*THE MICHIGAN LY 4 ir:, I -"' ring Suit LYNDON At the Sign of The KodakC WHITNEY Kodak Fl ms Finishing Flashlights and. Groups L 719 North University' Avenue Two Days Only. FR.ID AY, SATURtDA'Y , Nov. 28-29 MATINEE. SATU1 3:00 P. MW. No-i"What# Then ' A. nice 15 oz. Blue Serge, a beautiful shade and soft finish, :hat will not gloss readily. We have a forty yard cut on hand. Every man needs such a suit, make )ourself a X(mas present of one. It is none too early to place your Drder-give uis time to tailor a suit as it should B- Winter is coming "sure" so why not have your O'Coat nade as you want it ready for those cold days. i Telephone .458-1 HENRY W.. SAVAGE OFFERS , -- SUDTANFTURKEY DAY RACE Postmortems on the showing of the cross country team in the east, have formed the common talk of the cam- pus, since Sunday morning, -when the press announced the Wolverine'disas- ter. i U I WHITNEYV THEATRE Thanksgiving Day THURSD AY NOVEMBER2 MATINEE - - 3 P. M. H. 1H. FRAZEE'S GREAT ASTOR THEATRE PRODUCTION F eathers 11 11 11 I' 11 - The Tiemendous Drainatic Spectacle Standing Solitary and Alone, the Culmination of Three Centuries of Dramatic Achievement. 150 People - -A Symphony Orchestra k. Dazzling, Bewildering Display of ,Costumes, Scenery and Electrical Effects, Larwrest Muisical and Dramatic Organization Ever Toured J. KARL MALCOLM ST LIBERTY ST. LAWN ARBOR ° 7 ,.I ElI I e Royal Chicago " Tailors New York Seits and 0'Coats to your order $18, $20t $2.6011 $26' and $3(0 Ve are local agents for this magnificent line of made to order clothes. We want to show you the big line of woolens andi newest styles for F~all and Winter. One eves y ordler we save you froin $5 to $to. SS. AMPUS BOOTEiRY State St. opposite iustons' The ,Su1g.wr .Bowl Confectionery, We have the best, assortmcnt of Chcolates ,,.=d BlionlSons All kinids of feainxy Ias Creams for Partie'* Try our Irruit' Sundaes after the Theatre The Michigan teamf surpassed the rest of the field in one respect at least. They accumulated 335 points, in com- parison to Cornell's 68. Even this. honor was not theirs without srg srggle, for Columbia pressed them closely with 333 points. Cynical sport edi- tors remarked, that the only reason Michigan was as far up the list as twelfth was because there were only twelve teams entered in the list. This blow to their hopes will not mean a losE( of interest in the sport by the participants or by the. sport followers, but will give greater zest to the runners' efforts to come-back in the Belle Isle meet, Thanksgiving day. Captain Brown and his squad were out for the practice .yesterday after- noon, and went at their work with a grim determination that showed that they rega rd Saturday's rout,. only. in the light of a valiuable experience. In their corming race, more than the six men~f taken to the blast will enter, and it Is possible that the entire squlad wvill be taken, NINE'S TO PFRESENT SKIT AT ITNION IiN1NElR IPElEMER Pa;ylet L, i'iiitlIy AdlapItedtl o 1)inner1, fl'Iii ib ItillBe Cabatret ".Fust Over" is a skit to be presented by the Nimes at the next *ichiganl Un- ion dinner, Wednesday, December 3. This is the first attempt _pf the Mimes this year, and will probjably be the biggest undertaking before the opera. The setting is at the 'immigrant sta- tion at Ellis Island, and the playlet will be, especially adapted to the din- ner which is planned as a. cabaret function. The committee In charge of the skit is G. C. Eldredge, '14,. Bernus Kline, '14, and Waldo Fellows, '141. and several prominent campus actors will be picked for the cast, Rehearsals for the production will be held this week. Tickets for the dinner will go on sale at the Union Friday, FOU'R SETS OF INSIGNIA AUE (JVE NFOOTHALL WARRIORS Numerals were formally granted to tlv : successful contenders In 'the itr Ine-class-football competition, at a meet- ing of the board of directors of the athletic association, yesterday. The senior engineers, the senior laws, the soph medics, and the combined junior Bey Eugene Walter Author of "Paid in Full", -Easiest Ways" The Flay of the Century PRICES S1 .50 $1.40, 75c and50oc MAIL 'ORDERS NOW .®. Whitney ON NIGHT WenOVday26 THE GREATEST PL.AY IN YEARS The Noied Author and Dramatist THOMAS DIXON AnnoungteS His Latest and Greatest Success II ; r ,. t'4tghts Thirteen Rows Orchestra ........ $2.00 Eight Rows 1.50 Four Rows Balcony..........1.00 Nine " 61 ........... ..75 Gallery........................... .50 MAIL ORDERS i I MAJSI Whitney Theatre' WVS NIGHT Tuesday, NOV. 25th Jtacobs and Beverage Presents a MR. HERBERT O'CONNOR as MEPHISTO Iu a superb gcenic Electrical M1echan- ic, l Revivatl of C~eles rae Triagedy Dr, Faustus Famous Old Labora- tory The Cathedral of Nuremberg The Electrical Rose Garden Fie y Hades, the Btoeken The Gloomy Dungeon The Vision of Paradise Dazzling,Terrlfying, Enthralling A wierA oabject lessonr to the sinnier. PRICES - - - S~c. 35c, 25q FREEP Concert Otutsidle Theatre, 7.30 Four Rows Orchestra ...........$1 50: Balance 1.00 Four Rows Balcony... ..,.......... 75 " Balance ".. ... .50 Gallery................ RECEIVED NOW TWO DAYS ONL.Y M~a.1tStreet MA, CUERE Mons. Nov, 24.25. "SAxTAN"I~ ]Drama +olf I umanity In Four Parts $1001000O Motion Picture All Seat . - 10 Cents i ofthe Fat her With Griginal Comipany includpg Mr. Chas. G. Grady ITS SUCCESS IS GRIATER THAN4 "The Clansmen" A POWER~t*L DRAMA Intermngiq with Clean, $right Comedy PRtic"ES 4 Rows Orchestra Balanoe Orchestra 4 Rows Balcgony- Balanace Bacony 41.50 *$1.00 * 75c So5o t you more than words can tell- d you-I' who knew o well ender warmtlh of your embrace. I you in your wonted place.. you may nestle on my breast; That T may feel your willing armsf; .And know again your close caress. For months T have forgot your charms, hunt now 1 need you,,ohl, ma cherel My VASSAR, winter underwear. I . ., bitC. L. WOOLFOLK bltShop at 326 S. State Street EAT AT "PP' The Place Wbere Things Taste Like Home "Pop" Bancroft Cor. Monroe and Thayer IEFROIN DEBATE' ADELPHIS Adelphi society's debating team 1eets Jeffersonian representatives to- sight, in the first of the interdepart- ent debates of the Varsity tryout se- es. Three men will be picked in this ontest for the Varsity debating teams, nd the remaining three will be chos- n. in the second interdepartment dte- ate between Alpha 1u and the Web- ters tomorrowy night. The society teams are made up as 5llows : Adephi-Joseph R. Cotton, 6, Werner NV. Schroeder, '14, and Roy Fellers, '15. Jeffersonian-Lyman H-ulbert, '14L, sylvan Grosner, '14L, and E. #E. Stor- :gn, '14L. Up to the present time, but four of he five judges have been selected.. hey are Professors J. H. Drake and B. Waite of the law department, R. . Cowden, assistant in rhetoric, and' . L. Rochel. Both interd epartment debates,which re open to the public without adnmis- ion, are to be held. in room B of the law building,. at 8:00 o'clock.r The question, to be debated is: "Resolved, "That the states should establish a schedule of minimum wage for un- /skilled ceded" labor; constitutionality con-. ow and senior medics, are to be the recip- ients of the four sets of insignias. No other business 'o)f importance was transacted at the meeting. VO2I NINICA TIO N. (Continued from page 1.) thus far have shoWn that several stu- dents, who, have been severely dis- ciplinied, wo-o1l1 never have participat- ed in the riot if the saloons had been closed 'at Q-00 p'clock. For the disor-' der of these students i hold that the mayor is responsible, The probability of a~ riot pf drunken students was clearly impressed upon him and "he failed to' do his duty. THE STATE SAYINGS BANKC Capital Stock $50,000.00O Surplus and Profits $100,000.00 ANN ARBOR, MICH. NV')u. 4rnold Win. ,J. Booth C: John Wkoir., Jr. Vice v'res. pre sident Casbhier George Bischoff Florist 220 Chapin Street Phone 809-L Choice cut flowers aw'd plants Liberty and Main St..- DETROIT, MICH1IGAN E VELYN NESBHIT THAW A ssisted by JACK CLIFFORD in the musical' , dancing divfrtissenlent I"MAR IETTE"1 sip *: * OFt INTEREST TO WOMEN,, (Edited~ by Slylit .) , *I * 4' $P10 SAVED. Oan Stxit or Overcoat We build line clothes right in ON Our own shops out of beat of materials at prices worth your while investigating. Drop in on your way down town and we will explain how we do it. We clean and repair both ladie's and gentlemf n's garments with great care. Give us at trial. Loula De1 Prete. The meeting of the junior women's section of Deutseher Verein, which was to have' occurred- tonight at 1222 Washtenaw avenue,, has been postpon- ed indefinitely.* :* W yvern society of junior women will meet at noon today for luncheon in' Newberry hall. This luncheon consti- tutes a regular meeting, and all mem- bers 'are urged to be present. At the meeting of the women alum- nae in Detroit last Saturday; the sub- ject of women' residence halls was ful- ly discussed. The Detroit wvomen are enthusiastically engaged in raising funds for another hall to be built next year and the work so far, has been very successful. Have you- oticed the distinguished appearance a perfect fitting I A Most Convoniont Pla for Your Banking' Fine Tailor- I105 E. Liberty St. . .... . "114 Hart WHERE A DOLLAR DOES ITS DUTY. Sohiaffner OME oF arx Clothes We have those H. S & M. Mackinaws at $12.00. and $15.00" Other makes at $5.00 to $10.'00. "" is LUTZ . CLOTHING STORE 00 0@ 217 S. Main St. _- - ,, _ ,, _. . , latinum Portrai'ts by Are Sure to Please SEE Studio: 319 E. I Your Friends THEM! Phone 961