'istmas 11 DING TAILORS a 1111' 1I e offer to you the 3ilored suit possible C most suitable price. manship the best. suit built to fit. tock of woolens of ghest quality. The : assortment in the > select from. I WILDO. 11 S. State St. IT UNITED UINES ARBOR TIME TABLE Express Cars for Detroit-7.r10 hourly to 6:io p. i., also 8xo ir Detroit-5:4o a. m., 6:o6 a. rn., two hours to 6:o6 p. m., 7:06 p. . m, 9:10 p. mn., and 10:45 P. im. ti only, 1:5 p. m., 12:15 p. in. ., : oo a. m. s for Jackson-7 :46 a. in, and ours to 7:46 p. mn. r Jackson-5:12 a. m., 6:51 a. in., wo hours to 6:51 p. m., also 9:20 5 P. in. COX SONS & VINING ' 12 Madison Ave., NEW YORK MAKERS OF CAPS, GOWNS & HOODS For All Degrees May be Ordered from MACK & CO. S. W. Clarkson Harrison Soule Cashier V. President NATIONAL BANK I Ann Arbor. Mich. Capital $ioo,ooo. i Just a few sg- getiolms- Harrison Fisher's, Beauties, Harrison Fisher's "A Girl's Life" A Little Girl's Book Michigan Pillow Cov- ers. College Jewelry Pins-Lockets=Rings Watch Fobs Hat Pins THE MICHIGAN DAILY Official newspaper at the University of Mich- igan. Published every morning except Mon- day during the university year. Entered at the postofficeat Ann Arbor, Michigan ?ender Act: of Congress of March 3, 1879. Offices Ann Arbor Press Building. Sub- scription pri4e : by carrier, $2.50; by mail, $3.00. Want Ad. Stations: Press Building; uarry's Pharmacy; University Pharmacy; C. . Davis, Cor. Packard and State. Telephones 96oand 2414. Maurice Toulme..........Managing Editor Adna Johnson ............Business Manager H. Beach Carpenter...........News Editor Gordon Eldredge ... ....Sporting Editor Fred Foulk .... .....Assistant to Editor Leonard Rieser.......Intercollegiate Editor Robert Tannahill........-Music and Drama Harold Abbott........... ...... Cartoonist EDITORIALS Harold Hippler Paul Blanshard Marshall Foote Lester Rosenbaum Louis David. ! TYPEWRITERS" New, reouilt, and second- hand, For Sale, $10.00 up For Rent, $2.00 up 3 mos., $5.00 TYPEWR1TIN6R O. D. MORRILL Over Baltimore Lunch The Michigan C 1914 Wholly different and much more beatiful and artistic than ever before. A splendid CH RISTMAS GIFT. PRICE 50 CENTS I Pass the Rest, Try the Best Fresh home-made candies, crackerjack and fountain drinks at UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORES MAC'S 613 E. Liberty U SHEEHAN & CO. STUDENTS' BOOKSTORE F el It's easy to secure Clothes of authoritative style, per- teet fit and genuine dura- bility if they're made expressly for you. We have the style and wool ens that will please you no -. matter how ex- taste may be. GROSS ON LIBERTY id Profits, $65,000. SAY! y our delicious chocolates. e them each day in our idy shop. They have the flavor" and we guarau- absolutely pure. LSY BEE POPULAR PLACE ; . __ . b " ' V '; ; yC ; ,; , j ' % ,' r , NIGHT EDITORS Leo Burnett Chester Lang F. F. McKinney Guy Wells Carlton JenksO Bernus Kline T1. Hawley Tapping ASSISTANTS TO BUSINESS MANAGER' Sheri ood Field Harry Johnson Myron Watkins F. M. Church REPORTERS H. C. Rummel Y. F. J. Hsu Willis Goodenow P. F. Thompson J. M. Barrett C. A. Swainson D. R. Ballentine R. S. Collins Leon Greenebaum C. L. Kendrick W. A. P. John E. C. Roth H-. R. Marsh C. L. Muller Charles Weinberg BUSINESS STAFF Arthur Torrey W. R. Carpenter Russell Runyan R. J. Ilofmann V. H. Herbert R. G. Sheldon R. V. Leffler WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1913. Night Editor-Leo N. Burnett. Meeting of the Cub's club at 4:30 o'clock this afternoon in the editorial rooms. HUMAN NATURE. Human nature is diversified. It de- mands a change. And most suscepti- ble to this desire for something new are the social pleasures and amuse- ments. Like it or not, the tango and the one-step are here to stay. Whether in- troduced by the professional dancing teacher or the college student on his vacation home, they have swept the country like wildfire. Blind obstinacy to the merits of the steps will accom- plish little. B.ut human nature is reasonable. Any attempt at reform, save abolition, will be tolerated, and perhaps be co- operated with. If such a reform is de- sirable, regulation, not destruction, will be found the way out.t VERSATILITY. The cry of the times is for the all- around man, the man who is consist- ently versatile, the ambidextrous man. The campus society cares not for the man who is able to compel recogni- tion by physical or mental prowess alone; but rather the man who is a good "fellow," and physically or men- tally powerful, at the same time. The class society cares not for the man, who is prominent, because of his ex- ecutive ability alone; but rather for his organizing powers, coupled with his ability to make friends, and keep them. The drinking society cares not for the man who is best equipped to handle liquor alone; but the man who can handle a goodly amount of spir- its, without serious embarassment, and at the same time remain a popular personage with his classmates. And so it goes on and on, without end, from the lowliest to the highest, from the serious to the less serious. There are some legitimate objections WAI KING LOO Come Up and Try 4xeorge's Chop Suey Delicious Chinese and American Dishes. 341 South State Street Phone 1244-L SHOE REPAIRS ? FIRST CLASS SHOE REPAIRING JOHN H. LAMBERT 613 EAST WILLIAM Ofticlal Shee Doctor to Michigan's Football Team Garrick Theatre DETROIT, nICHIGAN 'Peg O'My Heart' WITH El sa R y aSn Al 1 1bifsMek A Pair of $6.00 Trousers with every suitor Overcoat order at To everyone ordering a Suit or Overcoat during this sale we will give you absolutely FREE a pair of $6.oo Trousers of the same material as Suit or different, just as you like. Anyone who expects to live and wear clothes cannot afford to miss this once in a life time opportunity. We guarantee to save you $ o to $15 on every order you place at our store. Come in and be convinced. The Quality Tailors E. C. FLANDERS 209 E. Liberty St. 'yam a s k i1 i I .4 Christmvias jewelry, Large Asso rt- ment of Pend ants, rings , braco- lets, diamond jewelry. 9 Special Price of $25.00 on a $35.00 cut -g aas Punch Bowl. Perfect in do- signandwork- manship. Place Orders wi Christ tb Us for Packages Gilbert's, Cranes and Mary Garden CHOCOLATES 1, I - FREE . SCHLANDERER & SEYFRIED 113 East Liberty St. We pack and sp to any point FREE ed by men high in the world of learn- ing and finance that specialization is the keynote of ultimate success. The present promiscuous demand for versatility is certainly open to the objection that it will produce the Jack that is the dabbler in all trades, but the master of none. * * * * * * * * * * * 'jORS TO MEN * * OF INTEREST TO WOMEN. (Edited by Stylus.) * OUR SPECIAL $30.00 SUITS HAVE' UALITY that UALIFY.S UVI CKLY N University Ave. ENRYN &co. h Miss Helen Bennett, manager of the Chicago collegiate bureau of occupa- tions, will be in Ann Arbor next Sun- day to speak to university women at Newberry hall. Miss Bennett is wide- ly known in college circles all over the country, and her present work, that of opening a way for college women into vocations other than teaching, is a great and important one. No uni- versity woman can afford to lose the opportunity of hearing Miss Bennett speak. A round table meeting will be held next Monday morning in Newberry hall, for women who wish to talk with Miss Bennett about possible vocations. The Japanese bazaar, given by the Y. W. C. A. in Newberry hall, will be- gin this afternoon and continue throughout Thursday and Friday. This is a spelnded opportunity to purchase attractive articles suitable for Christ- mas gifts. Home-made candy and baking will also be on sale. Dr. Elsie Pratt has returned fromf her eastern trip, and is again holding her regular consultation hours, 1:30 to 3:00 o'clock daily, at the dispensa- ry. There will be an important meeting of the Girls' Glee club at 5:00 o'clock this afternoon in Sarah Caswell An- gell hall. Mrs. F. N. Taylor, 527 Church street, and Mrs. R. M. Wenley, 509 Madison avenue, will receive from 3:00 to 5:301 o'clock this afternoon. Special A IF Made in the most sanitary fac we have ever handled. VAN Quairry Drug Co. The Druggists on the Corner Prof. Levi Speaks on French Series Prof. Moritz Levi spoke in French on "Le Theatre de Maurice Maeter- linck" before the Cercle Francais yes- terday afternoon. "Un Voyage aux In- des" is the subject of the next number on the course, and will be delivered Mr. P. F. Bursley, instructor French, January 13. by in Dues-SOPHI LITS--Dues Pay class dues today or tomorrow in U. hall. Open all day. genits For [pped ChocolatesI tory in the world. The best candies DOREN'S PHARMACY, 703 Packard St. Cloth Shop against, as well as some valid argu- Appointments may ments for such a system. It is claim- Miss Ellen Moore. be made through ANN ARBOR DYE WORKS ARTISTIC FRENCH DRY AND STEAI1 CLEANERS INTER WOOLENS We are showing a neat line of blue and black French pin stripes for Christmas trade. Our Motto-"The best is none too good." You get satisfaction here. DRESS SUITS607 EAST F OR R ENT F. M. MYLES WILIAM ST. Phone 628 Consolidation 204 East Washington ANN ARBOR DYE WORKS . H. KUHN UNIVERSAL CLEANING WORKS T. E. WAHL WE CALL AND DELIVER The kind to dance in v ... .!k he Ann Arbor Savings Bank ital Stock $30,000 Surplus $10,000 Resources $3,000,000 G eneral Banking Business Transacted cers: Chas. E. Hiscock, Pres., W. D. Hir- rim a n , V ic e - P re s ., M . J . F ritz , C a she Flowers Cousins H. H ldl Cho... Cut Flowers Fine lot of Palms and Ferns for Decorating A46RROW XtICOLLAR Cluett, Peabody & Co., Inc. Makers 2ANOKA2 Fumed Oak Colored' English Boots r Rubber Sole vStitched Tip 1 Invisible Eyelets A Swell Shoe $5.00. WAGNER & CO. STATE STREET A PRESS BUILDING MAYNARD ST. Xnas Gifts A Complete Stock of Classic, Op= eratic, College and Pop= ular Music, M Ave. PhoneI115 New