6 Firs 'Dice I I II "luj * U - flae L on mackinaws and raincoats on all odd trousering on all ove tcoatings in on all suitings stock prices are strictly cash and s placed on and after Lie,-. a pply on- I. Cr sm a' No. 1- Kodaks-All prices from $i oo to $65.o00 The Vest Pocket Kodak at $6.00 is the oiie that will please the most fastidious. No. 2- A New "M" Book, better than ever-same size but improved binding scheme. Sure to please-"he would treasure it," or "she would be delighted.I'' NO. 3 - Photograph Albums- -A new lot at decidedly lower prices than ever before, 5cc to 3-50. No. 4-- New Book of 25 views of the University ilk hand colored at $ i. oo, Sepia at 85c. Pronounced "The Best FEver. " No. 5-- Calendars, for picture inserts; These are be- coming more popular every year. We have small campus views, if you want, while a familiar scene will be sure to please. MY 1914 Calendars are the choice offered this season. Don't fail to see them before buying: rioc to 35ceach. No 6- Christmas Postal Cards with scenes of Anil Arbor. 12 for 25G. THREE DAYS Thursday, Friday. Saturday Dc. 11, 129 13 Mats. Friday and Satiurday-, 3 P. V. Tabloid Musical Comedy with Eddie DeNoyer and Rose D antie and a Company 01 Siiogiog, Dancing Girls and Boys, Girls predominaling Did You ever Get in Wrong' PRICES Thirten Bows orchestra- - 50c Balance Orchestra . - - 35c Four Bows Balcony - - 35c Balance Balcony - - 25c Seats Tuesday, 10 a.,In. IEVERY BODI Arnerica's Forei B!j HH TE ON NIGHT J" KARL MALCOJLM New Dress Suits for Rent. oiAVE(o=ARRIVED BLACK RUJBBER SOLE I Ini Htr bte'.t Vi cal t(. )mie(' "When Claudia Sr By Anna Caldwell (author of" the Siipper"1 Company includes Sunshine, Bertha Mann, Fiore ney, Nellie Fillmore, Chas. Wi Etc., and MISS RING'S BROADWAY(4 PRICES Tbi ri cu Rows Orchestra.... Balance Orchestra ............ Four Rows Balcony........... Balance Balconv ............. Gallery ............ ........ ,Xa,01Orders Now. Srats Fri. a 'ANG/0 PUMPS K- ,s/' -Bostonian]I MYP/(S BOOTEIl .St. Opposite MIake CAMPUS IN BRIEF. -D~r. Alfred S. Warthin, of the ieii- cal department, has returned from Benton Harbor, Michigan, where he was sent by the state board of health to investigate the alleged case of lep.- rosy. -All-lawv smoker will be held at the Union February 14, when the entire law department will get together. --Pictures of the winning athletic teams of the 1914 law class will be published in the Michiganensian. No arrangement has been made for the class photograph. M J SIREMEMBER! Complete change of Program every day. Four and live big special PHOTOPLAY FEATURES And don't forget those Keystone Comedies Every Day I SAT"RD'Y NIGHTN Y After Regular Show CHOR- C6ON tin WhIt: ONE NIG HTJ TUE SDAY C. 8 PRIM] "THE1ii t r Hiustons' ! _ _ ._ _ . T7r Sgar owll / Confectiomery / We have the best assortino:nt of M All kinxds O o tsic y Ice Lreamf~or n-au-is T1.y our Fru~it S~xm des after theo Theatre A a & Street AHR9S SHOE STORES We have just received a shipment of the original 'tango Pump,° rubber sole and heel, for Ladies and Gents.:::::: We also" have Rubber Sole High Shoes in Black and Tanp for WMen. AHR' HESOE oric, who have shown a marked apti- All Seats a 10 Cents tude, an opportunity to take advancedII work, L. IL. Bryson, instructor in rhetoric, has organized a new section of seven students. The class will meet -Prof. H. C. Sadler, of the miarine( on Saturday mornings, having two engineering department, is expected to hour sessions. The full credit for return from his European trip by the three hours work will' be given to~e .end of next week. members. -W. 'B. Tbirall, president of the At- UNIVERSITY NOTICES. lantic Terra Cotta Company, of New York city, gave a talk yesterday, be- All music for the Union opera must fore about 85 students ofI architecture, be in by 7 :00 o'clock Monday evening, upon the artistic uses of terra cotta. December 15.' Mr. Thrall's talk was illustrated by There will be a rehearsal of the sec- pictures of various large buildings, ond act by the cast of the Comedy- club where terra cotta was used, this morning at 9:15 o'clock at Sarah Students in marine engineering Ca swell Angell hall. started work Thursday on the recast---- ing of a current meter. Experiments, MUISIC AND D1RAMA. to learn the accuracy of the meeter, were made in the marine tank. "~Whien Claudia Smilles." -GrTahami Taylor, thme eminent Cicea- Blanche Ring will bring, on Monday go sociologist, will speak at the Union December 15, her latest musicalocomin Sunday afternoon, on the regular edy success, "When Claudia Smiles' weekly program. ,Mr. Taylor is the to the Whitney theatre. The author. founder of the Chicago Commons. Ann Caldwell, has provided Miss Ring -Action on the J hop petition will be 1with a congenial role, that permits her taken by the senate at its meeting to sing five or six characteristir~sofgs. Monday night, if the matter' meets fa- In the supporting company are such vor it will be referred to the regents prominent names as Harry Conor and for action at their meeting next Fri- Marion Sunshine, the latter of whomr day. Minor committee reports will was seen in "Broadway to. Paris" last also be read at the senate meeting. year. A chorus of eight beautiful - VIA: F. WV. Pawlowski, of the me- girls surrounds the star. chanical engineering faculty, will ad- ____ dress the aeronautics class at 1:00 (Aarriek Theatre. o'clock this afternoon in room 248 new "A Modern Girl," a new play dealing engineering building. Everyone inter- with conditions synonymous with its ti- ested in aviation is invited to attend -te, will be brought to the Garrick the- the meeting. acre, Detroit, next week. The piece III GIRL Members of "In Wrong" chorus will compete in vaude- ville for a t)flf cash prize ~LJU The audience to be the judge of the winners. Two 8SwsA , Oe No Extra Ch;%..rge George Bischoff flor"s TEST As played for On Hudson Theatre. I WI TH MISS MARION AN )_N B1PR IC I 13 Rows Orchestra Balance Orchestra 4 Rows Ba'cony Balance Balcony Gallery - Seats Sat 'I turday Ga 'Peg 0' 220 Chapin Sireet Phone 909 L El:0s a a All This Chjoice cut flowers and plauts ot 304 S. State St. I EAT AT «pOP'S" I The Place Where Things TPaste Bice Hor "'~Pop"" Bancroft Cor. Monroe and leton Shoes for Men V In our western display ;window you will notice a variety of chairs, reed, mahogany and circassian wal= nut, dainty sewing tables, artistic and convenient writing desks, tea wagons, all suitable for Xmas gifts. On our second and third floors are many more attractive pieces- to see them will induce you to, buy. For, Xms Novell I VISIT I The Exquisite Corset S1 Bertha Nll c 304 South Main St. : f IHave you noticed the distinguished appearance a perfect fitting 'I has just closed an engagement at the Cort theatre, Chicago, and boasts of an unusual cast, of which Olive Wynd- ham is the featured player. Harvard Seniors Elect Colored (Orator Harvard's senior class has elected A. L. Jackson, a negro who has won the Varsity "H" on the track team, as class orator. Jackson won, th' honor from a Hield of six cwil ie th pr n pa s comnmencement exercise inlg his way through col Dress Suit i Martin Haller I I gives one? This is the only kind we make. Our fabrics are the newest. X! AS G IF I HlE STATE SAVINGS EA WK CeIan-4ImCrc n S aid~~~n Michigan Jewelry and 1914 Calendar Souvenirs Xmas Fins Cards Fobs Spoons Leather Goods Capitai Stook $50,000.00 Surplus and Pofits $100,000.00 ANN ARBOR, MICH.' mrloldl Will. J. Booth C Johu Wol,., Jr A e . Pcesklea t Cashier ; WAGNE~R & CO. Tailors State Street All garments made in our own Shod. Liberty and Main Sts. I IC(- t Students' S D Sdfi Most Convenient Place for Your Banking! 1 1 11 So. University Ave. Po HOMEr OF art haf nr & arx at0 We have those H. S& M. Mackinaws at $12.00 and $15.00. Other makes at $5.00 to $10.00. HERE A DOLLAR )ES ITS DUTY, 0@ f" LUTZ CLOTHING STORE 217 S.D , F' Are Sure