lichigan Daily A\D GA1 1 p. V.- -- - ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, PRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1913. PRICE I rI _- _ COUNCIL WILL l"( 0-op" ASSIST STORE PROJECT DIXIE CLUB BOOSTS MICHIGAN I DEANS WILL CONTROL EXCUSESI COID3tUNIC A rIlw LIST ment S.s Representative Body Favors Plan and Will Help in Establishing Store. Councilman, H. G. Tait, '15, was ap- pointed by the student council, last night, to assist Werner W. Schroeder, '14-'16L, in his efforts to start a "co- op" store. The council was moved to approve the idea because of the success it has met in other colleges, especial- ly Harvard and Wisconsin, in cutting down the high price of text books, which is so large an item in student econmics. The council does not in- tend to take active control over the new institution, but wishes to give its assistance. PICK TWO SENIORS FOR PEACE CONTEST yFor Michigan epartment of the an has conferred since its estab- engineering de- rersity of Michi- Lence," says Dean "'H'le Iichigtn Daily For Michigan" Forms Subject Matter For New Pamphlet. A pamphlet entitled "Why Come to Michigan," based upon the articles that have appeared in The Michigan Daily under the head "Michigan Daily for Michigan," containing facts show- ing Michigan's prowess, is being pre- pared by the Dixie club to boost the University of Michigan in the southern states. These pamphlets will be given to ev- ery member of the club, who will take them home Christmas, and have them published in their respective city newspapers. This pamphlet will be supplemented by a second one to be published and distributed during the spring vacation. The shiiilar idea of publishing the "Michigan Daily For Michigan" arti- cles, has, been followed, not only by the Dixie club, but by various uni- versity papers, boosting their respect- ive schools. the positions held by tes who have gained ions in their respect- branches and to even ;heir works would fill e over. ost internationally fa- >f the Michigan engi- ent is Alfred Noble, from his graduating S. assistant engineer t. Mary's Fall Canal. vas completed in 1882 superintendent. In years he built seven he country. Later he er of the Nicaraugua n, the U. S. Board of , and was twice a oard of constructing Panama Canal. ass graduated Henry or 20 years was chief J. W. Harding, '14L, and H. C. Tall- madge, '14, were picked for the final peace contest in the first preliminary, held last night. Harding spoke on "The Price of Peace" and Tallmadge on "The Passing of the Soldier." R. S. Fulton, '14, was chosen alternate. A. F. Ross, lit. spec., a negro whose par- ents were slaves, pleaded for the col- ored race and obtained fourth place. Three more orators will be chosen, for the final contest, in the second pre- liminary to be held in room 302 N. W., University hall, at 7:30 o'clock, to- night. Orations are limited to 16 min- utes. The contestants are entered in the following order: E. A. Cournyer, '15; H. M. Rosa, '14L; N. H. Goldstick, '15L; W. E. Morris, '16L; B. B. Wat- kins, '14L; and C. O. Chan. The final contest will be held before the Oratorical association in Univer- sity Hall, December :.8. The winner of the contest will enter the state con- test at Olivet on March 28; if still suc- cessful, he will compete in the inter- state contest at Cleveland on April 25, and finally at the !National Peace con- test at Lake Mohonk, N. Y., on May 14. Prizes offered for these contests amount to $475.00. the Great Lakes and the Gulf of Mex- ico. He was awarded a silver medal at the Paris exposition for his method of improving river and harbor entrances, and was a member of the board of three which planned the protection of Galveston after its inundation. On the national roll of honor should come Rolla C. Carpenter, '75E, who officiated on the jury of awards at three international expositions; Jos- eph Ripley, '76E, former assistant chief engineer of the Pan'ama canal and at present consulting engineer of the New York state canals; William M. Campbell, '86E, recipient of four gold medals from different national academies of science, leader of four eclipse expeditions and now director of Lick observatory; and George Y. Wisner, '65E, consulting engineer of the U. S. Reclamation service, whose plans entailed the expenditure of $30,- 000,000 and involved the construction of the highest dam and the largest ar- tificial lake in the world. Only the strict technological schools possess a wider range of equipment than Michigan's engineering depart- ment, but no school in America has a wider field of general learning than is afforded by Michigan's school of sci- ence. Eminent critics say that in elec- trical engineering, Michigan ranks far above Yale, Purdue, Chicago, and Minnesota. The Michigan wireless station which did such heroic service at the time of the Central Ohio flood, is far more powerful than those at Co- lumbia, Princeton, Yale, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Ohio.- The naval tank of the department is the largest and best equipped in- door naval tank possessed by any uni- versity in the land. Cornell has an outdoor tank which is larger in size, but which is only available on from 30 to 40 days in the school year owing to the inclement weather. The only indoor naval tank in the country which is larger than Michigan's is owned by the government and is located at Washington, D. C : In surveying, one of the fundamen- tal engineering courses, Michigan has maintained a supremacy for 40 years. In 1873 Michigan set the example to all universities by founding a survey- ing camp for the use of its students, and for 15 years it was the only univer-) sity in the country which maintained a camp of this nature. The Bogardus Engineering Camp, located on a tract of 1,700 virgin acres near Cheboygan, Michigan, is now the largest and most (Continued on page 4.) SOCIETY OPINIONS FAVOR NEW RULE Investigation has yet to discover un- favorable comment upon the recom- mendations of the committee on late dances; while on the contrary, opin- ion is strong in commendation for the action taken. Both individual and so- ciety sentiment is complimentary to such measures promoting progression and better codes of morals in the stu- dent body in general. Because these suggestions stand for higher standards in the university life, representative members of campus so- cieties have not hesitated to vouch for the entire society in several cases. Campus organization opinion as con- ceded is as follows: Voting yes-Druids, Stylus, Mortar Board, Vulcans, Barristers, Alchem- ists, Web-Flange, Omega Phi, Senior Society, and Wyvern; those to vote in the future-Griffins, Sphinx, Triangles, Quadrangles, Woolsack. Further personal opinions of prominent students are: S. G. Baites,] '14E-"I approve of the action of the committee"; S. S. Dickinson, '15L, president of the Union-"I strongly in- dorse the recommendations of the dance committee"; Irene Bigalke, president of the Women's league-"I am heartily in favor of the action of the committee, and believe it will tend to improve dancing conditions." Vew Students Will Be Dismissed Early This Year as Result of New System. By action of the attendance commit- tee of the lit department, procedure, relative to the excusing of students from classes just prior to or following the annual Christmas vacation, has, been left in the hands of the dean of the respective departments. All cas- es of absence from classes, not special- ly excused, will be dealt with by the deans according to the circumstances of each individual case. Acting Dean Effinger has adopted a very strict policy in the matter of excuses, the result being that but half a dozen students have been excused from classes. In view of the fact that over 2,000 men and women are regis- terd in this department, such a num- ,ber is looked upon as an unusual rec- ord. Classes in the university will be sus- pended on Friday evening, December 19. - For each individual student, va- cition begins at the moment his last recitation is over on that day. Uni- versity work will be recommenced on Tuesday, January 6, at 8:00 o'clock. EXPLAINS SOCIETY ELECTION METHOD "There is too much mythology afloat on the campus with regard to the methods of election to Phi Beta Kap- pa, and this I want to dispel," said Prof. R. M. Wenley at a meeting of the society, open to juniors and seniors of the lit department, in Sarah Caswell Angell hall last night. Preceding Pro- fessor Wenley, Prof. W. A. Frayer out- lined the history and aims of the fra- ternity. "Election to Phi Beta Kappa is auto- matic," said Professor Wenley. "It passes through seven stages." First the president appoints an electoral committee. Professor Frayer is chair- man of this committee this year. Sec- ond, this committee submits to the faculty the names of all seniors, withj a request that Phi Beta Kappa materi- al be reported, with relative marks in each case. Thirdly the committee takes these' names, usually about 200, and selects some 60 or 70 of the most meritorious. Fourthly, these selections are put on a printed list and sent out to the fac- ulty with three requests: (a) the re- turn of those listed who have had work with the various teachers, in or- (The Michigan Daily sssumes no re- sponsibility for sentiments expresse ed in communications.) Editor, The Michigan Daily:-- In a communication in yesterday's Daily, "One of the Initiated" made the statement that the work of the doror- ities was ahead of that of the inde- pendents. I should like to call her at- tention to the fact that in the official classification of grades of the students, three house clubs stood at the top of the list. This fall when the standings of the various societies were announced in The Daily, the sororities were men- tioned as having the highest grades. A second statement of this kind seems to warrant a correction. M.. Gertrude Helmecke, '14. Editor's Note-On October 4, The Daily published a story comparing the scholastic standings of the fraternities and sororities. The sororities had a better standing than the fraternities, but no comparison was made in ref- erence to independents and sororities. Union Will Hold Holiday Dances Dances on the two Saturday nights during Christmas vacation and on New Year's eve, will be arranged by the Union, to be conducted similar to the regular membership dances. Special features will be worked up for the last dance in 1913. Tickets will be placed on sale several days previous to each party. Because of the large number of students remaining in Ann Arbor during the recess, it is expected the dances will prove very popular. ADVISORY SYSTEM A IS THEME SUBJECT "My only suggestion in regard to the advisory system is that it be put in operation," is the sentiment expressed by one freshman woman in her theme on the subject, as requested by the ad- visory committee. "Have the advisors assigned at the time of enrollment, if possible, in order that they may get in touch with the new men during the first day or so, when they are most1 needed," and "let the student advisors regard their work in the light of an honor, and talk more of conduct and less of books," are some of the point- ed statements in the various themes. As the result of investigation con- ducted among the rhetoric instructors in regard to the advisory system as a whole, it does not appear tht the new men are condemning the plan as of no value, but rather they do not think it is well conducted at the present time. "With the exception of a few men op- posed to the entire system, the major-j ity in my classes seem to regard the plan in a favorable light and offer many suggestions for improving the advisory system," said one instructor last evening. In speaking of the results obtained in the themes, Prof. M. P. Tilley said last night: "The advisory system is young as yet; the present method ofi securing the opinions of the new men will help to formulate plans whereby the system may be materially im- proved." CONTEST FOR "SCARECROW" POSTERS TO CLOSE TODAY The "Scarecrow" poster contest, con- ducted by the Comedy club, will close, this evening at 6:00 o'clock. No post- ers will be considered which are turn- ed in after that time. Competition this year has been especially keen, and it is expected that nearly a dozen draw- ings will be submitted. The winners will be picked next week, by a board of judges consisting of the business manager, publicity manager, and their assistants. The, three winning drawings will be placed on exhibition at Wahr's bookstore. PLAN ORATORY CONTESTS FOR WOMEN OF UNIVERSITY Oratorical contests for the women of the university may be established, according to plans being formulated by the oratorical department. "I think there is an urgent need for such ac- tivities," said R..K. Immel, of the ora-1 tory department, yesterday, "and fa-' COMMUNICA TION. (The Michigan Daily sssumes no re- sponsibility for sentiments express- ed in communications.) Editor, The Michigan Daily- The committee of the university sen- ate which Inst year conducted the con- ferences with representatives of all the house clubs, secret and non-secret, limited itself, both in its report and in the charts of comparative standings cf the various clubs, strictly to the pre- sentation of carefully ascertained facts, and at the same time avoided drawing inferences and conclusions. In the desire, therefore, that these facts shall remain clear and undis- torted, I beg the privilege of correcting certain misstatements made by "One of the Initiated" in the communica- tion which appeared in The Daily on yesterday. It is evident that the number of dif- ferent organizations represented at this university has nothing to do with the effectiveness of the control exer- cfsed by any one national body over its local chapter. Secondly, neither the average stand- ing of independent women nor of all women students is given at all in the chart. The only standings of wom- en then given are those of the soror- ities and of "other women's clubs," the latter being league or similar houses, occupied by some of the many independents. Moreover the average standing of the sororities is below that of the league houses. Thus the chart does not show that the work in. the sororities is ahead of the indepen- dents. All will admit that continual watch- fulness of the older students over un- derclassmen is an important and vital function of house clubs. The second explanation of the assumed higher standing of certain groups is as far from the true facts as the assumption itself. Freshmen in the Department of Literature, Science, and the Arts go to the committee on elections, where they determine what courses they are to pursue; thence they go to the clas- sification committee, by whom they OPERA FIRST TRYOL REVEALS C V Forty Aspirants Turn Out For F Trial and Display Great AbIlIty Number Reduced to 'u. EXTRAORDINARY MUSICAL TALENT FOUND IN MATER] Final Selection of Principals to Made After Christmas Recess. Preliminary tryouts for the I Michigan Union opera, last n1, brought out 40 aspirants for cast sitions. At last year's initial t there were but 33 performers,4 those who have served on previous era committees agree that the m rial displayed last night is far perior to that of any other Uti show. About one-fourth of last nig tryouts were men who served in C trarie Mary, but many of the new z did stunts which will easily win t places on the speaking ;role of 1914 performance. At a meeting of thecommittee ter the tryouts, the number was red ed to about 25, with 17 parts to be ed. Competition for the nine pr pal positions will be especially ke as there are now two or three conte ers of almost equal merit for the sa part. The ,final picking will not made until after Christmas vacati but all of the men remaining on list will be asked to study the po bilities of the book during the rec The committee in charge of the lection is as follows: Mr. Bert John, director, Prof. William Howla and Earl Moore, '12, of the school music, Carl P. Hoch, general ch man, Ray Melton, author,kRowl Fixel, '12-'14L, Willis A. Diekema, Arthur Cohen, '14L, Sylvan Grosz '14L, and R. H. Baker, '16M Last night's tryouts were especi proficient in musicalability, this ha ing been a weakness in the preli nary trials of other Union shows. R' Melton, the author, who was pres at the meeting last night said: ' material displayed gives the op greater possibilities than I ever ho] for." Tryouts for chorus positions w be held immediately after vacati Some of the music being written considered especially meritorious the committee. All of the comp tive selections must be handed In fore Monday night. FAVOR PLANS FOR WOMAN'S COUNC The majority of the women qu tioned yesterday as to their attit toward a women's council, with dut and powers similar to those exerci: by the student council for the mi favored the plan. The consensus opinion was, that such an organizat would help to put the women's acti ties upon a firm foundation and g increased importance to their und takings. Some suggested that its w might conflict with that of the mut sorority association, which has cha: of general affairs pertaining to sororities, but it is believed that t could easily be prevented. "The idea of a women's council f presses me as being an extremely g plan," responded Helen Lohman, "but I have not had much time to th: the matter over. The women need organization of this sort." Marjorie Nicolson, '14, expres about the same sentiment, but add "Before taking any definite action must be certain that a large perce age of the women desire such a cour and would give it their support." vor a system similar to that used the men, with certain modifications the method of judging." Several quiries have been received and th interested will meet to discuss pla are assigned to certain sections in the der of their merit; (b) if any one is courses elected. This assignment is omitted, his name is to be restored to based on two principles, one for the the lists and the reasons given for convenience of the instructors, the his addition; (c) that any objections other in the interests of the individual to any name on the list be given, with students. The various sections of the the reasons. same course are kept as nearly the From this new information and on same size as possible, and the student's this basis, the committee draws up a program is distributed through the final list for submission to a full meet- week to the best possible advantage. ing of the chapter, this list not to con- Sophomores are restricted to a some- tain more than 10 per cent of the what lesser degree by the group re- graduating class. Then the chapter, quirements for graduation. Thus the after a full discussion, proceeds to act only students who are free to profit on this list, the candidates chosen, and through unequal standards are the the press receiving notification from upperclassmen themselves. the proper official only. Finally these The published lists of the distribu- selected candidates are initiated at the tion of grades by the different instrue- annual banquet in the spring. tors last year will not be sent out to the members of the faculty until next departments. It was recognized this January. That students should chance week by the committee on non-athlet- to see this report could result in no ic activities. A dance will be held by special evil, since an exact knowledge the society at the armory tonight. The of facts is a better foundation for officers are as follows: Tom G. Forney, judgment than common rumor, evi- '14L, president; Clark Clement, '14L, dently the basis of the communication vice-president; Fred C. Matthai, '14, under consideration. secretary; and John O'Hara, '14L, One thing that is shown by the chart treasurer. is that the house club which in any year stands at the top has obtained MIICHIGAN DAILY EDITOR the highest average. TO PRESIDE AT flEETING The committee is greatly pleased at the hearty and active interest shown The Western College Editor's asso- by the clubs in this investigation and ciation will hold its second annual publishing of scholarship standings, meeting in Chicago, Saturday, Decem- and is gratified at the improvement ber 20, at the La Salle hotel. The show in many cases. . meeting will be presided over by Mau- ARTHUR G. HALL. rice Toulme, '12-'14L, president of the - organization and editor of The Mich-1 Upperclassmen Form Rojnd Up Club igan Daily, and the main college ,pa- With a membership of about 80, the pers of the mi'ddle west will be repre- "Round Up" has been launched as a sented. Chicago, Wisconsin, Minne- new social organization, drawing its sota, North Western, Ohio State, In- upperclass members from nearly all diana, Iowa, Illinois and Michigan.