'HE LEADING .CHANT TAILORS 1111 Christmas Gifts Till daty dur ICHIGOAN DAILY paper at the University of Mich- d every morning except Mlon- university year. a WTe offer to you the tailored suit possible ie most suitable price. kmanship the best. y suit built to f it, stock of woolens of Iilghest quality. The Est assortment in the to select from. 1 11 Ju.st a few sBzg- gestions- Harrison Fisher's Beauties, Harrison Fisher's "A Girl's Life" A Little Girl's Book Michigan Pillow Cov- ers. College Jewelry Pins- I. ockets= Rings Watch Fobs Hat Pins Entered at the Postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan +inder Act of Congress of March 3, r 8;g. Offices Ann Ar-bor Press Building. Sub- scription price: bey carrier, $2.50; by mail, $3.oo. Want Ad. Stations : Press Building ; Quarry's Pharmacy; 'University Pharmacy ; C. H. Davis, Cor. Packard and State. Trelephones 96o and 241 4. Maurice Toulme ..........Managing Editor Adna Johnson . usiness Manager H. Beach Carpenter........ ...News Editor Gordon Eldredge......... Sporting Editor Fred Foulk .............. Assistant to Editor Leonard Rieser...... ..Intercollegiate Editor Robert Tannahill......... Music and D)ramna Harold Abbott ..................Cartoonist TYPEWRITERS New, reoutlit, and second- band, For Sale, $10.00 up For Rent, $2.00 up 3 mos., $5.00 TYPEWB I T I NG1 O . D. MORRILL i Over Baltimore l~unch B IN Christmas Gifts Holiday edlitions are snore beautiful this ye I iladf ever before. MAichigan's Scrap Books, Sorg Books, Catlendtars, Post Cards, FEtc. , Etc. Mate Sit.Mant WTA Two Stores There i.,4nothin g so good as COOD BOOKltS" for, 3 1S. State St. OIT UNITED DINES N ARBOR TIME TABLE d Express Cars for Detroit-7 :10 d hourly to 6:io p. rin., also 8:io for Detroit-5 :40 a. mn., 6:o6 a. mn., "y two hours to 6:o6 p. mi., 7:06 p. P. in., 9 :10 p. mn., and 10:45 p.'in. anti only, I1r115 p. in., I12 :15 p. tn. M. 1.oo a. in. ars for Jackson-7,:46 a. m.' and o hours to 7:46 p. mn. for Jackson-5 :12 a. m., 6:51 a. mn., y two hours to 6:5 i p. in., also 9:20 :15 p. M. COX SONS & VINING 72 Madison Ave., NEW YORK - MIAI(ER5 OF CAPS, GOWNS & HOODS For All Degrees May be Ordered from te S. W. Cla rkson Harrison Soule t Cashier V. President, r NATIONAL BANK ot Ann Arbor, Mich, Capital $ioo,ooo. -plus and Profits, $65,000, SHEEHAN & COI II STUDENTS' BOOKSTORK III rFrankel, IFi f teen America's greatest $15 suits 'and over., I coats, guaranteed to give good service or a new one FREE. Come in and inspect these garments. Harold H-ippler EIOIL Paul Blanshard Marshall Foote Lester Rosenbaumn Louis David. NIGHT EDITORS Leo Burnett Chester Lang F. F. McKinney Guy Wells On Sport Staff Carlton Jenks Bernus Kline T. Hawley Tapping ASSISTANTS TO BUSINESS MANAGER Sherw~ood Field H-arry Johnson Myron Watkins REPORTERS F. M. Church LLH. C. Rummel Y. F. J. Hsu Willis Goodenow P. F. Thompson J. M. Barrett C. A. Swainson D. R. Ballentine R. S. Collins Leon Greenebaum C._ L. Kendrick W. A. P. john E. C. Roth H. R. Marsh C. L. Muller Charles Weinberg BUSINESS STAFF F. G. Millard Russell Runvan W. R. Carpenter R. J. Hofmann Arthur Torrey R. V. ],rffler V. H. Herbert R. G. Sheldon WEDNESDAY, DECEM1BER 17, 1913. Night Editor-Leo N. Burnett. THE HARVARD GAME. WXe have reason to feel particularly thankful for the apparent, certainty of a game with Harvard next fall. Mich- igan will receive advertising from this game with the champions of the east, in a section in which she has hereto- fore been ignored to a certain extent. Not only will our football prowess re- ceive attention from the flotilla of cor- respondents, which are forever touting the crimson stars,but our real strength and greatness as the representative state university will be commented upon. We will have come into our own. "A STRAIGHT f'INE," , If a universal, hearty co-operation from the student body is expected by the determined proponents of the cam- pus beautiful, several new walks are L"an illustrated FOR cribiookl et des-Mc gane treatmnut for all safety razor blades, making one blade last a lifetime and be better than when purchased. Sent on receipt Of 25C in coin. CLAUDE WOLFE, Htoward City, Mich, SHOE REPAIRS? a I FREE 1FR: FIRST CLASS SHOE REPAIRING JOHN H. LAMBERT 613 EAST WILLIAM Otliclal shoe Doctor to Michigazes Football Team Pass the Rest, Try the Best Fresh home-made candies, crackerjack and fountain drinks at t A Pair of $600 Trousers awit every Suit or Overcoat order at $17.50L To everyone ordering a Suit or Overcoat during this sale ,we will give you absolutely FREE a pair of $0.oo Trousers of the same material as Suit or different, just as you like. Anyone who expects to lire andlg wear clothes cannot afford to miss this once in -a life time opportunity-. I MAW'S 613 E. Liberty WAI KING LOOK Come Up and Try George's Chop Suey Delicious Chinese and Ainerican Dishes. 341 South State Street Phone 1244-L We guarantee to save you ~ xo to f 15 on every order you store. Comte in and be convinced. The Quality Tailors E. C.llFLA IDEORS Place at o1 209 E. Liberty St. EAcra Con Chiristmas J&ewelry Place Orders with Us far Christina "MICHIGAN" SPOONS, r r---, 11 I STICK PINS, CIGARETTE "Special Price of $25.00 on a $35.00 00t-gla~s P"unth Bowl. Perfect in de- sign and work- manship. Packages of Gllberf's, Crane and Mary Garden _ .. i ,: id Trial Will Convince You That we make the Best Chocolates you ever tasted. ree B'ring this coupon which is worth 251b toward the 5 5c purchase of a box of our home made chocolate. CASES. CHOCOLATE SCHLANDERER; & SEYFRIEDI 1 113 East Liberty St.j We pack and ship to ally point 3 Chocolate 80c. Varsity Bitter Sweet 00c. N. Milk Chocolates 60c the pound. --BUSY BEES U. of MUSIC AND DRX31A. m necessary. 1ag udecIersRctl It's hard to forget the elementary! I The pudaitynce HearsgRecints geometrical maxim that a straight line Thpouaiyftwlgtcnes is the shortest distance between two remains undiminished; if anything points. When well-defined paths have the audience that heard Earl Moore been worn year after year, the average, yesterday afternoon in Hill auditorium DOROTHY B. LOWRY CHIROPRACTOR (K-ro-prak--to, ) Office fHours I-6 daily. Telephone, Bell140-J Offices and Adjusting Parlors: Rooms Got-6o6 First Nat'l Bank Bldg., Main and Huron Sts. ANN :ARBORt, AMICI1(AI Quarry Drwc The Druggilsts on the AliL ORdt.S TO MEN OUR SPECIAL $30.*00 SUITS HlAVE QUALITY that UALIFVS UICKLV I N University Ave. HENRY &CO* My LL:!) CIOtr! Sh..,,op individual, five minutes behind sched- ule time, will not find a winding, cir- cuitous walk along its many devia- tions. ON KEEPING APPOINTMENTS. I Mr. Man, do you come late to allz your appointments because it is con-t sidered fashionable? Or do you merely have alleged slips of memory? In j either case you had better reform your ways.r The world wants men who are there on time; it has nothing in store for !I those who dally by the way. Druids Initiate Three Awenityds. Druids, senior lit honorary society,t initiated three Awennyds at its winter initiation Sunday. The men are Car- roll Mills, Leonard Rieser, and Willt Shafroth.1 was larger titan ever before. Discriminate applause greeted Mr. 'Moore's playing of a Scherzo by Guil- mant, a delicate little work, which brought the echo organ into promi- nence. Handel's Largo (by request) received sympathetic treatment befit- tinig its noble theme. After the holidays, the first twilight recital wil be held at 4:15 o'clock on test a word about Xmas- gifts; thc choicest of which may be found in all kinds of odd China, Lamps, Oriental Jewelry, rand D. M. C. Crochet Cottons and Flosses for Fancy Work , at "The Palmis Royal," 3)04 South Mlain St., just across from Germwan American Bank. Genuine Martin Guitars and Mando-' lins sold at Schacerlo & Son's Mlusic M-ouse. tf Poclish y ou r floors withl Old Floor Wtax, Major k& Co. English eod We 'set glass. ?Major & Co. eod-Sun Why pay- more when you cang the same board for $3.75 per wee 311 Thompson St. e We can paper and paint that di ing room before Christmas, MN ajor Co. ,eod-S' Tuesday, January 18. During exami%- nation week daily recitals will be given at 5:00 O'clock, on January 26, 27, 23, 29, and 30. I Studenits' Recital. The general public is invited to lis- ten to an interesting 'students' recital at 4:15 o'clock this afternoon, at the school of music. Advanced pupils of the vocal, violin, and piano depart- ments will contribute numbers. VF ails Fork Dipped Chocolates we have ever handled. VAN DOREN'S PHARMACY, 703 Packard.St.I ANABO YENWORKS ARTFISTIC FREINCH DRY AND STrEA[I CLFANI2RS i INTER WOOLENS We are showing a neat line of blue and black French pin stripes for Christmias trade. Our Motto-"The best is none too good." You get satisfaction here. Phone 628" Consol iaion 204 East Washington ANN ARBOR DYE WORKS G. IH. KUHN UNIVERSAL CLEANING WORKS T. E. WAHL RTSUITS~ 5~~ K ' REN Fe11. M . LES 607 EAST WILLIAM ST. WE CALL AND DELIVER _ t The Ann Arbor Savings Bank pital Stock $300,000 Surplus $100,o00 Resources $3,000,0o0 A General Banking °Business Transacted fi-cers: Chas. r. IHiscock, Pres., W. D. Har- riart, Vice-Pres., M. J. Fritz, Cashier j Co'sins ( OJH I Choce Cut Flowers Fine lot of Palms and Ferns for Decorating Car. 12th St. and S. Univ. Ave. Phone 1 15 I ARROW Cduet, Peabody & Co., Inc. Makers z2.i25 1' 't NOMMMOOMMMMMMOV- f ~rnivcet uic iou Imifis A Complete Stock o Classic, Op= eratic, College and Pop= ular Music, New Michigan will NTJ