~nEW C ,E L I vial Official newspaper atth University of Mich- I IIPublished every morning except Monday dur- fl ing the university year. Ba, ORS II t k you the tpossible ble price. the be st. t to fit. loolens of ty. The ,nt in the A fancy box of Initial stationery with your Initials In gold. I ', 25c Former' price 40c Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Mlich- igan under Act of Congress of March 3, 1 879. Offices Ann Arbor Press Building. Subscription Price; By carrier, $.50; by mail $3.00. Want Ad Stations: Press Building; Quarry's Pharmacy ; University Pharmacy ; C. H. Davis. Cor. Packard and State. Telephones 96o -and 2414. Maurice Toulme .......... Managing Eitor Adna Johnson............. Business Manager News Editor Sporting Editor H. Beach Carpenter Gordon Eldredge Assistant to Editor Tred ;Foulk. Leonard Rieser....... Intercollegiate Editor Robert Tannahill......... Music and Drania H1arold Abbott.................. Cartoonist h"T )ITO R AbS Uarold II ippler Paul JBlanshard Mvlarshiall 1Foote Lester Rosenbaiu Louis lDavid. NIGHT EDITORS Leo Burnett Chester Lang 1". F. McIinney, Gay Wells On Sport Staff , Carlton Jenks Bernus Kline T.I'. awley Tapping ASSISTANTS TO BUSINESS MANAGER Sherwood field harry Johnson Myron Watkins John Leonard REPORTERS__, Are you going to play the game? We hugve just received a full supdtly of BASKET BALL EQUIPMENT GY GOODS OF .ALL KINDS AT a HR' S co. SHEERIAN &CGON STUDENTS , BOOKSTORE 11 ';' .1 IETWIOW, 7:10 8 :IO a. in., :o6 p. p. mi. P. m. and 6:51 a. im., ., also g:2o S & VINING Ave., NEW YORK LERS OF' UJ- { A 1 __ . A SAFE ; IN VESTMENT doesn't consist of paying $]5 for, a hastily thrown togeth- er suit when you require clothes that Will Withstand ralnand snow and keep you warm. have me send your measure to Ed. V. Price & Co., Chic- ago, from the cloth you select and get unqualified satis- faction. ". ' -,I I I l !! I I I i a I.ONO ON GOOD POINTS by the iakovs of TROY'S B131ST PRODUCT LAIRD'S MODERN REPAIR SHOP, The Shop on the way down town. 214 East Washington Shreet Daily has secures seiesof 1hea