I XmasKodaks rCe Men's black rubber soles. The proper dress shoe for the Tango. Also==a new lot of tan rubber soles. Prices from $4.00 up to $6.00. We have all the Eastman Ko- daks from the Brownies for "Kids" upeto the "Specials" for experts. See the new Kodak gift case that is being advertised in the magazines-$ 15.oo. We have it. Come in and look it o er. Xmas Candies Every lady friend likes can- dies and she appreciates them more if they are WHITMAN'S., Come in and get a "Fussy Package at $r.oo up. Also special assortments for old folks. We deliver free up to 15o miles. I Re memer This little fellow can't deliver all the packages if all of you put off buying until the day before X= mas. We just received a complete line of holiday goods; Suit cases, coliar bags, ties, bath robes, mufflers, traveling bags, handkerchiefs, hose, gloves etc. Select now--we will assist you. 4/FQfl1u Ft-A C , clot CS Calkin' Ph armacy 324 South State Street i Shoe Store, 119 S. Main Sireet yesterday, today and likely to- morrow almost ev- ery store, big and little, will scream r{ .7 "We've got the best!" Just sup- pose you take a look at Wadhams ,& Co. Suits, Over- coats, Mackinaws, Hats, Caps and Furnishings. 23 South Main Street CO. SPitI A. MARDUAROT CAMI IT IN BRIEF. -Men remainiing in Ann Arbor during vacation may use the track in Water- man gymnasium during the halidsys mornings, from 10:00 to 12:00 o'clock. In the afternoon the gyn will be large- ly given over to the activities of the Varsity track aspirants.' -Sigma Xi, honorary scientific socie- ty, at its meeting Tuesday night, pass- ed resolutions to further restrict elec- tions to the soce. In the past, it has begin the 1)Practice of the society to take scholarship into consideration in making elections to the society, but from now on, the selections will be based wholly upon research. -Prof. R. 1). Sadler, head of the ma- rine engineering department, who has just returned from a trip to London where he attended a congress on the safety o: vessels, wHi lecture at 7:30 o'clock tonight, on the "Seaman's Bill" in room 333 of the new engineering building. -Tickets for the Union membership Christmas dance on Saturday night will be placed on sale at the desk at 5:00 o'clock this afternoon. The com- mittee in charge consists of Harold Abbott, '15E, chairman, Seymour Op- penheimer, '15E, Renville Wheat, '14. and 'Stratford Douglas, '14E. Similar parties will be given on the other twe Saturday nights during vacation, and a somewhat more elaborate affair or New Year's eve. Tickets will go on sale in cach case several days previ- ous. -The Comedy club held its last re- hearsal of "The Scatecrow" before va- cation last night. The work will be continued after the holidays. -No formal lounger will be held at the Union during vacation. The club- house, however, will be open to the members for informal gatherings dur- ing the holidays. The Sunday after- noon programs will also be discontin- ued until the first Sunday after vaca- tion. -Seniors remaining in Ann Arbor during the Christmas vacation may have their pictures taken for the Michiganensian. The photographs are due February 15. Organizations that have not received contract form, should notify the business manager. -The University of Michigan section of the American Chemical society, wilf hold its December meeting at 4:30 o'clock today, in room 151 of the chem- istry building. A paper on "Some Problems Relating to Metal Surfaces' will be presented by W. G. Smeaton Following this, the annual meeting will be held. -The Union employment bureau has applications from about 30 students for work during Christmas vacation without any jobs to fill. Anybody who S TQ1MOBILE SHOP TO RANK ANONG FINEST IN COUNTRY. By the addition of $2,000 worth of Sew equipment ordered yesterday, ,he automobile laboratory of the uni- ;'ersity will be superior to any similar prii ate laboratory in the country, and. the equal of the great testing work- shop of the Society of Automobile En- gineers in New York City. An order was placed yesterday with z New Jersey firm for an electrcal lyn ameter outfit for. testing autoine- Mie motors and chassis. This equip- raent will enable students to test mo- tors of as high as 100 horse power, and at speeds ranging from 500 to 2,400 revolutions per minute. Instal- :ation of this outfit will be made late this semester, and will be used in a course in mechanical engineering and for advanced research work. Jo B. EIBLER 109 W. Liberty Street Across from Mack'sside entrance JEWELRY Extensive Stock at Reasonable Prices. Watch Repairing, Skilled and Trustworthy. Optical Supplies Eyes Scietilfically Fitted Do you realize within a few weeks you will leave for that Christmas vacation ? Drop in while down town and look over our line of Holiday suggestions. Michigan Pina, Fobs, Bars and Spoonsr Silver Purses and Mesh Bags You will be impressed with the high quality of goods at prices that will appeal to you. Gym Su Towels, Wash Clot! [lard VW.at( Castile Soa Pro=Athlet Supporter SUGDEN DRUG t 302 S. STATE STRI e Love !reciate JFine ~aft o rin Suits Cleaned and Pressed and repaired Cor, Main and Huron---Over Farier's and Mechanic's Bank. T H R E E SOCIETIES TO GIVE CHILDREN CHRISTMAS JOY Christmas tree parties to make lit- tle homeless or unfortunate children happy will be sponsored by one soror- ity, a women's society and one fra- ternity. They are endeavoring to aid the Ann Arbor Women's Charitable Association in its purpose to give the poor waifs a big treat on Christmas day. The sorority on the roll of honor is Alpha Phi, the fraternity Beta Theta Pi, and the society Omega Phi. Plans of the Women's league did not materi- alize as had been hoped, along a simi- lar line. "FOOD N 1MBE" GARGOYLE SETS ARTISTIC STANDA R) Not only has the Gargoyle furnished its readers a larger amount of read- ing matter than in the past, in the "Food Number" which was put on sale yesterday, but both in originality of ar- rangement and in artistic merit has established a standard for itself. The price.of the Gargoyle will be '15 cents from now on, but the management be- lieves that the additional features which will appear in the humor mag- azine will more than compensate the buyer for the rise in price. FRESI iEN TO SYSTEMATIZE ENF{)CIN( OF TRADITIONS The freshman engineering class de- cided in yesterday's assembly to make a systematic effort to enforce campus traditions among their own members. The council, a body composed of rep- resentatives of each group of ten into which the class is divided, will take it upon itself to look after the observ- ance of the customs. Each member OWl lwv11a Tw. GAS COOKIN inn For Fraternity and Club Ha Increases Cleanliness and Efficiency. Telep Representative to call and give you expert advice for your]P ment. Washtlea Gas Comj r SPECIAL EQUIPMENT FOR Purchasers of Xmas and New Years oodward Ave. it, Mich. NOTICE improve our telephone service we istalled a two phone system which mpelled us to change our present number 1550 to 2280. See Our Widow Finest Assortment of Holiday Goods in the C in Arbor Taxicab Co. 300 N. Plain Street The Mayer- Schairer ( OUR WINDOWS FOR YOUR XMAS GIFTS Leather Goods Michigan Pins Parisian Ivory Waldemar Chain Rings Fobs Stationers- Printers B Bind Spoons Cuff Buttons Sautoirs Silverware Watch Cords Fountain Peas Engraving Free 112 South Main Street. can furnish work of any nature should will be personally responsible for the notifv th ninone ommitte The office conduct of those in his section. Con- I Haller Jewelry Co. 306 Steate St. See windows o'f Haller Jewelry Co, for Xmas presents. 306 S. State. Just a word about Xnias gifls; the choicest of which may be found in ail kinds of odd China, Lamps, Oriental Jewelry, and D. M. C. Crochet Cottons and Fiosses for Fancy Work, at "The Palais Royal," 304 South Main St., just across from German American Bank. 67-70 WE SELL OOOD CLOTHING. Suits at $10.00-All wool. Suits at $15.00-All wool, hand tail- oredl. Suits at $20.00--Adler's, make and style. Suits at $25.00-Equal to Finest Clustom work. ALLEN'S GOOD CLOTHES STORE, Main Street, tf Varsity Hats for.Football Men Arrive The new Varsity hats for the footbal. teaim have arrived and were distribut- ed yesterday at the athletic office. They are a cloth hat, dark blue in color, and bear the football insignia in maize, on .he front of the crown: For Rent--One single room and two suites. 615 Packard St., Ann Arbor. 68 For Rent-Single room, warm and neatly furnished. Only a few min- utes from the campus, 1112 Cather- ine St. 6v See windows of Haler Jewelry Co. for Xmas presents. 306 S. State. Get your vacation meal ticketes at 301 S State St. A. E. Greene's Res- taurant. tf 1U Iy 41 11 U1111LZ . 11 11 : hours are from 3:00 to 4:30 o'clock every day this week until Friday. -A new collection of pictures have been placed in the' library exhibit cases. The pictures are reprints of the old masters. The series of pic- tures is entitled "Meisterbilder," and is published in Munich. -One of the latest additions to the university library is a set of nine vol- ames on the art collections of Europe. The book contains a detailed list, de- scription and criticism of the contents of the various galleries. sidering the size of this council, it is probable that every member of the class will be reached in the campaign. Only Two directories Remain Unsold Out of the 1900 student directories printed this year, only two remain tc be disposed of. The sale has been much more rapid than last year when a supply of 1700 was found to be suffi- cient for the entire demand during the school term. The two remaining di- rectories may be purchased at Wahr's book store. Ice Cream We make our 302 S. Main St.. Stop t the Cre The 'New P ece .. Candy .: Light Luj own candy Near L / Before Buying That Christmas Present Inspect our large stock of Musiced erehabadse and get prices. It will pay you. Guitars, Banjos, Mandolins, Violins, Music Bags; Everything in the Realm of flusic. GRINNELL BROTHERS 120-122 E. Liberty St. Phone 1707 Large-t stock ofVet oasand records MONEY. Short time loans made on valuables. 108 E. Huron St. 66-70 HOLIDAY GOODS The finest line for ladies or gentlemen,Goodyear Drug Co. 66-711 Any of your clothesuneed repairing or altering? That's our specialty. C. I. Kidd, 1112 S. University, 1530-J. tf Best shoe shine, hat cleaning and blocking next to Wagner's. tf Genuine Martin Guitars and Mando- lins sold at Schaeberle & Son's Music House. tf I~lVan illustr FOREribi oolet treatment foi safety razor blades, making one b Iasta lifetimeand be better than a purchased. Sent on receipt of c in c CLAUDE WOLFE, Howard City, M Buy Lyndon's new hand c Christmas postal cards with A bor views at the Delta, Brown' Store, Store, Store, Bros., Store, Mack Drug Co., I. F. Schleede, Sheehan's Book Schleedt's St 12 for 25 cents. - -~ a~ a~, m 'w 'w U 11p Hi iih Class Portrait 119 EAS1I m.i A A^ V"v A W-Irin W. ul D~T V Q I!