A I L Y. I AlLY. a' r LYNDON "At the Sign of The Kodak " Regal Shoes, Latest English Lasts Kodak Films Finishing Flashlights and Groups Telephone 458-L 719 North University Avenue Wh itey Saturday Evening. Dec. 6th I AnnualEngagement of F1 Indian Moccasins More Comfortable than Slippers ;RUNER & CO. 108 S. MAIN STREET ANN ARBOR I 1/4 OFF ON ALL MILLINERY Beavers Excepted, at- 115 Liberty East DANA RICH IARDSON PHONE 166- OUR LUNCHEON MENU is a delight to Fastidious Folks Everything is so cor- rect and complete. Vis- it our parlors when SOUTH MAIN STREET soWn toWn. 1r, ,1offee Roa sters and I Wholesale Grocers )ean & Co., Ltd., 214 S. Main St. .:rnrr -r p marnin mirrr . COUNCIL RECEIVES NO ELECTION PLANS No plans for the election of student council members have been submitted to Secretary T. F. McCoy as yet. It is known, however, that several pros- pective systems are in the process of formation, and it is expected that the council wil have a wealth of ideas, from which it will make its final de- cision. All who have a method of election, which in their opinion will remedy some of the defects of the present system, are urged to send them to the secretary of the council. (i'A.PITS IN BRIEF. -Tickets for the membership dance at the Union on Saturday night may be obtained at the desk today. About 25 had been disposed of last night. -Tue various debating societies will debate on the following subjects in their regular meetings at 7:00 o'clock this evening: Adephi: Resolved "That the methods of disfranchisim negroes in Southern States are justi- fiable"; Alpha Nu: Resolved, "That the jury system should be abolished"; Jeffersonian: Resolved, "That the leg- islature of the state of Michigai: should authorize and permit the sen- iors of the law department to give le- gal advice and represent the inhabi- tants of Washtenaw and adjoining counties. Dean i3. M. Bates of the law department will speak at the Web- ster gathering. Music will be furnish- ed by a quartet. Important business meetings will be held following the program. -All copy for the Food Number of the Gargoyle has now been received, but no details of the coming issue have been given out, as the process of selection and arrangement is not yet complete. -Compilation of the number of sit- tings, which have been made at the various photographers, who have con- tracted for the taking of Michiganen- sian pictures, show's that about 60 seniors have thus far had photograph taken for the 1914 year book. --Theodore {S. Koch, university li- brarian, returned yesterday from De- troit, where he delivered an address at the Detroit Public library. Mr. Kochw ill deliver an address in the Detroit Museum of Art on "The Arts of Illustrating" next Sunday after- noon. -lhe 1 non conimittee appointed to assist the Cosmopolitan club program January 9, will meet at the Union this afternoon at 5:00 o'clock. The com- mittee is: Harry G. Gault, chairman, W. A. P. John, '16, Forrest G. Pred- rnoe, '16, Ralph H. Rice, '15, Harold E. Waldron, '15E, Sidney T. Steen, '16E, and George S. Johnston, '15. -Griffins, the all-campus honorary society, will give a dance this evening at Granger's.The dancetknown as "The Fall Deism," will begin at 8:30 o'clock. -Fresh its will hold their first smok- er of the year next Monday night at 7:30 o'clock at the Union. Dean J. oarr-aek Theatre DETROIT, MICHIGAN CHAUNCEY 'Peg O'MylHeart WITH L~Aluret WTeky1 All Next Week - I LET THE U - ~ Press Your Clothes Robert Effinger, Junior Professor Wil- liam D. Henderson, Mr. Lyman L. Bryson and Dr. G. A. May are on the list of speakers, and all members of the faculty of the literary department are invited to attend. -Rehearsals for the Comedy chub play "Scarecrow" will be held from now on with the full stage properties, which will be used in the regular pro- duction. For the first week or so, the property manager, Spencer Scott, will be forced to use makeshifts, for not until that time will new scenes be ready fbr use. Costumes will be ready to be tried on in about a week's time, when they will be returned with an expert fitter, who wvil make the nec- essary alterations. --Profs. Benjninin F.Railey, and Hen ry H. Higbie, of the electrical engineer- ing department, and A. D. Baker, '14E, spoke at the smoker held by the sen- ior and junior electrical engineers in the engineering building last night. Cider and doughnuts were served. -Kentucky club will hold a meeting at 8:00 o'clock this evening at the Union to perfect plans for the Ken- tucky special, which will carry the men home for the holidays. --Wilbur 1. Robinson, assistant in the geological museum, spoke on "Lime- stone Mountains," before the Geolog- ical society in Russell hall last night. -Junior engineers will hold a special meeting at 11:00 o'clock this morn- ing in room 348 new engineering building, for the purpose of electing a committeeman to the student council committee, wlich is carrying on nego- tiations for the reinstatement of the .J Hop at Michigan. --The second of the series of Fische' parties will be held at the Union to- night. Tickets for the dance may be obtained by calling 319 or 216. The party will be informal. --on rary to the announcement in the engineering catalogue, course 29 in mechanical engineering will be re- peated the second semester. This is the general automobile course cover- ing modern construction and opera- tion. --The Canadian club held its first ban. quet of the year at the Union last ev- ening. Prof. W. G. Smeaton, of the chemistry department, and Dr. H. H. Cummings, of the medical department, were present and addressed the meet- ing. An innovation in entertainmenti was introduced by readings from fam- ous Canadian humorists and poets. N. H. Goldstick, '14L, acted as toastmas- ter. -Junior dents will dance at the Pack- ard academy this evening. Dr. E. L. Whitman and Mrs. Whitman, and Dr. R. B. Howell and Mrs. Howell will chaperone the party. DETROIT SIAN TO SPEAK AT C03MMERCE SMOKER TUESI)AY The Commerce club will hold its 'last smoker before the holidays at the Union next Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Mr. Frederick Stevens;of Detroit, will address the club on "Per- sonality in Business." The organization will give an in- formal dance at Granger's at 8:15 o'clock on December 11. Prof. David Friday and Mrs. Friday and Mir. R. Mothersil and Mrs. Mothersill will chaperone the party. Soph Lit Hold "Pirate Dance" The "Pirate Dance" given by the soph lits at the Union last night was attended by over 50 couples. Prof. M. C. Wier, of the rhetoricsdepart- ment, and Mrs. Wier, acted as chap- erones. The social programn of the year has I I II been announced, and will include, two women's luncheons to be given on January 17 and April 24; two smoi k- ers on January 16 and May 14; one dinner dance on January 23; one country club dance on May 29; and two afternoon parties at Barbour gymnasium on March 7 and April18. To Hold "Fresh mamn Round-up" Todt ay Social activities of fresh lits will commence with a "Freshman Round- up," to be held this afternoon from 4:00 to 6:00 o'clock in Barbour gym. Pres. Harry 1. Hutchins and Mrs. Hutchins, Dean J. Robert Effinger and. Mrs. Effinger, Registrar Arthur C. Hall and Mrs. Hall, Dean Myra 13. .Tordan and 1Mlrs. C. H. Forsyth will chaperone the party. The women o' the class are requested to come alone. UNIVERSITY CALENDAR. Dec. --4-Freshnan lit dance at Barhour gy""nasi, at a:00 'c>lock. Dec. 6--Luncheon for senior lit women at the Michigan Un ion, at 12:00 C'clock. Dec. 6-Annual spread for freshmnan women in Bar bour -yin. Dec. 6-Junior lit breakfast dance. Dec. 8--Illinois club smoker. MAJESTIC AT LAST The uniy Ge uine Vesion of inlw r I tton LAST DAYS OFa In a new play by Johnson Youjag SHAMEEN DHU Directionof Henry Miller Mr, Olcott Siigs Five New Songs POMPEII Rida In 8 Parts of Magnificent Motion Pic- tures, Brought to Ann Arbor at Great Expense, Direct from Wallick Theatre, New York. FOUR DAYS ONLY Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat, Dec. 3, 4, 5, 6 One Show Nightly at 8:15 TWO HOUR SHOW MATINEE DAILY AT 3:00 P. M. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5th Harvey D. Orr OFFERS 1hop By Victoria Cross A Great Play From a Great Novel Scenic Production and Great Comp any PRICES Entire Lower Floor - - 1st 4 Rows Balcony Balance Balcony Gallery Box Seats - - MAIL ORDERSI - $1.50 - $1.00 - 7So - $2.00 NOW Prices Thirteen Row< 0rce.3tra.. .$1.f1 B;alanice COr hestra------------.75 Four Rows Balcony.-...........-7s Balance Balcony..................50 Nights AIISeats (1ownstairs reservd) Box eats -- . - Matinees Adults - Children - - -35 11 'MAIL ORDERS NOW =1 WE DO LADIES' WORK Frank Brothers Filth Avenue Bootshop Fifth Avenue near 27th Street, New York Our representative will exhibit ladies foot- wear at our Ann Arbor showroom on Tuesday, December 9th. Exhibit Shop at 326 S. State Street C. I. KIDD, '17 Lit. 1530-J 1112 S. University Ave. What Kind pf Shaving Soap are You Using? VVILLIAM E. DIETERLE FORMERLY THE VARSITY TAILOR OF ANN ARBOR wishes to announce that he has opened a tailoing establish- ment in Detroit at Did You Ever Try a U 94 WEST FORT STREET With a Complete Line of BRITISH AND DOMESTIC WOOLENS We have the Shaving Cream, Soap, and Powder. Have you noticed the distinguished appearance a perfect fitting 'k Special attention given to my College trade. The satme prices with Better Satisfaction and Better Workmanship. University Avenue Dress Suit Pharmacy Goulding & Wikel gives one ? This is the only kind we make. Our fabrics are the newest. WAGNER & CO. Tailors state Street r s DIETERLE-VARSITY TAILOR Shirts & Neckwear.II 1219 South University Avenue GIVE VS A TRIAL w University School of Music1 Albert A. Stanley, Director flaynard Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. A School of Music which offers courses in all branches of music of highest standards. Students may take regular courses leading to graduation, or they may take such subjects as they desire, without reference to graduation. If you are interested in studying some branch of music, please call at the office and get a copy of the school catalogue which gives full inform- ation. CHARLES A. SINK, Seecetary. All garments made shop. in our own -I in Distinctive and Original Treatments SMART ENGLISH RAINCOATS A Complete Showing of Acccssct'es to Yen's Wcar, Including Most Recent Importations IMPORTERS Anger &Kan o u se r1 e If YouF EIG T E xpect PHONE US AND SAVE TROUBLE C* E. GODFR.EY, 410 N. Fourth Ave. Phone 82-L SHIRT MAKERS DIME BANK BUILDING DETROIT I' E ) Ff Q f I. 9- Are Sure to alp 1i