I I TANGO DRESS SHIRTS ijs distinction about Two arnd three dollars each tei n Bloch Clothes that stamps- their Quality and Style as .superior. The prices are no higher than clothes not nearly as good. Our fACKINAWS the talk of the town. adaeschmidA pfe1 &Company Juist received sh, new o ssortmnest of James Keilsers, Imp. Ties Priced at fifty cents TNKER & CO. Cor. STATE and WILLIAM STREETS Reule, Conlin & Fegel Co. COR5"RECT CLOTHI for Gentlemen They are designed, cut and tailor( the finest and most expert workmen i b)usirness. Better styles, fit and work g t ~ship than, you get elsewhiere. Cost: :. ~f/more, but worth a lot more. Try them you will see. ' Adler Rochester Clotho ~ ~ Prices $18 to $30 Styleplus, $17 A11l the new tingis for fall await you. 1 in Meni's Fuirnish~ings. Every new _ 1p nd pattern, including the famous - I tqh;ttans, at «'so $ oo, and Sajo r? All rrec((t shadles in Gloves, vale. -ooand up. III I Neckwear, Underwem . Trousers. Raincoats _____ THE BIG STORE, PHONE Furnishers and Batters 7 I I Value for Your Money BARGAINS IN HOSIERY TENDENiCIES OiF THE TIM7ES "Books more amusing than instruc- tive, music cheap and sentimental, and pleasures which appeal to the eye and, flesh are the things which occupy peo- pie today," asserted Rev. Theodore Schmale of Pittsburg in the Union Guild sermon at the Bethlehem Evan- gelical church Sunday. Rev. Schmale urged upon students and others alike the living of "a larger life." "Freshimani Round Uip" Tickets on Sale Tickets for the "freshman. round-up" dance, which will be held in Barbour gym next. Friday afternoon, go on sale 1i this morning. They can be ;obtained from members of the social co'1'jmittee at 25 cents each. The men an~d worn- en of the- class are requested to come to the party alone. iON RUOSE that need no guarantee. Silk Hose, Cashmere Hose, Child- orn 10c to 25c. Also a good line of Mon's Socks, sure to give satis- H.S3Pnnf&to ny St. The Store Where a Dollar Does Its Duty Seylried Visit the Newest and Up-to-Date DRY' GOODS STO E Royal Worcester AND Bon-Ton Corsets OUR LEADERS Scliroen Bros., Phone lOCO 124 South Main Street ORPHE'UM The House of Features "THE GREED FOR GOLD". An intensely interesting drama. PATHEWEEKLY "THE POWER. OF CONSCIENCE" IN TWO PARTS Orpheum Orchestra fly special request the manage- meat ass secured the toot ball pie- tures of the Michlgan-CsrneU game which will be shown is ad- dition to our usual program Fri- day. ____ Matiniees 2 and 3:30. All seats 10c Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Dolph, Funeral Directors, best equipment in the city. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone 98. tf Genuine Martin Guitars and Mando- lins sold at Schaeberle & Son's Music House. tf Night lunches delivered. Call 51-L, 811 S. State, Greene's Lunch Room. tf High grade portraits. Hoppe, 54-6-7 moo" S TUDENTS Nwearing gla ;s e01o feeling the nleedl of themn will be pleased to know that Anni Arbor has ;a modern optical shop -where' services of an expert optomectrist and opticiam call be had.. Advanced muethods of Optomet-ry, fit- ting glasses withut dnrgs, appeals to all who demand accurate eve ex aminations, mrade without loss of tiue or iticonven- ience of having muliscles paraly red by drugs. R. H. Arnold, optomietrist xitli Arnold & Co , is a recognized leader in advanced optomnetrical work. IHis complete office equipment combined with shop facilies to grind lenses, together witli yeairs o: experience as refractionist and Optician, make his Optical Systemn the logical place to buy glasses. Arnold Optical System 220 South Maint Street All We of is the UNIVERSITY N OTICES. f# "NI" CoocISl Est, Try the Best ade candes, crackerjack iuntaln drinks at 813 E. Liberty There will be a meeting of the ora- torical board in room' 302, north iwlng, at 5:00 o'clock today. There will be a band rehearsal ill University Hail1 at 7:00 o'clock t0- night. Election of officers. The Canadian club will banquet at 6:00) o'clock tomorrow night at tyre Union. All university women who are bi-I tereseed in the formation of a pro,.;- pective teacher's club will meet i, i room 105, Tappan hall, at 4:00 o'clock , today. We ROWE'S LAUN~ I406 DE~TROIT ST! T he Link between College TUTTLI on St; Serve 2 ropab 41ll a UNIVERSITY CALENI)AR. ry and Souvenirs Novelties At a spedial -pr-ice $50-the rmaterilal tused I'm this ga r- Max Krutsch Varsity Tailor All su lts kept pressed free for one yea r. poonis Fobs TCie Clips Rings. .-Sterling silver University of Michigan seal tea spoon $1.25. Hailer Jeelry Co. State St. Phone 534 Dec. 3-Union membership dinner. Dec. 3-Round-up smoker. Dec. 4--Dominion club dinner at the Michigan Union. Dec. 4-191.6 lit (lance. Dec. 4-Mr. W. I. Robinson in Russell seminary room of the museum, at 7 :00 o'clock. Dec. a-Tyresliman lit dance at Barbour gymnasium, at 4 :00 o'clock.. Dec. 6-Luncheon for senior lit women at the Michigan Union, at 12 :00 o'clock. Dec. 6-Annual spread for freshman women in Barbour gym. Dec. 6-Junior lit breakfast dance. Dec. 6-Griffins dance at Gratuger's. Dec. 8-Tllinois club smoker. Dec. 10-1916 Engineer dance. Dec. io--Sophomore 'engineer dance at the Michigan Union. Best shoe shine, hat cleaning and blocking next to Wagner's. tf WE SELL GOOD CLOTHING Suits at $10.0-All wool. Suits at $15.00-All, wool, hand vail- ored. Suits at $20.00-Adler's Make aiad Style. Suits at $25.04-Equal to'Finest e'm i- tomn work. ALLEN'S GOOD CLOTHES ST! REI Main Street. tf Flashlights. Hoppe. Amateur photographers. Plodern new studio. Hoppe. 54-6-7 Hoppe. 54-6-7 54-6-7 For Sale-Victrola and records, $17. Now. 904 Oakland, :652-L. 55-56 f k . - t ,:i / For U'iet-First floor three. One block Newly decorated. Phione 106.4-J. suite for two or from campus. 526 Church St.j 55-6: For Reimt-Front suite and good sin- gle room at 1116 Washtenaw Ave. New Axminster rugs. New desks. 54-5-6 .For Rent--One suite and two single rooms, can be used as a suite. Phone 1462-,. .Los-Party who took rain-coat from room 110 Tappan hall will do well to return it to same place. Lost---Purse, principal value check on which payment has been stopped. Return to J. L. Richards 822 Arch St. Reward. 'HlADOW' - tihe smart fall an Swinter collar style that keeps i1 smartness and stcyl e enyo eari. The LDON collar features give the reason-esp cially the famous LION' 'Lock-t-hat-L ocks." 6 for T --or as usual 2 for 25c, T he Secret of Goodi is similar to the secret c to some and just misses 11 there ever was Fatima, the Turkish-b w'lho conceived this blew was first lined out in th body quickly proclaim, Fatima is the biggest se Thec secret is--Pu E exspeiase in thle packagi -'-."Twenity.7 3attin of good business-it happens S the others. a' commercial home run it's Blend cigarette. The expert and was some batter!I Fatima e c6llege towns-the student ed them winners.- Today tling cigarette in this country. e, good, choice tobacco-no ;e--quality all in the smoke SIGAITET' F O.!lest Z1r:wcf N.. 5'1. America , o - sam THREE Il r, NIEW SONGS 1. "iAs the Years Roll By"' :I'll Return to You Again" ;"You're the. Idol of My Heart" They are rich in sentiment arnd mu-s;ic. 10 cents per copy Our Chrtstmas stock of musical goods has arrived. GRINNEj.L'BROTHER 1204122 E. U-1berty St. Phone ,1707 MY tao for N English Style! 4lCn and Women are right in style price. Leather or r ber soles. L-adies' $3.50) to $5.00 per len's $4.00 to $6.00 per 2OirJ5 "Dfiti, ttive!y Individual" Our Me Ws Furnishing Dept. Car Ties every thing that is strictly 'I IGII CLASS AND FASHIONABLE We are HeaA Iquarters for all kinds of Class 'Toques. MACK & C0. 119 E. Liberty St. I'