... SAM AtLYNDON " tthe Sign of The Kodak " Kodak Films DID I WHAT? Finishing Flashlights and Groups I1 TWO Days Only' FEID A Y, SATVRDAY. Nov. 28-29 Telephone 458.L 719 North University Avenue ]HENRY W. SAVAGE OFFERS nged the price of woolens on an average of twenty five )fn a yard, so all Vie leading jobbers tell' us. That will a difference of about eighty seven cents on the amount of hat goes into a suit. Not mnuch, is it?" No, of course not, tweek we took advantage of a special price offered vs,- by able jobber, a price far less than the difference ins the tariff, ne neat effects in black, blue and white siripcs, aso some blues and overcoatings, all new 1913 woolens. We have d them at a price accordingly. Those that are fortunate' h to place their orders at once will reap the benefit. They ast long-come in and look them over. Remnember these n vew woolens. They are not old friends that we dislike to 19 J. KARL MALCOL M LIBERTY ST. MALCOLM BLOCK Ju~st received shipment of black and tan rubber sole -Tango pumps and heavy tan Viscolized in the BOSTONIAN MAKE hose who are waiting for these shoes d call at once as the supply will not last CO -OP' IS SUCCESS INI MANY 'SCHOOLS The cooperative association of last year was not very profitable to its organizers and so was not destined to a long life. President Selden Dickin- son and Manager Homer Heath, 'of the Union, and President Arthur Kohler, of the council, heartily endorse the idea of a real co-operative store for Michigan, but are not prepared to sug- gest any method for its management or development, at present. Other schools have ,found the "co- op" store a success. Harvard has a department store, the capital stock of which is owned by faculty and stu- dents. Not only does it allow a 12 per cent cut in pricees but it is able to secure articles that cannot be had elsewhere. Cornell's store, which is operated entirely by student employ- ees, rendered an 8 per cent dividend to its purchasers last year. Illinois' not only saves the students money on nov- elties and supplies but runs a photo- graph gallery as well. Wisconsin, Syracuse, Pennsylvania and. even Oli- vet each have one of these stotres. mAJ ES TI C Todlft~y et 3 P. M. Tonxght 7-8-9 P.M. The Tremendous Dramatic Spectacle Standing Solitary and Alone, the Culmination o: Three Centuries of Dramatic Achievement. 150 People A Symphony Orchesti q. Drzzling, Bewildering Display of Costumes, Scenery and Electrical Effects. Lars,-est Musical and Dramatic Organization Ever Toured. Moving Pictures RY CORNELL GA ME In addition to our reg- ular shows.' Neights Thirteen Rows Orchestra-..... ...$2.00 Eight Rows " 1.50 Four Rows Balcony..... .......... 1.00 Nine "... ..... .75 Gallery...... ......................50 MAIL ORDERS Four Rows Orchestra ... .. ... Balance ".. .. Four Rows Balcony...,..,..... Balance.... ... Gallery...................... RECEIVED NOW I Whitney MON., TUES,, WEI Another Musical 11 PUS BOOTERY Opposite tiustons' St. Confectionery CAMPUS IN BRIEF We have the best~ assortment of Choaooiates o and Boft Borna kinds of fw..noy Ice Creams fog- Par-tis y our Trut SAsndaes aft er the Theatre P" h'n. Street, .Iq --The 'Baptist G~uild will hold at hike to Beefsteak ':ill this morning. Those intending to go should be at the Guild house at 9:00 o'clock. --flanis of minor details, of the new science building and a report of the summer school will be presented at the December meeting of the regents. The report will recommend a raise in salaries of the professors and assistant professors during the summer ses- sion. --Sophomiiore lit sociail commnitter re- quests that all who intend to attend the "Recuperation" party at Barbour gymnasium today be at the gymnasium early. Dancing will begin promptly at 2:30 and end at 5:00 o'clock. There are some tickets left which will be sold at the door at 35 cents each. I Late Star of'"M The QUES Bx HowardH( F ronm I as 3e)--Pe( Girls Matinee Wedi PR: Thireen Rows OrchestrF Balance Orchestra Four Rows Balcony Balance Balcony - Seats Fri MA CHERtE words can tell- %v so well your embrace. ted place, n my breast; That I may feel your willing arms, And1 know again your close caress. lFor months I have forgot your charns, But now I need you, ohi, ma cherel My VASSAR, winter underwear. G. L. WOOLFOLK IShop at 326 S. State Street vcrsity School of Music Albert A. Stanley, Director tlaynard Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. EAT AT "POP'S" The Place Where Things Taste Like "'Pop"~ Bancroft Cor. Monroe ai -Dr. LudwigFulda's fanots coinedyg "Das Wunderkind," will be produced at the Germania hall at 8:00 o'clock next Tuesday evening. Student tick- e-ts, selling at 25 cents each, can^ be 'ob- tained at Wahr's bookstores. Another short comedy will be performed by the Garrick Theater German players, in addition to the Fulda play. MUSIC AND PRAIII I P Garrick Th~ ( 1ifuIvey Oieott, The attraction at the Whitney, thea- tre Saturday, December 6, will, be the famous Irish tenor, Chauncey Olcott, in "Shameen Dlhu." Rida Johnson THE STATE SAYINGS BANK Capital Stock $50,000.00 Surplus an& Profits Si100,000.00 ANN ARBOR, MICH. DETROIT, f1ICHIOA EVELYN NES BIT Assisted by JACK CLIFFORD in dlancing divertissemin "MAR IETT Young,-author of the play, has chosen VicePres. President Cashier the American Revolution as a back- m A School of Musit which offers gliest standards. Students may take regular courses le such subjects as they desire, with If you are interested in studying e office and get a copy of the school ion. ,T OTHER COLLEGES "e than 2,500 Corneffliayu left Ith.- Vednesday, to spend the Thanks- vacation at their homrea, or to Philadelphia for the Penn dame. s the largest number of studlenrs er leave the universit\- ac this uilar time. 3Illinois Countcil of Adliiiiiifi' as; decided that the team~rs o< tho rsity of Illinois may take the trips this year. This means that: -ack team may go to the Pennsyl- meets, and the base-Iball team its southern trip, de.pite ej- ito the contrary passed by thy.! body last year. This perinis icni "courses in all branchiee of music of , es leading to graduation, or they may ; hout reference to graduation. gsome branch of music, please call at lcatalogue which gives full inform- CHARLES A. SINK, Secretary. is to be temporary pending .l~e action ' o the Conference. -The UnDiversity of Pennsylv ania Al- Lie~1 Sports commitbee, at its cast mieet.- ii g, made an appiopriatio)'a of $31,0000 to) support the mineor sports. l.orty-one thousamnd seats lutvOc ben " d for the .r ynavy fto ,;.. :a l t-~day. This :, the capa.;i~y of th,? Ntw York po . grounds where the i.;,rye is held ;,ii3 Fear, and constitntes c i ,.ord f.),,New York. 1Yaishingto i u't Lee 'Uiu.e-"it: ;-4 'i'-lane Uniw.;:" ;'i r ' iave acect'.ei as .. question for their debate this year the following: resolved: That the states should enforce a minimum wag~e for women and children sufficient to maintain a fair standard of life. (con- stitutio.;flly waivedl.) Gteorge Kerr, '14E, has been a;Ppoint- ed by the Union to conduct a canvass for more newspapers for the reading room. The effort will be made in most cases, to have papers on file from va" rious towns and cities that have fairly large representations of students here. ground, thus providing Mr. Olcott with his usual romantic 'role. Added to that, is the pleasant news .that the star has five new songs to sing. Prom- inent in Mr. Olcott's support is Mrs. Jennie Lamont, the finest imperson- ator of the homely Irishwoman on the stage today. Dance at Granger's tonight 50c per couple. Mrs. Ross Granger is in the Academy at all the assemblies given there. 53 Georgje Bischoff IFloist. 220 Chapin Street Phone '809-L Chioice cut flowers and plants liberty and Main Sts... A Most Convenient Place for Your Banking $10 SA Or% Suit or 0' We build fine clothesi own shops out of besti prices worth your while Drop in on your way d we will explain how% clean and repair bot gentlemen's garments care. Give us at trial. 'Louis D el Fine Tailor 105 Have you noticed the distinguished appearance a perfect fitting Dress Suit gives one ? This is the only kind we make. Our fabrics are the newest. WAGNER & Co. Tailors State Street i t' 5 m-mv- k er res You are alwa) s 'welcome at the Stdns Supply S1 All garments made shop. in our own i Call us up for a box of Allegretti, Morses or Gi chocolate~s. IPhone 1331 -J 111I So. University 1 14 HO0M E 0F Hart. WHERE A DOLLAR DOES ITS DUTY. Sohaff nor 0 09 arx Clothes We have those H.S& M. Mackinaws at $12.00 and $15.00. Other makes at $5.00 to '$10.400. LUTZ CLOTHING STORE 0@ 217 LW MMIMMIL 4