I' or. black rubber soles. roper dress shoe Tango. a new lot of tan Xmas Kodaks We have all the Eastman Ko- daks from the Brownies for "Kids" up to the ''Specials" for experts. See the "ew Kodak gift case that is being advertisecl'in the magazines-$1 5.00. We have it. Come in and look it over. I Xmas Candies Every lady friend likes can- dies and she appreciates them more if they are WHITMAN'S. Come in and get a "Eussy Package at $1.oo up. Also special assortments for old folks. We deliver free up to 15o miles. I I Remember This little fellow can't deliver all the packages if all of you put off buying until the day before X= mas. We jist received a complete line of holiday goods; Suit cases, collar bags, ties, bath robes, mufflers, traveling bags, handkerchiefs, hose, gloves etc. Select now--we will assist you. F. Wfu ;etu n rs , I ''' ; 1- << soles. Prices from up to $6.00. Galkisl Pharmacy 324 South State Street Shoe Store 119 S. Main Street yesterday, today a n d likely to- morrow almost ev- ery store, big and little, will scream 6We've got the best!" Just sup- pose you take a look at Wadhams & Co.' Suits, over- coats, Mackinaws, Hats, Caps and Furnishings. S'A . Main Street CO. A. MARQUARDT -I jine act as toastmaster. -Pro. it. M Benley, as an especially invited guest, sree on "Life As It Is" at the junior engineer assembly yester- day morning., Professor Wenley urg- ed the engineer knot to look on him- self as apart from other humans;say- ing that nature has insisted that, our vocation is to be unan beings, and anything else that we may do is only added to that. ---Tle atendance-committee, for the law department, will meet Monday af- ternoon, from 3:00 to 4:00 o'clock, in the secretary's ofhe!, in the law build- ing. All excuses from classes, on days preceding and following the Christmas recess must be obtaned at this time. No cxcuse ,given after vacation will be accepted, unless they are unusual. --Presidentt harry I. IHutchins will go to Lima, Ohio, Monday to attend a meeting of the alumni of that dis- trict which will be he]ct I ecember 16. -l'he Graduate club gave its second party of th year last night in Barbour gymnasium. The first part of the program was in the nature of an old- fashioned party, enlivened with games and refreshments, after which the ev- ening was taken up with dancing. -Lawren(ce C. Hull, '77, visited the university yesterday. His son, Law- rence, who graduated in 1905, was awarded a Rhodes scholarship, upon the completion of his work at the uni- versity. -Dr. Fred 11. Wrigt, of Wasingon- D. C., will speak in the west lecture room of the physics laboratory on "Some Phases of Work of the Geo- physical Laboratory" at 4:15 o'clock Monday. His lecture will be illustrat- ed by lantern slides. Dr. Wright is the petrographer of the laboratory and a leading authority on Crystaoptics. -P1eiiisylvaEnia mnen desiring to take the special sleeper n the train leaving Toledo at 10:35 o'clock, Friday night, December 19, must leave their names at the Union desk before 5:00 o'clock toniglt. About nine more men can be accommodated. -As a part of the plan to foster ac- quaintance with the Chinese students, the Y. W. C. A. will tender thm a tea in Newberry hall at 5:15 o' k to- morroS Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson and Mrs. Nelson are to preside, and other members of the faculty will be pres- ent. Pres. Harry B. H-utchins has been invited. WOMAN STUDENTS SEEK SELF-RULE Working in small groups in sorori- ties, league houses and societies, the women of the university have been striving steadily toward a proper un- derstanding of self-government, with a view to ruling themselves at some time in the future. Last year, at a mass meeting of the women, the idea of self-government was suggested and approved. This ac- tion resulted in the appointment of a self-government committee by the women's league The committee has since been active in the furtherance of discussion on the subject in class- es and women's organizations. As yet no system for bringing about self-government has been planned, but an organized discussion of its possibil- ities will probably be taken up early in January. T~~ H TE Daniel Frohman IORPEM P RESENTS J. B. EIBLER 109 W. Liberty Street Across. fronm Mack's side entrance 11 P LILLIE LANGTRY The celebrated fav- orite of two cont- inents IN "HIS NEIGHBOR'S WIFE" Ann Arbor's only chance to see this celebrated actress. Two dewys only. Mon and *Tues. Dec.15 and 16 All Seats 10 c Matinees - 2 and 3:30 LY an illustrated nzabooklet des- FOR MEN :, foral c eng a new safety razor blades, making one blade last a lifetime and be better than when purchased. Set on receipt of 25c in coin. CLAUDE WOLFE, Howard City, Mich. -PrOf. A. . .Stanley, head of the school of music, will return this af- ternoon from Toledo, where he deliv- ered a lecture Thursday night. Buy Lyndon's new hand colored Christmas postal cards with Ann Ar- bor views at the Delta, Brown's Book Store, Mack Drug Co., Foster Art Store, , F. Schleede, Quarry Drug Store, Sheehan's Book Store, Huston Bros., Schleede's Student Supply JEWELRY Extensive Stock at Reasonable Prices. Watch Repairing, Skilled and Trustworthy. Optical Suppites Eyes Scieamfifically Fitted Do you realize within a few weeks you will leave for that Christmas vacation ? Drop in while down town and look over our line of Holiday suggestions. Michigan Pins, Fobs, .Bars and Spoons Silver Purses and Mesh Bags You will be impressed with the high quality of goods at prices that will appeal to you. Towels, Wash Clot , \Jard Wat Sastile Soa o=Ath let pporter SUGD N DRUG 302 S. TATE STR p mi am G qwve4t am,, AA UA", I SPECIAL EQUIPMENT FO For Fraternity aid Club House I Increases Cleanliness and Efficiency. Telephone for Representative to call and give you expert advice for your Kitchen Ec ment. Washtenaw Gas Company Gym Suppl I I~t rne re. , '''' ' Suits Cleaned and Pressed and repaired Cor, Main and Huron--Over Farmer's and Mechanic's Bank. .:. Purchasers of Xmas and New Years C NOTICE prove our telephone service we Lled a two phone system which elled us to change our present nber 1550 to 2280. n Arbor Taxicab Co. 300 N. lain Street Store, 12 for 25 cents. eod Wanted-Copies day, Nov. 28. a copy at The of The Daily for Fri- Will be bought at 5c Daily office. tf See O Windo* Finest Assortment of Holiday Goods in the City t Wanted-Ticket for Union member- ship dance tonight. Will pay extra. Call 1811-T. 65 Wanted-Will pay double price for a ticket to Union. dance tonight. Phone 343, or Daily office. 65 Lost-Chi Psi badge. Return to 1007 East Huron and receive reward. 64-66 For Rent-Suite two blocks from campus, 1034 E. Huron, 1065-J. 65-68 WILLIAM E. DIETERLE FORMERLY THE VARSITY TAILOR OF ANN ARBOR' wishes to announce that he has openid a tailoring establish- ment in Detroit at The Mayer-Schairer C,. Stationers g Printers N Bind 112 South Main Street. ... For Rent-Single room from campus. $1.75. jSt. two blocks 1334 Volland 63 Stlop atteCe 94 WEST FORT STREET With 8 Complete Line of The New ., p1 ce Light Lun BRITISH AND DOMESTIC WOOLENS. Special attention given to my College trade. The same prices with Better Satisfaction and Better Workmanship. I For Sale--Michigan Reports, volume 1 to 127 inclusive; Jacob's and Chan- ey's Michigan Digest 1 to 3 inclus- ive; Douglas' Michigan Reports 2 volumes; Walker's Chancery Re- ports 1 volume; Harrington Chan- cery Reports 1 volume; Price $125; Address Welton & Marks, Pioneer We make our own candy 302 S. Main St. Near Libe Ice Cream Candy DIETERLE-VARSITY TAILOR Bldg., Madison, Wisconsin. 64-661 I 7 VAM1_PVS IN BRIEF. gym from 8:30 to 12:00 o'clock, De- --"_-~~~ cember 18. Prof. J. P. Bird and Mrs. -,leffersonian elected the following Bird will act as chaperones. Tickets, offcers at a meeting last night: pres- at $1.00, may be obtained from the ient, B. J. Jonkman, '14L; vice-presi- social committee,, or at the door. dent, W. E. Morris, '16L; secretary, --Craftsnien, an organization of Ma- W. 1. McKenzie, '15L; .treasurer, R. S. sonic students, will banquet at 6:30 Scott, '16L; and sergeant-at-arms, C. o'clock this evening in the Masonic C. Goldman, '14L. temple. Honorable Frederick B. Ste- -At the junior engineer assembly yes- vens, thirty-third degree mason, of De- terday, about 40 men signified their troit, will be the principal speaker. intention to attend the saxaphone party Several prominent faculty men will to be given by the class in Barbour also speak. C. T. Bushnell, '15, will Betore Buying That Christmas Present Inspect our large stock of and get prices. It will pay you.M Guitars, Banjos, Mandolins, Violins, Music Bags; Everything in the Realm of flusic. GRINNELL BROTHERS 120-122 E. Liberty St. Phone 1707 Largest stock of Victrolas and records' WE SELL GOOD CLOTHIN. Suits at $10.00-All wool. Suits at $15.00-All wool, hand tail- ored. Suits at $20.00 -Adler's make and Atyle. Suits at $25.00-Equal to Finest Custom work. ALLEN'S GOOD CLOTHES STORE, Main Street. tf Genuine Martin Guitars and Mando- lins sold at Schaeberle &. Son's Music House. tf We work for the ladies. - Cle perssing and repairing. C. I. 1112 So. University. Personal Christmas Cards. your order early at Wahr's Boc es.' Night lunches delivered. Cal: 301 S. State, Greene's Lunch Roo Magazine subscriptions. Bes rates at Wahr's Bookstores. Best shoe .shine, hat cleanih blocking next to Wagner's. Alp, N! - AN Class 1 1 1v it 4orlp I I