GIFT-SUGGESTIONS words could make you feel the comfort--could make you realize the style=-could make you know the values of Stein-Bloch Smart Clothes, you would be hur- I I for Father, Brother or Friend Bath Robes Neckwear. Hosiery P~aj am as Gloves ?Mackinaws Canes Umbrellas Shirts D~ress Vests Dress Neckwear Dress Scarfs Dress Gloves Dress Links & Studs Opera & Silk Hats D)ress Shirts Silk.. Linen Steamer & Auto Rugs rying to this store to get selection from our big Stein-Bloch Overcoats. an early stock of I are outdoors a great deal, to show you the Bloch "tiardweather." In fact a complete assortment of 'haberdash- ery and hats suitable for Holiday Gifts. We would be pleased to show you through our lines. TINKER & CO.Cor. STATE and " WILLIAM STREETS HOLIDA"Y GIFTS of the useful sort please men most. Featuring the great Holiday Selling 6 're four immense and special groups of newr Suits and Overcoats.:: Fur Lined O'coats Matckina WS oq House Coats Smoking jackets Bath Robes N eckw ear 6Gloves N ew Derbies Q. Soft Hats Suit Cases o Traveling Bags Trunks 0 4., 0 4. CVkV V" .°* :' ' ~iV.VaV+oic0ioioo I F III I I ress suits for sale or for rent. Jihmlt Afcl &Company ll:N1VLiR4TY 'NOTICE'S. =,-I .v.. ... ............ iristmas Suggestions ty Lace Collars Handkerchiefs as, Gloves Gentlemen's Cloves y Aprons ;Knit Hoods Sweater Coats new-Our prices are rigbt. we can save you a trip down town. I.S.Pinney & Co. ty St. The Store Where a Dollar Does Its Duly Wyvern girls are not to go to Hlop- pe's studio this noon as anniouniced yes- te rday. l iies will meet at. Union ait 7:00 o'clock tonight. Class basketball managers will meet at 5:00 o'clock this afternoon at Wat- erman gymnasium to plan for the championship series of campus games. Cross couintry men will meet at Waterman Oyin:u asum at 5:00 o'clock, this afternoon t o elect officers. Band at 7 :0(0 o'clock shari) tonight in V.l. Bring racks. Gargoyle editorial staff and contrib-, utors will meet ait 4:00 o'cock today in the Gargoyle offlie. For B~eat--41ne~ single room and two Suites. 615iil'a( karrd St., Ann arbor. G8 e m p l e Theatre The Favorite ,"Mo vr lie" Playhouse Friday, Dec. 19th FEB. RE I .. ..... BRIDGE INKS aCS ', ;;-. ;-! _~_- Visit the Newest and Up-to-Date DRY GOODS STORE Royal Worcester A UD Bon-Ton Corsets 0OUR LEADERS Schroen Bros. Phone 1000 124 South Main Street OF S TUDE NTS wearing glasses or, feeling the need of them wvill be pleased to know that Aran Arbor has a modern optical shop where services of an expert optometrist and optician can be had. Advanced methods of Optometry, fit- ting glasses without drugs, appeals to all who demand accurate eye examtinations, made without loss of time or incon ven- ience of having muscles paralyzedl by d rugs. I . H. Arnold, optometrist with Arnold & Co , is a recognized leaden in advanced optometrical work. His complete office equipment combined with shop facilities to grind lenses, together with years 01 experience as refractionist and optician, make his Optical System the logical place to buy glasses. Arnold Optical System 220 South Main Street All We K of is the E ROWE'S LAU. 406 DETROIT S The Link between Colleg Ton State Stree We Serve Hot W1aiit~L---ady wants first class room and board ini same house. Address A. B. care Daily. 68 For Rent--Suite two blocks from campus, 1034 E. Huron, 1065-J. 65-68 Lost-Ma nuscripts of" Saxophone Rag" and score of Chicago Shriners' Op- era. Please leave at Union. Lost--A silver bar-pin with West Point 1911 crest. Call 1811-J. Reward. 67 The funeral of Mr. Parvin M. France which was announced through an er- ror for tomorrow is to be held this af- ternoon at 2:00 o'clock. 68 SORROWS Ong S ADaMISSION - -10Gc Take your soiled garments to the Freshman. He "cleans" them., 1112 So.' Univ. Ave., Phone 1530-1. 60 HOLIDAYS AT (IAMER'S. D~ancing every Saturday night, 9:00 to 12:00 o'clock. Extra parties Christ- mnas Night and New Year's EVE (De- cember 25th and 31st.) 67-68 Dress 8U& eet At a special price $ 50-the best mmaterial tusedin Chis garrons- 'TS XMAS GIFTS showing a line of imported French, German and Austrian XES in blue, old rose and black leather finish. These jewel vided uip into small compartments beautifully lined with soft king thetm practical and at the sanie time handsome. Our boxes are equipped with locks. PRICES FROM $1.25 TO $10..0 bets, Drinking Cups, Traveling Cases, Manicure Sets, and Get your va tion mHeal ticketes at! MONEY. -Short time loans made on Max Krulsch Varsity Tailor All suits kept pressed free for one year. vnillahla.L 1AQ v .1411rnn C# AR -70 Hailer Jewelry Co. State St. 301 S. State St. A. E. Greene's Res- van Mc IVO £s . V]uLUIL . anr taurant. tf j--________ -- --~---1101IA Y GOODS The finest line Best shoe shine, hat cleaning and for ladies or gentlenmen,Goodyear Drug blocking next to Wagner's. tf Co. 66-71 AVE SELL G001) CLOTHING. Have that dining room decorated be- Suits at $10.00-All wool.' fore Christmas. Major & Co. eod-Sun Suits at $15.00-All wool, band tail- ored. Powdered DANCING Wax just what Suits at $20.00.--Adler's make and you want. Major & Co. eod-Sun style. Suits at $25.00-Equal to Finest Are you going to paper, paint or do Custom work. any kind of decorating? If so we can ALLEN'S GOOD CLOTHES STORE, do the work at once. Major. & Co. Main Street. tf" eod-Sun 117 Uom r E i t University School of Music Albert A. Stanley, Director rlaynard Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. A School of Music vtlhich offers courses in all braicee of nn highest standards. Scudents may take regular courses leading to graduation, or the, take such subjects as they desire, 'without reference to graduation. If you are interested in studying some branch of mnusic, please the office and get a copy of the school catalogue which gives full in ation. CHARLE~S A. SINK, Searet; I " Neepin g in Front " You fellows know whflat thlat o-ans! W Ve"Vbeen -very succe3ssfu l d h-is regard with fatE~-ia igarettes_, By sihe way, thescigaC.3,res wel -first so-ld in the colgj owsadyou "agreed wit*h us that 1they 'were -goo d" Then we puIt :a out f oebig race, to mae aimQofntinwirep- utation, and todlay more are sokR than .ny other ci arcute ia th is cuty No C pu.."rer, or rmore careofully CT o sen tobacco grows thsan thatiIn Fa tmas. We pvrposely put them in a plain inex-7pensive wvrappr--i.n this way wve can afford quality tob3acco, and twenty of thec smokes for 15 scents. N'ow your college crew is of utmost importance to you -so is a _good cigarette, and it's your aim in life to keep F atimnas in the lead-right uap to their goad quality--right up to where you first found theme, and will alwAays find theme. Success fellows ! You started this cigarette on its successful career- and you pull a strong oar all over this country; 1 f I'V IL l 2 Betore Buying That Christmas Present Inspect our large stock of Musical Merrchmn d ise and get price. it will pay you. Guitars, Banjos, Mandolins, Violins, Music Bags; Everything in the Realm of flusic. GRINNELL BROTHERS 120-122 E. Liberty St. Phone 1707 Large%t stock of Victrola.s and records I ri In our western display window you will notice a variety of chairs, reed, mahogany and circassian wal- nut, dainty sewing tables, artistic and convenient writing desks, tea wagons, all suitable for Xmas gifts. On our second and third floors are many more attractive pieces- to see them will induce you to'-buy. I. CIGARETTES U For mXmas LEATHER GOODS Martin Hailer made of Walrus, seal, morocco, cow- 0/r 154 hide, calf and pig. f Let mie convert your old Pump or :shoes ii TA NOE S with my special rubber sole. Ladies-50c and 75c per pair. Mens=75c and $1.00 per pair. I have pleased hundreds with it this C W Hy NOT YO V? Hand bags, bill folds, pock- et books, card, cigar and cigarette cases. 'Z~isz~wfve~ w ;'Q,'~ a The Mayer-Shairer Co. ta .fioners " Printers - Biders 112 Soul1h Main Streer. WVM. P. PURFIELD 119 East Liberty St. m 1l r =i r, r' I'l s PC 119