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December 04, 1913 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1913-12-04

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]in Nnl7er'1

aily For Michigan
y of Michigan has
ini than any other in-
ning in the country.
in the four corners
000 men and women
ed degrees from the
ite university. The
of Harvard number
an 21,000 and Yale
d with almost 18,000

Prof F. N. Scott Addresses Associatio n
Which Eletts Columbia Mfan
A formal recognition of Sigma Del-
ta Chi, the national honorary journal-
istic fraternity, and the principles up-
on which it is founded, was made by
the Association of Teachers of Jour-
nalism, which held its annual meet in
Madison, Wisconsin, last week. The
fraternity will hold its annual meet-
ing in this city next May.
Prof. F. N. Scott, of the rhetoric de-
partment, was the Michigan delegate
to the convention and delivered an ad-
dress on "The Relation of English
Courses to Courses in Journalism."
Besides this speech, Professor
Scott repeated the address which
which he gave before the annual
meeting of the .Council of Teach-
ers of English, which was held in Chi-
cago last Thursday.
Dean Talcott Williams, of the Pulit-
zer School of Journalism, was elected
president of the association and the
joint invitation from the New York
and Columbia Universities, to hold the
next convention in that city was ac-



Performers at Union Feast Score Hit
as They Circle Banquet


Tom Thorpe and Menke Place Craig
and Pontius on All-American

In the total number of degrees grant-
ed, Michigan stands next to Harvard.
During the 306 years of its existence,
Harvard University has granted al-
most 35,000 diplomas, while Michigan,
which recently celebrated its 76th an-
nIversary, has granted degrees to the
number of more than 31,000. Yale,
which was founded 213 years ago,
stands next to Michigan in the num-
ber of degrees conferred with a grand
'total of 30,000, and is closely pushed
by the University of Pennsylvania,
whose alumni register contains al-
most 27,000 names. Columbia is the
only other American university which
has conferred degrees to more than
20,00 persons, for the New York in-
stitution has granted almost 26,000 di-
lomas during its meteoric career.
Up to the year 1912,Cornell conferred
albout 13,000 degrees, and is closely
followed by Princeton with 2,000 less,
The University of Illinois stands next
in the list with 9,700 graduates and it
leads Minnesota by almost a thousand.
The comparatively youthful universi-
ties, Chicago and Leland Stanford,
have conferred 6,500 and 3,000 degrees,
respectively. If the graduating class-
es of 1912-13 were added to the totals
of the last seven universities, their or-
der would probably not be changed.
Up to the class of 1912, the register
of Michigan alumni contained 29,144
names, and the last two graduating
classes totaled -slightly less than 2,000.
Of the 29,144 alumni registered, 28,330
reside within the boundaries of the
United States, 192 in the national de-
pendencies, and 622 in foreign coun-
tries. The distribution of the 1912-13
alumni is in about the same propor-
Of the plumni who reside in the
United States, 8,931 are located in the
state of Michigan. Illinois stands sec-
ond on the list with 3,195 and is fol-
lowed by Ohio with 2,392. The empire
state stands next with alumni to the
number of 1,854. Then, in close suc-
cession, follow Indiana with 1,313, Cal-
ifornia with 1,093, and Pennsylvania
with 1,030. Missouri and Minnesota
have 774 and 750 Michigan graduates,
respectively. Washington has 625,
Wisconsin 576, and Colorado, 541. The
remaining 2,000 are scattered outl
among the remaining states in the
Including all the classes that have
ever graduated from the university oft
Michigan, 28,101 individuals have pass-~
ed through the portals of Michigan in-E
to the worl Many of these have re-
ceived more than a single degree, and3
with the inception of the combined de-
partments, the number of graduatesI
receiving more than one degree is rap-t
idly increasing,
More than 20,000 persons have at-
tended the University of Michigan for
at least one semester during the years
of its existence and are listed amongc
the non-graduates. In the catalogue
of 1911, 43,666 names were tabulated
and if the 2,000 goduates of the class-
es of 1912-13 are added, the resulting
figures will show that more than 46,-
000 individuals have spent a part of
their lives in the classic halls of the
University of Michigan.
Geerian Professor Will Speak Tonight
Prof. C E. Eggert, of the German
department, will talk at the meeting
of the men's section of the Deutscher
Verein at 8:00 o'clock this evening in
Vrein room


Faculty Look% Askance at three Lone
Students Who Rush to Take


Oratoriv"l Board ThIs ses aal riablyton
1 !estion U1of(uk ide

The university course in embalming,
wherein the secrets of the undertak-
ers' trade are taught, is itself in dan-
ger of being consigned to an unmark-
ed grave, the victim of its own pro-
pensities. Decision on the problem
has been postponed by those officials
in charge until such time as a thor-
ough investigation has been made of
the matter_ Pending such settlement
the friends of the course are doing
their best to save it from that same
kind of treatment which it prescribes
for its students.
The course in embalming is-includ-
ed in the curriculum of the university
summer school and was inaugurated
as a course of study last year. During
the session, however, but three stu-
dents took the course and it did not
altogether prove a success in this par-
ticular. - -
Officials of the sumiper school have
this fall been considering the feasibil-
ity of continuing the course and it is
stated that the probable solution of the
problem will be the dropping of the
course from the summer session cur-
riculum. One meeting of the friends
of the course has already been held
and another is scheduled for the near
future, at which time a definite policy
will be outlined for presentation to the
Michigan will be represented by 50
delegates .at the International Student
Volunteer Movement convention to be
held at Kansas City, Mo., from Decem-
ber 31 to January 4. Applications for
credentials have been 'forwarded for
33, and 12 additional requests are to
be made. With the officers of both
branches of the Students Christian as-
sociation, the quota will be complete.
Traveling arrangements for the
Michigan delegation include a reserv-
ed car on the train, leaving Ann Ar-
bor on December 30, and a special
train from Chicago. The various uni-
versity groups will unite at Chicago,
and travel the rest of the way togeth-
Frank I. Olmstead, '15, is in charge
of the affairs of the local party.

The Michigan Union set a new
standard in membership dinners last
From the time Harold Schradzki
mounted a chair, and proclaimed,
"Gentlemen, the dinner is on," until
the last strains of the "Horse Trot"
had issued from the trombone of the
International Band, the crowd of al-
most 300 was kept in a continual cab-
aret mood. Michigan spirit substitut-
ed the wine list. Otherwise it was un-
adulterated cabaret.
Plans were made for 200, but at the
last moment every checker table was
utilized and nearly 100 more were ac-
commodated, many being turned away.
Real chicken dominated the menu,
and during the meal, an orchestra,
composed of Henry Rummel, '14, Wal-
ter Ford, '17M, and Lee Parker, '17,
played "Everybody Loves a Chicken,"
and other high life melodies.
The program was begun by the
"gold tooth quartet," which producedj
vaudeville harmony in an amble about
the tables The members were Waldo
Fellows, '14, Kingsley Gould, '14,
George McMahon, '16, and Cecil John-
son. Charles B. Sikes, '16E, was well
received in his baritone numbers, and
William James, in Mikado costume,
sang two numbers from the popular
opera. Ralph 0. Delbridge, '17, made
an instant hit with his volcanic piano
ragtimes. Jabin Hsu, '14, as a manda-
rin, and Durward Grinstead, '16L, as
his oriental escort, executed - some
unique steps in a dance number. Both
men wore complete trappings of Chin-
ese cabareters.
"Just Over," presented by the Mim-
es, as the last number, overleaped its
title and got "way over" with the en-
tire crowd. An impressionistic stag-
ing represented Ellis Island, where
Waldo Fellows, as a half-witted in-
spector, examined the applicants for
citizenship. Clarence Otter, '17, "did"
burnt cork comedy, Sam L. Adels-
dorf, '14L, represented Teutony, and
Lyle Clift, '14, was Rosa, the daugh-
ter of Gordon C. Eldredge, an aspir-
ing banana vender. The latter was
particularly successful in the render-
ing of "Shakespeare in Ragtime," ac-
companied by Waldo Fellows. Bernus
Kline, '14, played a villain role, and
played the trombone in the "band con-
cert" which concluded the skit. Lyle
Clift as leader led the "musicians,"
who cabareted with real military ma-

Two Michigan football men are per-
sistently being chosen for places on,
the All-American elevens that are the
forerunners to the incontestable selec-
tion of Walter Camp. Tom Thorpe,
and Menke of New York, the first in
the field with All- American elevens,
have both conceded Craig and Pontius
the call on their positions.
Neither of these judges deems any
other of the Wolverine stars big
enough for places on their second and
third elevens. Menke says of Craig,
that like Brickley, he ranks as the
peer of those who have played the
halfback position during the past sea-
son. As an all-around halfback his
equal seldom has been seen. Possess-
ed of almost the same bull-like
strength of Heston, it takes almost an
entire team to stop him when he starts.
Quick and speedy, he is a wonder at
circling the ends, a great defensive
halfback, a fine tackler, a good punter,
and an almost perfect catcher of long
Tom Thorpe's first All-American
eleven lines up as follows:Ends,Avery
(Yale), O'Brien (Harvard); Tackles,
Ballin (Princeton), Pontius (Michi-
gan); Guards, Browne (Navy), Pen-
nock (Harvard); Center, Ketcham
(Yale);Quarter, Dorais(Notre Dame).;
Halfbacks, Craig (Michigan), Guyon
(Carlisle); Fullback. Brickley, (Har-
vard), Menke chose the following:Mer-
rilat (Army), Hogsett (Army); Tack-
les, Pontius (Michigan), Hitchcock
(Dartmouth); Guards, Browne (Navy),
Keeler (Wisconsin); Center, Des Jar-
dien (Chicago); Quarter, Dorais (No-
tre Dame); Halfbacks, Craig (Mich-
igan), Mahan (Harvard); Fullback,
Brickley (Harvard).


'[oddicr's Lonesome Possession No
int Lost and Found uireau;
Qthers Too.
Ever notice. that beautiful azure that
hovers about the moon on such nights
as the boulevard is a place of sole
exercise. The same kind of blue that
oggles from her eyes when you ask
her if her hands are cold. You know,
that indescribable blue-well, that's
the same color as that small baby's
shoe which lies in the office of Secre-
tary Shirley Smith, where, by the wa.y.
the Lost and Found department of the
university is located.
"How I caught it, found it, came by
it, whereof it is born, I am to learn,'
said the secretary, chuckling over his
Further investigation shows, lo-
that music hath lost its charms. Or-
pheus is relegated to the background
by the.advance of scientific education'
for perched upon the Lost and Found
desk, with military poise, rests a large
horn, a la varsity band, unhonored, un-
claimed, unsung.
Affectionately wrapped about the
big horn, with protecting embrace, is
a woman's fur. Zounds, no end o
things: note books, fountain pens,
gloves, hat pins, jewelry;-almost ev-
erything but check books, await the

At a meeting of the Oratory board
esterday, a change in the date of the
Oratorical Peace contest from Friday,
December 19 to Thursday, lDecember
18, was determined upon because of
the comencemrent of the holiday va-
cation on the former date. Orations
for the contest must be turned in to
Professors Trueblood or l ohlister of1
the oratory departuient before Friday,
December 5. Preliminaries will be
held on December 11 and 12.
The board also passed a resolution
providing that freshman debating
teams from the Adelphi and Alpha Nu
debating societies may conrpete with
either the Varsity teams of the small
colleges near by, or with freshman
debating teams of universities. Final
decision of this is in the hands of the
faculty debating board. Delta Sigma
Rho, the national honorary debating
society, recently provided a cup for
the championship freshman team and
offered to train the members.


Studei t Board May Introduce lH
Law Court Procedure for
Condui cing Its
All Charges to Be Acted Upon
Ie Presented With Signed

A. new system for conducti
trials of offenders who are 1
under the jurisdiction of te
council, is being discussed :
members of that body. The me
procedure in the recent investi,
of riot charges is stated to have
the matter to issue.
lBesides describing and fixing
tenses which come under the
diction of the student council, t
tion provides for a judge, pros
attorneys for the defense, a jur
arranges for the bearing of a
pense that may arise in the
of the trial.
The president of the council
council member appointed by th
ident, will act as chief justice
the proposed scheme; the counc
appoint one of its members to
prosecutor, who shall not have
as juryman; one member of th
nor law class will also be app
to act as assistant prosecutor.
accused student may appoint
members of the senior class to
his attorneys. The councilmen
formewr me mbers, willact as jut
ma ing side is to pay all the ex]
that mcy te incurred,
All charges which are to be
upon must be presented in a
statement according to the rule
trials will be conducted in exe
4essions. The plan also provid
a codification of laws which a
to be transgressed, and their p
tation before the students of th
The question will come up fc
ther discussion at the next r
meeting of the council.
Foreign Experts Baffled in Att
to Cet Glass for Michigan


Poor Farm Inmate %1oes Insane in
Drug Store and Wildly
Resists Captors.
An unknown inmate of the Washte-
naw county poor farm went insane
yesterday afternoon in Quarry's store
on State street and for some time a
mild riot held the center of the stage.
The combined strength of the propri-
etor and several clerks of the store
held the man for 20 minutes before
they restored him to a normal state.
The stricken man was taken back to
the farm by James Finnel, county su-
The afflicted man was seized with a
fit as he entered the store. He tried
to break up articles on the counters
and wildly attempted to bite his cap-
tors. The clerks finally succeeded in
getting him outside in the open air,
where he finally recovered.

115 Women and But l" )ren IVill Qual.
ify for Position as Athleti c
Final figures from the office of the
appointment committee show that 287
prospective teachers have registered.
Of this number 86 are men and 201 are
women. This registration is only
slightly under that of last year, when
300 were ergistered.
Men who qualify for positions as
athletic coaches number 15, while
there are 18 women registered who
can att in this capacity. One man
only has registered . who desires to
teach manual training, and only one
woman has signified her intention of
teaching domestic science.
When Prof. C. L. Meader's class in
Russian literature opened its blue
books for the usual mid-semester yes-
terday the students were surprised to
see the questions written on the board
in "simplifid speling." In explana-
tion Professor Meader said, "I think
this is the only way to spell and I
hope that some day everyone else will
think so too."
President Hutchins to Visit Alumni.
President Harry B. Hutchins will at-
tend a meeting of the Alumni Associ-
ation of Michigan in Lima, Ohio, De-'
cember 16. The association at Lima
claims a membership of 65 in the city
and desires university influence to give
the organization a more potent form.

I !

student's call. After trying for three year
_____ ________ ter toryiclng for the ye4-
Y.M.C.A. SECURES SOUTHERN theacorryctelesor th e 24-
SPEAKER FOR NEXT SUNI)AY fractory telescope to be ins
the University observatory fro
Lineolit v('onntALl Formner ('w lw tois Glass company, Paris,
Licol MPolee lafiel-, Former O w the A. F. Clark and Son cort
and Police Oificer, to Lecture.
Cambridgeport, Mass., has ta
ed the order to Schott, fame
Lincoln McConnell, a famous South- mnanufacturer of Jena, Germa]
to that effec't has been reca
ern lecturer, was secured yesterdayiDirector R. H. Curtiss of the
afternoon as the speaker of next sun-
day evening for the university Y. M. atCoedY.
C. A. at the Majestic theatre. Schott has reported partial
McConnell is one of the picturesque .on hs first attempt. The gla
figures on the American. lecture plat- procut'ed, ill be shipped to t
form. He was formerly a western company, where the discs wi
^w^" ad 1'. tann,, o - ifn nealed and shaped into a'i



I COW DIJ r. RIU Le '4 l aI Lel Gl

III lktL- I

er life he became prosecuting attor-
ney of the state of Tennessee and fin-
ally pastor of the People's church in
Atlanta, Georgia. His average congre-
gation in that church has been over
two thousand.
Mr. McConnell's subject next Si-
day will be "Dead Lions." I-le will
come here under the auspices of the
Redpath Lyceum Bureau, after lec-
turing in the afternoon in Detroit.


proprietor of the lens concern
expressed his wish recently
the Michigan observatory 1
masterpiece. His firm has ma
large lens in the country.
Members of Michigan's reo
band association took the las
putting their newly adopted
tion into effect last night wh
elected officers for the year. T
tion resulted as follows: pres
0. Walthall; secretary, G. L.
assistant leader, G. J. Curry;
an, F. C. Wheeler; drum mai
Olson; governing board rep
tie W. C. Breidenbach.
This is the first time that
members have ever been th
org;aniz-red, and the step was m
essaryl° by thec reorganized ba
wihich the band was put after
C. game.

for the
Rest ot
the Year



at your



F ,.

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