_ A wjI Here I Have You Tried Our New Chocolate at the Fountain ? Men's black-rubber soles., The proper dress shoe for the Tango. Also==a new lot of tan rubber soles. Prices from $4.00 up to $6.00. Gil more Shoe Store The powder costs us twice as much per pound as any other kind and ours is the only fountain where you can get it, hot or cold. e are willing to pay the price for the sake of having the best. C alk is Phar mac y 324 South State Street Remember This little fellow can't deliver all the packages if all of you put off buying until the day before X= mas. We just received a 1 Complete line of holiday goods; Suit cases, collar bags, ties, bath robes, mufflers, traveling bags, handkerchiefs, hose, gloves etc. , I Select now--we will assist you. Pingree Made 119 S. Main Street I. Yesterday, today a n d likely to- morrow almost ev- ery store, big and little, will scream "We've got the 'y best!" Just sup- pose you take a look at Wadhams & Co.' Suits, Over- coats, Mackinaws, Hats, Caps and Furnishings. I th Main Street CO. - 1 I A MARQUADT RI I AT OTHER COLLEGES An Ohio State professor, Cecil La- veil, who disappeared from Columbus two weeks ago, has not yet been heard of. His hat and coat were found on the shores of Lake Ontario at Hamil- ton, Ont., and it is believed that he has committed suicide, although many still hold that he is yet alive. In order to "ake Ohio State more efficient to the state,-it is proposed to move the state libraries from the capi- tol to the university library, and to locate the state board of health labor- atories in the old botany building. Northwestern freshmen womn de- bated the question of government ownership of the telegraph system, in a regular session of their discussion club last week. Minnesota will vote on the point sys- ten for the control of activities at a referendum some time within the near future. The system provides for a maximum number of points for mem- bers of each class, from 20 for the freshmen to 50 for the seniors. Every office, activity, and organization has been listed, with the points at which each position is rated. "The Scarecrow" was presented last Thursday by students of The Univer- sity of Iowa. A large audience was present. The action of the Illinois council of administration in regard to the aboli- tion of the tango was not so drastic as was first supposed. Dean Clark stat- ed that no iron clad rule had been shade but that it was an expression of opin- ion and that it was expected that the students would consider it carefully. Pennsylvania gave out 24 Varsity, football P's last week. The letter was. given to all those who played in either the Dartmouth, Michigan or Cornell game. UNIVERSITY NOTICES. Comedy club rehearsal for second and third acts at 7:30 o'clock in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. The Totem club will meet at 7:30 o'clock tonight, in the north wing of University hall. Students of the graduate department will meet at 4:30 o'clock this after- noon, in the west physics lecture room of the physics building, to discuss im- portant business matters and hear an- nouncements by Dean Karl Guthe. Tryouts for the Technic staff will be held this afternoon from 1:30 to 5:30 Daniel Frohman presents HENRY E, DIXEY IN JE WELRY Extensive Stock at Reasonable Priceg. Watch Repairing, Skilled anld Trustworthy. Optical Supplies Eyes Scientiically Fitted Do you realize within a few' weeks you will leave for that Christmas vacation ? Drop in while down town and look over our line of holiday suggestions. Michgan Pins, Fobs, Bars and Spoons Silver Purses .and Mesh Bags Y'ou will be impressed w\-ith the high quality of goods at prices that will appeal to you. I THEATRE Toni ht for Last Time RHU EuM I "Chelsea 770 DO NOT MISS THIS Orpheum Orchestra Permanent Added Attraction All Seats 10c Ii I 302 S. STAT rE ST. 4'0 I I re SPECIAL EQUIPMENT FOR GASr COOIC For Fraternity and. Club Hous n /rd rr- ;, J. B. E IBLER 109 W. Liberty Street Across from Mack's side entrance Towels, Wash Clot Hard Wat Castile So, Pro=Athlei Supporter SUGDEN DRUG Gym Sul to those we Lome hip we appreciate u carry out the gas your mess- are 32 Spalding Juited State, all I Ifnc aaoring I Just the right thinas to make the Christ- mae Time reallJ joy 1O Spalding Special jf Catalogue of Christ- / mas suggestions will be of help. 254 woodward Ave. Detroit, Mich. " I Suits Cleaned and Pressed and repaired Cor; Main and Huron---Over Farmer's and Mechanic's Bank. STUDENT DANCE COMMITTEE TO REPORT THIS AFTERNOON Representatives from all the class- es and every honorary society on the campus, will meet in north wing, room 106, at 4:10 o'clock this after- noon, to hear the report of the stu- dent committee on the regulation of society dancing hours. Follo wing today's meeting, resolu- tions will be drafted which will be of- fered to the non-athletic committee at its next meeting. For Rent-Two suites and one room, 402 Observatory St., Phone 2482-L. Mrs. Mary C. Schank, Harley T. Schank, expert piano tuner. 61 Lost-Late Saturday afternoon on campus, South Iugalls or Tappan Road, a small, black purse. Call 411. 61 Lost-Will the gentleman who took the dark raincoat by mistake at the Majestic on Sunday evening, please exchange it for his own at the Mich- igan Daily office. 61 SY.4t.On W ntsd trin 'f black Increases Cleanliness and Efficiency. Telephone Representative to call and give you expert advice for your Kitche ment. Washtenaw Gas Compai - Purchasers of Xmas and New Year NOTICE To improve our telephone service we have installed a two phone system which has compelled us to change our present phone number 1550 to 2280. See Our Window Finest Assortment of Holiday Goods in the Ann Arbor Taxicab Co. 300 N. Hain Street p MIM emple T heatre Wednesday, December 10 "THE VAMPIRE" EXCITING STORY IN 3 P ARTS Presenting Mr. Bert French, the World's Greatest Vampire Dancer. A realfeature well worth the time tocome and see. Positively one day only, Wed. Dec. 3. ADMISSION - -100c Night lunches delivered. Call 51-L, 301 S. State, Greene's Lunch Room. tf Call at Hoppe's Portrait Studio and see the special Xmas folders. On style in window. 59-62 Magazine subscriptions. Best club rates at Wahr's Bookstores. 58-*67 Genuine Martin Guitars and Mando- lins sold at Schaeberle & Son's Music House. tfi White's Studio. Classy photos for Xmas gifts. 60-1-2-3 Best shoe shine, .hat cleaning and blocking next to Wagner's. tf Have your portraits made at the new studio. Hoppe. 59-62 Personal Christmas Cards. Leave your order early at Wahr's Bookstor- es. 58-67 For distinctive portraits. Hoppe. 59-62 Any of your clothes need repairing or altering? That's our specialty. C. 1. Kidd, 1112 S. University, 1530-J. tf o'clock at the office in the old engi- beads. Finder please return to 851 neering building. All engineering stu- Tappan. Reward. 61 dents are eligible.__ Mandolin club practice, at 7:00 Lst-A pocket book, from Whitney 'f atioriers - Printers o'clock tonight, north wing, Universi- ty hall. Meeting vice commodore's commit- tee of Boat club, 7:15 o'clock Wednes- day night at Union. Soph lits are urged to pay their class dues either today or tomorrow. Offi- cers of the class will be on hand in University Hall on both days from 8:00 o'clock in the morning until 6:00 theatre to Volland, street, Saturday night, Contained $50 and visiting cards. $10 reward. A. . Burbano, 1223 Volland St., Phone 1394-J. 61 Lost-Will-the person who exchanged chinchilla overcoat for one of the same kind in.the library yesterday omrning, call H. L. Humphreys, 1023 Oakland, Phone 906. 61 112 South Main Street. Stop at the Cre The New PIace Ice Cream Candy Light Lur We make our own candy The Mayer-Schairer ( o'clock in the evening, to receive pay- ments. The dues are 50 cents per Lost-Chi Psi badge between 1007 E. year. Huron and Huston's on Wednesday night. Liberal reward. Call 231. SOPH LITS ATTENTION! 60-1-2 Pay class dues Wednesday or Thurs- -M- day in U. Hall. Open all day. 61 High class portraits. Hoppe. 59-62 TH REE NEW SONGS "As the Years Roll By" ,"I'll Return to You Again" "You're the Idol of My Heart" They are rich in sentiment and music. 10 Cents per copy Our Chrfstmas stock of musical goods has arrived. GRINNELL BROT HERS 120-122 E. Liberty St. Phone 1707 - it 302 S. Main St. Near I s, White's Studio for Xmas photos. 60-1-2-3 WE SELL GOOD CLOTHING. Suits at $10.00-All wvool. Suits at $15.00-All wool, hand tail- ored. Suits at $20.00-Adler's make and style. Suits at $25.00-Equal to Finest Custom work. ALLEN'S GOOD CLOTHES STORE, Mainl Street. t White's Studio, Appo tographs. If you want the best try Liggett's, Edsill's Store, 122 So: Mlain St. Liggett's Gilbert's and olates is perfect cond *Recall Drug Store, 122 S in chi Rexal r Portraits that please at Hoppe's. 59-62 S119 EAST LII It's a fact the brilliant and high Hoppe's. ; IlF re 4 Class rbi 'it',