1 11 I Cl ugan giai ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1913. PRICE] T Iull S "The Sung t The Michigan Daily For Michigan Michigan is unusually rich in tra- ditions and institutions. The tradi- tions have grown up gradually without any formal recognition, while the in- stitutions have been inaugurated at various times. The tradition which is most univer- sally observed is that of standing, with bared heads, when "The Yellow and Blue" is sung or played. Another similar custom is the courtesy shown by rising before the President when he stands up to speak. Several traditions concern the va- rious classes, particularly the under- classes. No one but a senior is allow- ed to sit on senior benches, which are placed along the diagonal walk and other campus walks. Sophomores are not supposed to smoke class pipes on the campus, and freshmen are not per- mnitted to smoke any kind of pipe. A few other restrictions are placed only upon the freshmen. The wearing of the freshman cap is the chief of these. From the first day of the open- ing of the university, in the fall, until cap night, every freshman is supposed to wear a freshman cap, except in the winter, when he may wear a toque. It is customary for freshmen to al- low upperclassmen to precede them through doors, and to give them pref- erence at all times. Joe Parkers is an upper-class rendezvous, where freshmen may not enter. General opin- ion censures the wearing of any prep- school insignia in Ann Arbor, and the offenders are usually freshmen. At a dance given on April first, the members of the senior law class issue the "Crease," a four-page publication containing editorials and humorous sketches. Michigan was the first university of- ficially to institute the wearing of class toques. This custom has been followed in many of the colleges and universities of the west. Cap night, the nominal ending of the freshman year by the burning of the freshman caps, is typically a Michigan institu- tion. The Michigan Union has inau- gurated both the post-season football smoker and the annual opera given in the spring. At the smoker this year, for the first time, "M" certificates were awarded. Each year there are two series of contests between the sophomores and the freshmen. In the fall are the pole rush and the cane spree, and in the spring are the three tugs-of-war, the obstacle relay races and the pushball contest. These contests were estab- lished to provide something in place of the old-time hazing, which often continued for an unnecessary length 4f time. In 1881 the sophomore women held the first spread in honor of the fresh- man class, and since that time it has continued as an annual affair. At the present time, the affair is so generally attended that it is necessary to give the spread in Barbour gymnasium. Another tradition is the calling of "hats" after cheering in recognition of a speaker, a coach or athlete. The University Health Service was put on a firm basis this year by the opening of a building where medical attention and aid could be administer- ed to the students Three physicians have charge of the work, and the num- ber of students which has already been treated proves the success 'and the need of such an institution. Among the more recent 'institutions are the "Hullo Frosh" adopted by the present freshman class, which is a slo- gan of the traditions committee to en- courage all freshmen to recognize each other on the street regardless of introductions. Convocation is another institution that was started this fall,l (Continued on page 4.) BOAT CLUB WILL MEET TONIGHT Program of Talks and Musical Num- bers Has Been Arranged The Ution Boat club will hold a smoker at 7:30 o'clock tonight at the Union. The meeting is planned to serve as a sort of "get acquainted" party for the members, about 300 now being enrolled. Professors H. T. A. Hus, J. E. Reig- hard and H. A. Kenyon, faculty mem- bers of the club, are on the program for short talks. H. S. Hulbert, '14M, former commodore, and H. S. Parsons, '15E, present commodore, will also speak. G. P. Bailey, '16, will officiate at the piano and a special quartette will render several numbers. Tickets have been on sale for sev- eral days and may be obtained from the following committee, J. C. Abbott, '15E, chairman, E. K. Hill, '17E, A. V. Mcver, '14E, A. Chipman, '14, E. W. Bisbee, '16, and J. W. Finkenstaedt, '16E, or at the desk in the Union. WILL GET DATA ON WORK CONDITIONS Copies of Questionaire Are Being Sent to 400 Employers and Workers. RULES TO BE DRAFTED SHORTLY Four hundred copies of the ques- tionaire, prepared by the working stu- dents' committee for the unification of rulings in the Ann Arbor boarding houses, will be sent out this morning to the representative boarding house proprietors and student workers. The committee expects that these will be returned before the end of the week, and from them a definite set of rules, governing the employers and the em- ployees, will be drawn up, at a meeting of the body next week. Through the questionaire, the com- mittee wishes to find out what a stu- dent should give, in exchange for board, in kitchen work and table wait- ing, whether or not the working stu- dent should be given the same board as the regular boarders, whether they should furnish coats and apron and pay for laundering them, whether they should pay for broken dishes, whether they are instructed to increase their efficiency that they may economize time, and how long notice should be given, if a student wishes to leave his1 employment. The preparation of this questionaire1 is one of the three purposes for which1 the committee exists. The other two' are the investigation of complaints from boarding houses and student workers and the security of means of providing additional work for needy students. Five complaints from stu- dents have been considered by the committee. In two cases, the students seemed at fault, and in the other three,1 the students had been unfairly treated. Several offers have been made to the committee for providing for the in- crease of the employment of working students in the university. The offers will be considered by the body at its next meeting. TWO STUDENTS ARE FINED FOR RIDING ON SIDEWALKS H. W. Graffins, '14, and A. D. Baker, '14E, were each fined $2 and costs in Justice W. G. Doty's court Tuesday af- ternoon, for violating the city ordi- nance against riding bicycles on the sidewalks. Graffins was arrested by Chief of Police Kenny and Patrolman Kuhn at the corner of Washtenaw and South University avenues. His case had no sooner been disposed of by Justice Doty when Baker was brought in, he having been apprehended on Geddes street by the officers. Numerous complaints have been re- ceived at police headquarters recent- ly concerning bicyclists riding on the sidewalks, and the authorities are de- termined not to countenance any in- fringement of the ordinance. Prof. T. M. Iden Talks at 6:30 Tonight "The Bible as Literature" is the theme to be taken up by Prof. Thomas M. Iden at 6:30 o'clock .tonight in the Bible Chairs building. WOMEN PLAN TO GET SELF GOVERNMENT FRESHMEN ADVISOR:% I UNNECI ( hily 80 Per Cent of , ESSARY One Instructor's Officers of AIIL,, hsm's to Meet January to Make Proposals For Form of Self (Governmient. iu WOMEN' SLEAEtd: NOW HAS C(O3l1ITTEE OF THIS KIND !i . S ARE Presideilt of Organization Says Effort Will le Made to Attain End. SAY EveryI Women officers of all classes will be called together early in January to formulate plans of self-government for women. It is proposed to organize a woman's council, similar in form and purpose to the present student council which is composed only of men. This matter of a women's council was agitated last May, but failed of accomplishment. As a result, the women's league appointed a self-g'v- ernment committee. This committee, of which Catherine Reighard, '14, is chairman, is working to arouse sentiment among the women for the proposed council. It has been engaged in promoting every activity among women which might tend to aid the cause. "We may appear to have abandoned our hopes for a women's council," said Irene Bigalke, '14, president of the women's league, last night, "however we are now making plans to push the work with greater vigor than before. Women are more and more proving their ability to take part inW campus activities." INTERCIASS MEET IS ARRANGED FOR On account of the large number of men who have signed up with Intra- mural Director Rowe, for training in track work, an innovation in the line of indoor track meets has been arrang- ed for. Heretofore, those men who were not aspirants for varsity track honors, have received practically no attention in this line of endeavor. The meet that is now planned will do away with this difficulty and will give so called "dubs" a chance to show their prow- ess. Anyone who is not trying out for varsity honors will be allowed to compete and the contestants will be divided to represent their respective classes. There will however be no dis- tinction between departments. Director Rowe, who was a shining light in trackdom when a student, will take personal charge of the inter- class meet and will give instruction to all who signify their intention of en- tering. The meet is slated for the latter part of February and will be a handicap affair, the handicaps to be set by competent judges. PEACE CONTEST PRELIMINARY OCCURS IN U. HALL TONIGHT First Year Rhetoric Students Declare System Ineffectual. ORKWINATORS OF PLAN ARE SURPRISED BY EXPRESSIONS Memiber of Faculty Does Not Consider Attitude Condemnation of lyhole System. That the .senior advisory system is useless, is the consensus of opinion of the freshmen in the rhetoric classes to which the question was put. The statements, which vary from mere dis- interest, to assertions that the need of the system is slight, where most men have acquaintances among the upper- classmen, come from a large percent- age of the classes. The opinions of the new men are the result of the request of the advisory committee to have the. freshmen write themes on the subject and come as a surprise to those who favor the plan. In the classes of one instructor, who asked for the oral opinions of his nine- ty students, about 80 per cent declared that they believed the system neffect- ual, because during the first week of school, the time the advisor is most needed, he is least in evidence. "I do not believe that the result of the poll amounts to a general condem- nation of the system as a whole," said a member of the rhetoric faculty last] night, "but rather it is a reluctance FORM GIRLS' EDUCATIONAL CLUB Purpose Is to Stimulate Interest in Pedagogical Lines. At a meeting held in Newberry hall last night, the Girls' Educational club was formally organized. The officers elected are: president Louise Robson, '14; vice-president, Nellie Atwood, '14; secretary, Margaret Watkins, '14. The- club decided to base their con- stitution on that of Kappa Pi Sigma, national women's educational sorority, founded at Syracuse. They hope later to affiliate with this organization. The aim of the club is to stimulate inter- est along pedagogical lines, promote fellowship, professional spirit, and a high standard of scholarship. All women interested in the work of the club, and taking educational work in the university are eligible to mem- bership and are urged to attend the next meeting, which will be held from 3:00 to 5:00 o'clock the first Friday after vacation, in Newberry hall. FRESH LITS ARE UP TO STANDARD. LATE DANCING REGULATION ARE APPR Scholarship of Each Man Is Discussed on the part of advisor." the student to go to his RETURN OF TRACK STAR IS RUMORED Reports from Chicago indicate that Haimbaugh, star distance man of the 1912 Michigan Varsity track team, may return to college for the second sem- ester. Should he retun, it will mean that the Wolverine champion two-mile re- lay team will be intact as it won the event at the Penn games last spring, and that every man will be eligible to compete again. Haff and Haimbaugh will both come under the ruling that permits four-year men competing in this event. Jansen and Brown, the other two members of the team, are in school and eligible for competition under the Wolverine athletic rules as well as those which govern the events of the eastern classic. Haimbaugh is now employed by a construction firm in Chicago. He was enrolled last year in the engineering department but did not complete his work. MINSTRELS FOR CHRISTMAS PARTY AT UNION REHEARSE by Faculty; Better Than Last Year. FEW ARE PLACED ON PROBATION# In spite of the fact that the enroll-{ ment in the freshman lit class thist year is a great deal larger than that of previous terms, the number of stu- dents whose work has thus far proven unsatisfactory to the faculty is no larger than last year, according to a statement made yesterday by Acting# Dean J. R. Effinger. At a recent meeting of freshman in-< structors, the work of every enteringc student in the department was gonet over in the annual review. Many cas-E es were discovered of students whose work was so far below the standard# required that it was necessary to put the delinquent ones on probation. Oth- er cases were left to the individual in- structors for remedy. At the present time Acting Dean Effinger is holding conferences with those freshmen who have come under the faculty ban, in an endeavor to assist them in im- proving their work and in bringing it up to standard.t Following the policy of the depart-; ment, no announcement of names is to be given out. EXTENSION BUREAU TO GIVE 44 TALKS DURING HOLIDAYS A total of 44 lectures, to be given by eight different university professors, on the four Michigan extension-lecture circuits in the upper peninsula of the state duri'ng the Christmas holidays, is now being outlined by the officials of the home bureau in Ann Arbor. The work is under the active direction of Prof. W. D. Henderson, head of the extension bureau. For the purpose of facilitating the laying out of the tours by the univer- sity lecturers, the territory of the up- per peninsula has been laid out into four circuits. To each of these, twc professors will be assigned. Six of the eight lecturers will deliver five lec- tures each during the holidays, while the other two will speak seven times during their tour of the northern part of the state. Barristers Initiate Five New Members Barristers, the senior honorary so- ciety in the law department, initiated the following men at its regular fort- nightly luncheon yesterday noon: G. E. Kennedy, C. E. Lehr, E. A. Tessin, D. E. Kervin, and H. W. Lippincott. Prof. Evans Holbrook,' of the law depart- ment, spoke on "The Lawyer and His Extra Legal Duties." Edward Kemp presided, and J. B. Helm welcomed the new men. Toastmasters Initiate Three New Men Toastmasters club held its regular monthly dinner at the Union last night. Opinions of Representative Stude Indicates That Committee's Suggestions Are Favorable. SENTIMENT OF SOME CAMPUS SOCIETIES IS VOUCHED F Prof. Wenley Believes the Remed Proposed Are Good and Favors Them. Representative student sentiment strongly in favor of the recomm dations adopted and presented : campus approval, by the commit on late dancing. The majority of ca pus organizations, general, professi al, and honorary fraternities have b probed for opinions, and ,have gii firm approval of the measures ti presented. The suggestions for class dances cease before 12:00 o'clock during m week, and for individual responsibil in keeping the dances above criticis received especial commendation fr the organizations consulted. The v of the campus societies is vouched I in several cases by but one man, b the sentiment is conceded to be g eral. Of fraternities, sororities, a professional clubs, the vote was rep: sentative of the organization. Personal views expressed by pro nent students on the campus are follows: R. H. Braun, '14E, MichigamnaV' cans-"I believe that the mid-we dances should be stopped at 12: o'clock, and should start earlier 14 I evening. I am in favor of the reco mendations of the late dance comm tee." R. W. Fixel, '14L, Grffns4913 Q era-Ibelieve that most of the e of the dances will be eliminated, ' especially favor the placing of resp sibility upon the students themsell as gentlemen." Helen Loman, '14, leader Wome: Glee club, president Mortar-boE -"I am certainly in favor the recommendations of the committ and believe they are for the best." W. A. Diekema, '14, Mchigami 1913 Opera-"I would like to see ma of the mid-week dances stopped. W the exceptions stated in the new rul I am in favor of the committee's tion." Bruce Bromley, '14, leader of G club-"I am strongly in favor of 1 recommendations." Waldo Fellows, '14, president 1' Lits-"I am in favor of the sugg tions presented by the late dance cc mittee." G. C. Paterson, '14E, president 11 Engineers-"I approve of the action the late dance committee." Prof. R. M. Wenley-"I am heari in favor of the. suggestions made the committee, and believe them good thing." J. B. Helm, '14L, Barristers-"I strongly in favor of the recommen tions." PHI BETA KAPPA WILL HOLD AN OPEN MEETING TONIG Prof. Wenle~y Will Preside and Add Will Be Given by Prof. Frayer. Due to the widespread interest the juniors and seniors in the i open meeting of Phi Beta Kappa, t held tonight, it is expected that large number will be present in Sa Caswell Angell hall at 7:30 o'cl this evening to hear the addre which are to be made. Prof. R. M. Wenley, president of local chapter, will preside at the 1 sion, and Prof. W. A. Frayer will liver an address. The purpose of meeting, as announced by the frate Big Affair Free to All Members Planned for Thursday Night. Is Two orators will be picked for the final Peace contest, in the first of the preliminaries to be held at 7:30 o'clock tonight in the oratory room, 203 N. W., University hall. Three more will be chosen in the second preliminary to- morrow evening. The following are entered in the contest tonight: R. S. Fulton, '14; F. W. Hoogsteen, '14; N. J. Gould, '14L; H. C. Tallmadge, '14; J. W. Harding, '14L; W. J. Goodwin,'16L; A. F. Roos, lit. spec. 0. E. Hunt to Talk on 1914 Automobile An address on "The Trend of the 1914 Automobile" will be delivered by Mr. 0. E. Hunt, of Detroit, in room 348 of the new engineering building at 8:00 o'clock tonight. Mr. Hunt is as- sistant to the chief engineer at the Packard factory. It is planned to show a number of lantern slides of automo- biles and parts. The talk will not be technical, but will cover the general. trend of the automobile of the future.. Anyone interested is invited to attend'. As the first active step in the min- strels to be given for Union members at the Christmas celebration next Thursday, a rehearsal will be held at the Union at 4:00 o'clock Friday af- ternoon. The committee and most of the men who have been chosen for the cast met yesterday afternoon and tried some of the music which has been planned for the show. The committee plans for four end men, and an interlocutor, with about a dozen campus comedians in the cho- rus. The selection of the men was based on previous demonstrations of their ability. Each man in the cast will be prepared with a stunt, and in addition many ensemble numbers have been arranged for. The present decorations in the Un- ion will be torn down, and the entire hall will be garnished with appro- priate Christmas trimmings. The' af- fair will be free 'for. all members of the Union. The following new members 'were in-: ty officers, is to present the al itiated: Y. F. Jabin Hsu, '14, Thomas objects of the organization to t F. Murphy, '15L, and Gordon C. Eld, dents of the two upper classes redge, '14. Wednesday night was set assembly tonight will be the as the regular monthly dinner night,' its kind ever held at Michiga and it was decided to hold a dance for this reason an unusual I some time in February. has been aroused.