GIFT-SUGGESTIONS rds could make you the comfort-=could make you ze the style=-could make you w' the values of Stein-Bloch rt Clothes, you would be hur-. g to this store to get an early Ation from our big stock of n-Bloch overcoats. for Father, Brother or Friend Bath Robes Neck wear Hosiery Pajamas Gloves Mackinaws Canes Umbrellas Shirts D~ress Vests Dress Neckwear D~ress Scarfs Dress Gloves Dress Liuks & Studs Opera & Silk Hats Dress Shirts Silk & Linen Steamer & Auto Rugs In fact a complete assortment of haberdash- ery and hats suitable for Holiday Gift's. Wv would be pleased to show you through our line;4 'doors a great deal, ,w you the ' ilardweather." /TINKER d& CO. Cor. STATE and ,l . WILLIAMSTREETS ~HOLIDAY GIF of the useful sort please men nr o Featuring the great Holiday Sel 6 ere four immense and special grc 2 of new Suits and Overcoats. Fur Lined O'coats Macki House Coats Smoking Bath Robes Neck 6Gloves New L 6 Soft Hats Suit( 6 Traveling Bags Tru Rel, oli.iee 0 ~~~ ~4(ot~~ ". ?'TS nost. ling ups inaws gTJacke kwear Derbies Cases inks 111 / suits for sale or for rent. ildi, Apfel &Coampany i I as Suggestions ;ollars Handkerchiefs S Gentlemen's Cloves Knit Hoods sweater Coats prices are right. we can save you a rip down town. Pinney & Cwo. tStore Where a Dollar Does Its Duly Lost-Chi' Psi badge. Return to 10071 last Huron and receive reward. 64-66 For Reit-Suite two blocks from campus, 1014 . Ijuron, 1065-J. 65-68 For Sale-Michigan Reports, volume 1 to 127 inclusive; Jacob's and Chan- ey's Michigan 'Digest 1 to 3 inclus- ive; Douglas' Michigan Reports 2 volumes; Walker's Chancery Re- ports 1 volume; Harrington Chan- cery Reports 1 volume; Price $125; Address Welton k Marks, Pioneer Bl1dg., Madison, WVisconsin. 64-66 MONEY. Short time loans made on valuables. 108 E. Hluron St. 66-70 Lady wansts first class room andt board in saime house. :address, A. T; care Daily. 66-67-681 Down Town- on Main at the Big White Sign Monday, December 15 HTemple THEATRE Coo i Silas - _ I ' ' _;s - Visit the Newest and Up-to-Date 'DIY GOODBSSTORE Royall Worcester ,.A4ND Boon-Ton Ciet OUR, LEADERS Sclhroen Bros.'I Phone 1000 124 South Main Street for ladies or Co. G~OOD)S The finest line g'cntlemen,(o~odyear i)rug 66-71 Marner S TUDENTS wearing glasses or feeling the need of theme will be pleased to know that Ann Arbor has a modern optical shop where services of an expert optometrist and optician can be had. Advanced methods of Optometry, fit- ting glasses without drugs, appeals to all who demand accurate eye examinations, made without loss of time or inconven- ience of having muscles paralyzed by drugs. E. H. Arniold, optometrist with Arnold & Co , is a recognized leader in advanced optometrical work. His- complete office equipment combined with shop facilities to grind lenses, together with years of experience as refractionist and optician, make his Optical System the logical place to buy glasses. Arnold Optical System 220 South Main Street All Wc of is 1k( Edison 2-Reel r ;i S XMAS' GIFTS HER N4OVL LTIES line of imported French, Germnan and Austrian ,old rose and black leather finish. These jewel 3small compartmients beautifully lined with soft ractical and at the same timie handsome. Our upped with locks. ES FROM $1.25 TO $10.00 :ing Cups, Traveling Cases, Manicure Sets, and Powdered DANCING Wax just 'what you want. Major & Co. cod-Sun We set glass. Major & Co. eod-Sun Are you going to paper, paint or do any kind of decorating? If so we can do' the work at once. Major & Co. eod-Sun p'olish your floors with Old English Floor Wax. ijr& C9:. . The New Michigan Song Book will make a fine Xmas gift. For sale at the University Music House. 60-2-4-6 Complete stock of Victor Victrolas and records at University Music House. 60-2-4-6 Have that dining room decorated be- fore Christmas. Major & Co. cod-Sun Why pay more when you can get the same -board for $3.75 per week. 311 Thompson St. cod We can paper and paint that din- ing room before Christmas. M ajor & Co. cod-Sun Any of your clothes need repairing or altering? That's our specialty. C. I. Kidd, 1112 S. University, 1530-J. tf FEATURE FILM IA Characterization of George.ERiot.'s* Yam ous NovelI WE SELL _GOOD CLOTHING. Suits at $10.00-All wool. Suits at $15.00-All wool, hand tail- ored.1 !.Suits at $20.0-A dler's make and i\tyle. 'Suits at $25.00-Equal to Finest Culstom work. ALLEN'S GOOD CLOTHES STORE, Main Street. tt G~enuine Martin Guitars and Mando- lins\sold at Schaeberle & Son's Music Petsonal Christmas Cards. Leave your border early at Water's Bookstor- es. 58-f7 Nibl4t l unches delivered. Call 51-L, 301 S. State, Greene's Lunch'Room. tf Mag nine subscriptions. Best club rates a Water's Bookstores. 58-*67 -s Dress 8 At a special price $S0- rmaterial used Inh this IROWE'S LAI 4 06 DETROITS The Link between Colic TUTTL on State Stre We Serve Hot Jewelry, Co. State St. Max Krutseh Varsity Tailor All suits kept pressed tree for one year. 11' University School of Ml Albert A. Stanley, Director f laynard Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. A School of Music which offers courses in all brancl highest standards. Students may take regular courses leading to graduatioi take such subjects as they desire, without reference to gradt If you are interested in studying some branch of music the office an~d get a copy of the school catalogue which give ation. CHARLES A. SINS as Jewelry 't Special Price of $25.00 on a $35.00 cut-glass Punab Bowl. Perfect in de- signandwork- manship. Best 8hoe -shine, hat cleanfng blockingi next, to' Wagner'$. "I ...._ /. .. and i Before Buying That Chri tmas Present Inspect our large stock of musical Mel ma dise and get prices. It will p Y You., Guitars, Banjos, Mandolins, Violi s, Music Bags; Eiverything in the Realm f flusic. GRINNELL BROT ERS 120-122 E. Liberty St. Phone 1707 Largest stock of Victrolas and record ' FORMERLY THE VARSITY TAIuLOR OF ANN wishes to announce that he has opened a tailoring meat in Detroit at WILLIAM E.I ERER&. 113 East Liberty St., SEYFRIED 94 WEST FORT STREET With a. Complete Line of BRITISH AND DOMESTIC WOOLENS TA In our western display window you will notice a variety of chairs, reed, mahogany and circassian wal- nut, dainty sewing tables, 'artistic and convenient writing desks, tea wagons, all suitable forXmas gifts. On our second and third flors are many more attractive pieces- to see them will induce you to buy. I I I o w F-or 'X as LEATHER vOODS made of Walrus, seal, moroc~co, cow- hide, calf and jg. Hand bags, bill folds"~ pock- et books, card, cigar and cigarette cases. 4 Special attention given to my College trade. The same with Better Satisfaction and Better Workmanship. DIETERLE--VARSITY Tj II Just Received I Nothlna Li '. Martin Haller 11 NEW fitvaaa TANGO PUNI $4.50 per pr. New rubbe -light aS a feather, en ditliert than all the others. N or Inserts in the sole to give that feeling to the toot. You' le it you z L1 Ol For Xmess Novelties VISIT The Exquisite Corset Shop Noll :: 304 South Main St. :: Marie Walker The Mayer-Shairer Co. Staetioaners - Priiters ""Binoers 112. South Main Shreer. \11 i I 11 v - -,,