I Kodaks s black rubber soles. proper dress shoe le Tango. =a new lot of tan ersoles. Prices from up to $6.00. We have all the Eastman Ko- daks from the Brownies for "Kids" up to the "Specials" for experts. See the liw Kodak gift case that is being advertised in the magazines-$15-oo. We have it. Come in and book it over. Xmas Candies Every lady friend likes can- dies and she appreciates them more if they are WHITMAN'S. Come in and get a "Fussy Package at $r.oo up. Also special assortments for old folks. We deliver free up to 150 miles. I I I Rbe member This little fellow can't deliver all the packages if all of you put off buying until the day before X= mas. We jist received a complete line of holiday goods; Suit cases, collar bags, ties, bath robes, mufflers, traveling bags, handkerchiefs, hose, gloves etc. Select now--we will assist you, 4JFW uieFTh Qnnty li (glPbi C 3 _ 4 1,1 ti,; m , Calkins' Pharmacy 324 South State Street I I _I% Shoe Store I CARPUS IN BRIEF. 4ma 119 S. Main Street Yesterday, today and likely to- morrow almost ev- ery store, big and little, will scream "We've got the ;tbest!" Just sup- pose you take a look at Wadhams & Co. Suits, Over- coats, Mackinaws, Hats, Caps and Furnishings.. LM S ea. South Main Street Co. Win' 1 A. MARQUARDT A 1 IWY 914 li Tke Aerophine society will meet this evening at 7:30 o'clock in room 248 of the engineering building. 1). M. Bavly, '151., will speak on "The History of Aviation," and F. E. Loudy, '15, will give a short arddess upon "The Dunne Aeroplane." -1sean 11. It .ates of the law depart- uenut is to represent the university in lieu of President Harry B. Hutchins, at the alumni mceting to be held in Limna, Ohio torni,0ht. President Hutch- ins is rcmainiu::; in Ann Arbor because of a cold which developed Sunday. -ri-o. .1. It. -Allero will repr-esent the university at a meeting of the Astabu- la county alumni to be held at Asta- bula, Ohio, lecember 27. -1)1. I'reI E. Wright, of washington, D.C.,gaenilurtd lecture on ge- ologyyeea.D hisa grad- uate o, Heidelberg. -'Tl a rtait of Professor Robert "1 Wenley, by Percy Ives, which has hung in the reading room of Alumni Memorial hall, has been given a per- manent place in the southeast gallery on the second floor of the building. -More than 1,500 books have been re- ceived by the lav library during the last year New books are being receiv- ed daily and the number of books has reached nearly 33,000. -Dr. Walter A. Hoyt, of the IUiversi- ty hospital, will lecture on "Fractures" before the class in home nursing, at the Universityhospital on Wednesday evening. -The rumor that the Universit School of Music is contemplating the purchase of Dean Vaughan's resi- dence, has been denied by Secretary Sink of the school. -1911 Engineers will banquet tomor- row at the Michigan Union. Several of the class members will respond to toasts. -Tt ueta Ii, senior engineer honor- ary society, will hold the second of its bi-weekly dinners at the Michigan Un- ion tomorrow night. This is one of a series of dinners which will be given every two weeks and which precede the regular business meetings. . -Walter Wilgus, who is studying law at Columbia University, is spending the holiday vacation in Ann Arbor. Mr. Wilgus is the son of Prof. H. L. Wil- gus, of the law department, and was a student at Michigan last year. -More than 50 fresh dents attended their class dance at the Union last night. -"l'he Outlook of an Engineer" way: the subject of a talk given by Prof. H. E. Riggs to fresh engineers at their dinner last night at the Union. George C. Paterson, '14E, James Raynsford '15E, and E. Kendall, '17E, the small- HOLIDAYS AT GRANGER'S. O H E T Last chance to see "LILLY LANGTRY" Toard ghxt ill addition to the two re- feature "THE, DUKE'S HEIRESS" ORPHEUM ORCHESTRA AtWAYS This show will give more pleasure than the dime it costs. All Seat#s 10c, Matinees - 2 and 3:30 JEWELRY Extensive Stock at Reasonable Prices. Watch Repairing, Skilled and Trustworthy. Optical Supplies Eyes Sientlic aly Fitted Do you realize within a few weeks you will leave for that Christmas vacation? Drop in while down town and look over our line of Holiday suggestions. Michigan Pins, Fobs, Bars and Spoonis Silver Purses and Mesh Bags von will be impressed with, the high quality of goods at prices that will appeal to you. I J. B. EIBLER 109 W. Liberty Street Across from Mack's side entrance r I SPECIAL EQUIPMENT FOR I I GAS 'COOKIN I 4<0tidt319M4. Alibdi ec & vli ive JPeasure t ) those we Lore" Let us help you car out th idea by acting as your mess- enger. 'there are 32 Spalding stores in the Uited State, all full stocked with Its:( eerigid th'ivqs b~ make the Christ- ma". mereafly joy- '"Spalding Special U1 l (2a?.;logiue of C hrist- inns iuggestions MARK will he of help. IN . 254 Woodward Ave. -. . oF t'etroit, Mich. zai~oring Gym Suppli TOwels, Wash Cloth Hard Wate Castile Soaj Pro=Ath let4 Supporters SUGDEN DRUG CI 302 S. STATE STEL Suits Cleaned and Pressed and repaired Cor, Main and Huron---Over Farmer's and Mechanic's Bank. est man on the campus, also spoke. -The Canadian club will hold a meet- ing at 7:30 o'clock tomorrow night, at the home of Prof. W. G. Smeaton, 605 Oxford. Officers will be elected for the year, and other matters of import- ance will be discussed, NO CHANGE IS PROBABLE IN SORORITY PLED('IG RULES Although the matter of revising the rushing rules and regulations for sor- orities is in the hands of a rushing committee for examination, no chang- es are anticipated, because of the sat- isfaction which the system gave this year in its first practical application. Few complaints have been made, and it is the opinion of the Michigan In- ter-Sorority association that the rules were conscientiously adhered to by all the sororities. The two most important innovations in the system this year were that all bids should be issued through the mail, and that no pledging should be done until the second Tuesday after school opened. GAROYLE TO CONTAIN 1ORE READING THAN EVER BEFORE In the "Food" number of the Gar- goyle, which is to appear tomorrow. the publishers 1ave provided for 20 pages of reading material, 20 per cent more than was ever furnished before. The cover design, one of the most Increases Cleanliness and Efficiency. Telephone I Representative to call and give you expert advice for your Kitchen meat. Washtenaw Gas Compan For Fraternity and Club "Nomm Purchasers of Xmas and New Years Ci 1 NOTICE improve our telephone service we astalled a two phone system which onpelled us to change our present number 1550 to 2280. Ann Arbor Taxicab Co. 300 N. Plain Street See Our Window Finest Assortment of Holiday Goods in the C I- XMAS GIFTS The ayerSchairer C XMAS GIFTS LEATHER NOVELTIES We are showing a line of imported French, German and Austrian J1EWEL 1BOXES in blue, 01(1 rose and black leather finish. These jewel boxes are divided tup intos mall compartments beautifully lined with soft leather, making them practical and at the same time handsome. Our larger jewel boxes are equipped with locks. PRICES FROM $1.25 TO $10.00 Writing Sets, Drinking Cups, Traveling Cases, Manicure Sets, and novelties. Stationers - . r lters -Binxder 112 South Main Street. Dancing every Saturday night, 9:00 unique this year, will be printed in to 12:00 o'clock. Extra parties Christ- three colors. A new and artistic head- mas Night and New Year's EVE (De- ing for the editorial page will make cember 25th and 31st.) 67-68 its appearance in this issue and will be ----_- permanently used on that page here- Just a word about Xmas gifts; the after. This cut is the creation of Ed- choicest of which may be found in all win McGuire, '16. Haller Jewelry Co. See Windows Stopa o he bCrs The New ill ce ice Cream C; andy I Light Lunch State St. Lady wants first class room and board in same houe. Address A. B. care Daily. 66-67-68 Personal Christmas Cards. Leave your order early at Wahr's Bookstor- es. 58-67 Night lunches delivered. Call 51-L, 301 S. State, Greene's Lunch Room. tf Magazine ubsscriptions.Best8club rates at Wahr's Bookstores. 58-*67 Best shoe shine, hat cleaning and blocking next to Wagner's. tf MONEY. Short time loans made on valuables. 108 E. Huron St. 66-70 HOLIDAY GOOl)S The finest line for ladies or gentlemen,Goodyear Drugb Co. 66-71 WE SELL GOOD CLOTHING. Suits at $10.00-All wool. Suits at $15.00-All wool, hand tail- ored. Suits at $20.00--Adler's make and style. Suits at $25.00-Equal to Finest Custom work. ALLEN'S GOOD CLOTHES STORE, Main Street. tf For Rent--Suite two blocks . from campus, 1034 E. Huron, 1065-J. 65-68 Lost-In the library, Saturday noon, a watch. Please return to Daily office. Reward. 67 kinds of odd China, Lamps, Oriental Jewelry, and D. M. C. Crochet Cottons and Flosses for Fancy Work, at "The Palais Royal," 304 South Main St., just across from German American Baik. 67-70 Lost -A silver bar-pin with West Point 1911 crest. Call 1811-J. Reward. 67 Deutseler Verein Initiates 37 Tonight The Deutscher Verein will initiate 37 men and women into membership at 8:00 o'clock tonight, at a combined meeting of the men and women's sec- tions. A general meeting of the soci- ety will be held before the initiation, at 7:30 o'clock. We make our 302 S. Main St. own candy Near Liber p Before Buying That Christmas Present Inspect our large stock of Musical Merchandise and get prices. It will pay you. Guitars, Banjos, Mandolins,Violins, Music Bags; Everything in the Realm of Music. GRINNELL BROTHERS 1204-122 E. Liberty St. Phone 1707 Larget stock of Vietiolas and reeords* If you want the best in chocolates, try Liggett's, Edsill's Rexall Drug Store, 122 So. Main St. eod Buy Lyndon's new hand colored' Christmas postal cards with Ann Ar- bor views at the 'Delta, Brown's Book Store, Mack Drug Co., Foster Art Store, I. F. Schleede, Quarry Drug Store, Sheehan's Book Store, Huston Bros., Schleede's Student Supply Store, 12 for 25 cents. eod Genuine Martin Guitars and Mando- lins sold at Schaeberle & Son's Music. F R MENcribing a na Itrea tineut for safety razor blades, making one bl lasta lifetime and be bettr than w purchased. Sent on receipt of 25c in cc CLAUDE WOLFE, Howard City, Mi We work for the ladies. Cle perssing and repairing. C. I. 1112 So. Uniuersity. Liggett's Gilbert's and Fenway plates in- perfect condition. E Rexall Drug Store, 122 S. Main St House. tf ~ii EL, huh Class Portra .1 T F- 119 EAST U.