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December 14, 1913 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1913-12-14

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Majestic to Have Vaudeville.
Of unusual interest to all students
is the announcement that the regular
vaudeville season at the Majestic
theatre will begin Monday, January 5.
An excellent program is promised for
the week.
When "The Winsome Widow" was
produced in New York a year ago last
spring, the leading comedian was
Harry Conor, who is at present ap-
pearing with Blanche Ring in "When
Claudia Smiles." Previously Mr. Con-
or appeared with success in several
of Hoyt's farces.
"The Passing Show" Coming.
The Christmas attraction at the
Whitney theatre will be "The Passing
Show," a combination of vaudeville
and musical comedy, for which a cast
of 30 people and popular prices are
promised. The engagement begins
with a matinee at 3:00 o'clock.

The character of Aunt Gretchen
(patterned after Hetty Green) in Por-
ter Emerson Browne's "The Spend-
thrift," which comes to the Whitney
theatre, December 16, is one of the
most interesting in the play. A mere
glance at some of her bright lines,
which follow, is enough to show that
Aunt Gretchen is worth cultivating.
"If you let a woman run, she'll run
you so far into a hole that- you can't
see daylight. And if the man ever
gets out of the hole, he'll have to
learn to run the woman or there won't
be anything left for excavating if he
"People nowadays, are living on
what my chauffeur calls the 'high
speed' and they won't stop even to
toot their horns at the crossings. In
this world happiness doesn't follow
riches-riches follow happiness, or if
they don't, the happiness makes up for
the difference."
"I lost my baby-I lost my husband
-and I've got only money, but I'd
give every dollar of it just to feel those
little hands against my cheeks-A
woman isn't a woman until she's a
"When a woman wants help from
us, I don't want her to come wearing
two hundred dollar dresses, eighty
dollar hats and twelve dollar shoes,
because somebody's liable to go away
"If people are living within their
means and doing the best they can-
no one is readier to help them than I
am. If they are not-I will not assist
them to become more of a fool than
they are."
"Most people are fools. I'm not for
one, and there are a couple of others
I could name if I should take ;the time
to think long enough."
"Some people look as if they had
something in them. They'd ?know it
if they took a day off and found out."
"Nobody can spoil a really good
thing. It's only the half rotten ones
that become all rotten."
"There's more contentment in a
Harlem Flat than in a Newport villa
any day."
"A woman's a fool and a man's a
fool for letting her be a fool."

from the sensational success, "Within the Law," which comes to th e Whitn .y for a return engagement,
Wednesday, December 17, matinee and night.

Whitney Theatre.
When Claudia Smiles.
rhe Spendthrift.
Within the Law.
eek)-Scott Motion Pictures.
Majestic Theatre.
bor pictures.
ning-7:00 to 10:00.
change of program daily.

ces where more than one singer has
triumphed with the same song. Every-
body remembers Billy Emerson be-
cause he sang "Moriarity" and "Pret-
ty as a Sunflower" and not because he
was one of the greatest of minstrel
"end men."
On the other hand, consider the
singers who have made songs, and
they can almost be numbered on the
'fingers of one hand. None has been
more successful in this line than
James Thornton, and he had the great
advantage of singing his own com-
positions. For twenty years Edward
Harrigan scored in nearly every song
he sang; and the Harrigan lyrics set
to Braham's music were the standard
popular songs of the country. Today
Al Jolson can practically guarantee
the success of a meritorious song by
singing it in his characteristic man-
ner. No .song can succeed without
merit, and no one has ever discovered
an infallible recipe for writing a pop-
ular song. May Irwin has sung half

a dozen great songs into success, and
Nora Bayes has done likewise with
half as many.I
But the champion mascot for the
song writers, if any ambitious lyric
writers and composers are seeking en-
lightenment, is to get Blanche Ring
to sing your song. Handsome, healthy,
vivacious Blanche Ring, who comes
to the Whitney theatre, Monday, De-
cember 15, with her hearty manner,
winsome smile and melodious voice,
has sung more songs into public es-
teem than any dozen other artists.
Season after season Miss Ring has al-
ways "put over" one or more of the
big song hits of the year. A list of
her successes include, "In the Good
Old Summer Time", "Belle of Avenue
A", "Sunshine of Paradise Alley",
"Bedelia", "My Irish Molly 0",
"Waltz Me Around Again, Willie",
"Yip-i-addy", "With Rings on her
Fingers", etc., etc., any one of which
would have earned prestige for an-
other singer, and yet are still remem-


Marion Sherwood, in "The Spend-
thrift," at the Whitney, Tuesday,
December 16.
bered more particularly because
Blanche Ring sang them. In her new
play, "When Claudia Smiles," Miss
Ring has several real "Blanche Ring
songs," notably a melodious trifle
which propounds the mystifying con-
undrum, "Why is the Ocean So Near
to the Shore?"

Have Made Singers in liany Cases;
in Others, Singers Have
Made Songs.
An American humorist recently
said that'""a ,song becomes popular
just as measles do. People come
down with it. They do not know
where they caught it, or ,that they are
going to have it until they find them-
selves whistling it for the ninety-
eighth time"-which is descriptive of
the effect of a popular song without
being explanatory of the cause of'its
popularity. The ancient philosopher
who proclaimed that he would rather
write the songs of his country than
it laws, would probably in these mod-
ern days, choose the privilege of in-
troducing them to an eager and ex-
pectant public. And yet how different
may be the results of popular songs in
different instances; for sometimes a
song brings lifetime success and pres-
tige to the singer, and sometimes it is
the singer who insures success and
popularity for the song. But the
former condition outnumbers the
latter ten fold or more.
Take some of the instances where
the song has made the singer. Dan
Emmett, the old time minstrel, goes
down to posterity as the original sing-
er of the immortal "Dixie," even if
he was not really the author of the
song as he claimed to be on its ori-
ginal title page. Two generations ago
an unquestionably good actor, Wil-
liam Horace Lingard, secured his po-
sition in theatrical history by singing
the popular song of his day, "Captain
Jinks of the Horse Marines"-an ab-
solute instance of the song making the
"Fritz" Emmett sang himself into
the hearts of the great American pub-
lic so successfully with his "Lullaby"
that he was repeatedly forgiven for
his frequent lapses from the paths
of sobriety, and poor Billy Scanlon
achieved success through "Peek-a-
boo." His later song, "Plain Molly 0"
also made secure the popularity of
his successors, Chauncey Olcott and
Andrew Mack, one of the rare instan-

"Within the Law" Depends for
Biggest Thrill on Sir Maxini's
Deadly Invention.
In "Within the Law," Bayard l
ler's new drama treating of to
there is represented on the stage
the first time a murder by pistol f
which there is not the slightest sc
at the discharge of the bullet, nor
thinnest veil of smoke when the t
ger of the revolver is pressed. '
is said to be made possible by the
of smokeless powder and a M
silencer, one of the most revoutioi
and deadliest inventions in the his
of firearms.
These ingenious instruments
modern warfare add greatly to
murder mystery the authorities
called upon to solve in the play,
incidentally provide a foundation
the "big ascene" which is the r
thrilling that has been seen in a
cade.. The Maxim silencer, which
stirred the imagination of crim:
ogists, and is regarded by the pi
authorities throughout the worl
the deadliest weapon ever conce
because it permits of the killing
person while practically minim
the possibility of detection of the
derer, plays an important part in
The third act of "Within the L
which returns to the Whitney the
Wednesday, December 17, matinee
night, represents the library of a
linaire merchant at midnight. A l
of five crooks have entered the .h
intent upon stealing valuable t
tries. Joe Garson, the leader of
gang, has been induced to partici
in the job by a police spy-in the
nacular "stool pigeon" and is l
to the millionaire's home that the
lice may trap him redhanded. V
Garson, naturally suspicious, is
prised in his quest by the soun
footsteps, he senses the real situa
at a glance, and realizing that he
been betrayed, .draws his pistol.
revolver, equipped with a Maxim s
cer, he points at the "stool pig
There is not the slightest soun<
puff of smoke as the latter drops
less, just an instant before the p
break into the room.
Because he realized the powe
use would place in the hands of
crooks, Sir. Hiram Maxim, inve
of the silencer, refused to permit
public sale of this device for us
revolvers. The silencer used
"Within the Law" is said to have-
introduced to the stage with his
The most remarkable game of :
ball ever played, occurred on the fr
waters of the Antarctic Ocean w
750 miles of the South Pole bet
two teams composed of member
Captain Scott's British Antarctic E:
dition. The entire world is still a
at the untimely and pathetic end w
befell Captain Robert Falcon Scott
four of his companions on their r
journey from a successful search

the Southern axis of the world. V
within eleven miles of safety, they
overtaken by a blizzard which did
abate until their meager supply of
and fuel had been exhausted, and
perished from cold- and hunger.
As little sidelights are being
upon the everyday life of those h
explorers who accompanied the ga
captain to the desolate waters of
Antarctic, it is seen how cleverly
work was interspersed with play.
had many indoor amusements,
having taken along a piano player.
But football was their sole out
diversion, and no one entered mt
with more zest than Captain Scott
self. The motion picttures of 'the S
Expedition will be shown at the V
ney theatre the week of January S

A group of chorus girls with Blanche Ping in "When Claudia Smiles," at the Whitney, Monday, December 15,

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