',, .I 1 Vil p1J .Igan F 00 Lk1 r I*OE TI i LIS 0 1' 4w ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1913. PRICE FIVE VHAS T FAME EVENTS FOR TODAY Engineering Social Club Dance at Ion. Fresh Pharmic Smoker at Union. Senior Lit Class Meeting in N Physics Lecture Room. Senior Engineering Dinner at Un Michigan Daily Dance at Cou Club. un West nion. ntry Filibert Roth on Equal Pale 1914 JmHOP IS 1FORBIDDEN BY SENATE'S. VOTE IUniversity ('oierning Board Stands by Former Action Calling For Discontinuance of Dance. EFFORT OF HOP COMMITTEES FAILS TO WIN BACK FAVOR Rrsolution Passed by Faculty Men Is Explanatory of Desire to Stop Abuses. hool of Forestry,wrich 19103 with "Daddy" ow ranks with the for- Yale, which was found-l earlier. The number of department cannot be d, as the freshmen are literary department. ment of nine in 1903, hias grown until it con- students. Michigan's ry offers more specific y other forestry school EVENTS OF TOMORROW Senior Lit Dinner-Dance at Union. Tau Beta Pi Dinner at Union. COLLECT ATE ALUMNAE OBJECT TO OUSTING OF MRS. YOUNG The Ann Arbor branch of the Asso- ciation of Collegiate Alumnae voted at its meeting Saturday that a message be wired to Mayor Harrison of Chica- go, protesting against the ousting of Mrs. Ella Flagg Young from the super- intendency of schools of that city. DAME FORTUNE IS GOOD TO JANITOR, *: :t *- * * * * * * * * * "The Senate expresses its ap- preciation of the efforts of the Junior hop committee of the class of 1914 and the Junior Hop committee of the student coun- cil to refcrm the abuses which have existe: in the Junior Hep, but deems it inadvisable at the present time to allow a resump- tion of the Junior Hop." ** * * * * *, * * *: ;. *w *: *: JOAN IL ('C1TTRELL WINS ('OfEDY CLUB POSTER PRIZE Picture Displays Female Scarecrow; I. B. Jewell and C. Smith Get Awards. John M. Cottrell, '14A, was last night awarded the first prize of $5.00 in the Comedy club poster contest. J. B. Jewell, '16E, was awarded second, and C. Smith, '17, third prize. These pcsters will be placed on exhibition to- day. A total of 16 drawings were sub- mitted in the -competition. The posters are to advertise the play "Scarecrow" which the Comedy eub will present at the Whitney the- atre on January 16. Cottrell's draw- ing departs from the commonplace and displays a female scarecrow, urging the destruction of the large supply of admission cards. The Jewell poster is a Cerran representation of a scare- crow and Smith's picture is a spooky affair, introducing several phases of inanimate life. The pr:zes for the second and third places are four, and two, of the best seats in the house, respectively. CHINESE SURE OF CHRISTMVAS JOYS Chinese students in the university, through the arrangement of the uni- versity Y. M. C. A., will be enabled to spend their Christmas vacation in some American families. Groups of two or three will be distributed among the local residents who have consented to take charge of the orientals. They may stay in the families during the entire vacation or part of the holidays. The purpose of this arrangement is to enable the students to have a real in- sight of American home life at Christ- mas time; and that the Americans may in turn learn the manners and customs of China. hAIlER FINISHES WORK ON E N(LIS 1 SHIP COMMISSION A great majority of the graduates go into the United States Forestry Ser- vice. The men enter the service either as forest assistan's or forest rangers, and from these positions they are eli- gible to be deputy forest supervisors and forest supervisors, who are each in charge of one of the national forests. Several of the graduates have enter- ed the anadian Forest Service, and some are in the employ of the Canadi- an railroads. Others have forestry po- sitions under the state governments. A few have become foresters in the government service in the Philippines, and some are teaching. A great number of graduates each year is entering the employ of private firms. Among this list are experts in the valuation of timber lands, and some who are themselves engaged in the lumber or milling business. Professor Roth first came into na- tional prominence as an associate of Dr. B. E. Fernow, the head of the United States Division of Forestry when it was first established. Later Professor Roth was made Chief of the Forestry Division of the General Land Office, a position which placed him in charge of all lands set aside as forest reserves. Doctor Fernow and Profes- sor Roth went to the Cornell Forestry School when it was founded, but later when the school broke up because of politics, Doctor Fernow associated himself with the University of Toron- to, and Professor Roth came to Michi- gan to found the present School of Forestry. Junior Professor C. L. Sponsler, '10; Assistant Professor P. S. Lovejoy, '07; and Instructor J. H. Pottinger, '12, are also Michigan grad- uates. Several graduates of the forestry school are on the faculties of other universities: Ngan Han, '11, the only Chinese graduate in the department, who is in the University of Nanking, and is also in the service of the Chin- ese government; D. M. Mathews, '09, professor of forestry at Manilla; F. B. Moddy, '06, professor of forestry at Cornell University; G. W. Peavy, '04, in the Agricultural College of Oregon; N. W. Scherer, '11, assistant professor at Ohio State University; and G. R. Green, '11, assistant professor at Penn State University. Clyde Leavitt, '04, is the forester to the Canadian Conservation, which has full power over all forest fire protec- tion on Canadian railroads. Dorr Skeels is a logging engineer in the United States Forest Service. When timber land is to be sold, his duty is to ascertain the best way for logging, and also to fix the stumpage value, the7 price for which the lumber is sold. C. S. Smith, '05, is assistant forester1 May Ask For Extension of Time Action Brought on Information of Students. in MICHIGAN TO MEET HARVARD AT CAMBRIDGE OCTOBER DAMX AND SCIAIBLE CASES COME IP FOR TRIAL TODAY Snow is falling, at least a kind of golden snow; sheckel after sheckel; the kind that warms pocketbooks as well as hearts. Filtering through the halls of the rhetoric building, this yel- low dust is drifting toward Charles Stevens, the janitor, who yesterday fell heir to a third of an estate valued at $60,000, which his uncle of New York city bequeathed him. Mr. Stev- ens himself scouts the idea of such a large fortune. "I doubt if the amount will exceed $6,000 or $7,000 at the very most," he said when questioned. "My son is now in New York city investigating the, matter and I expect to hear from him soon." SOCCER PROVING SUCCESS AS MICHIGAN 311NOR SPORT Team Is Composed of Cosmopolitans Recruited From All Parts of World. Soccer, as a Michigan sport, has proved peculiarly successful this year, by furnishing a line of athletic endeav- or for the many foreign students who would otherwise have remained in- active. The game of soccer is played in more countries than any other sport. For this reason, most of the Michigan soccerists have played the game since childhood and the introduction of the game here was most welcome to them. The representative team last fall was composed of players from eight different countries. There were two men each from South Africa and China and one man each from Cana- da, Holland, Greece, Norway, and the United States, besides many foreign- ers on the squad who failed to make the team. It was decided recently by the board of directors to award numerals to the soccer team, and the following men will receive the insignia: Glenny, '14, (mgr.); Watts, '16E (capt.); Coryell, '16E; Pan, '15E; Shutes, '16; Stalling, '15; W. Robertson, '16D; Li, '17E; Co- hen, '17; Tripolitis, '17E; deLiefde, '16D; McDowell, '15; Donnell, '15E; James, '15D, and J. Robertson, '16D. MINSTRELS PROMISE TO BE FEATURE FOR CELEBRATION When the interlocutor -and end men trod the boards at the Union minstrel show rehearsal yesterday afternoon, the production assumed a form which There will be n Junior Hop this year, according to the resolution pass- ed by the senate l-:st night. The res- olution says nothing about prohibiting a Hop next year. It is stated as im- probable that any function similar to the annual dance will be given with- out official sanction. All the various committees representing students are disposed to abide by the decision of the senate. The annual Junior Hop was abolish- ed by a resolution of the Senate on Pebruary 14, after it had been a con- tinuous Michigan institution for almost 40 years. It was stated that the sen- timent of the Senate at that time was that the Hop had grown to a size which made it unmanageable and too elabo- rate, and that it had Qutgrown that simplicity, desirable for a university function. Another reason assigned was that it was undemocratic and too exclusive. The abolition of the Hop was precipitated by the riotous at- tempt of about ^ hundred students andy others to force admission to the gym- nasium while the festivities were go- ing on, and by the freaky character of the dancing, costumes, and music,a and because it was felt that the Hop was the occasion of too much extrav- agance, Immediately after the action of the, Senate last year, the 1914 Hop com- mittee set to work in an endeavor to; have the hop reinstated. It investigat- ed the causes leading up to the aboli- tion of the Hop, and devised plans toa obviate the objections. The committee made its recommendations this yearI on the idea that the undemocratic anda exclusive features were the cause of the dissatisfaction with the annualc ball. All those who had seen the peti- tion were agreed that its provisions were liberal. The 1914 committee planned to make the hop open to all students on equal terms by permitting attendance of any group of 'ten or more, other than the 18 fraternities which have been the nucleus of the annual organization in control of the great social event. Each1 group was to have uniform booth space and a representative on the general committee. Both gymnasiums were to be used for dancing, if nee-] essary. The general chairman was1 to help independents to organize in1 groups. Chairmanship of committees and the general chairmanship were toi be held in rotation from year to yearE among the 18 fraternities, but assist-1 ants were to be appointed from the1 general committee. House parties were to be limited to begin Thursday noon and to end Sun- day evening. To provide more direct and more ef- ficient management on the night of the Hop, a senior or post-graduate was to be elected to have full charge of the Hop, while it was in progress. < The names of all chaperones were to be given to the chairman on chaper- ones a week before the Hop and he was to write to them, in conjunction with Dean Myra B. Jordan, explain- ing the situation in Ann Arbor and what was expected of the chaperones. The social committee of the juniorl (Continued on page 4.) University Professor Returns to From London; Will. Attend Convention. City The cases against Lawrence J.Damm and George Schaible, the salooonists charged with selling liquor to students in violation of the state law, will come up for trial in the circuit court before Judge E. D. Kinne this morning at 9:00 o'clock. Damm and Schaible were arrested November 22 upon information fur- niched by Dlon T. MKone, '16, who was arrested a few days previous on a charge of disorderly conduct, and convicted in the justice court. McKone will be the chief witness for the pros- ecution. R. J. Miller, '16, and. L. F. Tingay, '15D, who were with MeKone at the time of his arrest, have also been subpoenaed. John P. Kirk, of Ypsilanti, attorney for the defense, may ask for an exten- sion of time in behalf of his clients, ALLMN CLU BS TELL ABOUT MICHIGAN IN PUBLICATIONS The November issue of The Michi- gan Bulletin, the Chicago Alumni asso- ciation publication, features the fina settlement of the Conference questions and the Michigan alumni weekly luncheons. In the November number of the Gothamite, published by the New York Alumni association, Dr. James B. An- gell, president emeritus, thanks the alumni for the interest they took i him during his illness. He says "I am happy now to assure them that I have entirely regained my health. It is a great encouragement to all of ur on the ,ground here to see the loyal devotion of the New York alumni te their Alma Mater." WILL ARRANGE DETAILS OF PAGEANT AFTER CHRISTMAS "Definite arrangements for the cre- ation of the Joan of Arc pageant will not be completed until some time fol- lowing the Christmas holidays," sai Helen Brandebury, '14, general chair man of the committees in charge of the production of the pageant, yester- day, "the only active committee a present, is the one assigned to the se- lection of costumes, under the super- vision of Alice Lloyd, '16." The committee on costumes is con- sulting plates of over 200 costumes to be used in the staging of the his- torical play, while it is probable that many special costumes will have to b made. Mrs. Lombard is the faculty adviser to the costumes committee. Marjorie Nicholson, '14, is preparing a booklet review of the story of. Joan D'arc, which will be presented for the approval of Prof. H. A. Kenyon before being used in the pageant. LIPPINCOTT WILL PRESIDE AT 1914 LIT FEAST AT UNION As their biggest informal social event, 1914 lits will hold a Christmas dinner-dance at the Michigan Union tomorrow night. For men holding sea- son tickets, $1.25 will admit a couple to both the dinner and dance, withan extra fee of 60 cents for others. The dinner will begin at 6:30 o'clock and the dance at 8:30. John I. Lippincott will be toast- Professor H. C. Sadler of the engi- neering department has returned from London, England, after spending a month on a commission appointed for the purpose of determining the safety of seagoing ships. The Michigan man joined this commission at the request of the Association of Passenger and Steam Ship Lines of the .United States and Canada. Professor Sadler has been appointed by the Secretary of Commerce to a. membership on the commission which is to hold a convention in Europe in the spring of 1914, to determine the load line of the vessels. This commis- sion has to do mainly with the safety of the ship itself. NOTEI) CORNELL PROFESSOR TO ATTEND ANNUAL BANQUET Waiter Nulford Consents to Speak to Michigan Foresters During March. Prof. Walter Mulford, head of the forestry department of Cornell uni- versity, will be the principal speaker at the annual Forestry club banquet, to take place in March. Professor Mulford, in a letter just received by Harry Mills, chairman of the commit- tee, consented to come to Ann Arbor. The Forestry club has established a custom of bringing a prominent for- ester each year to speak at the annual banquet. Gifford Pinchot was one of the former speakers. 01ny Unexpected Failure to Agre Details of Contract Can Prevent Football Gaune. -_ - EASTERN OFFICIAL ACCEPTS BOARD IN CONTROL'S OFi Crimson Contest Lives Wolver Hard Schedule For Season of 1914. Unless there is an unexpected h in the arrangement of minor det Michigan's 1914 Varsity football t will meet Harvard at Cambridge October 31. A telegram to Director P. G. Ba me of the Michigan athletic assc tion, from Fred W. Moore, grad' treasurer of the Harvard athletic sociation, practically settles the sc uling of the game. Though the test must be sanctioned by th I vard athletic committee, and the p er contract formalities observed, ti is little reason to doubt the fint of the arrangement. Michigan's telegram to the. Har authorities, sent after the board control of athletics had considered Crimson invitation to play at C bridge on October 24, took the for a counter proposal. The Wolve management asked for October 31 a suitable date for the game, sta that Michigan would be willing to cept Harvard's invitation, provi< the contest could be arranged Oct 31 instead of October 24. In answer to this proposal, Tr urer Moore of Harvard wired:- "Can arrange game for October Will hld date pending approval our athletic committee." It 'developed that Michigan took above-mentioned action on the I vard invitation, only after a warm gument in the board in control m ing Saturday evening. The ques of the advisability of scheduling game was thoroughly considered fore the board took its final action Director P. G. Bartelme questio the advisability of playing Har next season for several reasons. cited the fact that Michigan will obliged to play a team of seasoned erans, with a comparatively gr eleven, Should Harvard win, he I that the Crimson authorities woul reticent about continuing relations A second objection dealt with fact that the Wolverines will be ob ed to journey to Cambridge on O her 31, and to Philadelphia to n Pennsylvania, now proposed for following Saturday, thus bringing important games close together, b "on the road." It was 'Director I telme's opinion that the Varsity c not give the best account of itsel: either contest. Other members of board held the same opinion. Judge James O. Murfin, strongy favor of arranging the contest, po out the advantage of scheduling game from the standpoint of establ mug a better eastern relationship. the end of the discussion, those c sided with Judge Murfin were suffic in number to carry the vote. Inasmuch as the Harvard game necessitate a rearrangement of plans for the 1914 football sched Director Bartelme announces that entire schedule cannot be given some time. It is thought that an ef will be made to have the Syrac game played at Ann Arbor instea Syracuse, as called for under the rangement under which the two versities have been playing, in or to round out the home schedule. Foresters to Hear Professor Love Prof. P.S.Lovejoy, of the forestry partment, will speak before the I estry club, at its meeting Wednes evening, on the results of the ree Conservation congress he attended Washington, D. C. H. L. Plumb, gi uate school, will speak on "Re-for ation in the Sinslaw National For in Oregon." The talk will be illust: ed. of the fifth United States Forest dis- promises to surpass any previous min- trict at SanFrancisco. Several nation- or theatricals of the Union. The 13 men al forests are grouped together into of the cast went through the ensemble one district under the supervision of numbers proficiently, and the individu- one district forester and his assistI al men performed their stunts in a ants. J. F. Kuemmel, '07, is in charge creditable manner. The minstrel will of the collecting and planting of seeds be the principal number at the Christ- in the sixth district. J. F. Preston, '07, mas celebration Thursday night. Is in charge of the office of operations Much time will be put on the show at Missoula, Mont. up to the time of its presentation, H. S. Sackett, '06, is vice-president with the next rehearsal at 4:00 o'clock of the Forest Products Company of this afternoon. All of the men in the New Orleans, a concern engaged in the cast have previously proven themselv- salvaging of waste lumber. A. S. Hop- es able in other theatricals, and there (Continued on page 4.) will be little difficulty In drilling them. GRAHAM TAYLOR URGES MEN master, and Prof. J. A. C. Hildner and TO "BELONG TO THE CROWD" Mr. C. S. Boucher will represent the faculty. The other speakers will be, "You are world men. Belong to your Emma Heath, Charles Webber and age, belong to the crowd, or you will j Helen Brandebury. Willis Diekema be merely educated minds, not educat- I and Waldo Fellows will furnish the ed men. The detached men is a men- musical numbers. ace," said Graham Taylor, the Chicago sociologist, to an audience of 800 uni- Noted Billiard Players Will Compete. versity men at the Majestic theater, Willie Hoppe, world's champion bil- Sunday evening. His subject was "The liard player, will meet Jake Schaefer. Common Grour.d of Religion and Edu- Jr., son of the former champion, in cation." 18-2 balkline billiard matches, at Hus- "Never," he asserted, "was there the ton Brothers, on the nights of January need of the sand and backbone given 19 and 20. The play will continue un- by religion and education that there is til Hoppe has obtained 1,000 points, or now Schaeffer 600.