I1a r-SUCGESTIONS for Father, Brother or Friend I coul mak yo could make you of Stein=Bloch a would be hur-. Bath Robes -Neckwear Hosiery, Pajamas Gloves M ackinaws Canes Umbrellas Shirts IDress Vests Dress Neckwear Dress Scarfs Dress Gloves Dress Links& Studs Opera & Silk Hats Dress Shirts Bilk & Linen Steamer & Auto Rugs tore to get 1 our big vercoats. an early stock of l1 - In fact a complete assortment of haberdash- ery and hats suitable for Holiday (lifts. We would be pleased to show you through our lines. ors a great deal, 'ou the rdweather'" TINKER $& CO. HOLIDAY GIFTS of the useful sort please men most. Featuring the great Holiday Selling zre four immense and special groups of new Suits and Overcoats.:: { thr Lined O'coatS Mae-kinaws House Coats Smoking jackets Bath Robes Neckwear Gloves NTew Derbies Soft Hats Suit Cases Traveling Bags Trunks Reule, Conlin & Fiegel Co. 0wO.+++4OOOOO+++++++4O~'. Cor. STATE and WILLIAM STREETS III ts for sale or for rent. V NV IE'*i ly X4'9tI'1. fel & Company Imes Suggestions :e Collars Handkerchiefs oyes Gentlemien's Cloves ons Knit Hoods Sweater Coats Our prices are right. We can save you a trip down town. *Pinniey & Cop: The Store Where a Dollar Does Its Duty "' , ____________________________________ Catholic 'stuide(nts club will dance in St. Thomas hail, at, 8:30 o'clock to- night. This is the fourth number on the series. mresh pharrnics will hold a smoker, Decemnber 16, at 7:15 o'clock, at the Union. Dr. W. . I ubbard and Dr. A. B. Stevens will speak. Fresh dentsa will give a dance, De- eMber 15, at 8:3'0 o'clock, at the Un- ion. 'Thie c haperones5 for the party will be announnc(d later., Tryouts for tHe Iniriate and Cutp de- bating teams will b;e held by Alpha Nu at 7:310 ocoktonlight. Rehears:ICoin ecly club 7 :00 o'clock, tonight, in S arah (Caswve] Angell hal. 4101111s IN IBIEF. MAJEST.IC REMEMBER! Complete change of Program every day. Four and five big special PHOTOPLAY FEATURES And don't forget those Keystone Comedies Every Day SAll Seats - 10 Cents Powdered DANCING Wax just what you want. Major & Co. eod-Sun Visit the Newest and Up-to-Date S Royal Worcester AND Bon-Ton Corsets DRY GOODS STOE OUR LEADERS II n S Schr'oen Bros. Phone 1000 124 Suth Main 'Street --iverio l ckets rewain for thuo reg-.: ular Saturday night d(ance at the Michigan. Union. rfhle committee in charge, is as follows : L. S. Bisbee,'15 L, chairman, R. V. Judson, '14, C. B3. Quaintance, '14L, and R. R. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Mtoriarty and Mr. and Mrs. HT. 1. Wanni will be the3 chaper- ones. -Professor It. E. unker wtill address' the Webster society in its rooms, in the lawv building, at 7:00 o'clock to- night. Th e talk will be. followed by initiation of first year men. For Sale-Michigan Reports, volume 1 to 127 incluivNe; Jacob's and Chan- ey 's Michigan Digest 1 to 3 inclus- ive; Douglas' Michigan Reports 2 volumes; "Walker's Chancery Re- ports 1 volume ; Harrington Chan- ceryI Reports 1 volumie; Price $125; Address \Velton & Ma rks, Pioneer Bldg., Madison, Wisconsin. 64-66 Lost--Chi Psi badge. Return to 1007 Fiast Buron and receive reward. 64-66 Lost-Phi Lamba Upsilon Badge. Re- ward. Call 494-L. 62-3-4 For Rent-Single room two blocks' from campus. $1.75. 1334 Volland St. 63 fWe set glass. Major & Co. cod-Sun A complete stock of college music at the University Music House. May- nard, St. 60-2-4-6 Are you going to paper, paint or do any kind of decorating? If so' we can do the work at once. Major & Co. eod-Sun lMusic is an appropriate Xmas gift. The University Music House has a complete stock of Classic, Operatic and PPopular Music. Popular hits 10c. 60-2-4-6 Night lunches delivered. Call 51-L, 301 S. State, Greene's Lunch Room. tf Magazine subscriptions. Best club rates at Water's Bookstores. 58-*67 WE SELL GOOD CLOTHING. Suits at $10.00-All wool. SuitsĀ° at $16.00-All wool, hand tail- ored. Suits at $20.00-Adler's make and style. Suits at $25.00-Equal to Finest Custom' work. ALLEN'S GOOD CLOTHES STORE, Main Street. tf S TUDENTS wearing glasses or feeling the need of them will be pleased to know that Ann Arbor has a modern optical shop where services of an expert. optometrist and optician can be had. Advanced methods of Optometry, fit- ting glasses without dIrugs, appeals to all who demand accurate eye examinations, made without loss of time or inconven- ience. of having muscles paral yzed by drugs. R. H. Arnlold, optometrist with Arnold & Co ,'is a recognized leader in advanced optometrical work. His complete office equipment combined with shop facilities to grind- lenses, together with years of experience as refractionist and. optician, make his Optical System the logical place to buy glasses. Arnold Optical System '220 South M~ain Street k All We Kni of i the BI ROWE'S LAUNI 406 DETROIT STP The Link between College on State Street We Serve Hot D Dress Su At a special price $50-the bea minater al tused in this gatrm. XM 45 GIFTS SAUTOIRS AND WATCH SILK GUARDS iue of the fashionable SAUTOIRS in black and d. with gold and silver trimmings. Silk ribbon mountings in polished, giey finishi and gunmetal. Sautoirs in polished, satin and engine turned lack and black and white silk. ost practical jewelry novelty of the year. They h lorguon and locket. Prices of SANUTOIRS 50c an i $r.oo yr Jewelry Con. Phone 534 Max 1Krutsch Varsity Tailor All suits kept pressed tree ter one year. II1 watt University School of Music Albert A. Stanley, Director rlaynard Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. A School of Music which' offers courses in all branches of mi highest standards. Students may take regular courses leading to graduation, or the, take such subjects as they desire, without reference to graduation, If you are interested i studying some branch of music, please the office and get a copy of the school catalogue which gives full in ation. CHARLE~S A. SINK, Seerels Ir. Personal Christmas Cards. Leave your order early at Wahr's Bookstor- es. . 58-67 Genuine Martin Guitars and'Man do- lins sold at Schaeberle & Son's Music House. tf }7. 1j) j7, There are a hundred or more varieties beckoning ~fto you from every smoke shop but there is only one that is ".Distinctively Individual" the purest and best of to- baccos -delightful flavor --mild and satisfying! Your college chum. Before Buying That Christmas Present Inspect our large stock of Mlusica1Mrhads and get prices. It will pay you. Guitars, Banjos, Mandolins, Violins,9 Music Bags; Everything in the Realm of flusic. GRINNELL BROTHERS 120-122 E. Liberty St. Phone 1707, Largest stock of Victrolas and records' Shirts & Neckw4 -1 in Distinctive and Original Treatments SMART 'ENGLISH RAINCOATS A Complete Showing of Accessories to Men~s Wear, Inclu Most Recent Importations IMPORTERS A ng er K S HI RT MAKERS *1 :11 -i 20 for 154- FATIH CIGARETS For .Xmas LEATHER GOODS IILIME BANK 'BUILDING DE' i I J2Ai made of Wal rus, seal, morocco, cow- hide, calf and pig. Just ReceivedNtig.L NEW it In ToMw TANGO PUMI $4.50 per pr. New rubber s -light as a feather, entir different than all the others. No p or inserts in the sole'to give thatbu feeling to the to~ot. Yeu loes it you muss Hand bags, bill folds, pack- et books, card, cigar and cigarette cases. Ill X4 Yf 4j% 0 u 4 t-& c 0 a a r. ;lore Fatimras sold in this country than any other cigarette!I T"he Mayer-Shairer Co. Sti?%.tiormers. Printers Binders 112 South Main Streer. c ''1 c ,. Ii9 ] . Liberty $t. l m -' m r o