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December 06, 1913 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1913-12-06

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No. 59.


I f



ritage of Fiuture for West Will
Be 1"ound i" Slate
Uinivers M hges.n
chigan flatly For Michigan

Readers of The Michigan Daily, who
have noticed, in this column, during
the past few weeks, a series cf articles
dealing with the history of the univer-
sity, the scope of its work and the
range of its influence, probably have
been in some doubt as to the plan un-
der which the articles have been pre-
1:ared, and the purpose which they are
intended to serve. The idea in a few
words is to spread the reassuring
facts about Michigan among the stu-
(dent and alumni bodies, and to the
outside world, but primarily to sho
the student at Michi-an what he ha
gaindl by enrolln; her.
The average, undergrad"ato whc
comes with high hops and over-
wrought ideas of things Michigan, and
especially the undergraduate who finds
himself in Ann Arbor more by chance
than by cice because he happens to
live in Michigan, or because he fol-
lows a path well-worn by preceding
members of his family, or for no very
definite reason at all, is likely, after
he settles down, in his own little
groove to lose sight of just hew great
Michigan really is. Also a certain
reverence for eastern schools, to which
distance lends enchantment, is likely
to augment the idea of provincialism,
which the established east is accus-
tomed to ascribe to us. It is therefore
necessary to bring facts and figures
to show that Michigan must stand un-
challenged with the few first unihokt
sities of the country.
But mere facts and figures are not
enough. It is not sufficient that Mich-
igan has more living alumni than any
American college and stands second
in total number of graduates among
schools four times its age; it is not
sufficient that Michigan has a plural-
ity of college-bred congressmen, the
largest union, the largest alumnal as-
sociation In New York, and a major-
ity of Chinese indemnity students.
These are but incidents of a larger
truth. Michigan is the dean of the
large western institutions, William
Rainey Harper, one time president of
the University of Chicago, said, short-
ly before his death, "No matter how
liberally the private institution might
be endowed, the heritage of the future,
at least in the west, is the state uni-
Michigan has a history and it has
traditions, and The Michigan Daily be-
leves it is time we cease to deplore
the lack of things which we already
have, and begin to take advantage of
Michigan would be a failure if she
were doing only her routine work of
turning out doctors, lawyers and engi-
neers, however good. But along with
their professional training these doc-
tors, lawyers, engineers, teachers.
writers and business men, have always
and must always take away with them
a larger training in humanity which
stands for the bigger things in life
and seeks to conserve the best ele-
ments of our modern civilization, at
the same time doing the work of the
world. Let them have their Prince-
ton idea, their Dartmouth idea, and,
their Yale idea. That is the Michigan
idea. Be it as old as the hills, and as
monotonous, it is the criterion by
which every university must, in the
last analysis, stand or fall.
It is a few of these little things that
we want to bring home to the student
who is apt to overlook, because he is
living in the midst of it, the fact that
there is such a thing as a Michigan
spirit, alive and at work. We want
to make him feel while he is in the
university that, like Saul of Tarsus,
he is "a citizen of no mean city," for
we know that when he gets out he
will soon realize that there is only

one Ann Arbor, andone University of
Michigan, and that the time will come
when he will be glad.that he can say,

0: H. L. Wernicke, of Grand Rapids,
president of the Macey Company, man-
ufacturers of sectional book cases,
will be the speaker at the Union Sun-
day afternoon. Mr. Wernicke is an au-
thority on shop management, and may
take up some phase of this in his talk
Gerald Strong, '15D, will be on handy
with his violin, accompanied on the
piano by "Ike" Fischer. C. W. Fergu-
son, '15L, will present a number cf
banjo so'os. The varsity quartet has
consented to be present to present sev-
eral numbe:s.
The conditional 1915 Hop Committee
assented to the plans recommended in
the petition which the 1914 committee
will present to the faculty for the re-
instatement of the Junior Hop. The
petition will be given to Prof. A. 11.
Lloyd, of the non-athletic committee
today, who will repcrt to the senate
-.ouncil at its meetimg Monday night.
The policy of the 1914 Hop com-
miittee has been complete secrecy as to
the nature of its proposals. That the
organization will closely resemble that
of last year is deduced from the ad-
mission that the offices and chairman-
ships of the various committees wil. be
filled by men from the fraternities
whose turns come according to the old
plan of rotating offices. The general
chairmanship, accordingly, will go to
Delta Kappa Epsilon; treasurer, Alpha
Tau Omega; secretary, Theta Delta
Chi and reception and Hop leader, Sig-
ma Phi.
The student council committee, to
which C. A. Brown, '15, and L. F. Mer-
rit, '15E, have been added to represent
their classes, has not met yet. In case
the non-athletic committee decides not
to show the petition to the student
council committee for its opinion,
there Is a possibility that a new plan
for the Hop will be instituted without
any expression of sentiment from the
general student body.




At its monthly meeting last night,
the Kentucky club voted a sum of mon-
ey to print 500 booklets containing
both descriptive material of the uni-
versity facilities, and statistics on
Michigan's greatness in various de-
partments. These booklets' will be
mailed to every high school in the
state in an endeavor to attract more
men of the Bluegrass state to Michi-
gan. The naterial for this booklet
will be prepar:id shortly after the hol-
idays 1y various members of the club
and the booklets mailed be ore the
spring vacation.







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Syrmc-iie Coach Judges After Seeing I
Biig Teamis of East and
West in Action.
Tom Keene, the veteran trainer who
has had charge of all the Syracuse
athletes, said recently that Michigan
played the best article of football th"at
he had witnessed during the past grid-'
iron season. He was especially enthu-
siastic over the unified team play
shown by the Wolverine warriors in all
the contests of the latter part of the
In a- recent statement, Keene said

Prof. Sait of Columbia Persistent in
Efforts to 1ave Michigan
Reenter Association.
Overtures have been niade by the
Intercollegiate civic league of the
United States, through Professor Sait,
lprofessor of political science at Colum-
bia University, to establish a local
chapter of the organization at Michi-
gan. As a matter of fact, Michigan was
once a member of the league, but
since 1908, the time when interest in
civic affairs at the university dwindled
to comparatively nothing, Michigan
ceased to be represented at the annual
Professor Sait in communication
with Mr. Harry Rottschaefer of the

Twelve orators filed their manu-
scripts of orations for the Peace ora-
torical contest with the oratory de-
partment yesterday, exceeding last
year's record by two. Among those
entered in the contest are five who
competed last year. Paul B. Blan-
shard, '14, who won the state, inter-
state, and national Peace cntests last
year is ineligible for this year's com-
The preliminary contests will be
held on December 11-12, and the final
contestant to represent the university
in the state contest will be picked on
December 18. About 30 states will be
represented in the Oratorical peace
contest, They are divided into groups
of six according to geographical loca-
tion. In the group with Michigan are
Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, and
Minnesota. The winners of the state
contests clash in an interstate contest,
in which one orator is selected to rep-
resent the group of states in the na-
tional contest held at Lake Mohonk
on May 14, 1914. The state contest for
Michigan is to be held at Olivet on
March 28, and the interstate contest
at Cleveland on April 25.
Following are the contestants and
the subjects of their orations:
F. W. Hoogsteen, '14, "The Concert
of the World"; B. B. Watkins, '14L:
"Peace"; E. A. Cournyer, '15, "Jour-
nalism and the World's Peace"; H. M
Rosa, '14, "The Burden of Militarism";
W. E. Morris, '16L, "The Price of
Peace"; C. O. Chan, "The Unity of the
World"; J. W. Harding, '14L, "The
Price of Peace"; N. H. Goldstick, '15L,
"The World's Crisis"; R. S. Fulton.
'14, "The Commoner and Peace"; H.
C. Tallmadge, '14, "The Passing of the
Soldier"; W. J. Goodwin, '16L, "The
Chief Ends of Life"; N. J. Gould, '14L,
"We Kill No More."

Fiel, Kemp r d li ily Seek Re
of Th'thods of Nominating
utnd Eiecfiig
iE hal t ion of Eect ion 1etring,4
Voles 4,is Wilt
Veneral Asproyalt
Rowland Fixe], ' 2-'14L, Edwa
Kemp, '12-'14L, and The Michigai
ly have submitted plans for the
on of nominating and electing
hers of the student council, in ac
n:Ice with the council's request
campus opinion. Kemp's plan is
ed in today's Michigan Daily, tit
or'two are filed with secretary
McCoy, of the council.
Each system would change the
ant methods of nominating candi
The Daily plan would have the cc
candidates named by a small coi
tee elected by the class, acting
a similar committee appointed b
student council. These comm
would nominate two or three tim
number of candidates to be elec
the council.
. Fixel's plan calls for nominatic
the oral method of simply prese
the name of the candidate by
member of the class, at a meeti
which 55 per cent of the class is
ent. As soon as the nominatior
closed, the class shall vote upo
names proposed, and the two m
ceiving the highest number of
shall be declared the nominee
office. Kemp advocates a reduct
size of the council and allowing
Mors only to be members.
The remaining features of the
posed plans, are similar in mo
spects, candidates to be electi
popular vote, with n6 campaigni:
votes or pledging for support, fre
open discussion of candidates ft
ucational purposes, being alloy
Fixel's system would give the c
power of disciplining in some su
tial manner, anyoie found gui
pledging or soliciting votes.
A feature in the latter plan,
would reduce the number of cc
men materially, is the rule
would limit the representation
council of each class, to one.

Freshmen to Express Their Opinions
in Rhetorie Classes.
With the assignment to their fresh-
man rhetoric classes of a theme on the
faculty'-senior advisory system, a few
instructors began yesterday to cooper-
ate with the advisory committees in a
plan to reveal the efficiency of Mich-
igan's advisory system. The commit-
tees, in a letter sent to the instructors
in freshman rhetoric, request that they
assign to their classes a regular theme
on the subject, "The Significance of
the Advisory System to Me Personal-
ly." Each theme is to state specifically
in what way the writer's advisors aid-
ed him either before or after he came
to Ann Arbor, and any criticisms or
suggestions he has to make concerning
the system. The themes, after being
graded, will be turned over to the ad-
visory committees.
The information gained by this move
is to be especially a test of the senior
advisory system. A similar report
from all senior.advisors will be obtain-,
ed later, and the opinions of both ad-
visors and advisees will be classified
for the benefit of the senior advisors
next year.
Senior Engineers Divide for Exhibit.
Senior engineers decided last week
to divide the class into sections of me-
chanical, civil and electricals for the
spring exhibit, each division having
its special committees to provide for
their separate displays in the annual
engineering carnival.


that not only the team play but thetd
1economnics department has made per-
individual prowess and brilliance of sistent efforts to persuade Michigan to
Michigan's men gave them a place far again assume relations with the asso-
above all other teams whose contests rciation. This organization is open par-
he had witnessed during the season. ticularly to students of political sci-
ence, economics and sociology, though
Keene's statement has great import- membership will not be restricted to
ance in the football world, for he, those pursuing these subjects.
above all other men, has had greater' The Intercollegiate Civic League
opportunity to be present at a great consists of an association of under-
aumber of Intersectional contests. He graduate political clubs in fifty-five
not only saw the better of all the east- colleges and universities with differ-
ern elevens in action but was present ent constitutions, but all with a com-
at the Chicago-Minnesota game which mon purpose, namely to interest their
decided the championship of the con- members in the political life of the
ference. day. Annual conventions are held at
either Washington, A. C., or in a city
Ee tmti~t~aining iamtt Are Alppointedwhere some legislative body is in ses-
sion and where in consequence it is
The personnel of the committees of possible for the organization to listen
the senior engineer class appoint- to men prominent in civic life.
ed by President Paterson, with the Professor David Friday and Mr.
exception of the four that were an- Rottschaefer believe that this is one
nounced yesterday, is as follows: of the most effective and comprehen-
class day--R. H. Braun, chairman, C. I sive methods of studying the workings
S. Schoeffle, A. Eckert, R. T. Bayless, of political life and have expressed a
and II. 0. Swanson; nermorial-1, hope that a Michigan chapter will be
Dillman, chairman, E. B. Drake, A. J. 'established some time in the future.
Hebert, R. A. Devos, and F. J. Chatel; -_
finance--H. W. Lichtner, chairman, W. AVTOM N0 BLE ENGINEERS TO
Cook, F. C. Morse, L. C. Fiske, and C. .MAKE SYSTEMATIC RESEARCH
J. Taylor: and pipe and stein-S. R. Prof. W. T. .Fishleigh, who has
Brush, chairman, R. A. Yerrington, A. charge of the automobile courses in
S Irvine and ' L. Bentley the engineering department, has been

Union Unable to Provide Holiday Jobs
The Union employment committee
has about twenty requests for work
during Christmas vacation, and as yet
very little work has been offered. The
committee is doing everything in its
power to find places for those who
have left their names, and hopes to
be able to place nearly all of them
before the recess starts. Permanent
quarters have been furnished for the
bureau in the regular Union office.The
hours are from 4:00 to 5:30 o'clock
every day but Saturday and Sunday.
The interclass football series this
-tall proved successful in several ways
besides merely offering an opportunity
for those, not of varsity caliber, to{in-
dulge in the national college sport.
The contestants in every game were
closely observed by Director Rowe in
an attempt to unearth promising var-
sity material, and as a result several
of the shining lights will undoubted-
ly receive initations to attend early
football practice next year.I

(The Michigan Daily assumes no
sponsibility for sentiments expr
ed in communications.)
.DecI 3, 191
Editor, The Michigan Daily:-
The article printed by The Mich
Daily concerning the newspaper s
alleged to have been written by
was brought to my attention. I w
say that the "Advocate" which pri
this article is an irresponsible we
publication which is struggling for
istence and doing all in its powe
harm the other papers, especially
one upon which I am employed. F
tically all of our force have had I
names signed to articles in the p
which have never been written by t
It. H. Babcock, editor of the Advoc
was formerly associated with the
zette. The article which he publi
is from his own pen. Had I wr
it I would have lost my position
this paper at once and I am still h
Trusting you will make a retrac
of the story which you publishe
Yours very truly,
Chess and Checkers Club Entel
Clarence B. Steinem, '12L, wi.
the guest of the Chess and Che
club, Wednesday, He will give a:
hibition of simultaneous play ai
Union that night. While visiting
atives in Munich, Germany, last
men, he. engaged several strong
ponents and defeated the majorit
them. In 1911 and 1912 hewas
ident of the local club, and is

The chairmen of the other commit-
tees follow: banquet-L. J. Keliher;
general arrangements--A. R- Patron;
executive-A. F. Bassett; cane-H. J.
Trum; promenade-L. F. Campbell;
auditing---T. M. Robie, senior sing-=
E S. Marks; and picture-I) Dudley.

appointed a member of the research
committee of the Society of Automo-
bile Engineers. This committee will
cooperate with the leading automobile
manufacturers throughout the country,3
in an attempt to systematize experi-
mental research in automobile motors.



t s Ia

For the'
Rest of
the Year

2 0

Del eredi
at your





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