THE LEADING ERCHANT TAILORS We offer to you the ttailored suit possible he most suitable price. )rkmanship the best. :ry suit built to fit, r' stock of woolens of highest quality. The est assortment in the to select from. 31f S. State St. 1OIT UNITED LINES NIN ARBOR TIME TABLE nd Express Cars for D etrit-7 :zo and hourly to 6 : io p.,in., also 3 : Io s for Detroit-5:4o a. m.,, 6:o6 a. in., ry two hours to 6:o6 p. in., 7:o6 p. 5p. mn., g:xo p. in., and Io0:45 P. MT. mn., i :00o, Cars for Jackson-7 :46 a. m. and o hours to 7:46 p. m,. s for Jackson-5 : I a. in.,, y two hours to 6:51 p. mn., also 9:1o :15 p. rm. This Week A fancy box of Initial stationery with your initials In gold. THEI MI CHIGAN DAILY (?fl cial n sa Per at the UIniversity ofi;M ich- Jgdn. Il 1uhhshed every i n nong exceprt 1Mon- lnte.Ied at the posfle 1. atAnn Abor MIich, ianund(er tAct of Congress of M rch., ; scriptionm price: l)} carrier,$.5 S y al Ii. )avs, Cr. ackard andi Sta. THE; rNEW COLL WNOW READY lhC Michigan Calend, 1914 Wholly different and much miore beatiful and artistic 'i cNver before. A splendid CHRISTMAS GIF'T. PftICE~ 50 CENTES ii 25C i Fortier price 40c Maurvice Tollh!ne.........anaing 7Editor Adna Johnson........ ..Business >Manager If. Bach iitor Gordlon hIdlredge. ...........porting 1'ito r Mred Vonik...........Assistant to Fditor olcrt 'Canisahill.......Msic and t Iral II aoldAl~)Ot ..............artoon s EDITORIALS ILouis lDavid NIGHT EDITORS I ,eo Bu1rneti Chester Lang I= . .11clinc+.t(;ny We ltsc~ On Sport Staff ''. T la%%ley Tappiag SHEEHAN & 00. STUDENTS' BOOKSTORE 11 ADVANTAGEOUS CIONNIECTIONS i , " with Ed. V. Price & Co. enable me to offer you strict- ly high-grade tai- ! loring at a saving of $10 to $20 on pprices ordinarily < ~charged by small tailors. Yetwe guarantee correct ' ~~fit, propersye w honest workman- ship and true ser- I! -~p, ,,. vie-vialue. ASSISTANTS TO BUSINESS MANAGER MrnWatkins REPORTERS 1'. P. "Chlurch II.C. 1. rum el !f. S. Collins Leon Greeneha.n'i C. . Kendrick 1W. :A. 1'. Jon I 1?. C. Roth 1II. R. MIarshi L. 1,. Mller Charles " c:,01,(;- BUSINESS STAFF