.THE MIICHIIGAN DAILY. n. WILD CO. rHE LEADING R.CHANT TAILORS We offer to you the tailored suit possible e most suitable price. kmanship the best. -y su~.it built to fit, stock of w oolens of iighest quality. The Tecxt-Rooks New and scoad11eai I all DRAING INSTRUMENTS We callsave ycn nmoney by buying tlhe Richter Brand. LOG LOG SLIDE RULES Ask to se ourSpecial $i.'5 FOUNTAIN PEN I. Y. NOTE-BOOKS The Original Loose-L eaf. All kinds of Student' Supplies at SHEEHAN &CO. zst to assortment in' the select from. a fl. W lDCO 311 S. State St. "ROIT UNITED LINES ANN ARBOR TIME TABLE I and Express Cars for, Detroit -7 :i0 .and hourly to 6 :1( p. in., also S8z ars for Detroit--5:4o a. in., 6:o6 a. in., -very two hours to 6 :o6 p. I'., 7 :u6 1., :6p. mn., qo: inp. itl,, andlo0:45 p. tn. psilanti only, 1it:15 P. mli::1:15 iP. All. p. in., i,: ooa. tn,. I Cars for Jackson -7 :46 a. in. and two huts t0 7 :46 P, .n. ars for Jackson- -5:[a a. in., 6:51 a. tn., very two hours to 6:,t h. in., also 9:20z J .: STUDENTS' RBOHTORE Ifti's $25,00,, or so, you care to N, V pay for clothes, by - all means have them ~tailored 'to order by ~AA~Edv rice ,Five hundred hand- J' ~somle Autumn and aV~R Winter Woolens to select from. TYPEWRITERS N~ew, rebuilt, andt second- hand, for sale or rent M~y Rental Sale Proposition Will Save You Money TYPE WRITING f0. D. MOR~RILL' ® Over Baltimore I,UnCh " THE~ MICHIGAN DAILY Officia newspaper- at thc I Unieriy o M.4 \ PubIlis~hed ievey mon Il Igexcept l onday Vdr- 11o, the0univers 1it y ycl'. I';ittred at the Thustoliee at Ann Arbor, .\I ch- -ig-an under .Act of C{titres., of AMarch 3; 15879 Wf)ices in Arlor IPress$ IBuildi ng. Sub:script ion 1 'niec 13 y carrier, $2.v ; by " at A mail $.oo.,I Want AdStatons:JPress, Buildin; Quarry (% 11. Dey avis. Cr. IPack rd Phone, i :Bell, 96o M\aii ice l'uhile ............\lMa a~ing lrditor' .\'dlua u0ohson ..............Itbusiess l alager FRID)AY, OCTOBER 3, 193. Night Editor-B13. Fayr Editorial -wri~4trs eet '''tactheDaily office at 1:30 )today. All mjemblers and tyouts o Buine41ss as fternIooIL Importantt nicng of all tryoutls in- ('iudillg thle men xi ho ha~ve not m1ade the stuff, this adernioalat 4:041 o'clock. TANGO OR WHAT? The Michigan Union is about to crit- icize the dissipations of the 'Tango. Mind you the dissipations o the Tan- go, not the Tango itsel. The differ-cistedfrnebtonlaad law lessness. By adopting [the "mniddle course'' and placing- the responsibility upon01 the student, the Board of Dirctor chose the, wise course. That the Tan- go can be (one decently has been vin- dicated by the National Dancing Mas- ters' Association. The real Tango must be danced as follows according to the rules laid dlown by te experts: Position: Exactly the sae as that of the waltz. Partners , should be a least six inches apart. Arms should e extended and elbows bent. Dancers should not pomp or swing their arms. There should be no movements of the hips or the shoulders. SPORTSMAN S111. Even those sophomores who hve wagedl a guerilla warare u1pon the freshmen during the East few nights have cause to restrain themselves to- night. For years the underclassmen have declared a truc e on the first Fri- day night of the university session.f The object is to enacouragte the fresh- men to attend the first mass meeting. This year circumstances have pre-- vented the mass meeting. But an event of like nature has been prepar- Cel by the Michigan Union. The pur- pose of the meetings are much the same. The freshmen will be formally welcomedl into the univ ersity and will have an opplortu~nity to experience the "1get-to-gether" spirit that pervaes Michigan. A good beginning has much to do with. future success. IDo't we owe the freshmen a fair chance to show their mettle? Ch'lorall Union l1eheiifals. In preparation for the two special conlcerts which are to be given in 1-ill ,auditoriuim October 30 and 31 for the benefit of tile'State Teachers' Associa- tion which convenes here at that time, IFRED W, GROSS Exclusive Local Dealer 1 23 E. Liberty I ~chCOLLAR xA Graceful High Band Notch Collar 2 for 25 cts. Cluett, Peabody & Co., Inc. Makers dates have been set for tryouts and rehearsals for both the Choral Union antd the Symphony orchestra. Professor Stanley will hold chorus tryouts for, new members at the school of music at the following hours: Fr'iday, October 3-At 1:00 and 4:00. Saturday, October 4-At 11:00. Monday, October 6-At 1:00. Tuesday, October 7-At 1:00 and 4:00. Wednesday, October 8-At 1:0GO and 4:00. Thursdaty, October 9-At 1 :00 and 4:00 Friday, October 10-At 1:00 and 4: 00. 'rho first rehearsal for the chorus, which will offer: as its contribution two works by Gounod, will be held 'Tuesday evening, October 7, at 7:00 o'clock sharp. All former members who wish to retain their places for the coming year must report p~romnptly at that time. A membership of $1.50 is required and a dleposit of $1.50 for the music. This deposit will be returned to mlembers when the music is brought back at the end of' the seasonL. For the orchestra, Mr. Samuel P. Lockwood will conduct a tryout for new men at the school of music on Friday, October 3 at 7 :30 o'clock. The first rehearsal will take place at the school of music Sunday at 2:30. For Lab. supplies and Shop tools ry Wahr's University Bookstore. 1-5 Buy Laboratory Supplies at Good- year's D)rug SMore, 10 Main St. They pay you to come down town. 1-12 WE SELL G~OOD) CLOTHING Suits at $10.00-All wool. Suits at $15.00-All wool, hand tail- ored. Suits at $20.00-Adler's Make and Style., Suits at, $25.00-Equal to Finest Cus-~ tom work. ALLEN'S GOOD CLOTHES STORE, Main Street. tf Symphony Orchestra tryouts will be held at the School of Music, Maynard srteet, from 7:00 to 8:00 on Friday ev- ening of this week. Ail interested are urged to come, as rehearsals will start on Sunday next. S. P. Lockwood. 1-4 Football Goods a specialty at Wahr's University Bookstore. 1-5 State St. CD.O0. !COOPER A Full Line of Fresh and Salt Meats Poultry and Fish 109 E. Area St. Phaone 680, mor a6ny, Withstanding Every Com- parison-O-turs is the Best Popular Priced Tailoring in America T~X* ooks For all Departments. Seoond"Hand Books in great quantities. r Drawing Instruments and 1Engineer's Supplies Loose-Leaf Note Books of all sorts. Fonuntain Pees, etc., etc. Mlake our stores your headquarters. WAH K'S UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORES $17.50 to $25 Main St. We show none but thoroughly good dependa- able fabrics---and the Fit, Style and Workman- ship of our garments are guaranteed in every 4. 1 Everybody Kcis the 01de Mission Shop TI'he. way. Cream Soda-The Best' Lunches-M'ost Delicious Home-Made Candies-Delightful 313 SOUVTH STATE STIREET We can save you $10.00 to $15.00. on your Suit or Overcoat this fall. Step in and let us show you how we do it. All garments fitted to you before finishing. Thy QuliyEilr one ww"m 'AlLORS TO MFN OUR SPEiCIAL $30.00 SUITS HAVE QUALITY that UALFS QU I CK L 209 E. Liberty St. CNOATS E. CO. FLANOERS. DOACKINAWS I N University Ave. HNY cCO. Myles Cloth Shop I Pure Drugs P1ine Tailorinlg aild Desigllillg For the College Trade. R. D. Kinne S. W. Clarkson htarrison Soule President Cashiier V. President FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Ann Arbor. Mich. Capital $ioo,ooo. Surplus and Profits, $65,ooo. Tlhe Proper Place to Take Your Lady Friend' for .Dinner, Luncheon or Ref resh- V ments is Everything in Toilet Articles and Brush --s. We have a very complete he Fall Trade, in the most ou are invited. Respectfully, 07? E. Williams St. Seoond Floor IAnn Arbor Savings Bank }Stock $3oo,o0o Surplus $i00,000 Resources $3,000,000 eneral Banking Business Transacted4 Chas. 1, Iliscock, lPres., \W. I). ia- an, Vice-Precs., Ar. (. Fritz, Ca- i ((en fashionable colors.{ . Myles 11 MdACK"S TEA'-ROOM Fountain Pens v A 14 Quarry Drug Co. The Druggists on the Corner Combines seclusion. with culinary perfection. Service a la carte. Open 8 a. 11n. to 5 p. in. on Satur- clays till 9 p.,nm. Orchestra Satur- days. SECOND FLOOR Mack &Co. MAIN STREET pp I Choi a Cut Flowers Flne lot of Palms and Ferns for Dlecorating ,r 12th Stand S. Uiniv. Ave. Phone 1 15 Are you in line for a Fall Suit or Overcoat? Come in and, let us show you our stock of Fall WVoolens. The latest shades in fancy suitings. The Only Tailrs that make High Class Clothes at Popular Prices. All Clothes Made by us WilI Be Kept Pressed Free of Charge for One Year. KRUSCH& P RACH'T, 117 E. LIBERTY SHOE REPAIRS? FIRST CLASS :SHOE REPAIRING JOHN H. LAMBERT 613 EAST WILLIAM Ottilial shoe Dlotor to Michigan's - Football Team -A 4 A-* 1 14 RA9 N DALL l P-ACK). Pho tographer