awl about I[ TANGO DRESS SHIRTS I Two and three dollars each n Bloch Clothes I I11 that Style stamps their Quality and as Superior. The prices are Jisst rolvod a. new a.sortme t of James Keisers, Imp. Ties Pried at fifty cents I I I I no higher than clothes not nearly as good. Our MACKINAWS the talk of the town. TINKER & CO. Cor. STATE and WILLIAM STREETS Furnishers and Hatters Reule, Conlin & Flegel C CO R C:for Gentlome They are designed, cut and ta the finest and most expert workm business. Better styles, fit and iw ship than you get elsewhere. more, but orth a lot more. Try t1 7 :~1 ~ '.' you will see. Adler Rochester Clot A ePrices $18 to $39 Styleplus, $17 All the new things for fall await in Men's Furnishings. Every ne iE and pattern, including the fame hattans, at $, $2.00, and $2.50. All correct shades in Gloves, Neckwear, Underwe Trousers. Raincoal COPYRIGHT ADLER ROCHLSTER THE BIG STORE, PHON t,Apfel & Company it Value for Your Money BARGAINS IN HOSiERY ON HOSE that need no guarantee. Silk Hose, Cashmere Hose, Child- n lOc to 25c. Also a good line of Men's Sooks, sure to give satis- -. S. Pinney & Co. rty St. The Store Where a Dollar Does Its Duty L I Visit the Newest and Up-to-Date ! I DRY GOODS STORE Royal Worcester AND, Bon-Ton Corsets OUR LEADERS Try the Best dies, crackerjack drinks at 613 E. Liberty' Schroen Bros, Phone 1000 124 South Main Street '00MM UNICATION. (The Michigan Daily assumes no re- sp oisitil ity for seniiments express- ed hi comuniicwdations.)' In this.morning's issue of The Mich- igan Daily there appeared a comrnuni- cation signed by Paul B. Blanshard, '14, wherein he states that the mayor was responsible for the disorder of the students on the night of November 15, following the Pennsylvania-Mich- igan football game. In this communi- cation, this young man also states that he impressed upon me the probability of "a riot of drunken students follow- ing the game, in case Michigan was victorious, that he on the day of the game, with another student, requested me to close the saloons at 6:00 o'clock. He pointed out that drunken students had frequently given the university unfavorable notoriety in their down- town celebrations after b~g games. lie maintained that most of these students became intoxicated by frequenting sa- loons between 6:00 and 8:30 o'clock. He also stated that the mayor refused to close the saloons until the trouble occurred. Every story shows a different phase when both sides are told. In this case I am sure that all fair minded people will see that it makes a great differ- ence when both sides are known. There are those who are continually try- ing to shift the blame for anything of this kind. However, in most cases it is some one who still has a great deal to learn. Mr. Blanshard and another young man did interview me in regard to closing the saloons and I informed them that I had no right to close them, since the men engaged in the saloon business had paid their licenses to keep their places of business open un- til the hour named in the ordinance regulating them. I informed him that I would do my best to maintain order in the city. In company with the chief-of-police 1 visited the saloons and informed them that I expected them to live up to the law and to im- mediately close their places should any disturbances be started. I also called President lutchins and asked him to look after the students, and he informed me that he would, and that he did not expect any trouble with them. After the president informed me that he would look after the stu- dents through the student council 1 felt that everything had been done on my part, We of the city do not feel justified in assuming that the young men in attendance at the university are a bunch of lawbreakers as Mr I3lanshard would assume. I also de- sire to call the young man's attention to the fact that not a student arrested was intoxicated so I see but little for him to base his statement on. I also desire to call his attention to the fact that there is a law prohibiting the believe, why does he not take a hand in the matter, make an investigation and ascertain the places selling to students and then go to the prosecut- ing attorney and lay the case before him, and I am sure that the matter will receive his proper attention. He, however, does not go to that trouble. He would rather give the public a false impression of the whole matter by placing such an article in The Mich- igan Daily. It does not seem fair that I should be blamed for the negligence of the university authorities. It would be a sad state of affairs to pre- sent to the visiting alumni had I clos- ed the saloons for the reason that the students were under no control capa- ble of guiding their actions on such an occasion. Had the student council made plans for a celebration, all of this trouble and talk would be need- less. Now of course the only thing for them to do, is to try to shift the blame. I trust that in the future both the uni- versity authorities and the student council will so organize and devise plans that they will be able to better care for such celebrations. R. C. MACKENZIE, Mayor. WE SELL GOOD CLOTHING Suits at $10.00-All wool. Suits at $15.00-All wool, hand tail- ored. Suits at $20.00--Adler's Make and Style. Suits at $25.00-Equal to Finest Cus- tom work. ALLEN'S GOOD CLOTHES STORE. Main Street. tf Best shoe shine, hat cleaning and blocking next to Wagner's. tf WAN STUDENTS wearing glasses or feeling the need of them will be pleased to know that Ann Arbor has a modern optical shop where services of an expert optometrist and 'optician can be had.! Advanced methods of Optometry, fit- ting glasses without drugs, appeals to all- who demand accurate eye examinations, made without loss of time or iticonven- ience of .having nnuscles paralyzed by drugs. E. H. Arnold, optometrist with Arnold & Co , is a recognized leader in advanced optometrical work. His complete office equipmentcombined with shop facilities to grind lenses, together with years of experience as refractionist and optician, make his Optical System the logical place to buy glasses. Arnold Optical System 220 South Main Street of is the We on State Str Serve Hot ROWE'S LAUND 406 DE TROIT STRE The Link between College and TUTTLE , 1 Dress Sul& I F' Ata special price $5m-the rrsateril Butsed lrh this garit max Krutsch Varsity Tailor All suits kept pressed free for one year. i Jewelry an Spoons d Souvenirs Novelties Fobs Tie Clips Rings -Sterling Silver University of Michigan seal tea spoon $1.25 Haller Jewelry Co. . State St. Phone 534 117 East " "Keeping in Front" You fellows know what that means I Weve been very successful in this regard with Fatima Cigarettes. By the way, these cigarettes were first sold in the college towns-and you agreed with us that they were good. Then we put out for the big race, to make Fatimas of nation-wide rep- utation, and today more are sold than any other cigarette in this country. No purer, or more carefully chosen tobacco grows than that in Fatimas. We purposely put them in a plain inexpensive wrapper-in this way we can afford quality tobacco, and twenty of the smokes for 15 cents. Now your college crew is of utmost importance to you -so is a good cigarette, and it's your aim in life to keep Fatimas in the lead-right up to their good quality-right up to where you first found them, and will always find them. Success fellows! You started this cigarette on its successful career- and you pull a strong oar all over this country. i Wanted-Twenty-five extra men for Henry W. Savage's production of "Everywoman." Apply at stage en- trance of Whitney theatre, Friday at 12:00 o'clock. 50-52 Wanted-Will give up-to-date room to girl student who can give few hours time daily. Phone, days, 1707, ev- enings, 1407-J. Mrs. H. J. Richards. 50 Wanted-Two students to work for room (suite), 832 East University Ave. Phone 1320-L. 49-51 Wanted-Student to take room with another in a modern house with all modern accommodations. Location on North Ingalls St. four blocks from campus. Call Pitken, 366. 44-8-50 Wanted-Twenty-five extra women for Henry W. Savage's production of "Everywoman." Apply at stage en- r SHOE REPAIRS ? I I WA I FIRST CLASS SHOE REPAIRING Come Up and Try JOHN H. LAMBERT George's Chop 613 EAST WILLIAM Delicious Chinese and America Official shoe Doctor to Michigan's 341 South State Street PU Football Team Portraits of merit at Hoppe's studio, 619 E. Liberty. 49-50 Fine portraits at Hoppe's studio, 619 E. Liberty. 49-50 W. H. Smith sells Victor Typ6writ- ers. Second-hand Royals and Under- woods. 102 E. Huron, over Dawson's. Call 2380-L for demonstration. Stu- dents insurance 35 cents per hundred. You can buy films many places, but you pay the same here for Fresh Eas man Kodak films. Lyndon. Wed eod For Kodaks and photo supplies, open every evening until 9:30. Sundays 9:30 to 12:30 and 1:30 to 3:30 only. Lynodn. Wed Sun. Genuine Martin Guitars and Mando- lins sold at Schaeberle & Son's Music Best developing and printing at Hoppe's, 619 E. Liberty. Night lunches delivered. Cal 301 S. State, Greene's Lunch Roo Another shipment of black an soft hats just received. Wag Co., State St. Hoppe's group pictures take lash can not be duplicated; th aehnever closed as a result flash. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Dolph, F Directors, best equipment in the Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone Tango class and matinee atP Academy, Thursday afternoon, : 5:30. One hour instruction, twc of dancing. Chaperones in ate 50 cents per couple. Single adm CIGAMH BLEND 20 for 15s rnf sale of liquor to students. I have no tranc of Whitney theatre, Friday at authority to enforce this law. If Mr. 12:00 o'clock. 50-52 Blanshard knows of any students who ----- -- --- - -- were intoxicated, and if he is the law For Sale--Victrola and records, $17, abiding being that he would have us New. 904 Oakland. 625-L. 50 THREE NEW SONGS "As the Years Roll By" "I'll Return to You Again" "You're the Idol of My Heart" They are rich in sentiment and music. 10 cents per copy. Our Christmas stock of musical goods has arrived. GRINNELL BROTHERS 120-122 E. Liberty St. Phone 1707 House. tt 25 cents. t. * .my p ~for MCn English Stlye5 iand Women are right in style price. Leather or r ber soles, Ladies' $3.50 to $5.00 per len's $4.00 to $6.00 per .:x:.-n rrin. .. UL 1)jlsdncivyninuP" 1, .AF _ ;. -- 1 ; k Our Men's Furnishing Dept. Carries everything that is strictly HIGH CLASS AND FASHIONABLE We are Headquarters for all kinds of Class Toques. MACK & CO. 119 E. Liberty St. 14MAIYFJ.P WE inio itto- Il P% IU a