-l G0. DING TAILORS I Secial II This Week offer to you the ilored suit possible I most suitable price. nanship the best. suit built to fit. tock of woolens of hest quality. The assortment in the select f rom. In WILD CO.' I S. State St. IT UNITED LINES ARBOR TIME TABLE Express Cars for Detroit--7 :I hiourly to 6:io p.i-., also 8:io A fancy box of Initial stationery with your Initials' In gold. THE MICHIGAN DAILY Official vewsaper attle University of Mick- igaw. Published every :mornling except Mot- (lay durinig tihe uiversity year. Lntered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor; Michigan under Act of Congress.of Macl-h 3, 1879- Offices Ann Arbor Press Building. Suh- scription price: by carrier, $2.o; by n-ail, X3.oo. Want Ad. Stations: Press Bilding; Quarry's Pharmacy ; University Pharmacy -C. 11. IDavis, Cur. Packard and State. Telephones 960 and 24T4. Maurice Taulne ........Managing Editor Adna Johnson............Business Manager 11. Beach Carpenter............News Editor Gordon Eldredge...........Sporting Editor Fred Foulk ..............Assistant to Editor Leonard Rieser........Intrcollegiate Editor Rob~ert 'an"iahill '..... Musicand r"aa Harold Abbott...................Cartoonist 'DT'I MPTAT-C e TYPEWRITERS re , reUilt, axd second hand For Sale, $10.00 up For Rent, $2.00 up 3 mos., $5.00 I I (NOW READY T"he Michign Calendar 1914 Wholly different and much more beatiful and artistic than ever before. A splendid CHRISTMAS GIFT. PICE 50 CENTS WAHRK'S 25c I Former price 40e Harold >lippler Mlarshaillfoots OIITRIALS Paul Blanshard Lester Rosenbanu Louis David. 6HEEHAN R STUDENTS' BOOKSTORE pt-5:40 a. in,,6:o6 a.i., urs to 6:o6 p. m., 7:06 p. nio p. in, and s0:45 -p. In. 11:15 p. M-f., 12:15 P. im.' a. m. ackson-7 :46 a. m. and 7:46 p.mi. Ion-5:12 a. m., 6: 5 a. in.,. rs to 6:51 p. In., also 9:20 COX SONS & VININGO 72 Madison Ave., NEW YORK MAKERS OF CAPS, GOWNS & HOODS For All Degrees May be Ordered from MACK & CO. Clarkson Harrison Soule shier V. Presidient IONAL BANK Arbor, Mich, .1 $100,000. Profits, $65,ooo. , i i i I j , -- _____ , . " .. .A.. ASK THE FAT MAN where hegets his nice appear- ing clothes and it's ten to one he will say--F. W. Gross local deal- er or Ed. V. Price & co. who enjoy their reputation forbuildingclothes that make the large figure look more graceful. i I I' I, i I NIGHT EDITORS Leo Burnett Che-er Lan F. F, McKinney lGs11Wells On Sport Staff Carlton Jenks Bernus Kline T. Hawley Tapping ASSISTANTS TO BUSINESS MANAGER Sherwood Field IlIarry J.ohnison Myron Watkins REPORTERS F. M. Church. 11. C., Rummel 1. F. 1. Hsu WVillis Goodexiow P. F. iThompson I. AI. Barrett C. A. swainsoin 1). 1R. Ballentine R. S. Collins Leo1n Grcenblaum C. L. Kendrick W. A. P John E. C. Roth !I. R. Marsh C. L. Muller Charles Weinberg BUSINESS STAFF Arthur Torrey W. R, Carpenter Russell Runyan1 . J l>ofnnaun V. If. Herbert V, ;. Sheldlon R. V. Leffler WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1913. Night Editor-Henry C. Rummel. TRADITIONS VS. INSTITUTIONS How often are traditions confused with institutions! The regents pass a resolution establishing Convocation day as an institution and the campus promptly begins to talk about the new tradition. The student council author- izes the wearing of toques thereby creating a new institution, and imme- diately a so-called new "tradition" takes hold. There are great differences between traditions and institutions. Traditions are practices that grow up without le- gal restraint or regulation; institu- tions are formulated by legally consti- tuted bodies acting in their official ca- pacities. THE NEW IDEA. Delta Sigma Rho has undertak- en to champion a new idea and an idea that will work great results for Michigan debating if the suggestion of an all-fresh de- bating team is carried out. It is said, on the best authority, that the all- fresh football team is almost indis- pensible to Michigan football. What is true of football is true of SAFECUARDS! The wholesale thanks of the univer- sity is due the regents, and those mem- hers of the faculty and of the student body, now perhaps numbered among the alumni, who made the University health service possible. Recent statis- tics show it is being generally used; the very purpose for which it 'was founded. Immatutre though it is, it will accommodate a greater demand. Its worth has been proved. The absence of any widespread malady about the campus is one of the most satisfactory results. Safeguarding the health of the student will be pointed out one of the biggest accomplish- me-ts of the year. A REFORM. The plan proposed by the board of directors of the athletic association for disfranchising the freshmen for a portion of a semester, by transferring two elections over to the spring is certainly a step in the right direction. liut it does not remove all the evils, which might be destroyed by a year's disfranchisemecut. It is impossible for man to acquire enough knowledge to vote intelligently in two weeks and under the proposed plan the first election of the year will be deferred until January. It is to be hoped that the board will pass favorably on the, proposed con- stitutional chamge at its meeting next w eek. A Pair of $6.00 Trousers with every Suit or Overcoat order at To everyone ordering a Suit or Overcoat during this sale we will give you absolutely FREE a pair of $6.oo Trousers of the same material as Suit or different, just as you like. Anyone who expects to live and wear clothes cannot afford to miss this once in a life time. opportunity. We guarantee to save you $io to $15 on every order you place at our store. Come in and be convinced. The Quality Tailors E. C. FLANDERS U UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORES p FREE I FREE 11 I, 209 E. Liberty St. Acro Con 7 rit_'^------- -- - --' =-sue a , a , * , * * * * * * * li 'I * ,* OF JNTEREST T WOMEL (Ed lited ySyt. ; * delicious chocolates. n each day in our >p. They have the and we guaran- itely pure. BEE ULAR PLACE :- ' . .,., .x ' ,9 a {'" ; * f U j ; , r ___ _ \ 9¢!s 1* * * * * * * , * * * Miss Catherine Bigelow, director of Barbour gymnasium, will resign her position at the close of the college year. Miss Bigelow and a friend, Miss Christine Schott, of Galveston, Texas, have purchased a farm near San Angelo, Texas, and expect to be- gin extensive farming after the clos- ing of college. Miss Bigelow has been physical di- rector of women at the university for a number of years, and has been an enthusiastic leader and plarticipator in all women's activities. Ier absence will be very keenly felt. dan. All women who have not recived invitations to the freshman spread, and all freshmen whose escorts have not yet called upon them, are requested to communicate at once with Miss Margaret Supe, 1112 Washtenaw. * * * Invitations have been issued set- ting December 13 as the date of Miss fligelow's annual cotillion for women enrolled in gymnasium work. * * * Mrs. Joseph Lybrand Markley, 1816 Geddes, will be at home to college women from 3:00 to 5:30 o'clock this afternoon. Women wishing employment dur- ing Christmas vacation may apply to' Mrs. Jordan. 31 USJCAL CLUBS MAY STAGE THREE ANN ARBOR CONCERTS Three more concerts are expected to be staged in Ann Arbor by the combined Glee and Maridolin clubs, be- fore they leave on their annual trip, April 3. The final decision as to the holding of these concerts will be de- cided upon at a meeting of the execu- tive committee, which will be held some time this week. If the present plans are approved, the clubs will start their long tour with approxi- mately $3,000, besides all that which will be promised by guarantees, from the different.places at which the musi- cians may stop at enroute. SHOE REPAIRS ? A Pure D FIRST CLASS SHOE REPAIR JOHN H. LAMBERT 613 EAST WILLIAM Otilcal Shoe Doctor to Michigan Football Team WAI KING L® Come Up and Try George's Chop Sue: Delicious Chinese and American Dish 341 South State Street Phone 11 Bacteril Patholo, ORS TO MEN OUR SPECIAL $30.00 SUITS HAVE SUALITY that LYALIFYS JU I C K L Y Jniversity Ave. HEN RY & debating. Michigan has a great rec- The women of the university extend ord in both activities to uphold. to Miss Bigelow sincere wishes for Both are equally worthy and both success in her future undertaking. are equally important to a symmetri- * * * cal development. Thirty Michigan women whose hom- es are in the state of Pennsylvania, FITTING! will meet at a tea at the Cannon Picking the mythical All-American league house this afternoon, to dis- and Medical Student Supplies Quarry Drug Co. The Druggists on the Corner cO. A A A-4 1 14 AL qk A %Wl 1 I -1 ME football eleven is truly a difficult and thankless task. Each year we are ac- customed to turn our gaze eastward, for the selection of the "Dean of East- ern Critics," as the final authority. Is there any reason why the choice of our own Felding H. Yost, football coach premier, should have any the less weight as an authority? The eyes of the football world have been upon him this fall and he has proved his merits. Three Michigan men have been se- lected on his team. Each is a won- derful player. Each has our heartiest congratulations. cuss plans for forming a permanent organization. Several faculty women, whose homes are in Pennsylvania, will be present. Miss Mary Purdy, '15, anI Miss Dorothy Sturgeon, '16, will act as hostesses. * * * Women desiring spectators' tickets for the freshman spread, admitting to the gallery, but not to the dancing, may purchase them at the door for 25 cents. University women may bring guests, andl may purchase extra tickets, admitting to dance and sup- per, at 50 cents each from Mrs. Jor- Special Ags.nts For aIls Fork Dipped Chocolates Made in the most sanitary factory in the world. The best candies we have ever handled. VAN DOREN'S PHARMACY, 703 Packard St. hANN ARBOR DYE WORKS I' pp" S op lotbes that are Tailored Right "That's the kind that we make." A call is solicited. ARTISTIC FRENCH DRY, STEAll CLEANERS AND. Phone 628 Consolidation 204 East Washington ANN ARBOR DYE WORKS G. H. KUHN UNIVERSAL CLEANING WORKS T. E. WAHL Ann Arbor Savings Bank Stock $s00,sooo Surplus $1oo,ooo Resources $3,000,000 eneral Banking Business Transacted Chas. E. Hiscock, Pres., W. D. Iar- n, Vice-Pres., M. J. Fritz, Cashier lowers Ousirxs CA la'. I ho.e cut Flow.r e lot of Palms and Ferns for Decorating 607 E. William St. :Second Floor ARO XJCOLLAR Cluett. Peabody & Co., Inc. Makers The kind to dance in Fumed Oak Colore d English- Boots Rubber Sole Stitched Tip Invisible Eyelets A Swell Shoe $5.00 WAPNER & CON , STATE STREET r8 PRESS BVILDINGMAYNARD ST. Auroas from Majostlo THE NEW Now on Sale WE CALL AND DELIVER 07' ; '2S Every St Phone