AlL 11-: 1AYAErl l11aHrI -ORS iii S A, w w -gir Tbls Week you the A fancy box of initial stationery with your initials in gold. Offincial newspaper at the University otf Michi- igan. Published every morning except Monday dur- ing the university year. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Mich- igan under Act of Congress, of March 3, 189. Offices Ann Arbor Press Building. Subscription Price: By carrier, $2.50; by mail $3.00. Want Ad Stations: Press Building; Quarry's Pharmacy; University Pharmacy; C. H. Davis. Cor. Packard and State. 't'elephones 960" and 2414. TYPE WRITERS New, rebuilt, and second- haud, For Sale, $10.00 up For Rent, $2.00'up 3 mos., $5.00 TYPEWRITING 0. D. MOR RILL Over Baltimore Lunch most suitable price. :manship the best. .suit built to f it. stock of woolens of ghest quality. The tassortment in the )select from. 13 WILD CO* 11 S. State St. Are you going to play the gan We huve just received a full supoly of BASKET BALL EQUIPMENT G'YM GOODS OF ALL KINDS. W ARS 25c Maurice Toulme ..........Managing E~ditor Adna Johnson .......Business Manager terest in icehigan and upholding News Editor Sporting Editor Michigan's reputation. The surpris- UL Beach Car penter Gordon Eldredge Ing feature of this movement has been Assist ant to Editor Tred Foulk. 1 that it is largely a young man's move- 't~rnnawru vaecer........IIatxr.ui~ate .lifImat Former price 40e I I UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORES . !1 SHEEHAN & 00 STUJDENTS' D~OOKTORE ElRobert Tannahill........ Music and Drama fHarold Abbott..:.. Cartoonist II E'DITOR TALS SHar old Ilippler Pahl IPhanhard is I I aishal4 Foote Lester Rosenbaumi 1T. 2D.~1 11 TED LINES NIGHT EDITORS I~eo Uurilett(Chester Lang On Sport Staff The belief that alumni must be ma- ture and financially successful before becoming useful to the university must be abandoned. The latest graduates from Michigan have been numbered among the prominent and successful reformers, When you have. folded away your cherished gown and left the halls of the university, don't wait to become a senator before helping the university. T1he youngest young- blood is never too young to help Mich- igan. --, - . i ! ' 4 Ca4rltol jenlks I ernus KMine $1 0Boys we are making a specialy of, a full dress sui $35.00. Owing to the fact that we bought 3C0 yards very fine dress suiting, has enabled us to give y( u a V~ dress suit at a saving of $15.00. We give you the very finest of workmanship, fit style with a pure silk lining in both body and sleeves. Come in and examine the coat we have made up,I place your order now. A telephone call will bring us to your house wit sample of our work if you find you are too busy to 300 yards will not last forever-place your order at once ' Suits to order at popular prices MTABLE rs for Detrot-7:10o ~io P. i., also 8:10 :4o a. m., 6:o6 a. mn., 6:o6 p. nM., 7:o6 p. mn., and 10:45 P. iM. 5 P.Mi., 12:15 P. M. on-7 :46 a. m. and 5p1 . m.,651am. 6:51 p. mn., also 9:20 X SONS & VINNG Madison Ave., NEW YORK ,MAKERi~S OFl PS, GOWNS & HOODS For All Degrees a.y be Ordered from MACK & CO. i , MAKES ONE FEEL SHlEEPISH to discover he's bought a shoddy "cotton-wool" $15 "Talor-Made"-that'5. "worth $30 to $50." There are no "black-sheep" pat- terns of doubtful age or quality In our superb display of Autumn and Winter woolens and no "shannanigan" n our workmanship. ,l ASSISTANTS TO BUSINESS MANAGER Sherwood Field [larry Johnson \fyron Watkins John Leonard - - REPORTERS F. Al. Church Y. X'. J. I-Tsu . S. Switzer P. F. Thompson C. A. Swainsoi R. S. Collins C. L,. Kendi-ick< I~ C.Roth C. L.'Muller II. C. Rummel 'Willis CGoodenow J, NJ. Barrnett IDon ald Sarbaugh Freon Greenebatun W. A. P'. John 11. R, :M arsh Charles Weinberg x: *^ OF INTEriIEST TO WYONEN. (E dit ed by " 11115.) ** * * * * * * * *: Harrison Soule V. President BANK I q 11 pt! cvE Fri=. I rour delicious chocoates. them each day in our dy shop. They have the flavor'' and' we guarau- A _ ..- ;; -;y i . ., ;,, ", .= - . Y BEE ULAR PLACE BUSINESS STAFF Arthur lTorrey F. G. Millard Ruissel Runyan WV. R. Carpenter V. Ii. IHerbert R 1 Ilfinann R. V. I,ef'iler R. G. Shelden Night Editor-Bernus E. Kline. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1918. STUDENT ECONOMY. Michigan like every other universi- ty, has felt keenly the increased cost of living. So we welcome the sug- gestions which have been made -re- cently concerning the establishment of Co-operative stores.a That the cost of a university course has increased enormously during the last ;ten years is apparent to everyone. But whether this increase is due al- together to general causes seems doubttful. 'there are peculiar busi- ness circumstances in every colleg~e town which tend to increase the cost of living there. Whether co-operative stores will solve the problem of expenses, no one can tell. But why not make the ex- periment? THEN DAY AFTER. We believe that it was Carlyle who ranked the stomach as one cf the chief determinants of life's philosophy. We know that he is right! We ate a huge turkey dinner yesterday and we have been happy ever since. For the man Who has forgotten to be thankful for his stomach, we are profoundly sorry. And yet there are many such men. They forget to be thankful, not only for stomachs, but for legs and arms, for heads and hearts--for life itself. So we thank Thanksgiving for making us thankful for our stomachs. Thankfulness for stomachs is often the beginning of op- timism. YOUNG BLOODS. Fromn all over the United States come reports of enlivened alumni as- sociations which are stimulating in- IThe thirty-third annual freshmaL , spread for women will be held in Bar- bour gymnasium, Saturday night, De- (ember 6. This occasion has grown to be a tradition among the women of the university, and has become one of the big events of the year. Plans are being made to accommodate 500, and women of all classes are invited to be present, The women's league will give a Thanksgiving party in Barbour gym- nasium, at 4:00 o'clock this afternoon. There will be games,' dancing and re- freshmlents, and a general good time is promised,' Omega Phi will meet at 4:00 o'clock Friday, December 5, at the Alpha Phi house, instead of this afternoon, as anenounced. A prize of five dollars is offered by Stylus for the best short story writ- ten by an undergraduate woman. Man- uscripts must be signed with a pseu- donym,' and accompanied by a sealed envelope containing the contestant's name and address. Stories should not exceed five thousand words in length, and must be legibly written on one side of the paper only. All manu- scripts must be mailed to, Professor Scott before spring vacation. AT OTHER COLLEGES . inliesota's University Address book has just been issued. Among oth- er features, it contains the" name, class, colleges and local addresses, and post office box of every student, and is considered an improvement over last year's book. Thanksgiving vacation at Minnesota has been shortened several hours. It began Wednesday evening at 9:00 o'clock instead of at 5:00 o'clock as heretofore, and extends until Monday morning. ,Dr'..1. It. M3llaster, professor of American history at Pennsylvania, I was tendered a dinner last week, in recognition of the completion of his 0'i year's work, "A History of the Peo- ple of the United States," by the His- torical Society of Pennsylvania. Con- gratulatory letters were received from President Wilson, Ex-Presidents Taft and Roosevelt and many others. Admrission to PHi Beta Kappa at Yale may be gained by maintaining an average stand of 3:30 o~n a scale of 4.00 for any two consecutive years of the college course. These marks mnust~i be based on at least 15 hours a week. Marir, rd celebrated with a memorial service Wednesday, the 306th anniver- sary of the birth of John Harvard, the founder of the university. The meet- ing took place in front of the statue of John Harvard in the Delta. Diplitlieria Epidemic is Nearly Orera All danger of a diphtheria epidemic is passing, according to the reports of the Ann Arbor' health officers. There are only two cases" in town at present, and both of these are nearly well. E.C. FL 209 E. L F, y1' 1' Raincoat and! The el for $17.5O to* $25.00 L1ORS TO MPN OUR SPECIAL $30.00 SUITS HIAVE Q ALI'TY that UA LI FYS5 UICKLYV ter; All' Quarry The Druggis University Ave. HENRY &, CO. MYLE S ClothShop. Clte"h ta eT io e R hThat's the kind that we make." A all is solicited. I peci'al Agernt. For a l~als Fork Dipped ChocolatA * Made in thea most sanitary factory in the world, The bent canies I we have ever handled. VAN DOREN'S PHARMACY, 703 Packrard ANN AR~BOR$ DYE WORKS ARTISTIC FRENCH DRY AND STEAMI CLEANERS onie 628 204 East Washingi Consolidation Pht Eton 607E. William St# Seoond Floor "LIKLY" LUGGAGE enables one to travel with mental comfort. UNIVERSAL CLEANING WORKS T, E. WAHLl ANN ARBOR DYE WORKS G. IH. KUHtN WE CALL AND DELIVER 1 e Ann Arbor Savings Bank al Stock ",300,000 Surplus $ioo,ooo Resourcs $3,000,000 General Banking Business Transacted rs: Chas. E. iliscock, Pres., W. D. lHar- man, Vice-Pres.,, M. J. Fritz, Cashier Floweirs ousins ..11 Cho.ce Cut Flowers Fine lot of Palms and Ferns for Decorating ARROW NMUCOLLAR Cluett, Peabody & Go., Inc. Mskers ,ANfOK'2 If it's =,LikE y" Luggage you've bought the best. The quality of j,"Likly" Luggage is not all on the surface WOM4EN'S WARDROB TRUNKS I WAGNER &CON THE NEW PREUS BaviLDING MAYNARD ST. ACCO~Sfrorm.Majestic Mc higan Song Now on Sale Book STATE STREET Every Student S. Univ. Ave. Phone 1 15