percentage System,
Walter E. Morris, '16L, was cho
Michigan's Peace orator in the IJ
contest held last night, the closest
ever held here. He spoke en "'
Price of Peace." In spite of thef
that there were six judges, no ora
received a majority of firsts. Tb
men, Morris, Tallmadge, and Hard
were tied in rank with sixteen poi
each, and the victor was revealed a
by the sum of the Dercentages w
were as follows: W. E. Morris, '1
510.5; H. C. Tallmadge, '14, 506; .
f-arding, '14L, 498. The other t
competitors were C. O. Chan, '15,
N. H. Goldstick, '15L.
Morris entered the law departm
this year, coming from the Oregon
ricultural College, where he re
sented his college as varsityoratoi
an interstate contest last year. "I
igan will be well represented in
state contest by Morris," said P:
Thomas C. Trueblood of the orat
department after the contest. "He
fine presence, feeling, a winning p
sonahlity, and his oration is well w
The state contest will be held
Olivet on March 28. Albion, Hillsd
M. A. C., Olivet, the State Normal a
the University of Michigan will be r
resented. The winner of this meet N
go to the inter-state contest at Clie
land in April, and if successful In tl
to the National Peace' Contest at La
Mohonk, N. Y., the next month.
Michigan has won four of the
state contests, Albion and Hillsd
carrying off the honors in the otl
two. Two national contests were c
tured for Michigan by Percival
Blanshard, '14, in 1912, who is no
Rhodes scholar in Oxford, and
brother Paul B. Blanshard, '14, 1
year. Albion also won the natio:
contest, so the State of Michigan I
three victories to her credit.
Prof. Robert T. Crane, of the polit
al science department, who has b
confined to bed for the past we
pending the culmination of what xv
considered a severe cold, has sho
-lo material improvement in his ph;
ical condition. Dr. F. R. Waldron, ,
is treating Professor Crane, decla:
that the case is serious, though not
all dangerous, and looks for a ra:
eonvalescence. In all probabili
the professor will not be able to lea
the house for three or four weeks.
Yost and "Steve" Farrell Contribu
Contains Special Law Article;
Student Life is out today. Tr
reading, for five cents, includes a s]
cial article by Prof. Edgar N. Dur
on "To the Man Who Intends to B
Lawyer" in which he gives some hon
ly advice to beginners and points
the pitfalls on the way ' to succe
Coach Fielding H, Yost gives a revi
of the football season and pays a p
sonal tribute to the team.
"Steve" Farrell writes an artic
"Hints on Training For School Boy
Marjorie H. Nicholson, author of 1
year's junior play, has a story, "Ma
Eleanor Falls." The continued st<
is complete in this issue.
Canadians Elect Permanent Office
Officers of the Canadian club elect
at a recent meeting are as follow
president, E. C Zavits, '14; vice-pr
ident, A. W.' Palas, '16E; secretary,
T. Ostrander, '16; treasurer, E.
Pulling, '17, and sergeant-at-arms,
G. McAndrews, '16E. The execut
committee will consist of the office
and H. R. Waddell, '16, and N.
Goldstick, '15L.
one day to have charge the next. This
plan has been tried during the Christ-
mas and spring recesses in the past
and has resulted in varied and novel
programs for each night.
The total attendance last year was
between 600 and 700, with an average
of 75. These socials are popular with
foreign students, who play an import--
ant part in the makeup of the pro-
The Pennsylvania "special" can ac-
commodate a few more men. The
The minstrel show was the central
attraction at the Christmas celebra-
tion, which will probably be made an
annual event. Every man on the cast
was known to the crowd by previous
appearances and encores became habit-
ual. "The Saxophone Rag," by Row-
land Fixel, '12-'14L, and Sylvan Gros-
ner, '14L, met with unqualified approv-
al, as well as all of the individual and
ensemble numbers. A medley of Mich-
igan songs arranged by Gordon C. El-
dredge, '14, and Waldo Fellows, '14,
closed the show.
Pernus E. Kline, '14, acted as inter-
train leaves Toledo at 10:35 o'clock to- locutor, and the following blackface
night, arriving in Pittsburg tomorrow men participated: Waldo Fellows, '14,
morning. Those who have not yet Gordon C. Eldredge, '14, S, L. Adels-
signed up for reservat:ons must call dorf, '14L, Lyle Clift, '16L, J. Kingsley
Cunningham, at 1323, before 1:00 Gould, '14, George McMahon, '16, Cecil
o'clock today. Johnson, '1414, A. 0. Williams, '14E, L.
Gargoyle Meets With Great IDemand J. Scanlan, '16L, J. H. Wilkins, '14, Roy
Due probably to extra features con- M. Parsons, '14, and Cyril Quinn, '14,
tained in the food number of the Gar- who was general chairman of the
oyle, and to the fact that it will serve i show. Ralph 0. Delbridge, '17, led the
as a good souvenir of Michigan for orchestra.
"the folks at home," the recent issue
of the humor magazine has met with Regents Will Meet Tihis Morning,
wide demand. The next number will The regents meet today at 10:00
be entitled the Blue Number and will o'clock in the regents room in the law
be issued shortly before the beginning building for their December session.
of the exams. Plans for the new science building
will probably be presented for approv-
of practice courts had been developed °C. Angell, '80, was professor of law-at
at Michigan. I Michigan from 1893-1898, and is now
Among the prominent alumni may be one of the leading attorneys of De-
mentioned the following: William R. troit. He was formerly a United Stat-
Day, '71-'72L, now an associate justice es district judge.
of the supreme court of the United Regent Frank B. Leland, '90L, vice-
States, was secretary of state under president of the Detroit National Bank,
President McKinley. Judge Job Bar- is noted as a mountain climber, and
nard, '67L, hon. '07, is a member of has ascended Mt. Orizaba, the highest
the supreme court of the District of peak in North America, and Mt. Sir
Columbia. Donald, in British Columbia. William
Several of the law school graduates H. Moore,'88L, former mayor of Seat-
have been in the diplomatic service of tle, Wash., was a judge of the superior
the United States. Thomas J. O'Brien, -court of Washington from 1897-1901.
Frederick W. Stevens, '87L, is general
solicitor of the Pere Marquette and
Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton rail-
Kingpay Saito, '78L, has become
presiding judge of the district court of
Hakodate, Japan. Takanori Fujikawa,
'84, has attained prominence as public
procurator of the Nagasaki appeal
court. Another well known Japanese
is Kadsu Tomo Takakashi, '85, a jour-
nalist of Tokio.
Orlando W. Powers, '71L, was ap-
pointed by President McKinley associ-
ate justice of the supreme court of
Utah. Since that time he has been an
official member of the Democratic Na-
tional Committee. U. G. Denman, '94L,
who is at present the United States
district attorney for the western dis-
trict of Ohio, was the attorney-goner-
al of Ohio in 1909-'10-'11. His ljartner
in business at Toledo is Justice Wil-
son, '07L.
al, although none of the plans for the
structure have been accepted. A com-
munication from the athletic associa-
tion for enlarged quarters in the fu-
ture will be received. A petition for
an annual allotment for the band will
be presented. It is probable that the
Senate action on the J hop will be
allowed to stand as final.
Cast to Perfect Lines During Recess,.
Members of the "Scarecrow" cast
have held their final rehearsal for this
year, The work will be resumed im-
mediately after the holidays. During
the vacation all the members will get
their parts word perfect and endeavor,
individually, to overcome the defects
in their stage mannerisms.
If the present plans materialize,
nearly all of the stage properties will
be ready when work is resumed, and
by January 10, the first full dress r:-
hearsal will be held.