11 11 6 First Choice gal Shoes. Latest English Lasts i Indian Moccasins More Comfortable than Slippers JNER & CO. 108 S. MAIN STREET ANN ARBOR Christmas Gillfs No. 1- Kodaks--All prices from $i.oo to $65.00. The Vest Pocket Kodak at $6.oo is the one that will please the most fastidious. No. 2- A New "M" Book, better than ever-same size but improved binding scheme. Sure to please-"he would treasure it," or "she would be delighted.'' No. 3- Photograph Albums--A new lot at decidedly lower prices than ever before, Soc to $3 50. No. 4- New Book of 25 views of the University in hand colored at $x.oo, Sepia at 85c. Pronounced "The Best Ever. " No. 6- Calenadrs, for picture inserts; These are be- coming more popular every year. We have small campus views, if you want, while a familiar scene will be sure to please. My 1914 Calendars are the choice offered this season. Don't fail to see them before buying. roc to 35C each. No* 6- Christmas Postal Cards with scenes of Ann Arbor. 12 for 25c. LYN DO0N WhitneyTheatre THREE DAYS Thursday, Friday, Saturday Dec. 11, 12, 13 Mats. Friday and Saturday, 3 P. M. Tabloid Musical Comedy With Eddie DeNoyer and Rose Dante and a Company of Singing, Dancing Girls and Boys, Girls predominating Did You ever Get in Wrong ? T HE A T I N IGH T Mon, Dec 15th EVERYBODY'S FAVORITES America's Foremost Singing Com- edienne Blanche ported By Harry Connor In Ir ae-t Aiu"sical Comedy Success "When Claudia Smiles" By Anna Caldwell (author of "Lady of the Slipper") Company includes Marion Sunshine, Bertha Mann, Florence Ed- ney, Nellie'Fillmore, Chas. Winninger, Etc-, and MISS RINC'S BROADWAY CHORUS PRICES Thirteeii Rows Orchestra........?.oO Balance Orchestra................. .50 Four Rows Balcony............... i.co Bialance Balcony ...................."75 Gallery............................... .;o Mail Orders Now. Seats Fri. at ioA. M. [FF ON ALL MILLINERY Beavers Excepted, at- lberty East DANA RICHARDSON 166 OUR LUNCHEON MENU is a delight to Fastidious Folks Everything is so cor- rect and complete. Vis- it our parlors when down town. a.' PRICES Thirten Rows Orchestra - Balance Orchestra- Four Rows Balcony - - Balance Balcony - - - Seats Tuesday, 10 a. M. - 35c, 35c - 25c I H MAIN STREET" ... ... fee Roasters and Wholesale Grocers CAMPUS IN BRIEF. -The second meeting of the women's educational club will be held tonight in Newberry hall. A report will be made by the committee appointed at the last meeting to arrange for the definite organization of the society. -Prof. F. N. Scott, of the rhetoric de- . partment, will leave December 28 for Cambridge, Mass., where he will read a paper on "Vowel Alliteration in Modern Poetry" before the Modern Language association, which will hold its annual meeting at Harvard, De- cember 29 to 31. -Dr. Grant S. Peck, '90H, of Denver, Colo., will be the guest of honor at a reception for him tonight at the res- idence of Dean W. B. Hinsdale, dean of the homeopathic department. --Dr. S. F. Gingerich, of the English department, will give an extension lecture tonight in Dowagiac, on the subject "Tennyson." His classes will I not meet today. night. The fare from Toledo to Pitts- burgwill be $4.80, plus the regular Pullman rates. -Paul V. Ramsdell, '16, who under- went an operation for hernia at the Smith-Burrett private hospital Satur- day, is recovering rapidly. -The Cub's club of The Michigan Daily will dance at the country club, Tuesday, December 16, from 8:00 to 12:00 o'clock. Prof. George William Dowrie, instructor iii political econo- my and finance, and Mrs. Dowrie, and Mr. Otto Hans and Mrs. Hans will chaperone. MAJESTIC REMEMBER! Complete change of Program every day. Four and five big special PHOTOPLAY FEATURES WHITNEY THR.EE DAYS Monday TuesDa ec. 8,9, 10 n " WM.ediesday 3 P. M. Latest rheatrical Craze TABLOID DRAMATIC SUCCESSES CHARLES KLEIN'S "The Third CDegree" Complete Production--Fine Cast oi Players N ' an & Co., ltd., 214 S. Main St. Guy L. Wooltfolk )w exhibiting a full line of Imported and estic Novelties suitable for Christmas Gifts i the shop of A. Starr Best. xhibft Shop at 326 S. State Street_ LET THE R EHA Press Your Clothes -Quarterdeck, the senior marine en- gineering society, will hold its first banquet of the year at the Union at 6:00 o'clock tomorrow night. H. L. Lewis, chief engineer of the mechani- cal laboratory, will speak on "Engin- es." L. C. Campbell, '14E, will talk on "Life Saving," and Louis A. Baer,. eng. special, on "The Practical Hand- ling of Vessels and Small Boats." -There will be a meeting of the board in control of student publications at 5:00 o'clock Friday afternoon. -The first meeting of the Senior Den- tal society will be held tonight in the dental building. Prof. M. L. Ward will talk on dental society work. -"-The wireless outfit in the engineer- ing building has been completely over- hauled, and a new switchboard is now being installed. Last week, communication was es- tablished with the private yacht "Tas- co" off Atlantic City, with a station in Philadelphia, and with the Porto Rican station at San Juan. Messages from the government boat "Rhode Island" in the Gulf of Mexico, to the Pensaco- la navy yard, in Florida, were heard. -Pennsylvania men, desiring to take the special sleeper on the train leav- ing Toledo at 10:35 o'clock, Friday night, December 19, should leave their names at the Union desk any time this week. All names must be in the hands of the committee before Saturday lave you noticed the distinguished appearance a perfect fitting -Professor A. R. Sawyer, head of the department of electrical engineering at M. A. C., will address the Ann Ar- bor section of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers at 7:30 o'clock tomorrow night in room 348 of the new engineering building. The sub- ject is "Electricity on the Farm." -Dean Victor C. Vaughan, of the med- ical department, leaves today for New York city where he will address the Association of Life Insurance Presi- dents at its annual meeting at the hotel Astor tomorrow night. From New York he will go to Washington, D. C., to attend a meeting of the ad- visory board of the National Health Service, of which he is a member. -Chess players, wishing to partici- pate in the simultaneous exhibition to be held at the Union at 8:00 o'clock tonight, must bring a board and men. Clarence B. Steinem, '12L, will play as many opponents as turn out. -Prof. R. M. Wenley will speak to junior engineers in their regular class assembly inyoom 348, new engineering building, at 11:00 o'clock Friday morn- ing. -Prof. Evans Holbrook, of the law faculty, will speak at the regular bi- monthly luncheon of the Barrister so- ciety, to be held at the Union this noon. -The third round of the Union bridge tournament will be played Friday night. About 25 couples are now en- tered, and have played in one or the other of the first two rounds. Any members who wish to start on Friday night may do so without any handicap, inasmuch as the scoring is done on the average basis. -W. P. Blair, secretary of the Nation- al Paving Brick Manufacturers' asso- ciation, will address students in civil engineering- at 4:00 o'clock today on "The Use of Brick for Country High- ways and for City Pavements." -Soph lits are urged to pay their class dues today or tomorrow. Pay- ments may be made in University hall from 8:30 until 4:30 o'clock to officers of the class. -The soph medic dinner at the Union last night was attended by 50 men. Dean V. C. Vaughan and Dr. W. P. Lombard of the medical department represented the faculty. -Soph engineers will give a "What Is It?" dancing party at the Union at 8:30 o'clock tonight. Remaining tick- ets may be purchased from members of the comimttee, or at the door. Manufacturer Talks to Commerce Club Frederick B. Stevens, a Detroit man- ufacturer, addressed the Commerce E4 club last night at its smoker at the Michigan Union. Mr. Stevens spoke upon "Business Ethics and Principles." He exhorted the members to overcome the natural tendency of the business man to narrow his scope upon the ac- cumulation of wealth. The club will give a dancing and card party at Gran- ger's tomorrow night. Dues-SOPIl LITS-Dues Pay class dues today or tomorrow in U. hall. Open all day. EXTRA-In Addition to the above high class production of one of the greatest successes ever staged, The Palace Male Quartet will appear between the acts at every performance. NOTE PRICES 13 Rows Orchestra - - - 50 cents Balance Orchestra - - - 35 cents 4 Rows Balcony - - - - 35 cents Balance Balcony - - - 25 cents Seats Now Selling for All Shows And don't forge* those Keystone Comiedies Every Day All Seats - - 10 Cents I I Special Christmas Sale ot PARTY SLIPPERS Dull Kid, Patent, and Black, White, Blue or Pink Satin Pumps. Dainty and Stylish -Ir $3.50 VALUES FOR $2.98 HAND PRESSING Beigirning Dec.8th Complete line of Ladies' Crochet and Felt "Comfy" Slippers; Ladies' Indian Moccasins; Ladies' Traveling Slippers, etc. Mack & Co. SUITS 25c TROUSERS 10c ow A> C. I. KIDD,.17 .it. -i 1112 S. University Ave. What Kind of Shaving Soap _are You Using. - -r In our western display window you will notice a variety of chairs, reed, mahogany and circassian Wal- nut, dainty sewing tables, artistic and convenient writing desks, tea wagons, all suitable for Xmas gifts. On our second and third floors are many more attractive pieces-- to see them will induce you to buy. I I Dress Suit Did You Ever Try Go 9at = gives one? This is the only kind we make. Our fabrios are the newest. WAGNER & CO. Tailors State Street All garments made in our own shop. We have the Shaving Cream, Soap, and Powder. lj i Martin 01 Haler University Avenue Goulding Pharmacy &Wkel 1219 South Universdty Avenue GIVE VS A TRIAL a' I N/I Planes, Furniture Trunks, Merchandise C. E. GODFREY Phone 82L 410 N. Fourth Ave. i University School o Music Albert A. Stanley, Director Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. A School of Music which offers courses in all branches of music of highest standards. Students may take regular courses leading to graduation, or they may take such subjects as they desire, without reference to graduation. If you are interested in studying some branch of music, please call at the office and get a copy of the school catalogue which gives full inform- ation. CHARLES A. SINK, Secretary. too , r ,..