1Shoes Latest English Lasts Indian Moccasins :More Comfortable than dlippers 6First Choi1ce Christmas u~rts No. 1- Kodaks--All prices from $i~oo to $65.oo. The Vest Pocket Kodak at $6.oo is the one that will please the most fastidious. N0. 2- A New "M" Book, better than ever-same size but improved binding scheme. Sure to please-"he would treasure it," or "she would be delighted.'" NO. 3-- Photograph Albums--A new lot at decidedly lower prices than ever before, 50c to $3"50. No. 4- New Book of 25 views" of the U niversity in hand colored at $i.oo, Sepia at 86c. Pronounced "The Best Ever." No. 5- Calendars, for picture inserts; These are be- coming more popular every year. We have small campus views, if you want, while a familiar scene will be sure to please. My 1914 Calendars are the choice offered this season. Don't fail to see them before buying. Ioc to 35c each. No* 6- Christmas Postal Cards with scenes of Ann Arbor. 12 for 25C. L quYNDON ww flEE8UmEW I Wed V( 17MATINEE RETURN ENGAGEMENT WITH THE SAME PERFECT CAST AS BEFORE THE A / 7'E RC4N #'L A YC t/~V A REAL tIELOZIA'?M V71 STORY FUL L OF " 404 M"WfL R/W~fSar'wTf'St or TH E LO&£ OF O)VU ?: . OA Y ,tNWYFK & CO. 108 S. MAIN STREET ANN ARBOR T heatr e Th1,ur8. Fri. Sat. Deember 18, 19, 20 Matine RT 3 P. M. Retir n of T he Sunny Side ofBroadway By Max Bloom 39 People 30 In the M-erry Farce Bradway Chorus Prie 50c 35c 25c Nla',Une~ s-Adualts 25c Kids 15c ii ON ALL MILLINERY eavers Excepted, at-I ty East DANA RICHARDSON ,OUR LUNCHEON MENU is 'a delight to Fastidious Folks Lt'T' $ rTEverything is so cor- A r't L Cand Z m51 P Vic NIGHT 13 Rows Orchestra - - Balance Orchestra 4 Rows Balcony - Balance Balcony - - MATINEE 13 Rows Orchestra -- Balance Orchestra- Entire Balcony - - Mail Orders Now $ 1.50 1.00 .75 .50 $1.00 .75 .50 i it our parlors when down town. TA MAIN STREET "III -ee Roasters and Wholesale Grocers CAMPUS IN BRIEF. -:A reception, in the form of "Get a Receipt" party, will be held by the senior law class, in room C, of the law building, from 2:00 to 4:30 o'clock today. Each member is expected to bring $1.00. --FewNer applicaitionis for. excuses to the attendance committee in the law department have been made this year than ever before. In speaking of the matter, Prof. E. C. Goddard said; "The majority of the excuses awarded were based on the arguments that the ex- cused were self supporting students, and needed the few extra days before Christmas ini which to earn money." --Those who wish to read up on the play, "Joan of Arc," to be presented by the women's league in the spring, will find a list of reference books in the introduction to Professor Florer's edition of Schiller's "Jungfrau von Orleans." -Smokes, refresbments, and music will be provided on the special car of the Illinois club. All Illinois students are invited to go home on the special, which will leave the Michigan Central station at 1:19 o'clock Friday after- GARRICK THIEATRE Detroit, Michigan Sain S. and Lee Shubert, Inc., present THE PLAY OF NOW A MODECRN +GIKL By RUTH C. MITCHELL with Olive Wyndham, Jos. Kilgour, Chas. A. Stevenson. "The Evil Eye" A Two Reel Feature "Pathe weekly" "Mutt and Jeff" "The New School Marm of Green River" ORPHEUM ORCHESTRA ALWAYS This show will give more pleasurq than the dime it costs. All Seats 10c Matinees - 2 and 3:3+0 The lplE ffa fapBo in & Co., Ltd., 214 '. Main St. Guy L, Wool folk w exhibiting a full line of Imported and istic Novelties suitable for Christmas Gifts the shop of A. Starr Best. "b it S hop at 326 S. State Street O ur cloth, 11 book4,s with a felt M have grown famous among ti-he students. 'This is not the cheap kind w ithiithle 11 stamped on the cover. Get one at lioppe's and be in linie with the rest of the students. mlmwmmm hi LET THE R ESH MAN Press Your Clothes noon. -The Food number of the Gargoyle will be put on sale at all newsstands and bookstores today. The issue has been increased to 20 reading pages and the price has been raised to 15 cents. -Lee Whlie, '10, managing editor of The Michigan Daily in 1910-1911, ad- dressed Professor Scott's class in journalism yesterday morning, on the subject of "Jolts." Mr. White will speak before the class again at 9:00 o'clock Thursday, when his subject will be, "Can a Newspaper Man Also Be a Gentleman ?" ----udge Victor 1H. Lane, of the law de. partment, will speak at the Tau Beta Pi dinner at the Union at 6 :00 o'clock tonight. R. A. Hill, '14E, will talk on "The Old Spanish Canal system, and Its Development at El Paso, Texas.' W. Cook, '14E, will act as toastmaster. -L1. Baler, assistant in marine en- gineering, will lecture on "Analysis of Experimental Tank Data" at 11:00 o'clock Thursday in room 336, new en- gineering building. -Mail orders for tile Helen Keller lec- ture on January 15 will be filled from now on. Tickets, selling at 50 cents and 75 cents can be obtained at Waher's State street book store. I r, / L ofFurishi ~~ for Menl I i V ur 11 Beinn ing Dlec.8th SUITS 25e TROUSERS l0c -Menmber's of the team to attend the match conducted by the Western In- tercollegiate Chess association in Chi- cago, January 1, 2, and 3, will be se- lected at the meeting of the Chess and Checkers club at the Union at 7:30 o'clock tonight. ---The Canadian club will hold ai pre- Christmas gathering at Professor W. 0. Smeaton's 'residence, 605 Oxford Road, at 7:30 o'clock tonight. - l)eleirates to the .Kansais City con- vention of the Student Volunteer movement will meet in Newberry hal at 5:00 o'clock today to discuss final arrangements for the trip. -Prof. David Friday, of the econom- ics department, will address the men's section of the Deutscher Verein at its meeting at 8:00 o'clock tonight, on, "The Economic Conditions in Germany Today." I: V ITS'. Fil VniL oUra Ouatroelins nluxde lthe hieznst qUality Of :standard arlx°eldes 's vept. at left of Main Entrance. igs I* Prof. Scott, ofific~ilInntrucrF rieSaeNormal and Cleary Col- leges, with his staff 0f ;ady a ssisstants wil instruct all classes in proper dancing. 1P rvate e:, ^ :: ?by aapintment.1Phone 1185®-J, I1 I C. I . KIDO, '17 Lit. VISIT9 Novelte 1112 S. University Ave. ; !f AS VV L We have our large line of STRICTLY FRESHM Box Candy for Xmrals including such famous Brands as Oelie 1'eid Sweets e%,'td As Dainty Christmnn.s Gifts we also suggest Have you noticed the distinguished appearance a perfect fitting * I* OF INTEREST TO WOMEN. (Edited by Stylus.) Dress Suit gives one ? This is the only kind we make. Our fabrics are the newest. WAGNBR & CO. Tailors State Street *I About 50 university women consult- ed with Miss Helen Bennett,: during her stay here in Ann Arbor, with ref- erence to vocations which they hope to enter. Miss Bennett is manager of the Collegiate Occupational Bureau of Chicago, which has for. its object the finding of vocations other than teach- ing and social service for women of college training. Similar bureaus have been organized in New York, Boston, and Philadelphia. The greatest fault in the average college girl, is the lack of ability to grasp detail," said Miss Bennett. "De- The Eqii£ ostShop Bertha Nell 30 ouhMan t : araie Walker Amerca's TMist Artistic Trii, ick ad.Fancy .I ol11er Skaters. In Old Armory Next to Waitingr, ocmn-, An1n Arbur. II AGuaranteed At~cin Nightly. Admission 10c All garments shop. made in our own 7{4ICi_. .. .. , . . _..v--.-sue -.i....-Tye. ,r. ;'_ .'F' i'i.E Fine Stationery eithier Goods Perfumes Toilet Articles III K Fountain ]Pens CIGARS AND CIGARETTES IN SPECIAL XMAS PACKAGES UNIVERSITY AVENUE PHARMACY ioulding12189!South University Avenue oulirag Telephone Us 416 . . If You FREIGHT Expect F E% PHONE US AND SAVE TROUBLE Co E.GODFRE Y, 410 N. Foudth Ave. Phone 82-L tail is the bi thinginbu:h"sI1 When she fiiishes collee, &don L she adequately)eae o ne h business position of her che :,i l shIe has had training in oespca institution. We hope very so on, to able to coopecrate wthtuivrities in helping wom.-en to elct th.L.e collg coures hichwil bes fi fo to cnsut wth issBenettin Per- 1.on-, myrec hrbywi'ting 'to fthe ('ole;iae ccpatonl ureaul, Room 24 Fne AtsBilding, 10 Micianl AveueCicag, Illinois. P?. A. Dlj',Funeral >I courses which will, best fit for I _-