anuD Sale off on mackinaws and raincoats o off on all odd trousering %o off on all overcoatings. in o off on all suitings stock 6 First Choice Christmas Gufts No.1-- Kodaks--All prices from $i.oo to $65.oo. The Vest Pocket Kodak at $6. oo is the one that will please the most fastidious. NO. 2- A New "M' Book, better than ever-same size but improved binding scheme. Sure to please-"he would treasure it," or "she would be delighted.'' No. 3- Photograph Albums--A new lot at decidedly lower prices than ever before, 50c to $3'50. No. 4- New Book of 25 views of the U niversity in. hand colored at $i.oo, Sepia at 85c. Pronounced "The Best Ever. " No. 5-' Calenadrs, for picture inserts; These are be- coming more popular every year. We have small campus views, if you want, while a familiar scene will be sure to please. My 1914 Calendars are the choice offered this season. Don't fail to see them before buying. .oc to 35c each. No' 6- Christmas Postal Cards with scenes of Ann Arbor. 12 for 25c. L YN10wDO N Whi ONE NIGHT C EVERYBODY'S FAVORITE! America's Foremost Singing Monay, . hese prices are strictly cash and orders placed on and after Dec. apply on- 11. In Her I atcst Miiical Supported by Harry Connor Comedy Success J. KARL MALCOLM New Dress Suits for Rent. EY AVE RRIVED When Claudia Smiles" By Anna Caldwell (Author of "Lady of the Slipper") Company include Marion Sun- shine, Bertha Mann, Florence Edney, Nellie Fillmore, Chas. Winninger, Etc., and Miss Ring's Broadway Chorus PRICES Thirteen Rows Orchestra................ ...........................$2.00 Balance Orchestra ... .......... ...... 1.50 Four Rows Balcony ... ............................ 1.00 Balance Balcony ....... .......... ........ ............................... .75 Cir lery ................ . ........... ...................................... .50 Mail Orders Now. Seats Friday at 10 A. M. BLACK RUBBER SOLE TANGO PUMPS' S0 - - - Bostonian Make PUS BOOTERY Opposite Hustons' Late St. The Sugar Bowl We have the best assortment of Chocola'tes and Bon Bone Al kiads of feancy Ice Cr ans for Parties. Try our Fruit Sundaes after the Theatre e. n Street AHR 'S SHOE STORE'S We have just received a shipment of the original Tango Pump, rubber sole and heel. for Ladies and Cents. :: :: :: RIOTER SUSPENDED FROM HIGH SCHOOL John Chipman, junior in high school, was suspended for the rest of the sem- ester, yesterday, by the faculty of the high school, on several charges, the principal one being alleged participa- tion in the riot the night of the Penn game. Only one more riot case remains to be considered by the faculties of the university, that of L. S. Olsen, '16L, which will probably be disposed of by the end of the week. The engineering faculty has acquitted J. S. Green, '17E, after an investigation which failed to prove him guilty. The lit and dental faculties have each completed their probes, and no further action will be taken unless new evidence comes to light. COMMUNICATION. (The Michigan Daily assumes no re- sponsibility for sentiments express- ed in communications.) Editor, The Michigan Daily: -- The publication of the grades of the various fraternities, clubs, and soror- ities has brought about good as well as evil results. All fraternities and sororities are under surveillance of their national boards. In this respect the sororities have accomplished more than the fraternities, since they are} fewer and work harmoniously togeth- er. The great desire is to stand at the head of the column.-, Every one was surprised to find that the work in the sororities was ahead of the independents. This is due to two facts, the continual watch- ing of the underclassmen, and also to a proper laying out of the course of study. In this respect the upperclass- men have shown rare skill, if not al- ways interest in scholarship. Some of the upperclass girls deliberately fadvise the "pledgelings" to elect men Iwho are known to give high grades., They have the published lists of pro- fessors, and plan out the courses ac- cordingly. These are open secrets to Have you noticed the distinguished appearance a perfect fitting Whitney Theatre ONE NIGH Tj TUESDAY,Dec. 16 C. 8 PRIMROSE OI FRS N1RW YORK "TE I E CREAT s7c c Ess SPENDTHRIFT" By PORTER EMERSON BROWNE I As played for~One Year at the Hudson Theatre. New York City WITH MISS MARION SHERWOOD AND AN EXCEL1,ENT CAST I I a Keystone Comedies Every Day And don't forget those All Seats - -10 Cents' PRICES 13 Rows Orchestra Balance Orchestra 4 Rows Ba'cony Balance Balcony Gallery - - - - $1.00 - - - .75 - - .75 - .50 - - .25 George Bischoff Florist 220 Chapin Slreet Phone 809-L Choice cut flowers and plants Gt arrick Thea'tre DETROIT, PMICHIGAN 'Pe ' My Heart' WITH All This Week Witb Eddie DeNoye and Rose D an and a Company of Singin Dancing Girls and Boys. Girls predominating Did You ever Det in Wron PRICES Thirlen Rows Orchestra - - Balance Orchestra . - Four Rows Balcony - Balance Balcony - - - Seats Tuesday, 10 a. in. A E EEIC REMEMBER! Complete change of Program every day. Four and five big special PHOTOPLAY FEATURES Whitney Th THREE DAYS Thursday, Friday, Satui Dc. 119 12, Mats. Friday and Saturday Tabloid Musical Con In W We also have Rubber Sole High Shoes in Black and Tan for Men. AHRS SHOE STORES 3 S. Main St. 304 S. State St. Nettleton Shoes for Men Seats Saturday 10A.M. all who know. It is not stated that all the sorori- ties are so vitally interested in higher scholarship as to direct their course of studies along "A's" and "B's." It does not necessarily mean that the sororities that stand at the top have shown the greatest skill in obtaining the coveted ideal average. The fact remains that this evil is more gener- ally than the uninitiated realize. ONE OF THE INITIATED. MICHIGAN FERRIS CLUB TO ENTERTAIN YPSILANTI CLUB A reception will be tendered the Ferris club of Ypsilanti by the Uni- versity of Michigan Perris club at 7:30 o'clock Saturday evening in Newberry hall. This, and the annual banquet, which comes after the holidays, are the two big events of the year for the clubs. William Kluinsteker, '16D, president of the local society, Hector McCrimmen, president of the Ypsilan- ti club, and Principal W. B. Beadle of the Woodruff school of that city will speak. EAT AT "POP'S" The Place Where Things Taste like Home Po"ancroft Cora Monroe and TI Nove lies FOr Xmt Bertha VISIT The Exquisite Corset Shop Noll - :304 South Main St. Marie 7 In our western display window you will notice a variety of chairs, reed, mahogany and circassian wal= nut, dainty sewing tables, artistic and convenient writing desks, tea wagons, all suitable for Xmas gifts. On our second and third floors are many more attractive pieces- to see them will induce you to buy. CAMPUS RICH IN TRADITIONS1 AND CUSTOMS. (Continued from page 1.) by President Hutchins. The entire university body is called together on this occasion to listen to an address by some person of note. A number of institutions such as the senior advisors system, the mentor system in use in the engineering partment and the weekly gatherir of the freshman engineers are a distinctively Michigan. Editor's Note-No attempt has be made in this article to cover the act ities of the Michigan student bo The student publications, the stud council, the dramatic organizatih and the various clubs vill receive dividual treatinent later. mamma Dress Suit Martin Hailer . . gives one? This is the only kind we make. Our fabrios are the newest. WAGNIER & CO. X A S G FTS HE STATE SAVINGS BANK Capital Stock $50,000.00 Surplus and P'ofits $100,000.00 ANN ARBOR, MICH. A.rnoll Win. 3. Booth C John WoIz, Jr Pres. Prersident Cashier Mrma Am erien a R I a Liberty and Main Sts. A Most Convenient Place for Your Banking Michigan Jewelry and 1914 Calendar Souvenirs Xmas Pins Cards Fobs Spoons Leather Goods Tailors State Street All garments made in our own shop. S tudents' 111 S o. University Ave. Supply Phone 1331-J r It lg H O ME O F art Schaffner & arx Clothes I We have those H. S & M. Mackinaws at $12.00 and $15.00" 'Other makes at $5.00 to $10.00. ERE A DOLLAR S ITS DU'TY. ::@ ". LUTZ CLOTHING STORE 0 *. 217 S. M