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November 27, 1913 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1913-11-27

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I .










s and Professions Are
Led by 1,196 Sons
Farmers and
in Daily For Michigan
a poor man's, a middle
rich man's university.
re recently compiled
stration cards as to the
f the heads of students'
almost every legitimate
represented in the long

A big Thanksgiving-don't-be-lone-1
some social will be given at Newber-1
ry hall tonight, by the Student's Chris-
tian association which includes both
the Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. Dwight
Jennings, '16, is chairman of the -com-
mittee which has been working hard
to make this holiday social a success.
The events will include a mock dance
program of three minute periods, fea-
tured by special music. W.. S. James,
a South African student, who has been
for some time, a professional comedi-
an, will give three musical numbers.
Light refreshments will be served.
Inasmuch as this is the only large
university social for the lonely ones
to attend this evening, the committee
has planned for a large attendance of
both men and women.

/ /
J} i
- .

Eighty trades, professions, and avoca-
tions are followed by the fathers of
Michigan students. Only 3,570 stu-
dents answered the optional question
of their fathers' occupation, but AReg-
istrar A. G. Hall states that the per-
centages would be little altered if sta-
tistics had been obtained from the
whole student body.
The sons of the farmers head the
list, with a total of 669. The super-
abundance of the sons of the plowed
f1eld, is accounted for in the fact that
a greater pqrtion of Michigan's student
body is drawn from the great agricul-
tural states of the west. The mer-
chants stand second in having 527 rep-
resentative sons on the Ann Arbor
campus. Mechanics' sons to the
number of 244, are enrolled in the
university and they have a plurality
of 26 over the offsprings of the pro-
pounders of the law. The manufac-
turars stand fourth with 226. After
the sons of the lawyers, come those of
clerks and salesmen, who total 203.
The fathers of 126 students are en-
gaged in public service, both national
and civic. There are physicians' sons
to the aggregate of 123 on the cam-
pus of the international state uni-
versity, and clergymen's sons to the
number of 116, help to make up the
cosmopolitan body which attends the
classes oil the University of Michigan.
In rapid succession, follow the con-
tractors, ivth 114 and the dealers in
real estaae with only one less.
The first of occupations below the
century 'mark, in number of sons at
Michigan are those of railway em-
ployees and teachers, who are both
represented by 95. Then come the
sons and daughters of the bankers
who number 78. The dealers in tim-
ber, both in the lumbering stage, and
in the finished product, have 67 sons
as students on the campus. The phar-
macists, civil engineers and insurance
men are closely bunched in the long
and variegated list, with 42, 41, and
40, offsprings respectively. Then fol-
low thea sons of the dentists wtih 28
dealers in produce with 27 and labor-
ers and miners with 26 each. The
hotel men number only on less, and
lead the brokers by an even half doz-
From here on, are represented oc-
cupatians of every type and charac-
ter. Among the most prominent o'
the professional vocations are adver-
tising men, architects, marine an
electrical engineers, journalists, pho-
tographers, authors, engravers, illus-
trators, lecturers, and missionaries
The undertakers were also mentioned
among the professional men, as hav-
ing sons at Michigan.
The fathers of ten Michigan students
are members of the United States ar-
my and navy; twelve of them sit upon
the judicial bench; three of them rep-
resent the people of the United States
in Congress and two occupy the gu-
bernatorial chair. A single sheriff's
son is pursuing studies at the Univer-
sity of Michigan.
Under the caption of personal ser-
vices are mentioned barbers to the
number of eight,- hotel chefs, and pi-
ano tuners to the total of two. The
fathers of seven students are engaged
in the extraction of oil and natural
gas from the earth; five are estimators
of timber, six are florists and one is
a fisherman.
Among the manufacturers come the
chemists with six, the creamerymen
with two less, printers with 13 and
(Continued on page 4.)

# _ - _

Dvid, l1ohr,Witting and Klinger Are
Chosen to Round Out Varsity
The second trio of debaters for the
Varsity debating team was selected
last night in the Alpha Nu-Webster
contest. Webster out-classed her ri-
val, securing first and second places
on the team and ranking 17 points bet-
ter than Alpha Nu. L. D. David, '14L,
easily won first place, with a score but
two points from perfect. The follow-
ing men were picked in the order men-
tioned: Webster-L. D. David, '14L,
Karl Mohr, '15L; Alpha Nu-S. Wit-
ting, '15, and J. H. Klinger, alternate.
The following members of the Var-
sity debating team were chosen in
the Adelphi-Jeffersonian debate on
Tuesday night: Jeffersonian- L. S.
Hulbert, '14L, S. S. Grosner, '14L;
Aelphi-W. Schroeder, '14, and R. R.
Fellers, '15, alternate. These six de-
baters will be divided into two teams
to contest with Chicago and North-
western. Each man will receive a
testimonial of $50, provided by Ran-
som E. Olds, of Lansing, and the Alger
gold medal provided by the family of
the late Governor and Senator Rus-
sel A. Alger, of Detroit.
The debates with Chicago and
Northwestern take place on January
16, 1914. The question is, Resolved:
"That the states should establish a
schedule of minimum wage for un-
skilled labor; constitutionality con-
ceded." Michigan has the affirmative
against Northwestern at Ann Arbor,
and the negative against Chicago, at
Fresh Architects Hold First Meeting
Freshmen architects held their first
assembly yesterday morning and offi-
cers were elected. W. A. Bellows was
chosen president, and L. J. Ray secre-
tary. There was a tie for treasurer,
and a new election will be held next
week. Members of the class were as-
signed to mentors, and the same sys-
tem will be used which is now i
vogue in the regular freshman engi-
neering classes.
Tickets Are Left For Matinee Dance
Tickets for the matinee dance to b
held from 2:30 to 5:30 o'clock at the
Michigan Union this afternoon, have
been nearly sold, and the remaining:
admission coupons will be on sale a
he Union desk today. The commit-
tee is as follows. . B. McKinley, '16
Emmet Connely, '15, and Leo Burnett
'14. The chaperones are Mr. and Mrs
Richard Finch, and Mr. and Mrs. G. D.
Three Chinese students at Michigan
are on the staff of the Chinese Stu-
dents' Monthly, the organ of the Chi-
nese Students' alliance, consisting of
more than 800 young men, studying
in this country. T. F. Hwang, '14L
is editor of the home news department.
C. P. Wang, '14, is in charge of the
press extracts, and D. K. Lieu, is as-
sociate manager of the business de-

Edward C. Mercer, who will speak
for the university Y. M. C. A. next
Sunday, arrived yesterday and began
his program of talks to the men in the
various fraternity houses. At noon he
spoke at the Sigma Chi house, at 6:45
o'clock he addressed the members of
Trigon and at 9:00 o'clock in the ev-
ening he spoke at the Delta Upsilon
house. His schedule, however; is not
yet completed and applications of fra-
ternities for addresses may still be
Mr. Mercer will remain in the city
until next Monday. He will have of-
fice hours for interviews, in Prof.
Cross' office in Memorial hall on Fri-
day, Saturday and Monday from 10:30
to 11:30 o'clock, and from 2:30 to 4:00
imes Will Fix Date For Chorus and
Cast Tryouts at Meeting
Poster -'tryouts for the 1914 opera.
will be arranged at the meeting of the
Mimes to be held at the Michigan Un-
ion Tuesday night. A meeting of art-
ists interested in the competition will
be held next week, and the contest
will be explained. The men will be
given until after the Christmas va-
cation to complete their drawings. The
contest will be practically the same
as last year, a prize of $10.00 being
offered for the most meritorious de-
At the meeting Tuesday, the book
will receive its first reading. The op-
era has been printed and is in the
hands of most of the members of
the Mimes. The author, Ray Melton,
'13, will be present to interpret the
The Mimes will also arrange for the
cast rehearsals. Preliminary trtyout
will probably be held before Christ-
mas vacation, and the prospective cho-
rus characters will be given an op-
portunity after vacation. The weed-
ing-out process will be employed, am
the men will be given several chances
before the final choice is made.
Fresh Lits to Start New Practice.
That every member of the fresh li1
class must speak to his classmates
when meeting them on the campus
has been decided by the tradition com-
mittee of the 1917 class. The commit-
tee believes that non-acquaintance
should not be a barrier, and that a
cap or toque is sufficient basis for a
"hello." The lit class will urge other
freshman classes to help them in es-
tablishing the new social service tra-
Librarian Leaves on Speaking Trip.
Librarian T. W. Koch will leave
Ann Arbor tonight for Chicago, where
he will give a lecture tomorrow, be-
fore the National Council of Teacher
of English. Monday Mr. Koch wil
give an illustrated lecture on the "Arts
of Illustration," at the University of
Wisconsin, and on Tuesday he will
lecture at Notre Dame on, "College
and University Libraries."

Soplh Lit From Albion Disisse
Disorderly Conduct While
Companion of
Fresh Engineers Raise Funds t
Fine of Green Who Is Out
on Dal.
Roland J. Miller, '16, of Albio
suspended for the semester by t
faculty at 'a special meeting hel
terday. The law faculty at its
ing failed to take up the mat
student discipline, claiming th
present evidence was not in d
shape to be presented. The t
faculty will meet Saturday aftp
to consider the case of F. T
Fresh engineers made a collectio:
terday to pay the fine of J. S. (
'17E, now out on bail.
The charge against Miller
drinking and disorderly condut
November 17. He was a- compani
D. T. McKone, who was suspen
the last meeting of the facult
similar charges. Both of the me
tertained, the day of the game, a
took the following Monday to
their celebration.
Green was present at the r
assembly meeting yesterday w
was voted to raise $70 to pay h
which is due before Monday. The
held that inasmuch as Green
tickets for the show, he was no
liciously connected with the I
at the Whitney theatre and des
Tinpay's case will come befor
meeting of the dental faculty Sat
afternoon, when he will be ch
with disorderly conduct and drip
on the night of November 17.
quite probable that suspension
follow in his case, following the
edent set by the lit faculty.
Elections to the staff of the La
view yesterday, resulted in th
pointtment of Paul Barringer,
Kemp, and C. E. Zachman, all s
laws. These men were chosen b
faculty of the law department -
vacancies, caused by the fact th
ly 18 of the board of 20 were e
last spring, and by the resignati
L. P. Haller on account of ill h
Eighteen Are Delinquent In Rh
From the 100 students who re
rhetoric warnings about two
ago, eighteen have been compel
enroll in the backward section..
class will be conducted by O.C.
wardt, of the engineering depart
and will meet in room 101 of
hall. The students who a're for
take this, course must pay a s
fee of $10 and will receive no
for their work.


In an attempt to analyze the west- A soccer team picked fH-om the mem-
ern football situtation the Chicago In- bers of the Michigan squad journeys
ter Ocean for November 25, states that to the cereal city today in an attempt
it is this year impossible to pick a to prove its superiority over the rep-
bona fide "champion" from the teams resentative team of the -Battle Creek
of this section. Normal Training school.
They state that, while Chicago has ( The soccer team has this year been
the undisputed right to the Western rather unfortunate in not having a
conference championship, it must be. schedule of visible proportitons, and
admitted that Michigan, Notre Dame, I the game today, while considered a
Nebraska, and the Michigan "Aggies" practice game, satisfies to some ex-
are all in the running when the cham-
pionship of the whole western division tent, the players clamors for more
is considered. contests.
As to which one of these teams ap- There have been daily soccer prac-
pears the sttrongest on paper, the ar- tices at Ferry field with from 25 to
ticle contains the following: "Consid- 30 out regular, and the men have been
ering the character of their opponents w
and he onsstee~y heyhav shwnwell coached in all departments of the
and the consistency they have shown,
the probability is that Chicago, the game. The final game of the year
University of Michigan and Notre will be at Ferry field Saturday after-
Dame, are better, on theIr end-of-the- noon, when the Michigan soccerists
season form, than the Michigan "Ag- will try conclusions with the normal
gies" and Nebraska. Most critics team from Ypsilanti.
would probably rank Chicago and



Michigan above Notre Dame."
In conclusion it is said that between
Michigan and Chicago there is no ba-
sis this year for any claims of supe-
Beginning with the second semes-
ter, Prof. W. H. Hamilton, of the eco-
nomics department will introduce a
new idea with his course in political
economy 2, by supplementing his lec-
tures with informal discussions on va-
rious economic, political and social
Students in the course will be di-
vided into sections of six persons each,
and will meet every three weeks in
either the rooms in the economics
building or in some of the students'
rooms. Under the guidance of a num-
ber of juniors and seniors who are ad-
vanced in the courses and who have
had experience along these particular
lines of instruction, the various sec-
tions will discuss such questions as1
the tariff, currency reform, the trust
and labor problem, government of in-
dustries, etc. More than 20 seniors
and juniors have already offered their

The program for' the next three
meetings of the class in current lit-
erature, which holds public lectures
each week, has been arranged. On
Thursday, December 4, Mr. W. I. Rob-
inson will speak on, "A report of the
Limestone Mountain in the Northern
Peninsula of Michigan. On Thurs-
day, Deecember 11, Mr. C. A. Whitney
will talk on "The Topography of the
Costal Plain in Virginia. On Thurs-
day, December 18, Mr. Walcott will
lecture on "The 'Gulfs' on Mount Ka-
tahdin and Mount Washington." The
lectures will be held in Russell sem-
inary room in the museum, on the
above dates at 7:00 o'clock.
Germans to Present"Das Wunderkind"
"Das Wunderkind," one of the best
short comedies of Dr. Ludwig Fulda,
will be presented by the Garrick the-
ater German players, December 2, at
8:00 o'clock, in Germania hall. The
players will perform another short
play at the same time, that has not
been definitely decided upon. Special
tickets for students at 25 cents each
will be furnished at Wahr's book-
stores. Dr. Fulda, the author, lectur-
ed here on November 15.

funior Laws to Hol
Junior laws wil
ing dance at the 1
PninL- P rf R. R

If a summer military camp is es- e L-rl.
tablished on the university reserva- Bunker, and Prof.
tion at Lake Douglas, it will not in- Mrs. Goddard will
terfere with the usual work, carried ty. The committe
of M. K. Brown,c
on there during the summer by the en-
gineers. There is a tract of more. McIntyre, Ni.(
than 1,500 acres, which is available.
The instruction will be under the- -
direction of regular army officers, who Oratorical TicketS
will attempt to demonstrate all the,' Ticket sales for
necessary activities concurrent with sociation show as
the duties of military officers. Maj. last year, 450 hav
Gen. Wood claims that a college stu- 350 not yet acco
dent can be taught more in five weeks parison with a tot
than the ordinary recruit in three time last year. S
years. He also says that private sol- are urged to mak
diers are always ayailable, but officers treasurer, at the b
gre scarce. The camp expects to;j sity hall between
make instruction in staff and officers 3:30 and 4:00 o'c
duties a special feature. noon.

ld Dance ToM
1 hold a Than
Union tomorrc
E. Bunker and
E. C. Goddar
chaperone th
e in charge co
chairman, O. r
Goldstick, and
Sale Shows In
r the Oratoric
slight increas(
ving been sol
unted for, in
tal of'500 up I
tudent ticket
e their report
box office in U
1:00 and 2:(

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